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My So-Called Babysitters
January 27 It was 6:05am. JangMi started to move. She slowly got up. "Hello?" she asked. Her mother woke up. "JangMi, are you awake?!" "Neh Umma." JangMi sat up in the hospital bed.  6:45am Minho received a call from JangMi. "Jagi! You're awake! After 1 week and 3 days, I knew you would wake up. I missed you so much!" Minho Yelled into the phone.  As soon as he ended the call , Minho jumped, hopped and smiled all around. It was now 7:00 am and as SooMin stepped downstairs, "SOOMINAH! JangMi is baaaaack!" Minho yelled. "Oppa?! You serial?!?!? Ahhh! I hope she'll be in school next week!" SooMin brightened as she heard the good news. "Neh, I'm gonna rush to the hospital to see what the hospital will say if they'll release her." "Araso Minho Oppa! Annyeong."  "Annyeong!" Minho popped in the door, and  JangMi smiled to finally see Minho again. "Oppaaa!" JangMi exclaimed as she saw her boyfriend again. "Uh, now that you're here Minho, your uncle and I are gonna go and get some food." Jangmi's umma said. "Neh, Araso~" Minho replied.  JangMi and Minho had a nice conversation, until the doctor walked in.  "Nice to see you awake Ms. Park." The doctor greeted JangMi. "Neh, it's been awhile. A week, or so." JangMi said back. "Well, we have the results of what caused you to fall in this coma." the doctor let the cat out of the bag. "We found some powder, mysterious powder that had an ingredient strong enough to put you in a coma." "What? How?!" JangMi exclaimed. "Uh, doctor how can this be? She doesn't drink or anything." Minho protested. "Well… It seemed to be mixed with Gatorade, the orange colored one, according to our research. It had some strong acids too, you're lucky to be alive." the doctor said walking out the room.  Back at school, it was lunch and SooMin proudly told everyone about JangMi. JangMi and Minho looked at each other. "I'm scared." "Wae?" "What the hell was that powder?!  I could have died!" "It's okay, JangMi, I'm here." He hugged her.  School ended, SooMin walked home, only to be greeted by her boyfriend. "Jeremy-ah! Who let you in?!" SooMin hugged Jeremy. "Oh Onew Hyung did. But he left to go and buy food. Don't worry it's not chicken." Jeremy laughed.  A couple of minutes later there was a knock on the door. It was JangMi, Minho and Onew. "UNNIE!" SooMin gave JangMi a huge bear hug. "My baby shikshin!" JangMi pinched her dongsaeng's cheek. "Yah, what about me?" Onew asked. "And me?" Minho tagged. "Hi Oppa~" SooMin hugged them both. Hours passed and it was time for dinner. Jeremy left to go and get 'something' from the dorms. TaeRi, JangMi, Cheonsa and Niel  were at the table with SooMin and SHINee when someone walked through the door. It was Jeremy and some other girl who was clinging unto Jeremy quite well. SooMin wondered who she was. "Everyone, this is Natalie." Jeremy walked over to SooMin. "Natalie, this is my girlfriend SooMin." he introduced her to Natalie and vice versa. "Hi, I hope we can be good friends." Natalie smiled and held out a hand for SooMin to shake. SooMin obliged. Just after dinner SooMin offered to do the dishes, since Key has always been doing dishes, the day they came to babysit her. Jeremy wanted to help but SooMin declined. "Go and talk to Natalie, I don't wanna be one of those clingy girlfriends." "No but I wanna stay~" Jeremy whined. "Jeremy! Don't make me get high blood." SooMin declared. "Oh fine, but have Jonghyun or Onew help you, at least." Jeremy made a deal. "Oh fine then~" SooMin agreed.  Jonghyun walked into the kitchen, just as Jeremy was leaving. "Yo, Hyung, would you mind helping SooMin with the dishes?She won't let me help her." Jeremy asked, passing by. "Yeah, sure." Jonghyun smiled.  Jeremy was hesitant in talking to Natalie. Why? Because she was so … irritating, aggressive and well, she and Jeremy just couldn't get along.  You see, Natalie has a history. A history where she sleeps with a boy she really likes. Even if they aren't dating, she will sleep with him. He tempts them, seduces them and then, the next day she goes back to being all cutesy and flirty. But then she keeps the boy under her spell.  Boys in the USAsia Exchange program, know about her history. How? Experience and connections. But none of the girls know, except for one specific girl who a boy trusted as a friend and warned her about Natalie. That pair: TaeRi and Jeremy. TaeRi knew that this was a bad idea all along. Why did Jeremy bring her over if he knew the dirt? It was to prove to Natalie that he had a girlfriend. Natalie on the other hand was getting mad. Seeing this boy that she likes, fool around with another girl.  Long after, everyone left, or so it seemed. Natalie and Jeremy were in the living room when…  AUTHOR'S NOTE:  HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Mianhe~ Yeaah. It's a cliff hanger chapter. A chapter where more brats are added into the story. Lol. Love you subscribers :) And yeah. I'm still using my iPod for updates so sorry about the misalignments~  The will be up soon, but AyeItsKiKay doesnt have any Internet at home so I'll be uploading her , author's note and stuff. Blah. 
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I feel so lucky to be randomly featured x)


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CassiePetalELF #1
Chapter 5: Congrats sa pagiging featured! :)
Chapter 6: how do you insert our usernames in the chapters??thats awesome!!!
Chapter 5: i enjoy it :) BTW! Congrats sa pag feature :) this fiction deserves it :D :) :*
Hi_Filipino #4
Congrats on getting featured. :)
Rosetran #5
Congrats on getting featured
Infinite_8 #6
NadoSarang #7
Infinite_7 #8
congrats on getting featured ^^
Eunhae123689 #9
Chapter 48: I like turtles :p congratz :D