Her mom greeted her at the door. Her thick Korean accent laced her English words. "Hi mom."

"Gwen Cha na?" She asked gently.

"No." She lied.

She furrowed her eyebrows.

"Okay, I guess." She replied in English and went to the kitchen. She did not ask any further she didn't want to pry.

Sometimes Leah felt like a burden to them. Not being there biological child and all considering the fact that they're full Korean and she was only one forth. So overall she was white. And she looked white at least to Leah. Her mom told her she could tell she was of Korean decent. But Leah never believed her.

Her real mother was half Korean and half white and her dad was full of white. She was taken by her "mom" and "dad" when she was 4 because that's the only language she could speak was Korean. And to them that was enough to bring her home despite her appearance. They loved her like their own, but she couldn't help but imagine the weight they carried, knowing that they could have a biological child of their own. She always felt like she was thrown to where she fit in. Even with Minho she felt outta place. She just felt plain alone.

An hour went by and Leah went to her computer.

Looking at the computer as it was on Facebook. She had a message waiting. Leah are you ready? I am going to have to get you early. Minho messaged in Korean.

She replied back yes.

She sped up and took her school clothes off and put on a dress with heels and slightly curled the bottom of her long hair. She put some pink lipstick on to finish the outfit. She looked in the mirror. She wished she was full blooded Korean. she wished she was even half so she could look more of it. she frowned at at her self hating her self. she slowly turned away from the mirror tears comming. she hated looking in the mirror she tried to avoid it much as possible.

Her phone got a text 20 minutes later saying outside.

She walked slowly down the stairs. "mom I'm leaving." she yelled.

she walked to minhos Cadillac srt. and got in.

Anxiety filled her system when she arrived at the lees home, she walked through the door and ran into the cold eyes of Minos mother.

Minhos mother lee so hee was upset that this young lady was still in her son's life. She also was bothered by the fact that she spoke Korean but didn't know why. They don't teach it in high school. They taught Spanish so how did she speak such a langu...."

안녕하십니가 (annyong-hasimnikka)." Leah said hello formally to her and her husband. Instead of replying she bowed rudely and walked towards the living room, leaving Leah Minho and min hos father by the front door. Leah stopped in the middle of bowing and felt hurt. But she slowly rises up recovering before she thought Minho could see.

Mr.lee looked at Leah and then he looked away going towards the dinning area.

Minho heart pained. He wanted to embrace her. Hell he wanted to ditch this and go hang out with her with just the two of them. But if he did embrace her they would see and he couldn't see leah anymore. so he simply grabed her arm and pulled her towards the dinning area.

Leah was still puzzled about how big his house was it was so beautiful and you could tell he came from a family of wealth.

Minho pulled out the chair for her and min hos mom glared at Leah. minho sat down feeling guilty about making everything worse for leah.

"so." Minos dad lee Jae ho looked at Leah.
"Do you feel more comfortable speaking in English English or Korean tonight? " He asked in English.

She looked at him and grimace. "Um, uh Korean is fine." she replied in korean.

minhos mom rolled her eyes. She still couldn't stand the girl.She couldn't wait for the day she was long gone and her son was married to a wealthy beautiful full-blooded Korean girl.

Leah felt the stare of minhos mom and she could help but wonder again why she even agreed to this. Hell, she wonders why Minho kept dragging her along like this. Why w.....

"Son. How's everything at school are the kids glad to see you back from Korea?" minhos mother asked.

Leahs, head snapped up to look at his mother.

"Nae" he replied Minho spent the whole summer, plus the first two weeks of school because he was with his brother in Korea.

Just this year they expanded the company to the United states and so one of them had to stay in Korea because of the headquarters so minhos Hyung lee min-gun stayed since Minho wasn't old enough to manage a company. And his father is going to stick around here. Until things settle down here, then he plans to open the next company somewhere in Europe. So then minhos father would move there and Minho would stay her managing the American company. But that is going to be years from now.

"So how pretty were the girls in Korea since you haven't been there in 5 years?" minhos mother glared at Leah.She just wanted to slap the girl. But since she couldn't right now, she wanted to make her feel out of place as much a possible. Because she could never live up to minhos level, even if Minhoas even Korean.

minho started to feel uncomfortable to talk about girls in frunt of leah because of how he felt about her.

"ummm.they were alright i guess." he played it off.

leah heart kinda sank.

minhos mother scoffed "alright there the most beautiful they are atleast better than here."

Without looking up from his food he smartly replied" I don't know mom the girls in America are hot They also have big huge s." he said pushing around some of his brocoli.which was true he didn't care about that but he just wanted to shut his mom up.

minhos mother choked on her wine." Lee Min-ho!"

leah didn't know wheather to feel good or bad about the statement considering the fact that her chest was just average. She suddenly felt the urge to put on somthing to cover her body up. she made a mental note to do that from now on. but she smiled at the part that minho thinks the girls here are better.

minhos father cleared his throat. His son was something else he thought.

"Minho your brother will be back in two weeks. why don't you guys plan somethings with his new fiancé?" he said trying to change the subjuct before his wife blew her top.

Minhos eyes bugged out. " fi-fian-fiancé?

"nae, hes not only there to run our company. which he doesnt even have to run it and be there but to get somthings settled the park's are our new addition to our familey and to our company" his father said."me and your mother are flying back in two days to sort everything and get prepared."

minho was in a mix of emotions. so this is it? he thought this is really gonna happen? his insides turned he looked at leah. that only means I'm next. He though in his head. he never ever worried about this untill now. because atleast before he knew it would be minjun then him. now that minjun is out the way hes the last man no.

"oh that's great"he said casualy. His father gave him that look. and minho avoided to look at him. he looked at him like he was saying 'don't get to close because she's only gonna fall of the edge and disapear.'

Minho didn't know why,but he felt uneasy, uncomfortable,upset, He didn't wanna be next. He hated being this so called prince they spoke of. He hated this arrangement. Their arrangements. He wanted things how he wanted. not because of the familey name. and because his parents said so. He wanted a say. for once he wanted only one thing. leah. He never not wanted or objected anything his parents said but with leah he was on a whole new different path than they were. he never disobeyed his parents but he wanted to. and he just might.

"excuse me" leah got up from her chair to go to the bathroom. She just couldn't take anymore. all this talk about companys and marriages just made her feel out of place she went up stairs passing minhos room. she went in the bathroom and tried to catch her breath that she had been holding since she got there. she so badly wanted to go home. she looked in the mirror looking disgusted. self hate mixed in with her current emotions. "I hate you kim hyun-ah" she tried to hold back her tears. "hyun-ah I hate you!"

kim hyun-ah was her birth name. Her mother gave it to her because before she was born her father took off, leaving her with her mother, Kim Lee-ah So to fit into America and most of all to fit her appearance she changed her name to Leah kim. No one really suspect anything about her last name though. leah looked at her self and splashed water on her face. Her life was so messed up.

she was adopted.

She felt alone.

Minho's mother was out to get her.

And Minho was always going to be a friend.

She hated her self. not even minhos mother could hate her as much as she hated her self. she just felt like dying. she felt like breaking down.So she Tried to hold it back.she can't Remembered the last time she actually cryed.

and she didn't wanna start to day. It was best if it was kept inside. because onece she breaks down its overwhelming. and anybody who witnesses it. is shocked and can't belive there eyes. because Everyone thinks hyuna never cries. but there just not around to see it.

"kim hyuna?" some one said rudely opening the door? loudly it hitting the wall.
"Are you that delusion that you would try and pretend that you are korean?" she hissed at leah. "you will never be korean. she continued in english. so stop it's bad enough you speak it! But now your trying to call your self 'kim hyun-ah.' you are a Pabo if you think that trying to fit in with the korean culture and anything involved with it that will get you close to my son. just so you know my son WILL marry a korean girl and YOU will be nothing to him. Hell forget you even existed. she said turning her nose up at leah. and when that day comes I'll be laughing. laughing about how stupied it was. and how stupid you were." she glared and smacked the out of leahs face. "from now on speak english "you.비 한국어 !"(bi hangug-eo )non-korean . and hissed bad words in korean under her breath and left.

leah fell to her knees and held the place were minhos mother smacked her. tears made her hair cling to her face. and she crawld to the bathroom door and locked it.she busted out crying. she slowly crawld back trying to hould the pain that was so desperate to come out. Her body was rocking so hard it caused her to collapse on the floor. she felt like her heart was twisting and turning and her stomach was going to bust open. she held her stomach to help the pain but it didn't work. she couldn't belive that minhos mom smacked her. and she didn't know how to comprehend everything she said to her. It was mind boggling. and too much was running through her head. It was way too stressful for her to act normal enough atleast to go down stairs and politely ask minho to take her home. so that thought made her cry more. she didn't know how she was going to get out of here with out minho seeing her in this state.

meaning while downstairs minho waited anxiously down at the table. His mom returned with a smirk on her face. that look made him uneasy. When leah didn't come down he put two and two together. He rose up and accused his mom right then and there. " what did you say to her.he threw his fork down hitting the table with a loud bang. "minho why are you being like this"she spoke in korean.

His anger deepened as his mother was dodging the question. "what did you say to her."

his mother's patients ran out and she viciously stood up anger lacing her korean. "I tould her the gods honest truth minho I tould her about your arranged marriage and how she won't always be apart of your life." before his mom could say anything else he ran up stairs.

"yo-bol! let him be! let him live how he wants to for now before we rip him of his life! That's the least I can do before I hurt his heart."minhos father yelled.

minhos mother yelled back." someone needs to put her in her place."

"leave HER alone. minho tould us that she nothing but a friend. best friend. so until they finally admit it. leave it alone. until then stay putt. we can acuse them for somthing they haven done. for all we know they could still be oblivious to each other feelings. or feel nothing at all. You pushing at her may cause her to do the opposite and confess to him. so for the last time stop!" he yelled the room fell silent. and for the hundredth time. Minho's mother felt defeated against her king.

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