eun mi woke up first. she looked at minjun. he looked so peaceful. he looked like nothing was bothering him.

He looked angelic. 

eun mi leaned in to him and staired at his face. His handsome face at that. she studied his futures. Her eyes fell on his lips. she wanted to kiss him.

jin ja eun mi? she thought.

she couldn't belive she wanted to kiss him. she hated him.


eun mi leaned a little closer.

almost there.

Minjun's eyes fluttered open." ige mwoya?"(what is this)

eun mi jumped back hitting her head on the headboard.

"ahhh." she said rubbing her head.

"were you just about to kiss me?" he questioned

"aniyo! " she said getting out of the bed quickly.

"liar!" he followed after her.

he chased her around the house finally catching her. he threw her up on his shoulder and carried her back to the room. He slammed her on his bed. she laughed as he tickled her.

"minjun ah! ka ji ma! ka ji mah!" she laughed.

"wae?" he stopped holding her hands behind her head.

"because I said so." she laughed.

"jin-ja?" he said sarcastically.

eun mi rolled her eyes and smiled. "nae, jin ja."

"so you really didn't try to kiss me?" he asked.

"nae jin ja." she smiled.

"geurae,arraso." and got up off of her and let go of her hands.

"I'ma take a shower, then you can afterwards and then we'll head down to the office." he said walking towards the bathroom.

"nae arraso." eun mi went to his nightstand and got the pieces to her phone and put them together. Her phone had a hurricane of messages and missed calls come in.  Some from her mother. She was pissed that eun mi missed the casting for vogue.  she had a photo shoot with them at 11:45am and it was now 2:37pm. eun mi felt uneasiness wash over her. consequences were to come to her. and they weren't going to be good.

eun mi sat there looking at all the messages that her mother had sent to her.

Please tell me that was a joke you pulled and you'll be here before 12. eun mi felt pain as she looked at the next one.

What the hell eun mi are you trying to provoke me or somthing are you that much of a babo? she texted a few seconds after that

eun mi eodi? she text 20 minutes after.

and this last one was when she realized eun mi was a no show.

god damn it eun mi! I'm going to kick your . do you think this is a game? have i not threatened you enough?  I thought we agreed to never do things like this again. call me when you see this. and I'm not playing.

eun mi felt scared.

oh that was today? she thought. she was so caught up in minjun she forgot. .

"Gwen cha na?" minjun asked in just his towel.

eun mi shifted her nervous eyes some where eles.

"nae."  she lied. tears began to fall from her face and minjun caught her just in time before he turned around.

He bolted to her side. "eun mi what is wrong?"

"nothing." she lied.

"then why are you crying." he asked concerned.

but instead of answering his question she dialed a number and the sound of waiting for the other person to pick up emerged.

"omoni?" she said in a nervous tone.

"park eun mi! why in the hell did you show up for vogue today......"

eun mi got up at the sound of her mom screaming in her ear. she did want to have minjun hear her. She turned the volume down just in case.

"eun mi ah?" minjun questioned.

eun mi looked at minjun and motioned her hands as to say stop. minjun looked hurt.

minutes went past and in the minutes eun mi's face went threw the motions. and the she started to cry.

"jaebal omoni! mianhamnida." she cryed. minjun ran over to her and  grabed her in his arms.the phone was up to his ear now as well.

and the last part he herd was." mess up again and I'll send you away." click. eun mi stood in place not moving. minjun snatched the phone out her hand.

minjun took out her battery again and threw the phone on the bed. "what did I say." he said grabbing her shoulders and looking her in the eyes.

" eun mi I know we can't stand each other and I know you rather have some one eles other than me but I just want you to know that we're in this together.  I promise I won't let her send you away.promise."


soon as minjun and eun mi arrived at the office mr.lee and his wife, and Mr park and his wife were waiting in Minjun's office.

They all looked up from the big conference table.

"nice for you to join us." mr. lee said. "been waiting to hear from you all day."

minjun took his phone out his pocket and his phone." my phone was off. Just like eun mi minjun got a hurricane of calls and messages. eun mi stood behind him scared.

Minjun's father mr.lee looked at him with annoyance. "well its good you made your way to the office because the vice president is out sick and he's been out sick. why didn't you tell me because I would of came in instead of being called in. I live in the United states currently. THE UNITED STATES.  so that means when I come to korea I'm visiting.  I'm on vacation not to be called in to run YOUR building because you fail to show up!" he slammed his hand on the table.

"well father mian, but I.."

"don't use I'm formal speech with me!"

well father mianhamnida....but me and eun mi had some businesses to take care of."

"and what might that be eun mi?"everyone turned to mrs.park." because I'm certainly not happy you missed your vogue photo shoot.  they were extremely mad and they rescheduled it. I was highly embarrassed and I became really upset with you so what could you possibly be doing .WHAT WAS SO IMPORT..."

"Eun mi and I are expecting. " minjun knew he shouldn't said it but he did. everyone gasped. eun mi clinged to minjun even more scared.

"your what?!" Minjun's father said. "you don't need this right now! your barley engaged!"

"and we're getting married in 2 months." he said smartly.  indicating what was the big deal if they were being forced to be married so young anyways. minjun was 28 and eun mi was 22. she was still so

catching Minjun's point he sighed.

"eun mi what are you going to do your a model. your career is going to be over." eun mi fell silant.  she didn't know what to do or say in this made up situation.

"EUN MI!" she yelled. eun mi started to tear up.

"well I guess that it has to come to an end huh?" minjun replied harshly protecting eun mi.

mrs.park look at minjun and gave him a look. minjun look at his father seeing how much damage he made.

"LEE MINJUN!" he yelled.

"it's alright it's alright." Mr.Park said finally speaking. "i understand minjun is trying to protect eun mi so I'm not mad at his smart remarks to my wife but i am concerned your life are going to change but then again they would be changing in two months so what's the big deal is what i think he was trying to say am i right minjun?

"nae." he said.

Mr park looked past his annoyed wife's look. "at least she didn't run away." he said putting her comming rant to a stop. hung open so wide it was ridiculous.  and the room became awkward. but eun mi found pleasure out of him telling her she was the blame for his other daughter leaving his home. It was her fault because how she treated eun mi was exactly how she treated her first daughter and with that she ran away. and was never found. they hoped she was still alive.

mr.lee cleared his throat. " i guess mr.park has a point but i just wished it wasn't this soon but yah what can we do about it. It's not we didn't expect you two to have ."

"father."minjun said dragging out the word out of  disgust. he didn't want to hear his father talk about let alone him and eun mi have . which they have not even done yet.

everyone felt uncomfortable. especially eun mi. she was a .

ok mr.park said changing the subjuct."well this changes everything. I can't even yell at you now. I'll see you tonight at dinner with you and the lees princess."he said grabbing his wife and walking out of the office. before he left he kissed his daughter on the cheek.

"ok daddy."she smiled.

her mother didn't say a word she was to upset and angery.

The sound of door shut. minjun looked at his parents his father staired back at him. finally he said.

"well this has been fun he said. and me too. I can't even yell at you now either." he laughed." but congrats son. I'm still proud of you you turned out to be a fine man. Just like the park's they both up and left.

The door shut again for the second time.

As soon as the coast was clear eun mi hit minjun." "IM WHAT?" she yelled.

minjun looked taken about by her sudden  anger.

"I can't belive you this is why I can't stand you!"

eun mi started for the door but minjun caught her hand.

"stop." he pleaded.

she yanked her arm back. "ill see you at dinner."

minjun got mad and pushed everything off the desk. The door open again.

" Sa jang nim, another company wants your approval fo..."

"KA JI MA!" He yelled. scaring his secretary.

he got scared and didn't know what to do. He hated when the president was like this. which was often so he stood there like he always did.

"just don't ok tell them I'll call them later, arraso?

"nae." and with that he walked out.

minjun went to his desk and sat down.

he staired at the wall. trapped in his thoughts.


minjun spent the rest of the day being angery inside. but he had to pretend when he got to the restaurant that he was happy.

"annyeong-hasimnikka " he said formaly to both sets of parents.

They stood up and politely bowed. eun mi did the same and without a word sat down

she was mad at minjun. she didn't wanna be in his lie. it would only cause trouble for the both of them. god they felt like husband and wife already. already creating lies and such together. guess that's what mariage life is huh? atleast from a rich perspective.

eun mi looked at minho and rolled her eyes.

minjun staired at her. he sighed as she turn away from him.

"so son tomarrow you can come home with me and your mother. and me and the park's decided you should take eun mi with you."

eun mi's head snapped up from her phone. "eodio?"

"the states." eun mi's father answerd.

"jamkkanman! wae?!"(wait a minute! why?!) eun mi said in out rage.

"because you have to go where he goes. that's a part of being husband and wife plus your carrying his child."

"but i can't even speak proper english." she panicked. 
" its ok eun mi." minjun put his hand on her bare thigh."you know more than you think and I'll teach you."

she gave him a look. "i heard you on the phone talking to someone in english." he laughed " you have a horrible accent coated with it.

she gave him a dirty look.he stopped. but smiled.

she looks so cute when she does that. minjun cringed at his thoughts.

"eun mi ah." eun mi's mother said. everyone turns to look at her. "I called your agency and tould them you'll be out of work for atleast a year so congrats. " she said

eun mi smiled her mom was actually being kind of nice for once.  but then again she had no choice.

"kamsahamnida, omoni. " she said with a smile.

"but eun mi ah, I'm mad at you. you're making me a grandmother. " everyone laughed. even eun mi.

The food arrived and they talked about company's and the wedding. and last the topic about eun mi going with minjun to the states for a while. and after dinner they all went home and eun mi was forced to go home pack and stay at Minjun's till the morning flight to the United states.

When they stepped foot into Minjun's door eun mi kicked off her heals loudly.

minjun caught on right away. she was still mad at him for creating a fake baby. he sighed and slowly took off his shoes going in following her.

he grabed her."stop I'm sorry ok."


minjun kissed her long and passionately. for the very first time in five long months since they have been engaged they kissed.

eun mi pushed minjun off.

" iGE MWOYA?!" (what is this!?) she yelled.

"stop fighting with me."

"wae?!"she yelled." why did you kiss me why did you lie why did you...."

he kissed her again. but she cut it real short and smacked him in the face. minjun pin her against the wall angery filling his system on the girl he was falling in love with.

"i did it to protect you. i lied because of this."he put his hand on her back ping her dress. eun mi took it the wrong way and struggled out his grip. minjun was a strong man and held her. She got out of his grasp and started to run. minjun followed after. she fell to the floor screaming bloody mudder.

"stop. stop!" she cryed ad he ripped her cloths off.
finally ping her  dress he pulled it down exposing her in just her underwear. she had no bra on and her leyed on her cheast perfectly eun mi panicked and tried to cover her self up.

"what are you doing?"she cryed minjun threw the dress down to the floor angrily.

he bent down and looked her in the eyes then at her body.

"byeontae!" she screamed.

he effortlessly picked her up but it became hard as he carried her to the bath room because she was fighting him. he placed her in frunt of the mirror.

"I hate you!" she said. hitting him. He angrily grabbed a hould of her arms forcing her to look at her hould her in place he place his arm around her. his forarm  underneath her .  When she calmed down and stopped trying to get away she realised his reasoning.

"THIS IS WHY I DID IT EUN MI LOOK AT YOU!" He said yelling at her.

In the mirror eun mi's perfect pale skin showed black and blue marks.

eun mi and minjun stood there silently looking at her body. eun mi felt a shamed. and was embarrassed somebody knew.

"see eun mi I wasn't intentionally trying to hurt you or force you to have with me. I needed you to see this." he said whispering in her ear. he kissed her head.

realising where his arm was her moved it from underneath her . them bouncing in the process.

Minjun's cheek blushed at her body it was so beautiful.

eun mi started to cry in the mirror.

minjun looked at her and grabbed her in to his arms.

"mian, mian for ripping you cloths off you like I did I should of done that I probley scared you half to death. I don't know what got into me I just got so angery."

eun mi looked up at him." i didn't even know I had these.." minjun looked at her in disbelief. " I don't look at my self in the mirror.  I don't want to. It disgusting."

"no your not." he turned he back to the mirror he pulled her hands to her sides and observed with her.

she was be honest seeing her without cloths confirmed he had some sort of feelings for her. The feelings he could barely avoid when she did have cloths on. but her standing there was the ice breaker.

"look at yo..." he said not knowing if he should say the reast.

"go on." she said sadly.

minjun hesitated but continued.

"you have a nice legs. nice long legs.your waist has a perfect curve to it. And..." he said hesitating the lat part. "yo you got nice large ." he said avoiding eye contact with her. She smiled at his cute way of describing her body.

shocking she grabed his hands and let him feel them. his eyes popped out of his head.

"eun mi." he leg go but she put them back there and he started  squeezing her perfect round .

eun mi could feel how hard he was. and she started to feel real wet. eun mi pressed into him wanting him he kissed and bit her neck.

"uhhh." she moaned.

that was it minjun wanted her so badly. he couldn't control himself anymore. he picked her up and threw her on the bed yanking her underwear off so that she was completely . he spreade her legs apart showing her perfect little button. he lightly touched it and eun mi went crazy.

he kissed her lips and her neck all the way down to her button kissing that too. eun mi watched as he took his cloths off revealing his manhood. she then got scared. minjun got on top of her and kissed her again she felt it brush her button and she stoped minjun.

"What's wrong?he asked sincerely concerned.

"I've never done this." she said.

minjun smiled. he was happy he got to be her first although she wasn't his but that was because of her.

Do you want to stop.

"aniyo. " she said with eyes so wide." but please don't hurt me.

with that minjun kissed her neck and placed him self in frunt of her pushing his way inside her as it broke the barrier she screamed alittle. but then she got less tense as he went in and out of her. Then she started in pleasure as minjun made love to her.


they leyed there in Minjun's bed.

"I think I love you." minjun said to her." and if i could I would take back everything I have said to you these past five months. I think I fell truly in love with you last month we we had that huge fight. I think then i loved you but I didn't want to admit it since we hated each other so much.

eun mi laughed." I fell for you the 2 month that's why I treated you so badly because you wouldn't see me. you treated me like I was nothing to you. As as you would say "trash."

minjun laughed. "mianhamnida."

they looked at each other and kissed each other passionately.

minjun broke it off first. "but I am sorry about lying and about your job and how you have to come to america."

eun mi looked at him." its just part of being your wife. "

minjun felt good at her words and decided to pounce on her like an animal. he ended up making love to her again and after that they fell asleep.

tomarro they had a 13 hour flight ahead for them


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