batch 3 // azeline // 1.

☆ Hallucinated Dreams Reviews Archive ☆

fantastical reality by miraha

Criticism Level: 9


Title: 5/5
Your title is made up of two words which contradict, and I think that is what makes the readers interested in the title (and the story). I guess it does not reveal too much, and from what I have seen from your description, it is pretty relevant. The title already tells the readers that there will be set in a fantasy-like setting as well.

Description & Foreword: 8/10
I cannot judge the relevancy so I will assume that it is relevant, but in my opinion, it is somewhat vague and unclear. Did Joy teleport into the world of Alice in Wonderland? Besides, what kind of ridiculous things will await Joy (to describe her adventures as 'ridiculous'?) Maybe it is just me being picky though. I suppose your story is a collection of stories about Joy in Alice in Wonderland so it is understandable if you cannot summarize all of them. However, are you sure that the story is fluff? Fluff is related to romance and based on your description, the story seems more comedy and perhaps, crack. I guess the description will attract people but it depends.

Characters: 0/20

Plot: 0/20

Flow: 0/5

Grammar & Vocabulary: 0/15

The description is really short so it is hard for me to judge.

Description & Emotions: 0/10

Format (Graphics & Layout): 9/10
The layout is neat and the words are readable enough, which is a plus point. I'd advise you to get a poster and a background if you can so that they can set the mood of your story.

Overall Enjoyment: 0/5

Total: 22/25 (88%) 
If you ask me about my impression of this story, I guess I will be interested to read the story because the story seems really fun. Thank you for requesting and do not forget to follow all the rules!

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