Seven Incarnations
Gerald slumped back into his swivel chair, still staring at Kim’s gift. The more he looked at it, the more looming it becomes every minute.

Suddenly the door opens and an out-of-breath Rayver comes barging in...

“Pare!” said Rayver. “What is it? What’s the emergency?”

Gerald points to the wreath using his lips.

“What the hell is that?” Rayver asked.

“I don’t know, man...” said Gerald. “I thought maybe you’d enlighten me somehow...”

“Isn’t that what they give to dead people?” said Rayver cluelessly.

“Of course I know what it is....” Gerald responded. “I just thought somehow you might be able to tell me what it means...if somebody sends you that...”

“Somebody sent you that?” repeated Rayver.

“It was Kim...”

“Flower girl? Why would she do that, dude? Was it because of last night?” Rayver asked in succession.

“I was hoping you could tell me...” sighed Gerald.

Rayver walked around the wreath. The more he observed it , the more uncomfortable he became. He looked for any note or any threatening messages but he found none. He wanted to touch a lavender blossom, but the thought that it might be laced with poison made him immediately withdrew his hand. He peered over it, this time he was looking for any sign that maybe, it might have been shipped together with a poisonous insect or perhaps a snake. The thought made Rayver shudder. Fortunately, there weren’t any of the sort.

“So?” Gerald said impatiently.

“Tsk..tsk..tsk...” Rayver mumbled, shaking his head. “Pare, this is something...”

“Come on, man?” said Gerald. “What do you think it means?”

“The answer's simple, man...” Rayver answered. “If you value your crotch...don’t ever go see this girl again...”

Gerald heaved a sigh. He knew that. The truth that he can't see Kim anymore hurts. Gerald knew in his heart that Kim really meant that he received the wreath. IT was a direct threat to his life. Maybe Rayver was right! IF he was sane enough, he shouldn’t go and seek out Kim David. But Gerald doesn’t know whether to be relieved or be sad by it. His heart seemed to have other plans. The more he was told not to see her...the more he wanted to. Gerald felt he needed to explain to her what he felt. He can’t bring it to himself to leave it just at that. No explanations...just a punch in the stomach.

“What?” said Rayver when Gerald spoke his mind. “You can’t see her again man! You see this ? You might end up on a coffin next to this wreath if you see her again...”

“Man, she’s a girl...” said Gerald. “What can she do?”

“Haven’t you seen Kill Bill volumes I and 2, pare?” Rayver replied. “That was one crazy chick...”

“What are the odds that Kim is one lunatic, martial arts expert that has the ability to take out eyeballs with one finger?”

“How well do you know her man?” said Rayver. “Didn’t you just come home earlier with a broken rib? Didn’t she beat you up?”

“That was different...I wasn’t prepared...” Gerald replied. “Besides, she didn’t really beat me up...she just landed a few lucky punches...”

“Why, did you hit her back?” said Rayver.

Gerald answered, “Of course not!”

“Well, she did beat you up!”

Gerald remained smug.

“Dude, like I said, girls like her...are best left alone.” said Rayver

“Rayver, I just think I owe Kim an explanation...”

“Nonsense! You don’t have to explain anything. You’re just being yourself --- a normal, hot-blooded young man. Kim can’t blame you if you indulge yourself in something she can’t really give.”

“Maybe, you’re right...” Gerald said in resignation.

“Of course I’m right. I’m your best friend. Just concentrate on Triple A, pare...that girl... on the other hand, I could die for!” reasoned Rayver.

“Can we not talk anymore of death and girls in one sentence? Nothing is going to happen, okay?”

“Sure...” Rayver said knowingly.

Gerald, in his mind, has ultimately decided, amidst Rayver’s strong protests, that he had got to see Kim again. Even if it means his life was going to be on the line.

Of course, for Gerald, that would be easier said than done...


That same evening, Kim found herself in the same restaurant she were the night before --- The Blue Room.

Considering the day’s highs and lows, Kim was very fortunate to be where she was right now. In fact, she was now in a situation wherein her day could ultimately turn out way better than she had started it.

You really can't blame the girl for hoping.

Earlier in the shop...

I finally convinced Kim that she wore something more sophisticated than that dismal black number she had on earlier. After all, she had a date with a superstar.

“It’s nothing, it’s probably something very casual...” said Kim of her date with Sam.

“With actors, nothing is a casual affair, darling...” I said, as I put a sprig of cologne behind her ears.

“Sash, don’t I look too...” she said.

“Don’t say it...”


I could hear Joross snickering from the background. I then lay down the brush in my hand.

“Joross! Come in here...” I ordered.

“Yes, what is it?” Joross responded.

“Do you think you could do a better job with Kim than I do?” I said harshly.

“No, Sasha...” Joross said meekly.

“Then, shut up...” I said snappily as Joross went back to what he was working on.

I turned to look at Kim.

“Kimmy, you look perfect...”

“I guess I look good...” said Kim, surveying herself in the mirror.

I dressed her up in an electric blue, strapless number, which somehow made her pale skin glow. As usual, she was stunning.

“I wish Gerald would see me in this dress...” she said candidly.

“Kimmy...” I said with a bit of disdain in my voice. “You told me you were over him...”

“I am!” Kim answered. “I am so angry at him right now, I wanted him to see me dress in my prettiest so that he finally realizes that he shouldn’t have let me go...”

“Yeah right...” I replied mockingly.

“NO, I’m serious, Sasha!” Kim added. “That Gerald will finally feel the full extent of my fury...”

“Blah, blah, blah...” I said.


Half an hour later, Kim was still alone. She was almost about to give up and leave, when the ubiquitous waiter Andres announced that her date had arrived.

The moment Sam Pascual entered the room, all the girls present instantly turned their heads and followed him on his seat with their gazes. Kim swore she almost heard a collective gasp from the women diners.

“Kim, I’m really sorry I’m late...” said Sam. “The director wanted us to shoot a couple more scenes...”

“No, it’s okay...” said Kim courteously. She wasn't paying attention to his excuse. She was more focused on his beautiful, strong face.

“More drinks, perhaps?” said Sam, as he called the waiter.

“No, thanks, I think I’m good with this one...”

“What do you have there?”

“Shirley Temple...”

“You’d better get something stronger...” warned Sam. “With what I’m going to tell you, you’d better be prepared.”

Andres comes forward to get their orders.

“I want a double bourbon...to start!” said Sam.

“And for the lovely lady?” smiled Andres.

Kim immediately thought of what Sam has said.

“In that case, think I’d go for...Jack Daniels...” said Kim, which somehow surprised both Sam and the waiter.

“Yes, ma’am!” nodded Andres shortly after. “I’ll be back with it...”

“Jack Daniels, huh? smiled Sam. “My kind of girl...”

Kim smiled.

“Oh...waiter wait!” Kim called out after he left. Andres immediately made his way back. “Could you make that double...and no ice...”

“Kim, are you sure?” asked Sam. “it’s pure Jack Daniels were talking here...”

“Nah...I’ll be fine...” said Kim.

Andres smiled as he stepped back.

Sam shook his head in amazement.

“Did you know that back home we don’t call him Jack Daniels...”

“Really? What do you call him...”

“Heartbreak guy...”

“Why...heartbreak guy?”

“Well, when my cousins and I experience any heartbreaks, we turn to ‘HIM.’ He’s the only guy that will listen to us without any judgment...and he doesn’t talk back...” Kim said of the liquor.

Sam chuckled.

At that same time, Andres came back with their libations. Kim quickly took a sip to ease her otherwise nervous hands.

That respite gave Sam time to quietly assess her. He smiled warmly back at Kim. She wasn’t so bad after all! She was very pretty and she has a good, dry humor, which he found very intriguing.

“So...heartbreaks...have you had them a lot?” Sam pried.

Kim blushed. She wasn’t about to reveal her innermost secrets to a man she barely knew. Be it that he is a celebrity and that most girls would probably kill for a chance to be in her place right now, but Kim was not like most girls. She has a fully functional head.

Sam noticed that his question was a little bit privy... “Sorry, was my question too personal?”

Kim nodded.

Sam decided to change the subject. “You’re probably wondering why I asked you here...”

Kim once again nodded, “In fact, I’m actually wondering how you got my number too...”

“Why? Don’t you think we actors have reconnaissance abilities too?” said Sam.

“Frankly, no...” answered Kim. “When you play cops or NBI agents on screen, I would just assume that it all ends there...”

“You’re right...every actor is as dumb as the next...” said Sam. “We exist with the script. Without it, we are useless talking baboons...”

“You’re much too kind...” Kim said with a hint of mischief in her voice. When Sam mentioned of apes, she actually pictured Triple A in a monkey suit, eating a handful of bananas. She had to struggle to get the image past her mind.

Sam had to laugh at her quick reply. “Kim, you’re so funny...did anyone tell you that?”

Kim was thinking, “yeah...funny like a clown!” But, she didn’t answer. But a sudden disappointment crossed her face that led Sam to revert the subject once more to Kim’s original question.

“So, you’re probably wondering how I got your number, right?” said Sam.

Kim nodded.

“Well, as it turns out...the personal assistant I had with me yesterday, orders flowers from your store...” said Sam. “And yesterday, she recognized you and we decided to call you this morning...so I can talk to you...personally.”

“Why?” asked Kim.

“Well, let me get straight to the point...” said Sam. “I want them to break up...”


“Who else?” replied Sam. “Angel and that new boyfriend of hers...”

“But why...” asked Kim once more.

“You don’t know why?” answered Sam. “Well, you love him...while, I love her. And more importantly, I don't think that they really deserve each other, do you?”

“NO, I don’t love him...” Kim denied vehemently.

Sam only raised his eyebrow at her.

“Okay...I do...” admitted Kim, once again taking a gulp of her liquor. “But why me?”

“You see, Kim...” said Sam. “I know how Angel operates. She doesn’t truly love him, she’s only using him to hurt me. She was so mad when I called our relationship off, so she’s flaunting his fraudulent in front of me...to make me jealous.”

“Fraudulent?” Kim wondered. “You know he’s fake?”

“Of course...” Sam said. “When Angel told me he was the head of La Mancha Technologies, I laughed at her... my uncle...the real Sam Pascual...owns the place!”

“Do you think Angel knows?” asked Kim.

“Of course she does...I told her!” recounted Sam. “But you see, that hardly matters to Angel. All she is concerned about is hurting me...”

“I don’t understand,” admitted Kim. “If you already broke up with her, why do you want her back?”

“Well, Kim...like I said, I know Angel far too long...” said Sam. “I only broke up with her to teach her a lesson. She has been taking our relationship for granted. I wanted her to realize how important I was in her life...and the only thing that will make her realize that was if she loses me...”

Kim didn’t really follow half of what he said, but she nodded her head nonetheless. “So, where do I come in?”

“Well, Kim...you and I are about to add fuel to the fire...” said Sam.

“Please...could you stop talking figuratively,” snapped Kim. “you’re no longer in a soap opera, you know...”

“Sorry, I didn’t realize I was being too melodramatic...” said Sam.

“Well? Go ahead...spill the beans...” said Kim.

“I thought we are to stop talking using metaphors!” chuckled Sam. “You just did!”

“The conditions apply to you not to me!” answered Kim. “You’re the actor, not me.”

“But you should be...” said Sam cheerily. “You’re such a character Kim!”

“Could you please tell me now what you want me to do...” Kim begged.

“Simple...we are going to make them jealous!” answered Sam.

“What?” cried Kim. “How?”

“This is what I was thinking we’ll do...” replied Sam. “We’ll pretend as a couple to make them jealous...I’m pretty sure when both of them sees us cozying up to each other, both of them will be crawling back to our feet...”

“Angel...yes...” said Kim. “But, Gerald...I don’t think he cares about me...”

“I’m willing to bet on that!” said Sam.

“How do you know?” queried Kim.

“You should have seen his face when I kissed your hand yesterday,” replied Sam. “That’s when I knew you could very much help me in my plan...”

“You must have been mistaken...” answered Kim, lowering her head. “I’m just his lowly secretary...”

Kim’s heart melted from the inside though. Gerald, jealous of Sam kissing her hand? Her stomach flipped in pure joy.

“I think we’ve established that you’re not his secretary...” answered Sam.

Kim smiled. She forgot about that.

“Okay, what would you like me to do specifically?” Kim wondered.

“Act as my new girlfriend...”

“That would’ve been too fast...” answered Kim. “They won’t believe it...”

“Not if you act convincingly...” challenged Sam.

“How? What specific things should I do...what gestures in particular?” clarified Kim.

“I’m pretty sure you’ve had a boyfriend before...” said Sam assuringly. “You’ll know what to do...”

“I actually don’t know...if I can do it...” said Kim.

“Well, you have to...” said Sam with a bit of panic
setting in. “Because, here they come now!”

“What?” exclaimed Kim. “Here? Now?”

Kim saw a glimpse of the striking pair coming into the restaurant.

“Yes, yes, and yes...” answered Sam with a confident smile. “Compose yourself, Kim. Calm down...look at me as if I’m the most handsome guy in the world...”

“That’s not hard to do!” admitted Kim.

All she really had to do was to look at his handsome face and her heart would flutter. She began to wonder, here she is with the most beautiful guy in the Philippines, yet she is still thinking about Gerald? She must be crazy. Why don’t she just turn her attention to him instead. He is more glamorous than Gerald could ever be. HE is more of a catch than that pale, soft-spined, idiot that broke her heart.

However, her heart refused to accept any of her musings. It protested in all its dictatorial glory.

As the touchy-feely couple neared their table, Sam reached over to lay his hand over hers. Kim’s heart skipped at the touch. She looked at him. There is this determined look on his face.

“Kim, just calm down and we’ll be alright...” Sam reminded her.

There is this soothing quality to his voice. And his touch is the most comforting touch in the world. She felt...really safe.

When Angel and Gerald saw them, they immediately stopped on their tracks.

“Oohhh...what are you guys doing here?” said Angel as she saw them.

“Probably the same thing you guys are here for...” said Sam.

“What is that...crabs?” said Angel blankly.

Kim laughed instantly. But when she turned to see him, she saw Gerald’s accusing gaze. IT seemed to bore down to her very core. She put her head down, afraid that he might see her true intent.

“Kim and I are on a date, if you must know...” said Sam.

Gerald choked mockingly. That irritated Sam. Kim knew because she felt his grip tighten on her hand.

“Isn’t this a riot!” said Angel. “Yesterday, you were with us Kim, now you are on the other side...you must have made an impression on him...”

“Well, she did...”said Sam, turning to her. “And you can’t fault me on that...”

Sam’s smile was so genuine that Kim felt she had to smile back. Gerald caught this and his face grew much grimmer.

“Why don’t we leave the two on their own, darling...” suggested Gerald. “Let’s get to our table...”

Andres all of a sudden came up beside them.

“Sir, madam, your table will be right here...” said Andres, pointing to a table for two, just next to Kim and Sam’s table.

A hint of horror flashed on Kim’s face. Sam, seeing this, immediately pushed her drink towards her. “Here, take one more sip, it will calm you down...”

Kim followed as she was ordered. Her heart still fluttered though. How could she allow herself to be in this situation? Gerald and Angel are just a table away. She knew somehow that she had to act the part. But she wasn’t a real actress. She’s not used to acting in front of many people.

“Kim...calm down...” reminded Sam.

How could she? Not with Gerald that close.

Kim looked up to Sam, and whispered. “This is going to be a long, long night....”

“Cheers to that, sweetie...cheers to that!” Sam said, giving her a knowing wink.


Thanks everybody for the support, I'll try to put out the updates as fast as I can....reg.

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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this sounds interesting and has a nice description
Visiting old fics!
Visiting old fics!
Binggirl16 #4
hello reg.. sana matapos mo ong story.. sayang kasi... thanks...
lai_alyssa #5
waaaaahhhhhh =D!!u're one freaking good writer!u're imagination is hell great!hahahah!nakakakilig!i super love The saddest man in the world!ang galing galing!please update po and please continue writing Kimerald FF's :D<br />
God bless po :D
soci78 #6
Bing, my namesake, thanks for posting this info in the BAO's thread...Reg, watch for all the adiks reading ur story again...everyone who's been following u will go nuts once they find out u're back ahahahaha!!!
soci78 #7
This is truly an OMG moment...Regina, you're backkkkkkkkkkkk OMG!!! I know I missed ur KGFFs so much but I didn't realized how bad until today when I got to read this story again...I'm gushing like an old fool but its true, I just love and missed ur stories Regina!!! Ahahahaha I hope u r really back for good and get back to writing as u shld...great writers like u need to always be writing for people who love to read like mwuah, okies?!? Labs u Reg and welcome back girl!!!
Binggirl16 #8
wwwwhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaa regina finally your back...!!!!! “Can I just call you...mine?” whaaaaaaaaa gerald ano ba yan... pero kinikilig ako.... naman ngayon ko lang nalaman kung gaano ko namiss ang pagpumunta sa tondo... thank you reg!.. more! more! more! :D
Binggirl16 #9
hello Reg!!!!

back ka na ba for good??

hehehehe......... miss your updates..

and story... lalo na ang seven incarnation

sana makaupdate ka soon..
