Seven Incarnations
“Hi,” Kim greeted him the moment she reached the table where he was seated at.

Kim instantly blushed at the way Gerald was looking at her. It was as if his smile was a permanent fixture on his face. He looked stunned and surprised at the same time too...almost like, he had just won two million pesos from a game show. His facial expression was priceless. In her mind Kim was thinking, if only he could look at her like that every day...

“Kim, you look...exquisite!” Gerald said rather excitedly. He could barely even contain his hands. His mind was screaming to reach out for her. He kept saying “wow” over and over again, much to Kim’s amazement.

“Well, I’m here, boss...” said Kim mischievously.

“Come sit, down Kim...” Gerald said, motioning her to sit.

It was a banquet seating so Kim was confused. Was she supposed to sit beside him or across him? Common sense told her that she might have to sit beside him.
She slowly slipped into the space next to him.

“So, Kim...what happened to you?”

“What do you mean what happened?” she asked.

“Sorry, I meant what accounted for this lovely change?”

Kim was almost tempted to say, “this is really how I normally look.” But instead, she settled for, “Well, my friends, kinda went too fancy on the outfit...”

“Please thank them for me...” he said. “Tell them they did an amazing job bringing you out of your shell.”

Kim’s heart glowed from the recognition. She was happy that he was happy about the way she looked.

“Do I look like the part?” Kim fished for more compliments.

Gerald had to think briefly about what she said. He almost forgot that he had asked her to come in looking just like that. Temptress. She was so mesmerizing in her understated elegance that his brain was refusing to function properly in front of her.

“Oh...the part!” Gerald said, when he finally got his senses back. “Yes...just perfect! You’re like what I imagined her to be...and then some!”

Kim smiled. At least she had that effect on him. Come to think of it...she wasn’t even in her full potential yet. Had she come in a cocktail dress, Kim can only imagine what his expression would be like.

“Oh, I brought the flowers...” Kim said, remembering the bouquet she had on hand. A tad of regret crossed her face as she handed him the blooms. Kim almost wished that they were for her.

“Yes, yes...very nice.” Gerald said.

“Red carnations...as requested...” Kim said regretfully. “Now, could you please brief me as to what exactly you want me to do tonight...”

Gerald paused to think.

“Well, I just want you to be here by my side all the time...” said Gerald. “Just in case I may need help...on stuff, you know...and kind of assess her for me...like you always do.”

Kim thought, “By his side...all the time? That’s a nice proposition.” She didn’t even hear what he said after that. Asking her to be at his side is what reverberated in her mind most.

Kim smiled at him, which he sheepishly reciprocated.

“Would you like some wine?” Gerald said.

“No, I don’t really like wines...”said Kim.

“I thought you like wines...because you seem to know a lot about them!” Gerald said.

“My dad is this weird wine connoisseur,” Kim explained. “He passed on the knowledge to me but not the discriminating palate.”

“Theory over actual experience, is that it?” Gerald said.

“Story of my life...” Kim said.

They enjoyed a few minutes of conversation alone. They were so engrossed by each other that Gerald kind of forgot that he was expecting his actual date. Kim alone, seemed to have filled that role more than adequately.

“What time are they going to be here?” Kim finally asked.

Gerald looked at his watch. Much to his dismay, Angel and her people were already 45 minutes late. Normally, he would have been pissed off, but he was far too enjoying his time with Kim now. Frankly, he couldn’t even care less if she came in or not.

“Should we order?” Gerald said.

“Are we not waiting for them?” Kim asked.

“I’m hungry...and besides they’re late...” Gerald beamed back at her.

Kim smiled back. Maybe her evening was going to be perfect after all.

Howeever, the moment she thought of that, as fate would have it, came...the distraction.

Andres, the waiter, came dashing in. He looked utterly confused.

“Sir...I don’t know how am I going to say this...” Andres said nervously.

“What is it?” Gerald asked.

“There’s this other young lady...looking for you...in the lobby.” Andres said to Gerald, then giving Kim a well-meaning look. “I think she is your...date...too!”

Kim and Gerald laughed simultaneously.

“Send her in,” ordered Gerald.

“Right away, sir!” Andres said as he leaves.

Gerald then told Kim of what the waiter said earlier of them being a couple. Kim laughed rather tersely. She really liked the thought that she could pass up as his date.

The moment Angel Ann Alonzo entered the room, it was as if her presence alone created this vacuum of energy. There was an uncanny hushed silence the moment she entered the main dining area. Men gasped while the ladies exchanged catty comments. Angel Alonzo didn’t mind that at all. She was used to that kind of attention after all.

As stunning as Kim was, Angel Alonzo was even more dazzling. Her very revealing red dress has the potential to send any old man’s blood pressure through the roof. The very plunging neckline leaves nothing to the imagination. Her skin was alabaster white...her hair was perfect, not a strand out of place. Gentle tendrils of hair fall gently from the sides, framing her soft features perfectly. Her lipstick was even bolder than what Kim had earlier.

Kim looked at Gerald. He looked more mesmerized now than he was earlier when she came in. Kim instantly felt insecure. What hurt her most was, she can’t do anything about it. Angel was just more beautiful...more y. While she? She was freaking dressed like a secretary for crying out loud!

“Kim, could you please move...” Gerald said to her, as his gaze was still glued at the incoming guest. “I need to get to her...”

Kim shimmied her way out of the banquet seating. Gerald then excitedly rushed halfway down the hall to meet her. Kim felt alone and discarded for a few restless minutes. Stupid of her to expect that she stood a chance against Triple A.

Finally, they reached their table. Gerald was panting like a Saint Bernard. Meanwhile, Angel seemed to have brought her entire crew with her. There were a couple body guards and two other uniformed attendants, which Kim guessed as her maids.

“Yaya, could you and the guards wait for me at the van?” ordered Angel. Her voice was so scathingly high pitched that Kim wanted to almost snatch her vocal chords out of her perfect neck.

Then she turned to Gerald, who was almost incapable of speech. He couldn’t even ask her to sit down, he was so nervous, he settled using a slight gesture for her to sit.

“Darling, sorry I’m late...the traffic in EDSA is so horrendous!” said Angel as she was sitting down.

Kim thought. “Darling? I thought this was their first official date. Why is she calling him darling now?”

"It's okay, darling..." said Gerald. Liar.

However, he couldn't bring himself to be angry at her...not if she's looking like that!

Gerald insidiously thought. "From now on, she can be as late as she wants...as long as she comes in looking just like that!"

Angel Alonzo is definitely the girl one can throw away all his principles in life for.


Like Gerald said, Angel didn’t come unaided. She also had her personal assistant Enchang with her, which sat next to Angel, and across Kim.

“Hi...who are you?” said Angel to Kim.

“Ummm...” Kim mumbled. Even she was mesmerized.

“She’s my secretary. Angel,Enchang meet Kim...errrr...” Finally, he spoke! But, Gerald struggled to remember her last name.

“David...Kimberly David.” Kim held out her hand, which Enchang instantly took. Angel didn’t even bother to shake her hand.

“Nice to meet you, Kim!’ said Enchang in a soft effeminate voice. He was obviously gay. “By the way, I’m Reynaldo Dee...but you can call me Enchang for short! I’m Angel’s personal assistant....”

Kim could instantly tell that Enchang was a bit kinder than Angel. But, not much. He gives off this quiet image, but has this underlying “maldita-like” quality to him.

“Now, that everyone is introduced, maybe it’s time we get our order!” said Gerald.

“Yes, we should, I’m hungry...” Kim quipped.

This elicited a slight nudge from Gerald. Kim realized that she had to behave as she should. She smiled bitterly back at him, which seemed to amuse Gerald even more.

“Yes, darling...we should order now!” said Angel warily, making her presence felt even more.

Gerald waived his hand and Andres instantly came in.

“Ladies and gentlemen, it's a pleasure to have you with us tonight.” greeted Andres. “Would you guys like to start off with some red wine?”

“Babe, what is their specialty here?” asked Angel to Gerald.

Gerald looked lost. He turned to Kim for some suggestions. “What do you think Kim?”

“A bottle of your finest Cabernet Sauvignon would be nice. If you have it, please...” Kim said.

“Excellent choice, mademoiselle!” said Andres, winking at Kim. “I’ll come back with the main menu.” He then, leaves.

Gerald seemed to be pleased by Kim’s quick thinking.

Noticing this, Angel looked at Kim oddly. There is very seldom a time wherein another girl can upstage her. And certainly, she won’t take it from a lowly secretary.

“So, darling, I missed you yesterday...” said Angel to Gerald.

“Yes, I was at my office all day, thinking of you...” Gerald said that too sweetly for Kim’s liking.

Kim almost sneered at his quip.

That very innocent gesture however, was caught by the quick, observant eye of Enchang. He began to peer back at Kim. He instantly knew that Kim wasn’t at all that chummy with her boss. Enchang, without a doubt, saw that Kim had feelings for him. And that, made him maliciously aware of Kim’s presence and what that meant to him and Angel. Enchang decided that Kim was not going to be their friend after all.

“Oh, by the way...here are some flowers for you!” Gerald said, handing the bouquet to Angel.

“Thank you!” Angel said genuinely. “How did you know I like carnations?!”

“Kim actually suggested that I give you that...” Gerald explained.

At that point, Kim wanted to shrink in her seat. Why did he have to tell her that? Kim could actually see Angel's face turn sour.

“Maybe it’s Kim that I actually have to thank then!” Angel said mockingly.

Of course, Gerald didn’t notice Angel's derisive comment. He was too busy staring at her s. Kim, however, felt Angel searing gaze almost pelt her skin. It was the most uncomfortable feeling in the world. She wanted to leave.

But she thought of Gerald...and how he may need her help later on. Despite of the danger to her, both from getting hurt by her wayward feelings and by the physical hurt she might get from crossing Angel Alonzo’s path, Kim pressed on...tight lipped and well-behaved. It was, after all...FOR HIM.


The dinner itself went uneventful.

Kim was almost bored in her pants with Angel dominating most of the conversation. Gerald, meanwhile, seemed to have been turned into this mindless, hypnotized creature that Kim wondered if he was still in the right frame of mind.

Remembering, Sasha's advice. Kim pulled out the pin in her hair and shook her long hair out.

That caught Gerald's attention.

"Kim, are you all right?"

Kim smiled. It worked. "Yes, my bun was just too tight!"

Enchang giggled. Angel, however, wasn't too happy of the intrusion.

“Going back to my story...so you see, I didn’t have to make an effort!” said Angel. “I said to him, go away...you’re pathetic! Ha ha ha...”

Her laugh... It made Kim crawl under her skin. It was so...fake.

But of course, Gerald laughed nonetheless. Even at her corniest jokes, he still laughed. Kim was willing to bet that he didn’t even find her remotely funny. He was doing that just for respect...or because he wanted to score with her.

Kim then notice Angel wrap her fingers around Gerald’s biceps. Kim noted of her deep-red nail polish as she fondly squeezed his arm. Maybe she was just imagining it, but Kim noticed that Angel was almost trying to coax her into saying something...like she was daring her to a catfight. Kim wondered maybe that was what the red nail polish was for...to camouflage for blood when she scratches other girl’s faces if any one of them accidentally strays into her lair. Kim almost shuddered at the thought.

“So tell me, what is your business like?” Angel asked Gerald.

Gerald was more than willing to tell. He then went on to babble like crazy, obviously trying to impress her.

Angel seemed to be bored by his explanation of how his software company is being run. Kim even caught her glancing to the other tables...like as if, she was looking for something...or someone.

“So you see...when the clients sign up with us...” Gerald rambled. “We make sure that we give them the full service that they need...”

“Interesting...” Angel replied half-heartedly.

Kim almost pitied Gerald at that point.

Suddenly, a tall figure came up from Kim’s behind. He casted a long shadow on to their table which made everyone look at him in shock. Kim immediately recognized him as the brilliant actor, Sam Lloyd Pascual – Angel’s ex-boyfriend.

The foursome grew suddenly tense.

“Hello everybody!” greeted Sam in a deep, velvety voice. He was very confident in his bearings.

“Fancy seeing you here...” answered Angel haughtily. It was like as if she was expecting him.

“You know all too well that I hang out here all the time...” said Sam grimly.

“What did you mean by that?” Angel answered. “Are you implying that I purposely went here...for you? Isn’t that kinda vain of you to think that?”

“You said that...I didn’t...” answered Sam.

“Daddy Sam...favor, please...” begged Enchang. “Don’t make a scene...a lot of people are watching...”

“Stay out of this, queer...” answered Sam. That made Enchang squirm in his seat.

Gerald immediately stood up. His face turned dark and dismal. “Pare, like Enchang said, please don’t make a scene...”

“Or what?” Sam challenged. He looked back at Gerald with the same murderous intent.

Kim was like: “NOOooo!!!! What are you doing Gerald? He is twice your size! You’ll get killed! Angel’s not worth it. She’s not worth it....”

Angel seemed to be elated by having two men fight over her, especially in front of a sea of very interested people watching them. It was like a movie shoot. The next few scenes unfolded like a grimy Western.

Angel decided to add fuel to the fire.

“Sam, you jerk! Can’t you see I’m on a date?” said Angel in her fake acting voice. “I’m with Gerald now!”

“Kaya pare, I suggest you leave...now!” Gerald warned him.

Sam gave a gut-wrenching laugh. It was so filled with contempt that it made Kim shudder. He then said, “Pare, I’m not here to cause trouble. I’m actually here to congratulate the both of you...”

Sam pulled out a hand to Gerald. Gerald then gripped it with his might. They shook hands with much force that Kim could almost see a vein bursting in Gerald’s neck.

They finally let go. Much to everyone’s delight. Even the anxious crowd listening in, let out a collective sigh of relief.

“Pare, take care of Angel...” said Sam. “She’s one heck of a woman!”

Gerald nodded.

Sam let out another guttural laugh as he looked at Angel, who is now almost hiding behind Gerald’s back. He looked like he wanted to say something to her but decided against it. He just laughed maliciously instead.

As Sam wheeled around, his hand accidentally brushed Kim’s shoulder. Since he was a big man, Kim felt that what might have been a slight nudge from him, was actually more of a wallop to her. She actually winced in pain.


“Sorry...miss!” Sam said to her.

Kim looked up and met his gaze. He was more handsome than she could imagine. If Gerald face embodied youth, his face embodied strength. Sam was the most handsome man Kim has ever seen. Well, Gerald was cute but Sam was handsome. His face was taut and well chiselled. His eyes though, were kind and gentle – the complete irony to his otherwise, well-placed features.

“Did I hurt you?” Sam asked softly. His deep voice was comforting for Kim.

“No...I’m fine...” Kim replied. “Thanks...”

“Sam Pascual...” he said, offering a hand.

“Kim...Kim David...” Kim answered, placing her hand in his grip.

This time, Sam was so gentle in handling her hand...almost too gentle. All of a sudden, he bent down and kissed Kim’s very soft hand. The gesture took Kim aback. She blushed instantly.

When she looked at the other members of her table, they were all shocked. Contempt and dismay were written all over Angel and Enchang’s faces. Kim could not read anything from Gerald’s rather gloomy face...other than pure, unadulterated fury. But Kim was confused by that. Was Gerald angry that Sam kissed her hand? Or was he just angry of Sam’s intrusion in general? Kim’s heart screamed for the former.

“It was nice meeting you, Kim!” said Sam, flashing her a warm, genuine smile. Then, he left.

Angel, meanwhile, could not hide her anger...or jealousy, whatever it was. She turned to Enchang.

“Did you see that, Enchang?” exclaimed Angel. “See what he did? The nerve of that guy!”

“Calm down, sister!” chided Enchang. “It’s a good thing he didn’t really do a scene, I saw a journalist seated their by that corner. Can you imagine how much of a mess it would have been if he caused a brawl?”

“He even has the nerve to make a pass on a girl in front of me! The nerve!” Angel said, referring to Kim.

“Wait, how did I get dragged into this?!” Kim said. “It was hardly a pass. He only kissed my hand. Even my uncle does that to me...”

“But not my uncle! And certainly not my ex-boyfriend!” said Angel, hyperventilating.

“Relax, ate, relax!” said Enchong.

Gerald meanwhile was quiet. HE was so overwrought with emotions too. Seeing Sam kissing Kim’s hand gave him this sudden blast of jealousy, that it felt odd and strange. He clutched his heart. IT was beating so fast. How could he have felt that? Who was this girl anyway? She was by no means, as beautiful as Angel, but why does he feel like this? Gerald could not come up with any answer and that frustrates him.

Angel finally calmed down.

“Oh my God, thank you Gerald!” said Angel, clinging desperately to Gerald’s arms. “I thought he was going to kill me. I’m so glad you are here to defend me.”

Kim thought, “Two words. OVER ACTING. How could she even be an actress? She doesn’t even know how to act properly!”

“Yes, Gerald, you were like Superman,” added Enchang. “How brave of you to stand up against...the Incredible Hulk.”

How appropriate. Kim thought.

“Jeesh...all I said was for him not to cause a scene...” said Gerald. “It hardly counts...”

“To me it does...” said Angel.

Then, the vivacious actress flashed Enchang a knowing glance, which the PA responded with a slight nod. Then, Enchang pulled out a small PDA from his bag, much to Kim’s surprise.

Angel then turned to Gerald and once again, coiled her arms around his.

“Darling, because of what you did, I decided that we are now...officially ON!” Angel announced.

“WHAT?!!!!” Kim and Gerald chorused.

“Yes, honey, we’re on!” said Angel. “Aren’t you happy?”

“Are you serious?” Gerald exclaimed. “You mean to say...we’re on? As in...ON? ”

Angel smiled back mischievously.

Kim wanted to shout. How could that happen so fast?! It sent her mind reeling. She didn’t think it was possible. IT was like a one-minute love affair. Blink! They are an item! Was that really how showbiz people roll, Kim wondered.

“Wow! I’m shocked!” Gerald said innocently.

“You’re not happy...” answered Angel quite ruefully.

“I am! I am!” Gerald answered immediately. “I’m just pleasantly surprised...darling!”

Gerald then moved over to her side and then gave Triple A a hug, which she reciprocated by pressing her firmly to him.

Kim wanted to puke. She was praying internally, “Oh God, please don’t let them kiss! I don’t think I could take it.”
Thankfully they didn’t. Gerald eventually moved back to his seat beside Kim. On his eyes were utter bliss.

“So, now that it’s official...we need to plan when the press conference is going to be!” said Enchang, making scribbles on his notes.

“Press conference?” Gerald asked.

“Yes, darling...” said Angel. “We have to come up with a press conference. My viewing public needs to know that I have finally moved on from Sam. They need to see that I am finally seeing someone else...a handsome guy like yourself, darling...”

Angel’s intentions were as clear as daylight to Kim. She knows now why Angel was doing this. She was actually only using Gerald...whether to make Sam jealous or to prove to him that she can get on behind him. Either way, Gerald was still being used...and probably discarded later once the need diminishes. Kim felt the need to tell Gerald. She has to...that is what she is there for, anyway. If Gerald will ask her later on what she thinks of Angel, Kim was sure she won’t do any sugar coating. This girl is just not right for him. She was!

“Do we really have to do that, darling?” Gerald said. “Can’t you just do it by yourself? I mean, your the actress, I’m not!”

“No, darling, we have to...or else, the press will think I’m making things up!” replied Angel. “Honey, pleaaseee....”

“Okay, okay...” consented Gerald.

“Also, we need to plan your future appearances and your future dates...”added Enchang.

“Are you crazy?” Gerald said.

Kim smirked.

“Of course, honey, we need to do that!” said Angel. “I’m on a tight schedule...”

“Whatever happened to spontaneity?” Gerald mumbled.

“Gosh! Planning is the “in” thing now, darling!” said Angel. “In this age of Blackberry’s and Iphones, scheduling your life is the only sensible thing to do! That is why I have Enchang...”

Gerald looked at Kim, who could no longer hide her disdain.

“So, what days am I free, Chang?” said Angel, grabbing Gerald’s chin back to her.

“Tomorrow, you’re free from 3 pm to 7 pm. After seven, you have to get to Quezon City to do a photo shoot at eight.”

“So, what do you say, 3 to 7 tomorrow?” Angel confirmed to Gerald.

Gerald nodded while mumbling, “This is crazy...”

Kim looked at Gerald amusingly.

“Hey, aren’t you supposed to write this down...” said Angel to Kim.

“What?” Kim said absent-mindedly.

“Your his secretary, right?” said Angel.

“Yes...” Kim answered.

“Well, right those things down...” Angel said. “That’s why I asked him to bring you along. You need to coincide his schedules with mine...”

Kim looked at Gerald. He gave her a conscientious shrug. Luckily, as Gerald advised her earlier, she brought her trusty organizer with her. She slowly pulled it out.

“Filofax?” said Enchang mockingly. “So ancient!”

Kim opened her “prop” organizer. Of course, nothing was written on it yet.

“So, how is two days from now looking for you?” asked Enchang. “There is the Star Magic Ball on the 20th. We have to attend that!”

Kim was almost tempted to say Gerald was fully booked all throughout, but looking at Gerald’s puppy-dog-eyes, it made Kim throw caution to the wind.

“All clear...” she said.

Enchang then made her write down details after details, which actually made Kim’s head spin. Angel meanwhile was content rustling Gerald’s hair in her fingers. Kim knew it was for show. But, Gerald seemed stupid enough to believe it. He was tremendously enjoying it even.

Kim sighed as she made notes on her Filofax as Enchang dictated. At the bottom she wrote, “Kim loves you more, Gerald.”


IT was almost 1 a.m. when they pulled out of the restaurant. The rest of the night went from grisly to dreadful for Kim. At that point, she was already too exhausted by all of the days events.

Her mind was so tired of seeing Angel slink her way to Gerald too. Kim can tell that Angel was now already tipsy from drinking all of the wine. Gerald was just chivalrous enough to give her a steady, helping hand to her car.

It started to rain as well.

“Thanks, boyfriend...You know what, I really love having you as my boyfriend, Gerald!” said the tipsy actress.

“I’m glad you chose me...” Gerald answered.

“I really, really like you...” Angel said. “You’re so...dependable!”

Kim sniggered at the last remark. Dependable? Fathers are dependable, not boyfriends! However, she did chuckle rather loudly that it elicited a malicious look from Enchang.

A black sports car then pulled into the curb, followed by a van. Gerald opened the door of the black Mustang for her. Angel entered.

Gerald wheeled around and faced Kim. “Wait for me here while I get my car from the valet. I’ll give you a lift home.”

Kim nodded.

“Where do you think you’re going, boyfriend?” Angel called out from the backseat of her car.

Gerald turned around once again and faced her. “Home, I guess...”

“Guess what, boyfriend? You’re going home with me...” said Angel, flirtatiously.

Gerald was visibly stunned. He was too confused. He looked at Kim then at Angel. A decision has to be made. Should she choose to go with Angel, Kim will be left at her own disposal. For sure, she wouldn’t like that. He owed her so much, that he can’t allow Kim to go home alone. She deserved that respect. However, she thought of Angel and how this opportunity will only cross his life once. He’s bound to get lucky, and he knows that. In his mind, a decision was formed...

“What about Kim?” said Gerald, looking at her guiltily.

“I’ll give her a ride!” offered Enchang.

“No, I can manage, I only live near Paseo...near our shop, it’s just four of five blocks from here.”

Kim was hoping Enchang was heading to the opposite direction. A ride with him seemed an insurmountable feat as well. But what her heart wished the most, was that Gerald would refuse Angel’s proposal and bring her home instead.

Well, hope she did...but not all wishes of the heart are granted.

“Don’t worry darling, it’s on my way...” said Enchang. “It’s late...you’re better off with me than calling a cab or walking home.

Kim looked longingly at Gerald.

He could only manage a smile. Only this time, his smile was dry. It was more like...a regretful smile, if there was such a thing. Kim’s heart ached.

“So, Kim, will you be alright?” asked Gerald tenderly.

Kim wanted to cry. She knew what that question meant. How could he do this to her?

“I’ll be fine...” Kim said softly. Liar. However, pretenses had to be kept up...no matter what.

It took an immeasurable amount of inner strength for her to smile weakly as Gerald entered Angel’s car. He gave her one more look...and then he was gone. Angel flashed her a devious smile before she languidly closed the door.

As the rain fell on her face, Kim found the perfect reason to cry. Nobody will know now how hurt she’d been. The rain became the perfect mask for her tears.

The car sped up and disappeared into the night. So, did Kim’s hopes and dreams that one day she’ll find her own chivalrous knight in shining armour. Right now, she probably doesn’t even believe in chivalry anymore.

“F@#k chivalry!” Kim uttered to herself.

Enchang meanwhile felt for her. Nobody deserves to be hurt and cast off just like that. Not even this girl...a girl he had only met for a few hours. But, strangely enough, he felt a growing empathy towards her.

“If I were you, you shouldn’t punish yourself like that!” said Enchang.

“I don’t know what you mean...” Kim answered numbingly.

“Kim, it’s clear as day that you’re in love with him!”

“Am I that transparent?”

“Hello? Hell, yes! I’m even surprised Gerald himself hasn’t picked that up yet.”

“Do you think he knows?” Kim cried.

“You tell me!”

Kim didn’t respond. She was too numb to think. Enchang moved closer and gave her a hug. Kim felt his sincerity. She cried even more.

“Enough of that, girl. Come on, I’ll take you home...” said Enchang, pulling her towards his car.

“I can manage it from here...” Kim answered.

“Don’t be stupid, come on, you’ll get sick if you don’t come in...”

“I said I can manage it!” Kim said rebelliously. “And I don’t care if I get sick or die...maybe then he’ll take notice of me...”

“You’re so stupid, girl! Look at you! You’re all alone....while he, he is with the most beautiful girl in Metro Manila right now. And, she just gave him an all access pass to her home. What do you think they’ll do there, huh? I don’t think they’re going to play jackstones all night long! “

Kim finally broke down. She cried to her heart’s content under the pouring rain. In as much she hated Enchang, he probably was telling the truth.

“Accept it , darling, even if it hurts. He’s just not that in to you!” he added, finally getting her into his car. “The sooner you do, the better...”

What Enchang said swam into her consciousness like an effervescent toxin. She finally got that now. That was her problem all along. But, having been confronted of that in the most embarrassing of situations, Kim felt nothing but pity for herself. She gets it now...she really, really gets it now...

Gerald was just not that into her.

Hope you guys liked it. More exciting events to come. Comments please...I love reading them! Thank you to all!
Have a pleasant day! -reg-

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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this sounds interesting and has a nice description
Visiting old fics!
Visiting old fics!
Binggirl16 #4
hello reg.. sana matapos mo ong story.. sayang kasi... thanks...
lai_alyssa #5
waaaaahhhhhh =D!!u're one freaking good writer!u're imagination is hell great!hahahah!nakakakilig!i super love The saddest man in the world!ang galing galing!please update po and please continue writing Kimerald FF's :D<br />
God bless po :D
soci78 #6
Bing, my namesake, thanks for posting this info in the BAO's thread...Reg, watch for all the adiks reading ur story again...everyone who's been following u will go nuts once they find out u're back ahahahaha!!!
soci78 #7
This is truly an OMG moment...Regina, you're backkkkkkkkkkkk OMG!!! I know I missed ur KGFFs so much but I didn't realized how bad until today when I got to read this story again...I'm gushing like an old fool but its true, I just love and missed ur stories Regina!!! Ahahahaha I hope u r really back for good and get back to writing as u shld...great writers like u need to always be writing for people who love to read like mwuah, okies?!? Labs u Reg and welcome back girl!!!
Binggirl16 #8
wwwwhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaa regina finally your back...!!!!! “Can I just call you...mine?” whaaaaaaaaa gerald ano ba yan... pero kinikilig ako.... naman ngayon ko lang nalaman kung gaano ko namiss ang pagpumunta sa tondo... thank you reg!.. more! more! more! :D
Binggirl16 #9
hello Reg!!!!

back ka na ba for good??

hehehehe......... miss your updates..

and story... lalo na ang seven incarnation

sana makaupdate ka soon..
