Seven Incarnations
PHASE THREE: Gerald's arranged dates didn't go perfectly as planned. Somehow, things have a funny way of turning around...


Kim woke up once again in another precarious situation. Her head once more nestled gently on Gerald’s chest, her arms around him. He, meanwhile, had his arms around her body holding her possessively close to him. Kim tried to ease her way out of his embrace, but even in his sleep, Gerald was holding on to her dearly, it was like as if she was a part of his body...or a property he didn’t want to let go.

Suddenly, she became aware of the presence of Lilly and Thomas in the room. They were sleeping like a potato, curled up like a ball on the two adjacent chaise loungers. Kim was mortified of what might her young sister think of her now. Yesterday was one thing. Lilly catching her yet again, only proves that she was letting her guard down more than she should. Kim was instantly upset with herself. She was embarrassed now of how she was acting in Gerald’s presence. Kim suddenly felt ashamed of how easy it was for her to give in to her inner desires. But, she didn’t want to send him the wrong message too. She didn’t want him to think she was...easy.

She wiggled herself slowly out of his grip.

The sudden movements woke Gerald up....

“Where do you think you’re going?” Gerald mumbled. “Come back here, too early...come snuggle...”

“Hey, Mr. Garcia...from now on, I won’t be at your beck and call...” Kim replied in a firm whisper, trying to sound upset.

“But last night it didn’t take that much prodding for you know” Gerald added, mimicking how she was embracing him.

“That was last night...I was a bit tipsy from the wine...” said Kim firmly. “From now more touching-touching...”

“Woke up on the wrong side of the bed, huh?” Gerald said, picking himself up,scratching his head.

“NO, it’s not that. I’ve decided it’s not ...proper behaviour...especially with the little kids around. What will other people say?” Kim reasoned, trying to whisper her objections so as not to wake up the kids.

“I don’t care what other people say...” Gerald said, kissing her neck, hugging her from behind.

Kim wiggled herself out of his grip. “You’re moving too fast...I haven’t even given you my ANSWER yet!”

“I don’t need no answer!” Gerald reached for her hand. “I can tell from your eyes...”

“You still have five more days to woo me...” said Kim. “I promised myself to see this whole thing through...”

“ just want to be courted, don’t you?” groaned Gerald. “You just want to see me suffer....”

“Five more days is what I’m only asking...” said Kim. “Is that too much to ask? I haven’t even made up my mind yet about you!

“You mean to say...despite two days of sleeping on my chest...” Gerald argued. “you still haven’t made up...your mind?”

“Frankly...NO!” Kim said with a naughty smile. “Not by a long shot!”

“Okay...I’m back on first base then...” said Gerald, putting on his shoes.

“NO mister, you haven’t been to any bases yet. You’re still at bat...” Kim answered with a laugh.

“Oh no! I think I’m on first base now, at least!” Gerald boasted.

“How could you...if you keep batting one foul ball after another!” said Kim playfully.

“Is that right?” Gerald moved in closer, threatening to tickle her. “Foul ball, eh?”

Kim squealed like a little girl. Gerald playfully chased her around the room, she in her gown and all...

“ I’ll get a homerun one day, you’ll see...” Gerald said. “Just you wait...”

“Ooooohhhh!!! I’m scared...” Kim answered, sticking out her tongue.

“And...If I get that one’ll coming running to me, not the other way around!” Gerald bragged.

“In...your...dreams!” Kim said emphatically, still trying to run away from his grip.

With one big lunge, Gerald finally caught up to Kim, tickling her endlessly on the side.

This woke up the little ones. Lilly was the first to wake up. She smiled wryly at the sight of her little gown and itchy stockings. Thomas followed. His tousled hair looked more like a mini-mohawk.

“What are you guys playing?” Lilly said with a lazy yawn.

“They’re playing tickle...” said Thomas knowledgably. “Daddy used to wake me up with that I won’t go back to sleep...”

“Thomas is right, Lilly!” said Gerald. “Your Ate Kim here is such a sleepy head, she needed extra tickles to wake her up!”

“Ahhh...okay...” answered Lilly. The father and son’s explanation seemingly satisfied her budding curiosity.

“Now, that everyone is up...why don’t we head upstairs, take a quick breakfast then we’re off to the park!” Gerald announced. “While it’s still early...”

“The park?” Kim said, while the kids jumped up and down on the prospect of roaming around. “What are we going to do there?”

Gerald was about to answer when Kim’s cell phone rang. She frantically searched her pocket...but she forgot that her long gown didn’t have any pockets on them.

Lilly was quick enough to grab the offending phone from the floor near the couch.

“Found it!” Lilly announced holding on to cellphone, looking at the picture of the caller displayed on screen. “It’s mom!”

Kim leaped to grab the phone away from her, but the little girl was so much quicker than her. She quickly answered the phone, much to Kim’s utter dread.

“Hi, Mom!” Lilly greeted.

Kim motioned her to not speak of anything but Lilly just ignored her. Kim immediately felt that her world was about to end. Lilly talking directly with their parents about their stay here in Gerald’s house was like watching the Titanic hit a huge iceberg. She was bound to rat her out, intentionally or unintentionally.

“I’m okay, mom. Ate’s fine too....” Lilly said, smiling slyly at Kim. Her older sister was grabbing the phone away from her but she was adamant to hold onto it. “Ate’s friend?...We’ll Tito Ger....”

“Tita!” Kim shouted, her eyes about to pop out.

“Ohhh...I mean Tita...Geraldine is taking very good care of me....and of Ate especially...” Lilly added.

Kim was almost in tears.

“You want to speak to Ate?” Lilly asked the caller. “Wait, mom, here she is...”

Lilly finally handed her the phone.

“Mom!” Kim greeted her mom, meanwhile giving her younger sister a murderous look. “Lilly and I are okay...”

Lilly just shrugged her shoulders, giving her a clueless expression. It was as if she wasn’t aware of how close she was to revealing to their parent where they really were.

“Geraldine and her son are very accommodating, “ Kim added. “Lilly is enjoying Thomas’ company a lot.”

On the other line, Kim’s mom blabbered about how her two days went without them at their house. She was incessantly talking about how Kim’s dad was getting on her nerves. IT was her own unique way of saying how she missed her two girls. Kim was almost exhausted by the time she finished talking to her mom.

“So, when are you guys coming home?” asked Kim’s mom.

“We’ll be there Christmas morning mom!” said Kim. “Don’t worry about us! You and Daddy should be happy with your time alone...consider it as a second honeymoon...”

“Honey, he almost didn’t survive the first one...” Kim’s mom bantered. “Much more so another one...”

Kim laughed out loud. Her mom was great like that. She was most of the time her best friend --- a friend that she can reveal her secrets to. But oftentimes, she was her mom too...and that means she was to keep Gerald’s identity a secret from least for the time being.

“So, close call?” Gerald said, tugging Thomas up the stairs.

“Yes...thanks to little munchkin here...” said Kim, playfully pinching Lilly on the sides.

“Ate, you need to trust me more often...” Lilly replied confidently. “sisters should trust one another! Soon enough I’ll have my own boyfriend...I’m pretty sure I’ll trust you too...and I’ll tell you all my secrets!”

“You know she has a point!” Gerald said, smirking.

“Hey, Lillian! Your Tito Gerald is not your Ate’s boyfriend yet!” said Kim.

“But if he’s not your boyfriend, then why are we lying to mom and dad about living here?!” reasoned Lilly.

Kim was dumbfounded. She swallowed a big gulp of guilt after that. How could she explain what she was doing to an eight year old? Kim reckoned that she couldn't even convince herself, much more so Lilly. She was basically making Lilly a willing accomplice to her own wrongdoing. What kind of a sister was she?

“Don’t worry, ate. I won’t tell mom and dad. As long as you don’t tell them I was the one who broke their TV in their bedroom...” confessed Lilly.

Now, Lilly was bribing her! Kim was almost sorry that she took her along. Now she gave her tools to bribe her. She had created the perfect monster.


After their pancake breakfast, Kim happily hopped her way down the stairs in a bright pink track suit. She was met by a chirping Lilly, dressed in a yellow shorts and matching yellow t-shirt. Thomas, droned on lazily in blue jogging pants and a white shirt. Gerald stood nearby. He was in a dark blue nike track jogging pants and matching jacket.

Kim looked at her watch. It was a quarter past 7:00 am. “So, what are basically going to do?”

“Well, as we have learned...” Gerald said, like a gym instructor. “Exercise releases endorphins in the body. Endorphins are natural opiates of the human body."

"What are opiates?" asked Lilly.

"Uhmm...disregard the term, Lilly. You'll learn about them when you're in college. Anyway, endorphins give us our natural sort of high. As you may have observed, fit people are most of the time happy, I said, why not do exercise to make us happy?”

“Okay, this is going to be fun...” Kim said sarcastically, groaning at the prospect of sweating. “Are you doing this everyday though? Jogging...I mean...”

“NO, were trying this out today...” said Gerald.

“You mean...all that endorphin hoopla...” added Kim.

“Just a theory...” Gerald said cutting-off Kim.

“How far is the park from here?” Kim asked nervously.

“About 16 blocks...” Gerald answered. “Roughly about 5 kilometers...”

“No way!” said Kim. “I can barely run a block, how much more sixteen?”

“Come’s about time we build those teeny calf muscles of yours!”

Gerald opened the main door. The two kids spirited out of the antique wood door the moment the opening was large enough for them to run through.

“Ready...” Gerald said.

Kim said, “You go ahead...I’ll follow...”

“Don’t worry, I’ll carry you when you get tired!” Gerald smiled back at her.

The moment he looked out of the house his expression changed. He groaned inwardly. Kim curiously looked out at the surroundings, curious at what made him step back. Suddenly, there was a big clap of thunder. Lightning flashed from a distance. A cold, moist breeze then greeted them.

Kim’s attention was then shifted at the kids...Thomas ran back towards Kim, frightened by the thunder. Lilly was glum at the fact that big, fat raindrops, splattered on the floor.

Kim smiled. “Looks like it’s a sign...God’s saying we should stay inside...”

Gerald, determined to push through with his plans said, “You won’t let a little drizzle stand in the way of our plans, will you?”

Suddenly, the heavens opened sending a heavy deluge on them.

“Now, that is definitely a sign....” Kim laughed.

“Yep...we better get inside...” said Gerald. “Change of plans...”

“What do we do know?” Thomas said, he then turned to Kim. “Mommy Kim, what do you do when it rains?”

Gerald looked up to Kim.

Kim said. “Lilly and I, during stormy weather, we basically just watch old DVD's and drink hot choco with marshmallows!”

“Oh, I love hot choco!” squealed Thomas. “and marshmallows too!”

“I can make that in a jiffy!” Kim offered.

“I’ll take the kids downstairs...”Gerald said. “It’s a good thing we are not going to the park...”

“Yeah, it’s not that romantic!” Kim admitted.

Gerald smiled at her meaningfully, as she headed into the kitchen to prepare their snacks.


They were back at the den as the rains lashed outside. Three hours of successive cartoons would drive any adults crazy. But Kim and Gerald, having done this thing with two kids all the time, have more resistance than normal adults do in that aspect.

Kim was in the main couch, seated cross legged in a yoga position. Lilly lay in front of the TV, on the floor on her stomach. Gerald was seated on a recliner with Thomas.

The kids were watching Finding Nemo for the nth time. Thomas was still laughing gleefully, even if he knew the dialogues to heart. He was especially fond of the hippie-talking turtle. Lilly was likewise fascinated. She liked Dory the most.

Kim was however bored. She started to yawn. Suddenly she heard her cell phone beep. It was a text message. Kim shot a look at the sender. The message was from the naughty-looking Gerald across the room. She read the message. It said:

“Hi, r u bored?”

Kim put in a message of her own. A few seconds letter, Gerald received it from the other end. He smiled.

“Bored out of my wits :- ”

Gerald answered back which Kim excitedly read.

Then, they went on a text brigade.

Gerald: “C. T. C.?”

Kim: “C.T.C.?”

Gerald : “Care to Chat...”

Kim: “Chat about what?”

Gerald: “Anything! ;-O”

Kim: “Let’s talk bout U!”

Gerald: “ U find me handsome?”

Kim: “I’ll ask the questions! :-b”

Gerald: “U answer first...”

Kim shot him an irritated look. Gerald urged her on.

Kim: “Honestly...YES!” (Kim blushes)

Gerald: “Good...coz U r really beautiful...”

Kim: “We’re even...”

Gerald: “Yes! Wer mutually attracted 2 1 another!”

Kim: “Name 1 thing U find beautiful about me...”

Gerald: “Ur lips...very kissable...” (Gerald winked at her)

Kim: “Good answer! Har3x!”

Gerald: “How about my lips?”

Kim: “Not 2 bad...very soft :> ”

Gerald: “Dat’s it?”

Kim: “Wat else do u hav in mind?”

Gerald: “Perfect?!”

Kim: “Not quite Johnny Depp’s yet!”

Gerald: “U hav high standards!”

Kim: “Seriously...”

Gerald: “What?”

Kim: “How do u see me know? A friend, a GF, or a wife?”

Gerald: “Easy, all three...”

Kim: “Good answer...”

Kim feigned a happy reaction. However, she was rather disappointed though she doesn’t know why. She wanted at least to be a girlfriend. Of course, she didn’t want to be the friend. Nor is she ready to be the wife. Deep inside, she would have preferred to be just the girlfriend.

Gerald: “I have a question...”

Kim: “Ask away...”

Gerald: “Do u think u r ready to hav another boyfriend?”

Kim: “If the right 1 comes along, I think...YES!”

Gerald: “Do u think he is nearby? Mr. Right?”

Kim: “I think so...quite close I think!”

Gerald: “How close?”

Kim: “Just a text message away...”

Gerald smiled at her warmly.

Gerald: “I’m hugging u right know!”

Kim: “Thanks, I can feel it...”

Kim smiled back.

Gerald: “I’m kissing u too :-o!”

Kim: “Ur going to fast!”

Gerald: “Come on, it’s just text!”

Kim: “Wat did u want me to do?”

Gerald: “Send a kiss my way!”

Kim: “Smack!”

Gerald: “Was dat a kiss or a slap on d face?”

Kim was giggling.

Kim: “It’s up for u 2 find out!”

Gerald texted her a picture message of a set of pouted lips. On the note it said: “This is a kiss!”

Kim: “Ok then, here’s your kiss back!”

Gerald: “Do u realize we r kissing lips 2 lips ryt now?”

Kim was shivering at the thought. Frankly, this moment was one of the most intimate moments she has ever experienced in her young life. This was like text flirtation of another level. A little bit will be like phone .

Kim: “This is crazy...”

Gerald: “Not as crazy as I’m feeling...”

Kim’s heart thudded. Another text came her way before she has the chance to respond.

Gerald: “Kim, look at me...I’m about to say sumthing...”

Kim slowly lifted her eyes to meet his piercing gaze. HE was all serious, not a trace of indecision in his face.

Kim suddenly felt her cellphone quiver. The vibe mode shook more vigorously than she could remember. Or maybe it was her hands that shook in anticipation too. She gingerly pushed the "open" button. Kim took a deep breath as the message was slowly displayed on the four inch square screen.

Gerald’s text read:

“Kim, I think I’m falling for U...”


Kim’s phone fell off her hand and to the carpet. The shock of the message rang through her like a reverberating gong. Gerald smiled at her. He knew how she felt at that moment. HE didn’t need the reply to confirm it.

Kim was thinking, “God, help me resist this man. Why did he have to be irresistible?”

Her phone vibrated once more. Kim picked her phone up from the floor. It read:

“Sorry...myt be 2 early. Dont reply. I don’t want 2 know ur answer via txt anyway...”

She smiled back at him with relief and texted, “Thank u...;-)”

Thank You?!!! It was the most impersonal thing she ever did or say. She somehow saw it on his face that he was a tad disappointed.


Later that evening, almost past midnight, Gerald took Kim and the kids to an area of the Metro she didn’t know. Inside their van, Gerald loosely placed a hanky blindfold on them. He drove for a good half-hour. He blasted the sound systems, perhaps to distract them from piecing together audible clues as to where they were going.

Once they stopped, Gerald and a couple other helpers guided Kim and the kids to a darkly lit room. Before they took their blindfolds off, Gerald and his crew made them wear thick sweaters and scarves.

Once the ice-cold breeze hit their faces, Kim and the kids took off their blindfolds. Kim instantly knew where she was. It was a featured attraction of one of the city’s amusement parks. The big room featured real snow and ice sculptures. The whole area was decorated with winter items complete with the howling sound of the wind and even areas where kids could do tobogganing. Kim knew that during December, this place was one of the most visited city attractions. Seeing that they are the only ones inside the room, Gerald must have the attraction booked solely for them. Kim wondered at how much he paid for all of this. Not that she doubted his capacity to pay extravangantly for a thing he wanted.

“Daddy! Look they have real snow!” Thomas jumped up and down and even rolled on the snow-covered ground.

Lilly was shocked. She couldn’t believe her eyes! She looked like she was about to cry in delight. Suddenly, Thomas threw a snowball at her, hitting her right smack on the face. This brought her senses back. She then joined her young counterpart on the ground.

“Do you like it?” Gerald sheepishly said.

“Why are we here?” Kim said directly.

“When my wife died, I took Thomas immediately to Missouri when he was less than a year old. Frankly, I didn’t know how to deal with him. So, my mom took care of him. It was winter know the snow helped me grieve...”Gerald explained.

“How?” Kim asked.

“Well, seeing the calm and serene beauty around you makes you think of the things you take for granted for. IT surely gave me a different perspective. It made me overcome my initial guilt...” Gerald further said. “The solitude surely helped too...”

“But, didn’t you find the winter melancholic?” Kim replied. “My cousins from the states say that winter brings depression to most people...”

“I don’t know...perhaps I’m weird that way.” Gerald said. “I actually found the melancholy comforting. It was as if it out all of the tears out of fact, sordid as it may, I was actually happy for a time...”

“That is why we are here?” Kim deduced.

“Yes... and of course for the kids to experience what it was like on the other side of the world during these times!” Gerald answered. “Have you ever seen the snow?”

“Not yet!” Kim said, holding a handful of white powder on her hands. “It’s very light and fluffy...not quite what I imagined!”

“Why? What did you think it would be like?”

“When I was a kid, I used to scrape the ice that formed on the freezer walls and pretended it was snow!” Kim said, throwing a ball of snow in the air. Kim closed her eyes as tiny flakes fell on her face.

She held out her arms and twirled as snowflakes come down from a machine that blows them into the air. Kim imagined she was in Siberia or Alaska...or in the north pole with Santa Claus! It wasn’t hard to imagine as the temperature itself helped in her cause. She shivered as her scarf fell on ground.

Gerald picked up her scarf and lassoed her close to him. “I can see that you liked it! What is my grade now, Miss?”

Kim smiled. She slowly moved her head and gave him a peck on the side of his mouth. He laughed at her discretion.

“What would I need do to get that kiss on the lips once more?” Gerald said.

“A dinner would have been nice...” Kim answered coyly.

“Got that covered....come here....”

Gerald slowly led her to back part of the facility. Underneath a miniature lamppost was a small table set up just for the two of them.

Kim laughed at the sight of the frozen roses. Gerald shyly took them away from her.

“Bad idea...” he grinned mischievously. He threw the roses away.

Gerald then pulled out a chair for her. Kim sat down on the cold chair. She immediately stood up as soon as her arse made contact on the frozen steel chair.

“Cold...” Kim said.

“Wait, let’s sit there instead...” Gerald pointed to a bench, right by where the kids were playing. He carried with him the thermos bottle from the table. The kids were still frolicking on the ground, trying to do snow angels.

Gerald immediately sat on the chair and propped his feet on the two-seater bench. He ordered her, “Sit down!”


“Here on my lap of course!” Gerald answered. “ that you wouldn’t get cold!”

Kim shook her head. She had to give him points for ingenuity. She graciously followed. She actually sat by the other end, sitting on his legs instead. IT actually felt uncomfortable.

“Bad idea...” Gerald said. He then stood up and rushed out of the facility. When he came back, he had with him a thick, fleece blanket. HE placed the blanket on the bench and some over the back rest.
Kim sat next to him. Gerald placed the blanket over her shoulder. He then poured out drinks from the thermos bottles into small mugs he produced from nowhere. Inside the jug was steaming hot chocolate.

"Dinner?!" said Kim ruefully.

"Not quite...but it'll do," Gerald winked at her.

Several quiet moments later, he said.

“Hot chocolate and snow...perfect combination!” Gerald uttered, placing his arm around Kim’s shoulders.

“This is nice and cozy...” Kim said referring to the cuddle and the chocolate.

“You'll never know that two things are perfect for each this hot chocolate and this snowy weather... unless you actually experience both. Some combinations make sense...others don’t...yet somehow...if you get them’s makes sense...” Gerald said with full meaning.

“Hmmm....sounds very deep...” Kim said, trying to trivialize the matter. She very well knew though that Gerald was alluding to their... relationship...or whatever you call it.

“Kim, can I ask you another question?” Gerald said.

Kim breathed in a heavy sigh. Her heart actively thudded. He lay his gloved hand over hers. Even with the gloves on, she could feel the searing energy flow from his palm to hers.

“What...what is it?”

“Is it too early to say that “I love you?”

“What?” Kim couldn’t believe her ears.

“Like I said earlier...I think I’m falling for you...” Gerald confirmed.

Kim couldn’t think straight. Her mind raced. What answer did he expect? What was she supposed to say? Her heart protested in her chest. It wanted to blurt out every bit of affection she had for him. But a sense of trepidation fell upon her. She felt like he was rushing...

“Honestly...I think it’s too early...” Kim said. “I don’t have an answer yet!”

“It’s okay...don’t give me an answer then...” said Gerald. “But will you please allow me to”

“Yes...” Kim said with a sigh. She agreed too hastily for her own liking.

She was thinking, "who makes the rules with regards to relationships?" She somehow felt confused which was proper and which was not. If love was based on sound judgement, hers was cloudy as hell.

“Thank you...”said Gerald. “With regards to that...I have something planned for tomorrow...”

“What is it?” Kim said curiously.

“Well, my ex-wife once said that I didn’t say the magic words often enough that she dared me if I could say ten-thousand “I love you’s” in a day...”

“Did you do it?”

“We never got around to doing it...” replied Gerald frankly. “By then she was in another man’s arms that I didn’t see it fit to do so...anyways, I’ll try it tomorrow...maybe then I could convince you...instead...”

“Ten-thousand?” Kim said.

“I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you...” Gerald said in rapid succession.

Kim sighed once more. Each I love you sounded sweeter than the next. Every single time he said those words, it pierced her heart. God help her! Ten Thousand! It will be like being killed with a thousand blows to the heart. But it was like the kind death she was willing to undertake.

“I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you...” he said recited more.

“Do those count?” Kim said, sipping more of her hot choco.

“No, I’m just practicing!” Gerald said with a smile.

More snow fell on them that night. As the flakes over flakes of artificially generated ice chilled their skin, Kim and Gerald’s newfound closeness with one another warmed their grieving hearts more and more.

Like Gerald said, some things make perfect sense together...


Watch out for Day Four -- a day of ten thousand i love you's!

EEEEEEEEppppp!!!! sorry for those who have already read it. no wonder it made no sense, i left out a huge chunk of the text conversation...i edited it now...sorry...must have been really sleepy last night.

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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this sounds interesting and has a nice description
Visiting old fics!
Visiting old fics!
Binggirl16 #4
hello reg.. sana matapos mo ong story.. sayang kasi... thanks...
lai_alyssa #5
waaaaahhhhhh =D!!u're one freaking good writer!u're imagination is hell great!hahahah!nakakakilig!i super love The saddest man in the world!ang galing galing!please update po and please continue writing Kimerald FF's :D<br />
God bless po :D
soci78 #6
Bing, my namesake, thanks for posting this info in the BAO's thread...Reg, watch for all the adiks reading ur story again...everyone who's been following u will go nuts once they find out u're back ahahahaha!!!
soci78 #7
This is truly an OMG moment...Regina, you're backkkkkkkkkkkk OMG!!! I know I missed ur KGFFs so much but I didn't realized how bad until today when I got to read this story again...I'm gushing like an old fool but its true, I just love and missed ur stories Regina!!! Ahahahaha I hope u r really back for good and get back to writing as u shld...great writers like u need to always be writing for people who love to read like mwuah, okies?!? Labs u Reg and welcome back girl!!!
Binggirl16 #8
wwwwhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaa regina finally your back...!!!!! “Can I just call you...mine?” whaaaaaaaaa gerald ano ba yan... pero kinikilig ako.... naman ngayon ko lang nalaman kung gaano ko namiss ang pagpumunta sa tondo... thank you reg!.. more! more! more! :D
Binggirl16 #9
hello Reg!!!!

back ka na ba for good??

hehehehe......... miss your updates..

and story... lalo na ang seven incarnation

sana makaupdate ka soon..
