Seven Incarnations
“Do you think we should wake them up?” asked the young boy Thomas.

“NO! Leave them be...look at them, Tommy....” answered 8-year-old Lilly. “They look so happy when they sleep together!”

Thomas and Lilly woke up early that Friday morning looking for their respective bed mates. They both found them sleeping by the basement sofa ...hands and arms intertwined, clutching each other in a tight embrace.

“Does this mean, Tita Kim is really my mommy now?” asked the confused little boy.

“No, silly...they have to get married first!” Lilly replied. “They will have to go to church to get married by the priest. Ate Kim has to wear a white gown and your dad has to put a ring on her finger...”

“Is that how it is?” asked Tommy.

“Yes! That is how people are married!” answered Lilly smartly. “Only then can Ate be your real Mommy!”

“But they slept together already?!” asked Thomas. “Daddy said that my real mommy sleep beside him all the time. Since, Tita Kim sleeps with him...she’s my mommy now!”

“IT doesn’t work like that, Tommy!” argued Lilly. “Don’t worry, once you grow up like me, you’ll fully understand it...”

“But I want my mommy Kim now!” disputed Thomas.

“’ll wake them up!” warned Lilly as she saw Kim starting to stir.

Kim suddenly felt that she was being watched. She slowly opened her eyes and two jolly faces greeted her.

“Good morning Mommy!” greeted Thomas, rushing to give her a hug and a kiss on the head.

Kim replied, groaning lightly...”Good morning, squirt...”

“Hello, Ate!” said Lilly. “How was your sleep?”

Only then did Kim realize she was sleeping on Gerald’s chest. All night long they slept embracing each other. Kim honestly didn’t know how she ended up in that position. The last thing she remembered was Gerald was sleeping on her lap, and she was his hair. How did she get from a sitting position to the very precarious situation that she was in? She was now as confused as ever.

Kim immediately sat up in dread. This caused Gerald to wake up too. Somehow, as he opened his eyes he caught a glimpse of her escaping his embrace.

“Good morning, Daddy!” Thomas gleefully said as he flung himself to him.

Gerald kissed his little boy. “Good morning, chief...”

Kim meanwhile froze in her place. Her head ached, thinking of a possible explanation.

“Did you sleep all night on my chest?” Gerald candidly asked Kim.

Kim wanted to deny it but the kids answered for her.

“Yes, daddy! Mommy slept on your chest!” Thomas confirmed.

“Tito Gerald, you and Ate Kim slept together while hugging each this...” said Lilly, enacting their embrace.

Kim turned into the deepest shade of red Gerald had ever seen.

“Yep, kids, I can see that. And, no sense in denying it either, Kim....” Gerald confirmed. “Just by the looks of this tell-tale drool on my shirt...”

“What?! I so did not drool last night...” protested Kim.

“Then, whose saliva is this?” demanded Gerald, showing Kim the stained outline.

“Maybe it was you....I never drool!” said Kim, raising an eyebrow.

“ME? Drool on myself?” Gerald said sarcastically. “...on my chest?”

“Haven’t you heard of projectile vomit?” Kim eagerly disputed. “Hello?!”

Kim was just happy that he was back to his usual sarcastic self. It was very painful for her to witness the hurting Gerald he revealed to her yesterday. She got the real dose of how down he had been feeling and she didn’t like it one bit. Now, she is more determined than ever to help him recover. She had six more days to do it...

“Enough of this...” Gerald said cutting-off Kim’s intrepid thoughts. “Why don’t we head upstairs, get ourselves breakfast...because we have a long, long, long day ahead....”

“What do you have in store for us today?” said Kim.

“It wouldn’t be a surprise if I tell you, would it?” Gerald said impishly.

“I don’t really like surprises that much...” Kim admitted.

“You’ll like this one...” Gerald assured her.

“Can you give me at least a teeny, weeny clue?” Kim begged.

“I’m a business man, Kim” Gerald said. “I don’t give away free stuff without something in return...”

“Well, what’s the price of one clue?” asked Kim.

“A kiss...on the...” Gerald said, pouting his lips.

“You forgot that I am a business person too...” Kim said. “You got that kiss yesterday, right? In fact, you’ve already gotten more of that than you should... That will be your capital gain. You really can’t earn more than what you’ve invested, at least....until it gathers enough interests.”

“Oooooh! I like this ...” Gerald said, picking up Tommy by his shoulders. “Business metaphors make me hungry!”


After their breakfast Kim decided to give Lilly a bath and also to take a quick shower for herself. After she made sure her little sister was back to her usual presentable self, Kim went to the bathroom and locked the door behind her. Kim instantly enjoyed the moment the warm water splashed against her face. The soothing effect of the water on her tired muscles seemed to rejuvenate her inner senses as well. Somehow, the moment alone, gave her some sense of clarity. Everything so far had been such a whirlwind affair that she has not had the time to process her thoughts.

Kim began to assess what had just happened. This is what she knows so far. First, Gerald was indeed very lonely and his recovery may take longer than seven days. Second, Thomas is beginning to get accustomed to him being his mommy which is bad, and thirdly, Lilly has learned of a bunch of incriminating secrets that upon her parent’s knowledge, will result in her permanent house arrest. Yet, despite of all that, Kim looks forward to a day filled with excitement and surprises. She’ll worry about the consequences later.

As she stepped out of the bathroom, Kim found herself alone in the room. On the bed, she saw a white silk robe folded neatly. With it, was a loosely scribbled note saying,

“Wear this today...NOW is the time for some soulful R and R. Please meet me downstairs by the foyer --- G .“

Kim hurriedly put on the white, fluffy robe. The feel of the soft fabric on her sensitive skin made her want to sleep more. She groaned lightly that she still had to do this. But the promise of rest and relaxation was enough to change her mind. Kim hastily checked her appearance on the full-length mirror by the closet. Only then did she notice that it was especially monogrammed for her. A big, gold “K” emblazoned the front of the robe. Kim felt really special. She busied herself by making her hair look perfect. She looked nothing short but stunning with her hair up in a loose bun. She smiled at how pretty she was that day. Kim couldn’t wait to see Gerald’s reaction if he sees her scantily clad in a white bathrobe. She felt empowered. She put on the matching white fluffy slippers and went out of the door.

She almost broke her neck for rushing down the stairs with the same shoddy slippers that didn’t have any sort of traction in it. She almost slipped in her haste. She was so excited to see them. They stood up smartly at the base of the stairs talking to a small group of people. Lilly was in a similar white robe. Thomas looked adorable in a bright blue golf shirt and khaki shorts. Gerald was simply dressed in a plain white tee and plaid shorts. No matter how simple his clothes were, he still looked amazing!

“What is this?” Kim asked as she noticed about fifteen uniformed girls and gays lined the foot of the stairs. “What is going on?”

“Isn’t it fairly obvious?” Gerald posed. “Robe, slippers...ladies with gadgets...”

The uniformed ladies bared their dryers, make up kits, manicure sets...every piece of beauty equipment known to man.

“Oh my God!” Kim was astounded. “You hired an entire spa team just for me?”

“Not just any spa team...” Gerald proudly announced. “It’s THE number ONE spa team in town...My aunt is a stockholder in their company, so it’s an easy proposition.”

“OH my God! Oh my God!” Kim uttered in excitement as she began to inspect all the wonderful stuff the team brought. There were foot scrubs, bath salts, massage oils....the works!

“Hmmm....” Gerald mumbled as Kim rushed to hug him. “I can see that you’re happy...”

“Are you kidding me?” Kim answered excitedly. “This is like every little girls’ dream...Don’t you know that kids these days don’t dream of Barbie dolls anymore? They dream of spa vacations and extreme makeovers. Every child wants a luxurious spa get-away...and you made it happen for me!”

Kim was absolutely ecstatic. She couldn’t help herself, she began pinching Gerald by the cheeks. Gerald groaned.

“Thank you...” Kim said, out of breath. “You really don’t know how happy I am...”

“I’m glad how simple things make you happy...”

“Simple?...Hey, Mr. Garcia, if you spent most of your life getting manicures from Aling Lydia’s house of torture, you’d be ecstatic over little things like these! This kind of thing is sooo special to me...Thank you for making it happen.” Kim said with a sniff. She herself could not imagine how a promise of a beauty makeover could make her weep with joy.

She could almost see the other ladies smirk. Some were eliciting some jealous looks at her. Others were mesmerized, Gerald was making them swoon too.

“You’re welcome...” Gerald said with a smile.

“This is what I’m talking about, mister!” Kim replied. “You’re finally getting somewhere...”

“Really?” Gerald said with a naughty grin. “How close do you think I am?

“Let me see...if you promise me a job, I’ll marry you tomorrow!” Kim said, leaving Gerald on his tracks.

Kim continued to walk on. Gerald was not so quick to catch on.

“Kim, are you serious?” Gerald asked while trailing Kim. “Because...that can be arranged...”

“I’m just joking...”Kim answered with a wink. “Lilly, come on, let’s go do our girl thing...”

Lilly followed suit, leaving her possessive friend, Thomas, who is grumbling from their abrupt parting.

“Dad, can I go with them?” asked the four-year-old.

“It’s a girl thing, Thomas!” Gerald said as he crouched down to look at his son face to face. “Do you want to go outside with me instead? I’m going to the grocery to buy some snacks.”

“Daddy, can I pleaseee...go watch them paint their nails?” Thomas insisted.

“I’m going to buy ice can choose any flavour you want!” bribed Gerald.

“Lilly said she wanted red on her toenails and pink on her fingernails, how cool is that?” Thomas diverted. “So, please, can I go?”

Gerald had no choice to but nod. As the little fellow followed Kim and her sister, Gerald began to wonder about Thomas’ fondness for colourful objects. Suddenly, images of his son painting nails on a run-down salon began entering his mind...

“Oh God, please let it be a phase...” Gerald prayed as he moved away.


An hour later, Gerald came back with some snacks for all of them. The two girls had just had their nails done. Gerald sat on one of the chairs close to Kim, who is now undergoing a facial. On one side, Thomas was having a foot massage. Beside him, was Lilly having her hair clipped.

Gerald moved close to where Kim was and observed how an elderly lady working Kim’s face.

“Miss, don’t you dare change her face too much!” Gerald said. “I like her face the way it is, okay?”

“Don’t worry, Sir. I’ll make her more beautiful for you...”

“She’s beautiful as it is...” Gerald said frankly.

The lady began teasing him. “Sir, you must really love your wife... I wish my husband will do this kind of thing for me...”

“Can you stop talking about me as if I was not here?!” Kim protested. “And miss, I’m not his wife!”

“But, Mr. Garcia told us earlier...”said the elderly attendant.

“That’s a lie...he’s not my husband...”

Gerald began laughing like a drunk hyena. “Don’t mind her mind, sometimes she suffers from severe memory loss. I’ll show you....Thomas, who’s your mommy?”

“Mommy Kim!” answered Thomas brightly from the other side.
“See...” Gerald said, grinning.

Because the cosmetologist wasn’t paying full attention to her work, and of course because of Gerald’s distraction, poked Kim’s forehead accidentally. Kim yelped in pain!

“Miss, could you please focus on my face. Don’t mind that guy, he’s just here to make fun of me...” Kim said to the lady. “Ouch, you did it again! Please go gently....”

“Miss, you have a stubborn blackhead,” explained the attendant. “It needs to be removed!”

“Ouuuuucchhh!” Kim screamed as the lady attendant zealously excavated her unruly blemish. However, the blackhead seemed to have other ideas and managed to remain stubbornly in place. As perspiration began to form on the lady’s face, KIM braced for more pain.

“Aaarraaayyyy!” Kim barked in so much pain. “Miss, do you have morphine?”

“Oh Kim, don’t be such a baby!” Gerald butted in. “I’m pretty sure it doesn’t hurt that much!”

“OH no...this hurts...bad!” Kim said. “my friend once said, she’ll take childbirth anytime over a facial...”

“Really?” said Gerald. “It doesn’t look so painful to me...”

“Miss, can you please do his face after mine?” Kim asked.

“Of course...” winked the lady attendant.


Minutes later, Gerald was crying like a baby himself.

“Ouch...miss! Could you please slow down....wait, wait! I’m not ready yet! “ said Gerald as he was wreathing in pain.

The lady attendant however was more determined to rid his face of some little, bugger imperfections.

“Oh, you freaking, baking, shaking...thing!” Gerald exclaimed, trying his darndest not to mention any curse words as the two little kids were listening.

Kim was in stitches. “Who’s the baby now?”

“I can’t believe you women! How can you subject yourself to this kind of torture?!” Gerald exclaimed, his whole body grimaced from yet another poking. “Miss, I don’t have gold on my face...stop mining!”

“Are you in pain, honey?” Kim teased. “You should be relaxed doing this...or else, it gets even more painful!”

“Your wife is right, sir” said the attendant. “At least, after all of this, your face will be clean and soft...and you’ll be more handsome!”

“I like my face as it is!” Gerald said stubbornly. “Miss, please just don’t talk anymore, try to finish it as fast as you can!”

“Is that too painful for you, honey? Ate, hasn’t even gone to the nose bridge yet!” Kim bantered.

“Why, what’s with the nose bridge?”

The two girls laughed.

“What’s with the freaking nose bridge?” Gerald repeated.

“You’ll see...” Kim laughed heartily.

Minutes later, Gerald found out what’s the fuss about the nose bridge. He was almost shouting his lungs out when the lady worked her way up his nose region.

“Awwwhhh!!! Miss, slow down, slow down!” Gerald said, huffing and puffing like a woman in labor.

“Nose bridge...” Kim nodded. “Most painful part...”

“Why didn’t you warn me...” Gerald said. “Remind me not to do this ever again...I’d rather have a vasectomy than do this...”

“That’s right, do women-kind a favor!” Kim answered. “At least now, you appreciate the pain a woman goes through during labor...”

“Okay, okay...” Gerald said. “Woman are mighty, men are whiners...happy now?”

“Finally...he admits his weakness!” Kim stood up.

“Okay, enough now!” Gerald said to the attendant, attempting to stand up.

“Wait, I haven’t done the chin yet!” said the elderly lady, holding Gerald down the bed. Being a sizeable lady herself, the attendant managed to pin him back in one motion.

“Ooohhhh...the chin!” Kim said, shivering in anticipation. “I’d love to watch that but my next appointment is calling me...”

Kim walked away. She could hear Gerald shouting.

“What’s with the chin?!” Gerald screamed. “Kim, come back....I’ll get you for this!”


The next wave of spa services was even more relaxing for Kim. She was now in one of the lower level guestrooms in the mansion. Inside was an ultra luxurious massage table set in the middle of the room. The room itself was decorated in asian modern motif, lending a zen-like ambience to the whole room/parlour. Soft water sounds were playing from a small stereo from one side. Kim instantly smelled the lavender and ylang-ylang fusion that the therapists use on their massage oil.

Kim was greeted by two young ladies, not much older than herself. Kim smiled at them as they motioned her to go tp the table.

Kim slowly took off her undergarments as the two ladies giddily turned their backs. Kim immediately lay face down on to the massage bench. She covered her bottom with the white towel provided.

Several minutes later, the massage therapists began to work their magic. They slowly kneaded the pain and tension from every inch of Kim’s muscles. They used several other things on her too. They used aroma therapy, hot stones, acupressure...every soothing thing imaginable. Kim slowly felt her troubles dissipate with their touch...

Little did she know, she had fallen asleep....

Kim woke up, an hour later, with the therapist’s hands still working on her bare shoulder. She felt some wetness from the towel that she was sleeping on. Gerald was right....she does drool when she sleeps. She attempted to stand up but the therapist pushed her down.

Kim asked the attendant to move from her shoulders to her lower back.

“Miss, could you go down a little bit...yes, there...down at the point where my bum meets my back....” Kim directed.
The attendant who was massaging her now seemed less efficient. Her hands were stiff. There were no variations on her . It was more of rubbing and pushing, rather than kneading. She was clumsy too, as her hands seemed to tremble as she reached the covered portion of ...

“Harder please...” Kim ordered.

The massage therapist complied. She suddenly giggled but her voice sounded much deeper than Kim anticipated.

She was suddenly curious to know who this new therapist was... When she got a moment, she immediately turned around to face her...

“Wait, don’t turn around!” warned the attendant with the deep voice.

All the color from Kim’s face drained away as she realized that the person massaging her now was no other than Gerald...and when she turned around...Gerald saw her in her full glory!

“What are you doing here?!” Kim screeched, immediately grabbing a pillow to cover her exposed bosoms. “You, maniac!”

“Wait! I didn’t see anything!” Gerald said, slightly peering over his smelly hands.

Kim wanted to strike him but, what good will that do? He had now seen all that she has to offer. She remained in her seat, feeling like the day Eve discovered her own ness.

“Promise, Kim...I didn’t see anything.” Gerald assured her. “I closed my eyes in time...”

“Promise?” Kim said, still blushing like a red tomato, “you didn’t see anything?”

“Yup...” Gerald said. “But, if I did...I’ll just commit it to my memory...”

Kim wanted to cry, but she settled for a childish whine. “One day, I’ll poke your eye out. I wish you will get a thousand sties (kuliti) from being a peeping tom! And, where are my massagers...err, my massage persons? What did you do with them?”

“Well, when I came in, they were complaining of very tired arthritic hands, so I decided to relieve them of their duties. I volunteered to continue massaging their very challenging, very deep sleeper, difficult to rouse, client.”

“I’m inclined to believe that you somehow set it up!” Kim said.

“No hands are so tired already from pushing away that lady who's doing the facial...” said Gerald beseechingly. “I saw that you needed more I guess I kinda jumped into the opportunity.”

Gerald kept on laughing. He turned around quickly, giving Kim time to put on her robe.

“What are you laughing about?” said Kim. “Right now, I’m not appreciating your insensitivity...”

“Awww... you’re so cute...and shy...” Gerald answered. “Have you never been this intimate with a man before?”

“That’s a very personal question...” Kim noted. “I refuse to answer...”

“Well, I guess the answer is no...” Gerald deduced, much to Kim’s chagrin.

Kim was about to retort something to dispute his claim but no solid, logical argument formed in her mind.

“Anyway, you really need to be relaxed when you’re with a guy...” said Gerald. “Let’s say you are in a room with your husband on your wedding can’t be all nervous and worked up like that...”

He touched her bare neck. She shivered to his touch.

"See?" Gerald confirmed.

“Wait, that doesn’t prove anything. I’m just like this...I’m naturally...jerky!” said Kim. “If my future husband truly loves me, he’ll understand that this is the way I am!”

“Nonsense!” Gerald said. “I think you have a problem with intimacy...”

“I do not...” said Kim.

“Yes, do. But, don’t worry, your shyness can be overcome!” Gerald said thoughtfully. “You just need the practice....”

“What do you have in mind?”

“Go, lie back down...” Gerald ordered.

Kim’s eyes widened. “You’re crazy...this is erted!”

“Come’s not like I haven’t seen you before!” Gerald teased.

Kim gave him a sordid look, but perhaps feeling a bit challenged, she began untying her robe. Gerald turned around to give her time to undress. When he turned back around...she was already slumped over the table in her massage position, bare from the top up. She only had a small towel covering her from the waist down to her thighs.

“Wait, let’s give this a little ambiance...” Gerald said, moving towards the stereo. He put replaced the mood music with another CD . Almost immediately, the room was filled with John Mayer’s “Your Body is a Wonderland.”

‘(lyrics: )...We got the afternoon, You got this room for two, One thing I've left to do, Discover me, Discovering you...”

“How appropriate,” Kim said of the song.

Gerald grinned naughtily. He moved over to Kim. “Just remember, I won’t touch you where you don’t want me to...if I ever stray into an area that is uncomfortable to you...just say stop...and I’ll stop, understood?”

“Yep!” Kim said with a nervous sigh.

‘(lyrics:) ...One mile to every inch of...your skin like porcelain, One pair of candy lips and your bubblegum tongue...’

“Here I go...” Gerald announced.

Slowly, he massaged her neck. He could feel her neck area tighten. He let his hands linger much longer on that region, making her more comfortable with his touch. When he felt that Kim had finally relinquished her pent-up tension, he slowly moved his way from her back to her lower back. He let his hands work like crazy into her skin. At that point, he began counting the moles that were very visible in her alabaster skin.

“(lyrics:) ...Cause if you want love... We'll make it... Swim in a deep sea. Of blankets...Take all your big plans...And break 'em...This is bound to be a while...”

“Twenty two...” Gerald said.

“What?” Kim mumbled.

“You have twenty two moles on your back...” Gerald answered.

“Stop staring at my back and start massaging...” Kim giggled.

“Yes maam...” Gerald replied, slowly making his hands flow languidly against her perfect skin.

“ (lyrics:) Your body is a wonderland, Your body is a wonder (I'll use my hands),Your body is a wonderland....”

Several intimate minutes later, Gerald was done his experiment. Kim was now fully clothed in her robe. Gerald was enough of a gentleman to let her take control of the situation. She stopped him if it was already getting more forward than she ever wanted.

“So, how was it?” Gerald asked. “From the moans I heard, I think you really enjoyed it!”

“I did not moan!” Kim argued, holding out a fist in front of his face.

“Okay...maybe whimpered is a much better term...” Gerald mused, looking carefully at the grubby Kim. “I guess the exercise was a success. I think you have overcome your shyness already...”

“Was it that intimate enough for you?”Kim playfully asked.

“Most intimate thing I’ve ever done...” Gerald quietly admitted, making Kim blush.

Kim hastily put on her fluffy slippers to walk out of the room, but Gerald held her arm.

“Wait, we need to test if that new found brazenness of yours go both ways...” Gerald stopped her.

“What?” Kim asked, not quite fully hearing what he said.

Suddenly, Gerald let go of his own bathrobe, revealing his half self, making Kim swallow a giant gulp.
chapter nine will be up in a couple hours, i'm tweaking it just a bit. I meant it to be one chapter together with this one, but it was way too long. SO, chap nine coming soon...

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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this sounds interesting and has a nice description
Visiting old fics!
Visiting old fics!
Binggirl16 #4
hello reg.. sana matapos mo ong story.. sayang kasi... thanks...
lai_alyssa #5
waaaaahhhhhh =D!!u're one freaking good writer!u're imagination is hell great!hahahah!nakakakilig!i super love The saddest man in the world!ang galing galing!please update po and please continue writing Kimerald FF's :D<br />
God bless po :D
soci78 #6
Bing, my namesake, thanks for posting this info in the BAO's thread...Reg, watch for all the adiks reading ur story again...everyone who's been following u will go nuts once they find out u're back ahahahaha!!!
soci78 #7
This is truly an OMG moment...Regina, you're backkkkkkkkkkkk OMG!!! I know I missed ur KGFFs so much but I didn't realized how bad until today when I got to read this story again...I'm gushing like an old fool but its true, I just love and missed ur stories Regina!!! Ahahahaha I hope u r really back for good and get back to writing as u shld...great writers like u need to always be writing for people who love to read like mwuah, okies?!? Labs u Reg and welcome back girl!!!
Binggirl16 #8
wwwwhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaa regina finally your back...!!!!! “Can I just call you...mine?” whaaaaaaaaa gerald ano ba yan... pero kinikilig ako.... naman ngayon ko lang nalaman kung gaano ko namiss ang pagpumunta sa tondo... thank you reg!.. more! more! more! :D
Binggirl16 #9
hello Reg!!!!

back ka na ba for good??

hehehehe......... miss your updates..

and story... lalo na ang seven incarnation

sana makaupdate ka soon..
