Chapter 26

We will see how this ends

Chapter 26

One year passed.

Let me tell you about the drama If in love like them. I had a hard time watching it because their situation was in a few aspects similar to mine. All in all this drama is about two people who meet and both are sick and know there are going to die. I don't want to spoiler you so watch it if you want to. I can only recommend it and its consists of four episodes, so it doesn't cost you too much time. Well, I had a lot of time though. Everyday they could make it Minzy, Sungyeol, Yu Mi and of course Minhyuk visited. My mother practically lived in the hospital with me and my dad and my sister visited whenever they had time and were in the mood to. It was hard for everyone to see me in this state.

Minhyuk kept his habit of coming one hour before visiting hours were over but with the time his stays got longer. Yu Mi was like a protective sister for me. And Minzy and Sungyeol were the ones to divert my mind from this whole hospital, cancer thing. I wasn't very surprised when they told me they started dating. They were cute together. I tried my hardest to support them.

Today was graduation day. Which meant that Sungyeol and Minzy had no school today. I didn't want them to spent their free day at a hospital, that's why I told them to go out. To be honest I am afraid that I am a burden and people visit me only because they feel obligated to do so. It is a horrible feeling. Minhyuk and Yu Mi promised me to drop by right after their graduation. One thing was clear, Minhyuk was in love with me. I noticed but I still didn't figure out how to act around him. I loved him as well but I am not sure if I was IN LOVE with him.

It is nearly time for graduation. Suddenly my door opened and a nurse came in. Her name is Mina. I have known her since I started my treatment one year and four month ago. In the time I have been here she became something close to a friend to me. She brought me flowers, read books to me, watched dramas with me and so on.

Good Morning Hwa-Young! I hope you slept well!” she greeted cheerfully. She was a typical happy-go-lucky girl and she never failed to make the people around her a little happier as well. “Good Morning. I slept very well. Your shift already started, are you even allowed to visit?” I was curious. “I even have the order to be here.” she exclaimed jolly. I looked at her puzzled. “I should fetch you. You should go to another clients room. And don't worry, you don't have to entertain the elderlies today.” she winked at me. Once in awhile I talked to the other patients in the hospital and most of the time I wasn't able to get away from there easily. I spent hours with them if I decided to go out. One could say I was quite popular around here. A lot of people told me how much they wish they could have half of my valour. I don't fell valorous at all.

Where are we going?” I asked, not even trying to hide how excited I was. “Won't tell. Dress up and find out yourself.” she said. I could tell that she was teasing me. I playfully stuck my tongue out at her. She laughed at my childish behaviour and stuck her tongue at me as well. Afterwards she walked to the little wardrobe where my clothes were in. She decided that I should wear a dress. “I don't really like dresses.” I told her. “I know but as long as you look as if you haven't eaten for years you have to wear clothes which hide your bony body.” I didn't look very healthy. Okay, I admit I was kind of emaciated but I eat. I wore the dress. It was black and stopped a little over my knees. “Okay. I am ready.” She turned around to examine me. She seemed to be satisfied with her choice 'cause she nodded in approval and walked to the door. I slowly stood up and followed. I wasn't very steady on my legs. Last week I was finally able to start with therapy. But not my chemotherapy. I was getting trained because my muscles have to be build again. My legs felt as if they were made of jelly when I first tried to walk. I was able to hold me on my feet for five seconds before I fell. But today I was able to make it to the door. From there on Mina steadied me and helped me walking. We walked to a room I have never been in before. It was the room of another patient. I looked at Mina confused but she gave me a reassuring smile and I entered. Before I closed the door I bowed. “Anyonghaseo~” I said. When I stood straight I saw an old woman in a hospital bed. “Anyonghaseo. You have to be Hwa-Young.” she said with a smile on her face. I was surprised that she knew my name.

N-neh.” I stuttered. “I am Lee Hana. I” she was interrupted when Minhyuk entered. “Anyong halmoni, anyong Hwa-Young.” he said. “What are you doing here? You will miss graduation! Hurry! Go!” I said, panic was evident in my voice. Minhyuk was clearly amused by my behaviour because he smiled at me. “Ani. I will graduate here. In the room with the people I care most about in this world. So please stop trying to get me to leave!” his voice was so soft that I could only give in. Additionally I have to admit that his words melted my heart. He said such sweet things and I didn't have the heart to send him away anymore. And like this I was able to see Minhyuk graduate.

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pinkmuffin #1
Thank you again for all of your comments and your support. You guys are amazing! I am not sure if I will make a sequel because I simply think it could easily destroy the story and I kind of like the open ending. However there will be more stories from me to come. I already got a few ideas.
@ ssyuhadaaa: I would like to meet a guy like Minhyuk too ;)
Chapter 31: What a beautiful story . aww I like a guy like minhyuk . that was so sweet of him . good job author .
heyitstrishlol #3
Chapter 31: i literally cried at the end. Such an amazing story I hope you make a sequel!
Chapter 31: Can you make a sequel to this story?? I want to know if Hwa-Young survive the Leukimia too and also how her relationship with Minhyuk... I like this story... xoxoxo
oddquietone #5
Chapter 31: I love that she ended with Minhyuk :3 such a good choice because he truly loved her through thick and thin. Thank you for the story, author (:
pinkmuffin #6
Thank you for your comments. I really appreciate it and I know that a lot of you shipped Myungsoo and Hwa-Young but seriously after all he has done. I thought that for once the nice guy should win.
But while planning my next story I keep in mind hoe much you all love Myungsoo
annyeongkid #7
Chapter 31: i was sad because she didn t end with myungsoo/owww...but it was a good story..hey by the way can you make a new story and please put myungie as main role please
ezzieloveskpop #8
Chapter 31: Beautiful story *blinks tears away* :)
yononimous #9
Chapter 26: please updated it faster.I can't wait!!!!
ezzieloveskpop #10
Chapter 26: Nawwww it's so cute!!!!!