Chapter 14

We will see how this ends

Chapter 14

Everyone who thought I would freak out at this moment is totally wrong. I looked like this: o_O. I mean what the hell. We are not an age were it is appropriate for a girl and a boy to share a room. Especially when this room has a queen sized bed and no other sleeping place. But if I look at the faces of my family I could tell that nobody (except me) minded the second condition. “Then it is settled!” my mum beamed. Wait what?? Mum!!

Myungsoo's p.o.v.

I NEVER imagined this situation! I wanted to join Youngie and her family for dinner and stay a little to talk with Youngie and discover what she has been up to lately. When I first heard the suggestion of me staying over night I was tended on accepting but my mum surely exaggerated with her request. What is she up to? Is she playing matchmaker for me?Why would she want me to date Youngie? When I stated my mothers conditions Mrs Shin seemed delighted, Mr Shin looked indifferent and Hee-Young looked mischievous. Youngies reaction was the cutest. She looked totally astonished! Without anyone noticing I started watching Youngie. She looked utterly cute in my old pullover which was totally not her size. Then I got a thought, how can I probably figure out my feeling when I keep pushing it back. If I am really in love with her I can't share a room with her moreover a bed. Solution, solution, solution... I need a freaking solution for this problem. I can't just not figure out my feelings. That would be too mean and I only hurt with such a behaviour. People I care about and not less myself.

Then it is settled” Mrs Shin said, smiling widely. With this sentence I was jerked back to reality. I keep zooning out awfully often recently. But nobody told me it would be this hard to figure out my feelings for somebody. But maybe, just maybe, staying the night will help me to figure them out. However I can't lose track of my mission. Finding out what Youngie has been up to recently.


Hwa-Young's p.o.v.

No, mum! I can't share a freaking room with Myungsoo!!!” I half-yelled. “But Hon, you heard it yourself. His mum declared this conditions and I would never do something that would go against the wish of an old friend and maybe even risk a friendship by doing so” my mum said, clearly exaggerating. “Well, of course! My bad! You can't risk a friendship. I'd rather jeopardise the relationship with your daughter. Exactly what I would do” I said, my voice was dripping with sarcasm. “I could use some help here.” I asked turning to Myungsoo. He looked lost in thought and troubled. “Myungsoo?” I asked tentative. He didn't react at all. I slowly approached him, afraid I would shock him if I do a quick movement. “Earth to Myungsoo” I said in a soft voice, whilst touching his shoulder lightly. “Huh? Sorry, you were saying?” Myungsoo asked, seeming a little lost. I smiled at him. No need to trouble him more over nothing. “It isn't important. I get you clothes very quick. If you want to you can go to my room already.” I said. He nodded slowly. He was clearly still absorbed in his interesting thought. I couldn't help pondering what he was thinking about. After Myungsoo left the kitchen I ignored my family completely and went to get Myungsoo clothes. Afterwards I went to my room to find Myungsoo sitting on my bed. He was staring in the void. “Something wrong?” I asked. He looked at me and smiled. “No”. I nodded my head as a sign that I respect his decision and handed him his clothes. “Thanks. If you want to you can make guesses about the things running through my head.” He said while having a teasing smile on his lips. “Cheeky” I said in the same teasing manner. I took my PJs and went to the bathroom to change and brush my teeth. When I came back Myungsoo wore a T-shirt and sweat pants. I sat down on my bed and leaned onto the wall behind me. “A girl?” I asked, looking expectingly at him and actually I was kind of afraid what his respond would be. He sat down right next to me. “I assume you are making guesses now.” he stated. “Damn right” I told him. He looked at my face. Probably trying to figure out my reaction. I only looked at him but didn't allow myself t get lost in his eyes. “So?” I asked, feeling like a little child wanting to know the surprise which had been prepared for her. “I guess I can't hide it.” Myungsoo said slowly, with every of his voice my curiosity and fear grew. “Actually, yes. I have been thinking about a girl. I find myself zooning out thinking about her quite a lot recently.” He put a dagger through my chest when he said yes. But he turned the knife when he said he was thinking about her a lot. I expected it to hurt in a way a slap does. But this was worse. I couldn't bear talking about a girl he likes. To listen to him talking about another girl would make this whole situation even worse. Si I decided to change the subject. “Sooo, we haven't talked in a while. Care to share what is going on in your life? Some major events I missed out on?” I asked trying hard to pretend like nothings wrong. So he started talking. Shortly after we ended up fooling around. I nearly forgot there was a girl occupying his thoughts. Only nearly though. At eleven p.m. I started feeling really tired. I made myself comfortable and slowly drifted off to dreamland. I heard Myungsoo singing softly but I was too tired to make out the song. It sounded nice. I really have to ask him which song this was.


Okay, I managed to squeeze in another chapter. Yay!! But I was hurrying when I wrote this so I apologize for mistakes.  Honestly, I just wanted to go online real quick and do my homework afterwards but how could I ignore it that I have a new comment. I was so happy I started writing another chapter. So this chapter is dedicated to you Eli0710

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pinkmuffin #1
Thank you again for all of your comments and your support. You guys are amazing! I am not sure if I will make a sequel because I simply think it could easily destroy the story and I kind of like the open ending. However there will be more stories from me to come. I already got a few ideas.
@ ssyuhadaaa: I would like to meet a guy like Minhyuk too ;)
Chapter 31: What a beautiful story . aww I like a guy like minhyuk . that was so sweet of him . good job author .
heyitstrishlol #3
Chapter 31: i literally cried at the end. Such an amazing story I hope you make a sequel!
Chapter 31: Can you make a sequel to this story?? I want to know if Hwa-Young survive the Leukimia too and also how her relationship with Minhyuk... I like this story... xoxoxo
oddquietone #5
Chapter 31: I love that she ended with Minhyuk :3 such a good choice because he truly loved her through thick and thin. Thank you for the story, author (:
pinkmuffin #6
Thank you for your comments. I really appreciate it and I know that a lot of you shipped Myungsoo and Hwa-Young but seriously after all he has done. I thought that for once the nice guy should win.
But while planning my next story I keep in mind hoe much you all love Myungsoo
annyeongkid #7
Chapter 31: i was sad because she didn t end with myungsoo/owww...but it was a good story..hey by the way can you make a new story and please put myungie as main role please
ezzieloveskpop #8
Chapter 31: Beautiful story *blinks tears away* :)
yononimous #9
Chapter 26: please updated it faster.I can't wait!!!!
ezzieloveskpop #10
Chapter 26: Nawwww it's so cute!!!!!