Chapter 16

We will see how this ends

Chapter 16

As soon as we finished eating my sister took her phone and called someone . She left the kitchen, saying something like “My annoying mum didn't let me answer”. I just smiled at her behaviour, while my mum frowned. I lightly elbowed her and send her a smile when she looked at me. She smiled back at me and asked if I would be kind enough to clear the table. I nodded and started putting away the dishes. Unexpectedly Myungsoo started helping as well. He is such a cutie. Husband material right here. Within no time we had finished and went to my room. I took a set of clothes and changed in the bathroom. When I came back Myungsoo looked at me with an unreadable expression. “So?” he asked. “So what? If you want me to answer that question you should probably elaborate a little more!” I playfully rolled my eyes in a way he could easily see it but he didn't react at all. He just continued staring at me. “Never mind.”

Myungsoo's point of view

She left to change. It was time for me to find out what she has been up to lately. “So?” I asked when she came back, hoping she would guess what I mean. “So what? If you want me to answer that question you should probably elaborate a little more!” she exclaimed with a soft smile. Afterwards she rolled her eyes but I knew right away she was only joking around and usually I would have joined but not today. I looked at her. She had been happy recently. She was smiling a lot more and she seemed so relaxed. That was the moment I noticed. I want her to be happy, no matter what. “Never mind” I said, feeling stupid. If she doesn't want anyone to know about her relationship I should just accept it and as her best friend I shouldn't dig for her secrets. If she wants to tell me she can but I shouldn't force her to tell me. That just ain't right. I was damn curious about the boy who found his way to Youngie's heart. He must be pretty awesome. The more I thought about it the stronger I noticed this burning feeling in my chest. Jealousy. I didn't want Youngie to be with some other than me. Why do I have to figure out my feelings for her just now? Great timing. My phone started buzzing. Sungyeol. My guess is he wants to hang out. I wanted to spend more time with Youngie. She saw that I didn't plan on picking up and answered my phone for me. “Anyong Oppa.” she said cheerfully. Oppa? She doesn't even call me Oppa! But she called Sungyeol Oppa since middle school. It never bugged me until now. If that's what love does to you I want it to stop. “Myungsoo? He is at my place. What do you want anyway?” she was lilting. Sungyeol answered something and she started smiling. It was the kind of smile she got when she had an idea. “Why don't you come over as well? It has been quiet a while since we all hung out.” I thought her idea would be brilliant. How did she come up with this stupid plan? Now I have to share her with Sungyeol and he is going to make her laugh. He is always able to make her laugh. Even when I can't. “Okay see you in a bit” she smiled. She SMILED and we haven't even caught a glimpse of him yet. Look how pathetic you are! You are getting jealous over your best friend. “Get ready. We are meeting Sungyeol in 10 Minutes at the playground we used to hang out at.” she told me. I noticed that something was odd. Her voice had a slightly concerned tone. I mustered all my strength and sent her my brightest smile. Seems like that washed away her worries because he returned an even brighter smile. And once again I could hit myself for realising my feelings this late. If idiocy hurt I would be charged to the hospital this instance. I watched her as she put on her cardigan. “You ready?” she asked while standing at the door already. I grabbed my jacket from her couch and went to the door. “Sure. I was only waiting for you.” I gave her a teasing smile and left her dumbfounded. Soon she recovered and was walking next to me. “You can put on your shoes already. I'll be there in a sec.” she told me and I nodded. She went upstairs. Probably telling her mum that we would meet up with Sunyeol OPPA. Okay, I really have to quit acting all y just because the girl I have a crush on calls my best friend Oppa but not me and I've known her longer. Please I should just get over it. It's not like she is my whole world. She is just the girl which I have feelings for. Not a big deal, is it? I could hear footsteps on the stairs and a few seconds later Youngie was standing next to me, putting on her shoes. I already had mine on so I just watched her. As soon as she was ready she opened the door for me. Such a well mannered girl. Every gentlemen would turn pale if they saw her behaviour because they couldn't behave any better. I thanked her and walked up to the gate. She shut the door and now it was her turn to thank me for opening the gate for her. Soon he started talking to me and we started fooling around, not minding at all that the folks on the street were giving us strange looks. When we arrived at the playground we saw a little kids running around laughing because they were chased by Sungyeol. I have never noticed that he was that good with kids. Shame on me. I feel like I don't know anything about my best friends. Both of them. “Hey Oppa! Looking good. You should really start babysitting again!” Youngie said as we walked up to him. He smiled and hugged her. “Hey you too. Well, maybe I will. I totally forgot how much fun little kids are!” WHAT? Sungyeol was babysitting once. How come I didn't know. Especially if he enjoyed it so much. I greeted Sungeol as well but not as cheerful as Hwa-Young did. At this moment my phone started ringing. I t was my mum. She told me I should come home since I haven't been home since yesterday morning. When I asked her if I couldn't stay a little longer she said no because we promised my grandparents to visit them today. Family has priority in my family. It is like the most important thing. I turned back to my friends who were totally lost in their conversation. “I have to leave. Let's hang out some other time.” I said defeated. Youngie looked disappointed. “I guess so. I wish you could stay though.” I smiled at her. “I will get going then.” “Have fun” Sungyeol said. I nodded and waved before I left.


Well, well who would have thought that^^

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pinkmuffin #1
Thank you again for all of your comments and your support. You guys are amazing! I am not sure if I will make a sequel because I simply think it could easily destroy the story and I kind of like the open ending. However there will be more stories from me to come. I already got a few ideas.
@ ssyuhadaaa: I would like to meet a guy like Minhyuk too ;)
Chapter 31: What a beautiful story . aww I like a guy like minhyuk . that was so sweet of him . good job author .
heyitstrishlol #3
Chapter 31: i literally cried at the end. Such an amazing story I hope you make a sequel!
Chapter 31: Can you make a sequel to this story?? I want to know if Hwa-Young survive the Leukimia too and also how her relationship with Minhyuk... I like this story... xoxoxo
oddquietone #5
Chapter 31: I love that she ended with Minhyuk :3 such a good choice because he truly loved her through thick and thin. Thank you for the story, author (:
pinkmuffin #6
Thank you for your comments. I really appreciate it and I know that a lot of you shipped Myungsoo and Hwa-Young but seriously after all he has done. I thought that for once the nice guy should win.
But while planning my next story I keep in mind hoe much you all love Myungsoo
annyeongkid #7
Chapter 31: i was sad because she didn t end with myungsoo/owww...but it was a good story..hey by the way can you make a new story and please put myungie as main role please
ezzieloveskpop #8
Chapter 31: Beautiful story *blinks tears away* :)
yononimous #9
Chapter 26: please updated it faster.I can't wait!!!!
ezzieloveskpop #10
Chapter 26: Nawwww it's so cute!!!!!