Chapter Nine

Days Later..
Yuri was back to work, her schedule was rearranged, but it was all okay. She tried her best to smile, she didn't want the others to worry, so she had to show them that she was fine. 
"Yuri, let's go?" 
"let's go.."
Yuri had just finished her photoshoot. Sooyoung and Sunny asked her to have lunch together, and she agreed. It was good for a distraction after all. 
Twenty minutes later, the three of them arrived at the usual cafe. There were Jessica, Hyoyeon, and Yoona. Yuri was a bit surprised because she thought it was only her and Sooyoung and Sunny. She smiled, It was gonna be fun. 
"Yuriiii, come sit beside me.." 
Jessica said cheerfully, gesturing Yuri to sit at the empty seat next to her. Yuri smiled, and sat beside the latter without wait any longer. 
"where's the other three?" Sunny asked while taking a seat in front of Yuri
"Tiffany unnie, Taeyeon unnie, and Seohyun must attend the same event, and they haven't finished.." Yoona informed
"oh, okay.." 
"what do you want to eat, Yul? Come on, you choose first.." Sooyoung said while giving the menu to Yuri
"anything is fine.." Yuri simply smiled
"let me choose, Yuri's favorite meal for lunch.." Jessica said, looking at the menu
Yuri smiled at how caring her members were. She knew she would be okay, even if it was hard, she couldn't show them what she really felt. They had been too good, and she didn't want them to worry.
"choose quickly, Sica! I'm starving here!" 
"you're starving all the time, Soo.." 

Later that night, Yuri and the others came back to the dorm. After finishing their lunch, they went to karaoke, and spent some hours. It was all Sooyoung's idea. 
"we should do this often, guys. I had so much fun.." 
Sooyoung said while reaching the doorknob, and twisted before she pushed the door opened. Once they stepped inside, they saw something very surprising. Tiffany and Taeyeon were kissing in front of TV.
"what the hell?! Tiffany, Taeyeon!" 
Both Tiffany and Taeyeon jolted up in surprise. They broke the kiss immediately, and gasped when they saw their members were watching. 
"uh guys, i can explain.." Taeyeon spoke first
"explain what? That you two are dating?! Tiffany! Are you breaking up with Yuri because of her??" Sooyoung was in rage
"come on, Soo. Take it easy, let me explain.." 
"explain to Yuri! Not me!" 
They heard the front door was slammed shut, and Yuri was already out of sight. Tiffany could only cry silently, she didn't even know why she cried. She just couldn't hold back her tears anymore. 
"Yuri! Wait!!" 
Sooyoung, Hyoyeon, and Yoona tried to catch up, but Yuri ran so fast. They lost Yuri, they tried to call Yuri's number, but always failed. So they decided to come back to the dorm with a really heavy heart. 
"where's Yuri?" Jessica asked worriedly
"she runs so fast, we lost them.." Hyoyeon answered with her head hanging low
"oh my God.." 

"hey, calm down.."  
Sunny sighed while pulling Tiffany into her embrace, causing Tiffany to cry even more. She knew Yuri was very fragile when something like this happened. But she knew Tiffany was also fragile, so she tried to stand in both side.
"tell me if you're ready.." 
Sunny said while caressing Tiffany's back. And few minutes later, Tiffany pulled away from the hug, she took a deep breath before explaining. 
"it's all my fault, i know. If only i didn't choose Yuri from the first place, she wouldn't be so broken like this. And if only i hold myself from Taeyeon, everything wouldn't have been so messed up like this.." 
"when did you start to have feelings for Taeyeon?" 
"since the beginning.."  
"do you love Yuri?" 
"it's complicated, Sunny.."
"so, you're dating Yuri without even love her? And you love Taeyeon instead?" 
"why, Fany?" 
"i don't know. But i found out that Taeyeon also feels the same, when she broke up with Jessica, and i already accepted Yuri to be my girlfriend.." 
"it's indeed complicated. But Yuri loves you so much.."
"i try to love Yuri, just like the way she loves me. But i failed miserably when Taeyeon found out that i have feelings for her, then she confessed to me.." 
"well, you need to clear your mind first. Talk to Yuri if you're ready.." 
Tiffany sighed. Sunny was right. She needed to clear her mind, and she needed to make it all clear. 


"Taeyeon unnie.." 
Seohyun felt bad with the chaos that happened between her unnies. She didn't really understand, because she wasn't there earlier to witness it. But she didn't want to understand, she just wanted all of these back to normal. 
"do you need anything?" 
"you and Fany unnie haven't eaten your dinner.." 
"i'm not hungry, thanks for reminding me.."
"you need to eat or you'll get sick, unnie.." 
"what about Fany? Has she eaten?" 
"she's already asleep.."
"oh, okay.."
Taeyeon got up from her bed, and Seohyun walked to the door. Seohyun was the only person that still wanted to talk to her since the others were avoding her. 
"yes, unnie?" 
"eat with me? Uhm, i need your company.." 
For Taeyeon, at least, there's someone that still cared about her. 

On the other hand, Yuri. After running and running aimlessly, she ended up in a field, sunflower field. She cried alone. The others were worried about her, but she just thought about the pain in her heart. 
She knew already that Tiffany and Taeyeon had done things like a couple, or something like that, but why did it still hurt that bad? 
"God, if you want me to suffer, why don't you just kill me?" 
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Chapter 39: finally my yulti is together forever❤
Chapter 38: Omg fany kissed yoona lol... o.o
mayataufik1 #3
Chapter 39: You promise an epiloge? Where it is author??? ?
Chapter 39: yultiiii!!! :D thank you so much authooorrr :D
Chapter 39: Cute,yulti
imzara #6
Chapter 39: I thought there will be more drama since yoonfany kiss but... yulti is back . I love it more , haha
I'll be waiting lovey dovey moments in epilogue for every couples then :D
Thanks ^^~
myniah09 #7
it sad that its already finish, but i'm happy for yulti, YULTI till the end!!!! hahaha actually i'm yulsic shipper, but for this fic i'm going tobe a hardcore YULTI,!!!^^

author-shii, can you make A pdf Version for this wonderful fics of yours, i want to reread it again and again, so please make a PDF VERSION for this, please.......
jmbaculao #8
Chapter 39: Yulti conquered all!!! It seems abrupt though but it's good :)
KwonStephanie #9
Chapter 39: So, it finally comes to an end, but don't worry, there'll be 1 chapter left. The epilogue ~
Thank you so much for your patience with my story and all, my dear readers..
Love ya! ^^
RiverSilas #10
Chapter 38: update soooooooon Plizeu? c: ill wait Author-shii