Chapter Sixteen

"how's she?" 
"she just took her pills minutes ago, and then sleep.." 
"is Tiffany still in the dorm, Yul?"
"she already left with manager oppa.."
Yuri moved closer to the bed, she stared at Jessica's sleeping face for a moment. She removed the bangs that covering Jessica's pretty face, causing the latter stirred in her sleep. 
"you better grab something to eat, Tae. I know you haven't eaten anything.."
"i'm not hungry.."
"you'll get sick if you ignore yourself, and i don't want any of us to get sick anymore.." 
Taeyeon took a short glance at Jessica, before walking to the door, exited the room. She didn't sleep all night long, she stayed awake, watching over Jessica. She knew they were no longer together, but she just couldn't help it, she was really worried.
On the other hand, Yuri felt bad since she fell asleep on Hyomin's lap, and just waking up this morning. She didn't get to be here yesterday when Jessica fainted and was brought here. She felt like she was a bad friend. 
"Sica-aah, you're up?"
"you here?" 
"i'm so sorry i wasn't here last night.." 
"that's okay.." 
"anyway, i told you not to overwork yourself, why didn't you listen?" 
"i'm sorry.."
"you know i hate to see you like this. You, laying on the hospital bed is the very least thing i want to see.." 
"you have to eat a lot, and recover soon. Good thing, there's nothing serious with your condition.."  
"yes yes, i got it.." 
Jessica crossed her arms while pouting, Yuri just chuckled and shook her head. She ruffled Jessica's hair, and earning a slap from the latter on her shoulder.
"Taeyeon stays all night long.." 
The atmosphere turned into serious, and Jessica felt uncomfortable with this. She wanted to avoid this topic, she didn't want to talk about this matter.
"i know.." 
"she still cares.." 
"i need to pee.." 
Jessica ignored Yuri's words, and tried to stand up, but she was still weak, she was about to fall but Yuri caught her in time, and helped her to reach the toilet. 
"should i come in with you?" 
"just wait outside.." 
Jessica took her time in the toilet, she splashed her face few times with water, hoping that she wouldn't think much about what Yuri had just said about Taeyeon. 
She looked at her reflection in the mirror, and suddenly remembered all the sweet memories of her and Taeyeon. She quickly shook her head, and took a deep breath before reaching the doorknob, then exited the bathroom. But to her surprise, it was Taeyeon who stood outside the door instead of Yuri. 
"you're done?" 
"where's Yuri?" 
"she left right after i came in.."   
"what? Geez, that kid.." 
Jessica sighed, and made sure she would smack Yuri on the head later if she saw her again. She took a step forward to the bed, but she felt dizzy suddenly, and Taeyeon caught her in time.
"you okay? Do i need to call the doctor?" 
"no, you don't need to. I'm okay, just a little bit dizzy.." 
"alright then, let's take you to bed.." 
Jessica nodded, and Taeyeon helped her to get to the bed. She layed down slowly while Taeyeon put the blanket over her. She felt a bit more calm. 
"thank you.." 
"you're welcome.."
Jessica could feel that Taeyeon was staring at her, that's why she didn't want to turn her head to Taeyeon. She was nervous all of sudden, and Taeyeon could sense it. 
Taeyeon smiled, and took Jessica's hand, then held it gently. Jessica was surprised. She wanted to pull her hand away, but at the same time she didn't want to. 
And since her brain couldn't cooperate with her, she acted following her heart. She let Taeyeon held her hand, not letting it go till God knew how long it would be. 


Tiffany was happily walking in the street with a pink scarf covering half of her face so people wouldn't recognize her. She entered a coffee shop nearby, then ordered her favorite Americano and one Latte for Yuri. She wanted Yuri to look at her only, and not to Hyomin. It was just like a competition between Tiffany and Hyomin. 
She continued to walk, feeling slightly relief because people didn't recognize her. She walked in a park, and it felt nice. It's been awhile since the last she did it. 
Suddenly, she heard a bark behind her, so she turned aorund and looked down, and there was a puppy barking cutely. She bent down while caressing its head.
"hello, noona.." 
A boy came, approaching her. He was panting, and she could tell that he'd been running to get there. She looked up, and smiled even though she wasn't sure he could see her smile or not. 
"hey boy, is this puppy yours?" 
"yes, it's mine, noona.."
"so cute, who's it name?" 
"his name is Brownie.." 
"well, take care of Brownie, okay? He's really really cute.." 
"i will, noona.." 
She stood up, watching the boy running with the puppy. She smiled even wider. The puppy reminded her of her puppy that Yuri gave her, she named him Prince Fluffy. 
"i miss those times, walking in a park with Yuri and Prince.." 
She murmured before continued her journey, back to the dorm. She couldn't wait to see Prince and Yuri, so she quicken her pace, still with a smile plastered on her face. 



Yuri walked to the kitchen, and rested her head on Hyomin's shoulder from behind. Yes, Hyomin was in her dorm, and she was cooking for her, and there was only the two of them in the dorm. 

"you're not done yet?" 
"5 minutes more, okay?" 
Yuri just nodded, and Hyomin turned around. She cupped Yuri's face, and caressed it gently, Yuri leaned more into her touch. They stared into each other's eyes, and subconsciously, Yuri leaned closer. 
Hyomin held her breath, anticipating what would happen next. She could feel her heart thumping loudly against her chest. Yuri, on the other hand, she tried to control herself, so she stopped midway, but Hyomin was impatient. So Hyomin pulled her by the head, and their lips connected. 
Their lips moved in sync. Hyomin could feel electricity in her whole body, she felt her knees went numb, so she tighten her hold on Yuri's neck, and Yuri held her by the waist. 
It was a whisper, coming from a person in the doorway. Both Yuri and Hyomin didn't even hear it, and didn't even realize that someone was actually watching them the whole time. 
Yes, it was Tiffany. She clenched her fists, and quickly ran away with tears flowing freely from her eyes. 
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Chapter 39: finally my yulti is together forever❤
Chapter 38: Omg fany kissed yoona lol... o.o
mayataufik1 #3
Chapter 39: You promise an epiloge? Where it is author??? ?
Chapter 39: yultiiii!!! :D thank you so much authooorrr :D
Chapter 39: Cute,yulti
imzara #6
Chapter 39: I thought there will be more drama since yoonfany kiss but... yulti is back . I love it more , haha
I'll be waiting lovey dovey moments in epilogue for every couples then :D
Thanks ^^~
myniah09 #7
it sad that its already finish, but i'm happy for yulti, YULTI till the end!!!! hahaha actually i'm yulsic shipper, but for this fic i'm going tobe a hardcore YULTI,!!!^^

author-shii, can you make A pdf Version for this wonderful fics of yours, i want to reread it again and again, so please make a PDF VERSION for this, please.......
jmbaculao #8
Chapter 39: Yulti conquered all!!! It seems abrupt though but it's good :)
KwonStephanie #9
Chapter 39: So, it finally comes to an end, but don't worry, there'll be 1 chapter left. The epilogue ~
Thank you so much for your patience with my story and all, my dear readers..
Love ya! ^^
RiverSilas #10
Chapter 38: update soooooooon Plizeu? c: ill wait Author-shii