Chapter Fourteen



"good job, girls! Thanks for your hardwork.." 
The manager said right after the girls walked down the stage, they just performed for a music show. They bowed to the manager and other staffs, then went to the changing room. 
Sooyoung and Hyoyeon went straight to the couch, layed down comfortably. Yoona, Jessica and Sunny were drinking some water from their bottles. Taeyeon was still talking to their manager, and Seohyun was changing. 
"i'm so tired, and hungry.." Sooyoung said with her eyes closed
"me too, i'm hungry and tired.." Yoona sighed
"let's go to our favorite cafe, and eat something after this.." Sunny suggested
"good idea.." Sooyoung nodded with a wide smile
The girls chatting for another minutes, oblivious with the missing two. Tiffany was deep in her thought, and just got back from toilet, heading to the changing room at the second floor. 
She was in the middle of the staircases, as her mind wandered nowhere. She stepped to another two stairs, but  she slipped, losing balance, and causing her to fall backwards. She closed her eyes, ready for the impact with the ground, but she fell nothing. 
Tiffany opened her eyes immediately, and sat up. She found Yuri was lying beneath her. She gasped in shock, Yuri groaned in pain, she hurted Yuri.  
"oh my God, Yuri! Are you okay?" 
"i'm sorry, i'm so sorry.." 
Tiffany was panic, and she helped Yuri to get up, but Yuri groaned even more when she touched Yuri's hand. Something's wrong with Yuri's hand. 
"help! Somebody, help please!!!" 
Tiffany shouted for help, and she could hear footsteps of few people running in the hallway. Yuri tried to raise her right hand, but failed, and it hurts so much. 
"Tiffany! Yuri! What happpens??" 
"oppa, help!" 
The manager, and other staffs went closer. Tiffany moved aside, giving some space for them to help Yuri, and they quickly brought Yuri to the nearest hospital. 

The doctor came out from the emergency room, and the 8 girls along with the manager stood up immediately. They were so worried, they prayed for Yuri to be just fine.
"how's she, doc?" the manager stepped forward and asked 
"she broke her hand, and it's quite serious injury. She shouldn't move much till it heals completely. But after all, she's fine and can go home tonight, just make sure to come to see me every 3 days.." the doctor explained
"alright, doc.." the manager nodded
"now, can we see her?" Sooyoung was the first one to ask
"yeah, sure.." 
The doctor gave them permission, and they walked inside the room. Yuri was asleep with her right hand wrapped in bandages. Tiffany felt her eyes getting teary when she saw Yuri in that state. 
Jessica was the first one who rushed towards Yuri, Sunny followed behind her, and the rest were behind Sunny. Jessica was caressing Yuri's hair gently, while Sunny held Yuri's left hand.
"you better recover soon.." Yoona said sadly
A lone tear escaped Tiffany's eyes, so much guilt that she had to carry now. She hurted Yuri, both emotinally and physically. She felt terrible, and she just wanted a time machine. 

"Yul, someone's here for you.." 
Sunny stepped inside Yuri's room. Yuri was allowed to leave the hospital few hours ago, and she was resting on her bed now. The other girls treated her very well, whatever she needed, they would take  turn to take care of it. 
Yuri frowned and Sunny just shrugged, but Yuri didn't fail to notice the smirk on Sunny's face. Yuri frowned even more, and Sunny left the room. A minute later, someone came in, and Yuri was a bit surprised. 
"here, sit down.." 
Yuri motioned Hyomin to come closer, and she moved a bit, giving some space for Hyomin to sit down on her bed.
"uhm, i heard you broke your hand, that's why i come.."
"well, that's sweet of you. But don't worry, it'll heal soon.."
"i'm worried.." 
"you don't have to worry, i'm fine.." 
Hyomin sighed, and Yuri pinched her nose playfully. She pouted while Yuri ruffled her hair like she was a kid. Deep inside her, she knew Yuri wasn't okay, but she knew Yuri didn't want her to know, so she just pretended that she believed it. 
"have you eaten?" 
"you hungry? Here, let me feed you.." 
Hyomin took the untouch food on the drawer beside the bed, but Yuri refused it. Hyomin glared, and forced Yuri to eat. Yuri sighed, then gave in.
"you need to eat, i'll come everyday if you don't eat.." 
"yes, mam.." 
Little did they knew, Tiffany was looking at them irritatedly. She scoffed when she saw Hyomin wiped Yuri's mouth with napkin and Yuri said thanks with sincere smile. 
Tiffany crossed her arms, and rolled her eyes. She wanted to come in and dragged Hyomin away from Yuri. With one last glance, she stomped her feet angrily to her room. 
"they're so cute, right?"
"yeah, Hyomin seems so caring towards our Yuri.." 
Tiffany could hear Sunny and Yoona's voice outside her room clearly. She frowned and pressed her ear against the door, eavesdropping the two. 
"I'm happy if they become a couple.."
"they'll be a lovely couple.." 
Tiffany was really upset, she slammed herself onto the bed, then burried her face deep into her pillow. She screamed, and punched the pillow repeatedly. 

"i'll come again tomorrow after i finish my schedule.." 
Hyomin said while making her way towards the front door, Yuri nodded in response. Honestly, Hyomin didn't want to leave yet, she still wanted to stay, but it was past midnight, and Yuri needed to sleep. 
"take a good rest, okay?" 
"i leave now, bye.." 
Hyomin kissed Yuri's cheek, she bit her bottom lip nervously, but Yuri smiled warmly at her while muttering thank you. She smiled back then slowly walked away with a red face. 
Yuri watched till Hyomin disappeared from her sight, then closed the door, and walked back to her room afterwards. 
Yuri turned around when she heard her name being called by familiar voice, the voice that she used to love the most. 
"hey, Tiff.." 
Yuri greeted back, and smiled. She tried her best to act like they used to in the past, when they were still friends. Yuri was happy yet nervous to see her ex. 
"how do you feel?" 
"i'm really sorry for causing you this.." 
"it's okay, accidents happen most of time.." 
"if you need help, just tell me. I'll do anything. I'll bring you water if you're thirsty, i'll feed you if you're hungry, i'll help you to get dressed, and i'll wipe your mouth after you eat.." 
The last sentence was sounded like a whisper, but Yuri could still hear it. That was a hint of jealousy, and Yuri noticed it. She smiled secretly to herself, feeling slightly happy. 
"you don't have to, i'm okay.." 
"no, i'm serious.." 
Tiffany said, frowning and slightly pouting. She was fidgeting, and Yuri could see that she was uncomfortable with this situation, so she smiled warmly while taking a step closer.
"alright, i'll tell you if i need help. Thank you for willing to help me.." 
"you know it-" 
"you better sleep now, no need to worry about me, and don't blame yourself either, okay?" 
"good night.." 
"good night.." 
Tiffany wanted to kiss Yuri so bad, but she held the urge to do that. With one last smile, she walked out of the room. She didn't feel upset anymore. 
Both of them went to their bed, then drifted into sleep with smile plastered on their face. Seemed like they would have a nice dream tonight. 
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Chapter 39: finally my yulti is together forever❤
Chapter 38: Omg fany kissed yoona lol... o.o
mayataufik1 #3
Chapter 39: You promise an epiloge? Where it is author??? ?
Chapter 39: yultiiii!!! :D thank you so much authooorrr :D
Chapter 39: Cute,yulti
imzara #6
Chapter 39: I thought there will be more drama since yoonfany kiss but... yulti is back . I love it more , haha
I'll be waiting lovey dovey moments in epilogue for every couples then :D
Thanks ^^~
myniah09 #7
it sad that its already finish, but i'm happy for yulti, YULTI till the end!!!! hahaha actually i'm yulsic shipper, but for this fic i'm going tobe a hardcore YULTI,!!!^^

author-shii, can you make A pdf Version for this wonderful fics of yours, i want to reread it again and again, so please make a PDF VERSION for this, please.......
jmbaculao #8
Chapter 39: Yulti conquered all!!! It seems abrupt though but it's good :)
KwonStephanie #9
Chapter 39: So, it finally comes to an end, but don't worry, there'll be 1 chapter left. The epilogue ~
Thank you so much for your patience with my story and all, my dear readers..
Love ya! ^^
RiverSilas #10
Chapter 38: update soooooooon Plizeu? c: ill wait Author-shii