Chapter 7 (Sehun)

Story 1 (mama)


There was an expanse of desert on the other side of the landfill that Sehun liked to go to. He'd even brought an old kitchen chair that he'd managed to pilfer from the heaps of garbage on the way out to his self inflicted solitary confined place. No one to miss it. 'Just like there's no one to miss me.' He thought. Bathing his ego in self pity. He knew it wasn't true but at a time, he had run away from home. Feeling so bad about himself and his life and every ty thing that had happened. 
It had always been impulsive. The urge to make things fly through the air. He could even glide a bit himself. Controlling the air currants felt like being in control of the whole world. And that he could make people listen to him. He had to admit that he'd always been a little spoiled. And he'd just developed a temper along the way. So going hand in hand, he began to get into a lot of fights. It didn't matter if they were a boy, girl, older, younger. If they pissed him off, they found out soon enough. And then his parents would be called down to the principal's office with him to discuss his possible transfer to another school. They never came out and said it was because they were scared of him. That he was a freak. But even his own parents thought so. And they always complied.
He'd tried to hold back. Really started trying extra hard after meeting his girlfriend in his first year of high school. He had wanted to start acting like a grown up not some punk kid that everyone shot evil glances behind his back but up all nicey nice to his face. Jenny had helped him for a bit. Making him feel calmer when she was around. But the unfortunate day came when she told him it was over and in his astonished grief, he let her fly right into a tree. 
Of course, he'd called an ambulance and in reality she hadn't been all that hurt. Just a broken arm and a few bruised ribs, but he'd ran off into the desert as soon as they'd put her in the back of the white vehicle. And he'd sat there for hours sobbing and trying to think of what he was going to do. He had stayed there wondering if he should just die out there. Not go back to the town and get water. It would only take days. But in the middle of contemplating suicide, a flapping of wings had caught his attention and he'd turned to see an orange butterfly. And time had stopped. Sehun had suddenly felt so still and calm like he'd never been able to feel before. Not even with Jenny. But the butterfly had flown off and he went back to being himself again. Except not quite. 
He didn't realize until later that time had literally stopped for him. And those hours had turned into days. When he reached his home, his mother greeted him with panic. She had thought something terrible had happened to him. He hadn't taken his car or any possessions with him and no one had been able to find him. Had anyone really, sincerely wanted to find him? She'd made sure to tell him Jenny was fine and had made him eat a big meal. It was humbling to know that no matter what, his mom still loved him. 
The guy smirked at him as he appeared out of nowhere. As he usually did. They were becoming fast friends now even though the visits were short.
"I've been all over the place." Kai told him. "I met new people again." 
Sehun wished Kai was all his. That he would pop in one day and announce that he wasn't leaving. That he would pick Sehun as the person he most wanted to be with. But how would Sehun have any hope of winning him over in the few minutes they ever had together. Why wouldn't that damn butterfly appear when Kai was there? They could have a moment together forever. But he knew it didn't work like that. Kai had places to be and possibly even a family out there he'd never found time to tell Sehun about. 
Kai was continuing. "There's a new one who can control fire. So you're not alone. Just wanted you to know that. Telikenisis, strength, lightning. There's something big going on in the world. And you are going to be a part of it. I gotta go."
And he was gone all too soon in a dark vapour. At least it got Sehun thinking. He wasn't a total freak. And perhaps maybe soon he would be useful. 
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foundJiminsJams #1
Chapter 62: Good if that had been the final chapter I would have had to cut you (♯`∧´) just kidding I'm super happy you updated! Keep it coming ☆〜(ゝ。∂)
foundJiminsJams #2
Chapter 57: OMG its kind of confusing for me at parts but I can somewhat fill it in this is so good everyone seems super cool I can't wait to read the rest ☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆
Chapter 42: You write so well. D:
I wanna write like you OTL
ilabya3 #4