Meeting Up



            “So, Maeji,” Dongwoon said, “Would you be my noona?”

            “No, I’m twenty, like you.”

            “Then how did you meet hyung?” he asked.

            “Same school, him and my brother were friends and he basically became my second brother.” I smiled at saying that. I liked that we were close, and I liked looking back at the few good times in my life.

            “Are you close with Chae too?” Hyunseung asked.

            “She’s the irritating sister,” Junhyung replied.

            We laughed at that. Chae and Junhyung had a love-(mostly)hate relationship. They could be nice to each other, but Chae explained to me why she didn’t like him before.

            “Something about him makes me mad. I’m not sure what it is. But whenever I see him, an urge to punch suddenly comes. . .” And no, she was not on her period.

            “Maeji,” Junhyung said, “let’s all take a picture. The B2UTYs should see my sisters!”

            “Okay,” I agreed. The fans wouldn’t be mad at me, it’s not like we were dating.

            Junhyung angled his phone took the picture and posted it on his Twitter account.

            “Joker,” I said out loud. I started laughing.

            Everyone looked at me like I had gone crazy.

            “It’s just I remember Joker was Batman’s enemy. It’s an American thing, you know? My dad showed us the comic books when we were younger.”

            Hyunseung started to laugh. “I know who you’re talking about! Clown Prince of Crime!” He said the last part in English, which made me laugh a little.

            After we ate, Chae went to her apartment and everyone but Junhyung and I went to the dorm. Junhyung wanted to walk me home.


Junhyung’s POV

            I decided to walk her home. It gave me a good chance to talk to her about her family. I knew it was a bit of a touchy subject, but I wanted to know if things had gotten better from when I left.

            “So how’s Seomin?”

            “You really want to know?” she asked, half sad, half sarcastic.

            “I’d like to know how my brother is.”

            She sighed. “After high school he wasn’t sure what to do so he decided to visit my dad’s family in Canada. When he was there our cousin was going to move to California and start a business. He did and Seomin went with him.  For a while, things were going good for him. But he was greedy and told my cousin his business was stupid and left. He got into drugs and now he’s asking me for money all the time and–” She stopped talking. She was getting teary from her frustration so I changed the subject.

            “I’m going back next week to visit my family. Do you want to come?”

            “Uh, sure, why not.” That was equivalent to a Yes in Maeji’s world.

            It started to rain, and being the oppa I am, I put my jacket on her and put the hood up.

            “Junhyung, take your jacket,” she said.

            “No, besides, what kind of brother would I be if I let you be cold? Come on, where’s your apartment?”

            “At the end up here.”

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OO. Funeral :/
><" don't worry guys! in the next updates Dongwoon will be better :)
Awh... Poor Dongwoon ><
I know ><" but he will be better soon you guys! :D
awww poor dongwoon :( <br />
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Awh, Poor Woonie.
rawr6127: I felt like there was a need for an awkward moment haha :))<br />
AeriPark: X) I'm happy you liked it! :D<br />
ABSOLUTElove: Yay! :D and i try to each weekend :) & the days when i don't have homework~! :D
ahaha , I love the ending very cute (: <br />
<br />
Update soon (: hwaiting !
AeriPark #9