Imagine Chanyeol request

Imagine time with EXO - mini series

 65) 'Winter dream'


I was sipping my hot choco while looking at the stores.. Everything was so beautiful.. I was so happy cause Christmas was near .. the fun was on its way… ha ha.. snowball fight, cookies, presents, cute moments with our dear ones, the kiss under the mistletoe.. um.. well.. not for me..  this was another year in which I’ll go to visit my family and probably just play with my sweet nephews.. so.. meeting my love during holidays was just a sweet dream.. a winter dream, nothing more..

My sister was indeed lucky to find her true love… I wondered when I’ll have the chance.. Hm.. wondered how he looks like.. where is he.. how is he… do I even know him?? He he.. maybe he’s a star or something… oh silly me.. dreaming in the day.. ah.. my phone rings…

Me: “Hello?”

“Hey, pancake!”

Me: “Sis? Hey! Did you change your number??”

Sister: “No.. I am using someone else’s phone cause mine is kind of dead.. and I really have to tell you this..”

Me: “What happened?”

Sister: “Well, you know that the kids have to return home for the holidays.. point is, I was waiting for them to come next week.. but because there has been a change, I am now at their school.. and.. I kind of forgot that I’ve promised our neighbour I’ll take care of her baby..”

Me: “Aha… so… you want me to do that??”

Sister: “Um.. yes.. if that’s ok with you..”

Me: “Yeah, sure, no problem…. You know I’m an expert in babies.. Are you nuts??? I can’t do that!!!”

Sister: “Come on.. it’s just for this weekend..”

Me: “Weekend? But.. it doesn’t take you so much to get back home…”

Sister: “He he… well.. um.. the kids wanna go to the ranch and I..”

Me: “Great…. A whole weekend.. I am so gonna make you regret this!”

Sister: “Love you too!”

I hang up the phone and turned back to the bus station.. Ok.. so I was now a babysitter for 3 days… why three?? Cause today is Friday… in the morning.. ah.. I can’t believe this is happening to me.. I wished for a boyfriend and got a baby.… oh well.. hope everything will be fine..

My sister got a new house this year.. I didn’t visit her too often, so I also didn’t have the chance to meet her neighbours.. Wondered whether it was a nice family..
After half an hour, the bus stopped.. I got out heading on the left street, when I realised I forgot to ask her the address.. I phoned her and she told me it was just the house in front of hers, with big Christmas trees and a peachy fence.. well.. quite easy to tell which..

I got near the fence gate and pushed the intercom button.. It was getting quite cold.. why wasn’t anyone answering? Weren’t they at home?? I then startled when hearing that baby cry and a deep voice trying to calm him down while asking who was it..

Me: “Um.. I am the babysitter..”

“OH THANK GOD! Get in!”

I got in the garden, looking amazed at those big Christmas trees on the left part.. wondered how will it look at night time.. I saw that the owners already prepared everything for the holidays, especially the lights..

Gosh.. it was so beautiful.. and the house looked great.. I so wish I could have one like this.. amazing.. he he.. well.. I don’t mind being a babysitter for a while.. I was walking slowly, looking at windows, when the front door suddenly opened.. I just.. what the...?? Oh my! I am imaging things..  ok.. gotta slap myself.. no… I’ll just.. faint…


Damn.. I was feeling quite dizzy… I opened my eyes and saw myself laying on a couch, covered with a blanket.. a little baby girl was on the carpet playing with some blue toys, giggling.. I got up, rubbing my forehead..

“Yah! You woke up!”

Me: “Oh my…”

“No no… don’t faint again!”

Me: “I will.. not.. he he … ok.. you.. gosh.. you look just like..”

“Park Chanyeol??”

Me: “Yeah.. I mean.. wow.. it’s like I’m seeing him.. damn.. good resemblance..”

Chanyeol: “Um.. I am actually him..”

Me: “Ha ha.. well.. everybody will say that..”

Chanyeol: “I mean it.. Park Chanyeol, member of EXO boy band! Nice to meet you!”

Me: "What??"

Chanyeol: "Don't faint!"

I was in a state of um.. I was kind of… alright.. I was shocked.. dead… He smiled at me and grabbed my hand, shaking it.. Now.. just let me grasp the situation a little.. My sister called me this morning, asking me to take care of a baby… which is her neighbour’s baby.. which is actually Park Chanyeol.. so that means..

Me: “When did you get married??”

Chanyeol: “Ha ha… I didn’t.. um.. that’s my niece..”

Me: “I see.. ok..” (gosh.. feeling like spazzing and stuff…. Ha ha.. jump, jump, jump…. let me just.. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa….. ok.. I am fine.. not…)

Chanyeol: “So… you’re a baby sitter?”

Me: “Huh? Yeah.. I mean.. no.. um.. I am just replacing my sister.. she had some things to get done.. he he…”

Chanyeol: “I see.. usually when coming here I will see another girl.. I guess it’s your sister.. you kind of look like her.. I really don’t get it why noona doesn’t hire someone and always bothers your sister..”

Me, pointing at the baby bottle: “Were you going to feed her?”

Chanyeol: “Yes.. actually.. I am trying that for the past 3 hours…”

Me: “Maybe she doesn’t like the milk…”

Chanyeol: “Um… don’t all the babies drink milk??”

Me: “Ha ha.. not necessary.. let me try this..”

Chanyeol: “What??? You’re drink it?”

Me: “No.. just tasting it.. oh… God… this is gross.. who made it?”

Chanyeol: “I did… um.. why?”

Me: “You kind of messed it up.. no wonder she doesn’t like it..”

Chanyeol: “Really? Let me taste it.. ”

He took a sip then choked, running to the bathroom to spit it out.. I tried to control my laugh, looking for the kitchen.. I got there and prepared the milk.. He came near me and kept asking me things (asdfghjkl he was so cute!!!), while watching how I was doing it (told you.. I am an expert.. on searching the internet….).. I checked the temperature, pouring a little on the back of my hand, then went in the living room…

The baby started chuckling, when we got there.. Probably she understood that food was on its way.. I tried to feed her, but she refused to even take a tiny little sip.. I really wondered what the problem was.. Chanyeol wasn’t helping me, with that puppy stare (damn his eyes… hm.. crying a river…)..

Hm.. maybe I should add something.. some cocoa.. I know I had a problem with milk in my childhood, or at least that’s what mum told me..

Chanyeol: “Yah…. you’ve done it! Ha ha!!!”

Me: “Didn’t you know that she likes the milk with cocoa?”

Chanyeol: “Noona never told me..”

That was kind of weird.. I remembered a movie I saw, in which the parents left a note with a to do list.. I asked him about it, but he said there wasn’t any.. Hm.. I went in the kitchen, checking the only place where such a list could be: the fridge..

Chanyeol: “I swear I never saw it..”

Me: “Hm.. let’s read it… so yeah.. look… add cocoa to the milk.. ”

Chanyeol: “So happy you figured it out.. You’ll make a great mother!”

ajdalskfhaghaegjvelrgj srlfdja sklfja… did he just said that? Ha ha… spazzing spazzing…

I tried to control myself and smile, although my inside was yelling the joy out… We spent the next hours playing with her niece.. He he..

Chanyeol kept rolling on the floor and make funny faces, which brought more than joy to the baby… Wondered who I was baby sitting actually… ha ha…

In the evening we gave her a bath, during which Chanyeol kept playing with the foam, throwing it in my face, until a water battle started.. the kid kept chuckling, while we were fighting.. We then went in the baby dorm, because it was time for her to fly in the land of fluffy dreams..

Speaking about that.. I felt quite sleepy as well.. I just needed to change my clothes.. I told him that I’ll just go to my sister’s house and come back later..

Chanyeol: “Why?”

Me: “Cause I have to change.. Look at me! It’s just your fault!”

Chanyeol: “But if you go outside like this, you’ll catch a cold.. Wait.. I’ll give you something..”

He went to another room, probably his sister’s, looking for some clothes.. While I was changing, he went to prepare something for the dinner (he even cooks? asasdhfjakdgljhdswddgfdcde … )

Me: “Wow.. it was.. so tasty!!!”

Chanyeol: “You liked it?”

Me: “Yep.. gosh.. you’ll make a great husband!”

Chanyeol: “You think so?”

I nodded slowly, smiling.. He got up to wash the dishes, while telling me more about his band.. He even asked me who my bias was.. (isn’t it obvious????????).. and so time passed… I was literally about to fell asleep on the table, because of his endless blabbering..

I felt two strong arms lifting me up.. I rested my head against his chest, hearing his heartbeat racing, as if he just finished jogging or something.. I looked up at him with sleepy eyes, trembling when feeling that warm breath caressing my face..

We got inside the room and he let me down on the bed, covering me with the cozy blanket.. I kept staring at him, wondering if this wasn’t just a dream.. I fell asleep, smiling because of those words that I really don’t know if he really said them: “You’ll be a wonderful wife!”


The next morning , I was trying to wake up, when I realised someone’s hand was resting on my stomach.. I turned slowly and saw Chanyeol sleeping.. wait.. sleeping?????? In my bed??? I mean.. on the same bed???.. what the???… I just had this stupid feeling to scream and push him away, when the serenity on his face made me melt..

He looked so innocent, so sweet, so.. ah… I could just list all those cute words that are used to described something, yet that wouldn’t be enough.. he was more than that.. he was perfect, even when sleeping..

I touched his face gently, imaging myself being his wife (ah.. . heart attack….), waking up everyday by his side, living with him all those lovely moments that a couple is blessed with.. I opened my eyes and saw him staring at me, with a big smile on his face..
I startled and tried to move away, but.. I just landed on the floor..

He got up and asked me if I was ok.. No I wasn’t.. something was definitely happening.. and it was wrong.. I just had to control myself.. I knew that this is a stupid idea.. nothing like this could really happen…

I stood up and went to wash my face, while he went to check up on the baby.. He found her playing in her bed, clapping when seeing him.. We made breakfast for the three of us (God that sounds so… so… you get the idea!), then I’ve helped him with some laundry..

The day ended so quickly, making me realise there was just Sunday left to spend it with him.. I can’t tell you how I felt all these days, but for sure we did get closer.. I got to know him better little by little, until I got to the point where I thought we’ve been knowing each other forever..  

But every dream, although beautiful, must get to an abrupt end… His sister got back home in the evening, so there wasn’t anything else for me to do.. I changed in my clothes, joined them for dinner, then Chanyeol accompanied me to my sister’s  house..

We were staying on the front stairs, smiling like idiots, trying to find our words.. We kept on speaking at the same time, which was damn funny.. but.. then.. I could just feel that stupid sadness raising inside my heart, making me frown..

He got closer, his smile being washed out by a serious stare that just added salt on my open wound… I bid him farewell and turned to get inside, when he pulled me back, hugging me tightly.. I didn’t even realise I was crying..

Chanyeol: “I feel so lucky!”

Me: “Why?”

Chanyeol: “Because my sister had this stupid idea to ask me to take care of my niece, although she knew the expert I am when babies are involved.. hadn’t she phoned me, I’d never had the chance to meet you!”

He made me turn around, cupping my face and pulling me gently towards him, until his soft lips rested an unspoken desire on my lips, erasing everything around us.. I was now living the moment that used to colour my dreams every starry night, feeding my heart with joy and hope: my first kiss..

It was the very first moment of a new fluffy love that kept shining since then until this day, when I was recalling everything, while looking at the Christmas tree, waiting for him to come home..

I was distracted so I didn’t hear the door.. He came near me, without making any noise, then gently back hugged me, resting his chin on my shoulder..

Chanyeol: “What are you doing?”

Me: “Nothing.. I was just lost in my memories..”

Chanyeol: “Was I there with you too?”

Me: “You’re always there.. ”

Chanyeol: “But I also want to be here, at this moment.. so let those memories rest in their place..”

I smiled, feeling my heart at ease.. He got down on the floor, resting his back against the couch and gave me his hand to help me sit.. We were now watching the Christmas lights dancing on the wall.. I kept playing with his fingers, while he was telling me about his day…

Me: “I can’t wait for Christmas..”

Chanyeol: “Me too.. will be the most magical one for the three of us..”

I rested my head on his shoulder, closing my eyes.. I felt so happy, so peaceful, so blessed.. Indeed… it will be a wonderful Christmas, for us and the little angel who was on his way..


Ok.. why .. tell me why am I always imaging Chanyeol with a baby???? WHY???

Hope you liked it! Thank you so much for reading guys! Please continue to love and support EXO! God bless you all!

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_jeonchi #1
It's been a while since I last read this. It was like 3 years ago? I remember every bit of every story and I'm happy that I found it again.♡
cactusinexo-l #2
Chapter 65: Awwwww. This is so cute. Chanyeol. Sleep on her stomach. IDK if you guys have seen It's okay that's love? But at the end The main guy character slept on her wife's Stomach.
OhDarlla #3
Chapter 97: lol. you naughty jongdae!! ^^ this made my day ;D
kgrl123 #4
Chapter 97: lol eiiiiii~~~ KIM JONGDAE (OPPA)!!!!! HOW COULD YOU???!?!??!? aigoo~~~~~~ 아이고 종대오빠~~ 어민 오빠한태 잘해야돼지~~~~
Chapter 96: I'm crying a river.. T_T It's beautiful, but very sad.. I love it..
kgrl123 #6
Chapter 92: lololol Channie oppa portrait will need sometime to develop lololol
melissa4eversone #7
Chapter 92: Chapter 91 is so confusing
kgrl123 #8
Chapter 91: oowwaahh!! unnie.. so cute!!
kgrl123 #9
Chapter 91: lol i saw the word Tinkerbell and immediately EXO Peter Pan came into my head lol