Chapter 9

My Two Over-Protective Brothers [Discontinued]

Chapter 9

"Argh, Why can't I sleep?" Aryan tossed and her bed. She looked at the Clock. "9:43" She murmured. She sighed. She got up her bed and headed downstairs. She saw someone sitting outside, in the garden. She looked closely, Kris?  She thought. She walked to the garden and saw Kris. Kris tuned his head back and smiled sadly. Aryan sat beside him. She held his hands, "Is there something bothering you, Ge?" She asked. Kris smiled, "I'm fine. Just tired." He said. Aryan smiled and looked at the night scenery, "Tired of what?" She asked. Kris looked at her. "No, really. I'm just tired." He said. Aryan looked at him, "Then why are you here? Shouldn't you be sleeping if you're tired?" She asked. Caught. Kris thought. "Ge, I grew up with you, you know? I can read you like an open book. Now tell me." She said. Kris sighed for the nth time today. He looked at Aryan's hands that were holding his. "It's just. I miss Eomma and Appa so much.." He murmured. Aryan softened. She faced Kris. "Ge, I know it's hard. I know. I miss them too. But, Ge.. Do you think, they'll be happy if they know you are getting all sad because of missing them? I know, It's just normal to miss them but.. Ge, you got to do good things for them, not to be sad." She said and cupped his face only to see Kris tearing up. Aryan hugged him, "Ge, you have to be strong. We have to be strong." She said. She felt Kris nodded. She pulled away, "Just remember that, they'll always be there, watching us. supporting us. They want us to be succesfull, Ge. Please don't cry." Aryan continued and wiped his tears using the back of her hand. She sighed, I never saw Kris this sad before.. She thought. Kris looked at her. "Thankk you, mei. Without you, I would be here drowning myself in my own tears. Thank you so much." He said and hugged her once more. "You're always welcome, Ge." She said. Kris smiled but then realized something and pull away from the hug. "Aren't you supposed be sleeping? You have school tomorrow." He asked with his -face look. Aryan nodded, "Okay, the Kris I know is back." She laughed. Kris still have his -face on. Aryan stopped laughing and pouted, "Well, Ge.. I can't sleep." She said. Kris laughed. "I'm just joking. Well, what do you want to do?" Kris asked. Aryan looked at him, "Uhmm.." She thought. "Let's go get Ice Cream?" She asked. Just before Kris answered, "Well, won't you be bringing me?" They heard soemone say. Aryan turned around and saw Jongin standing beside the door. Kris laughed, "I'll just get my wallet." He said and stood up. Kris passed by Jongin who saw his eyes and nose were a bit red. "Did Kris cry?" He asked Aryan. Aryan shook her head. I'm sorry, Oppa. I know Kris won't like it if I told you he cried. "No, he didn't. He is quite allergic to pollen, so.." I said. Jongin nodded. Jongin saw Aryan gazing at the flowers. She's smiling. Is she this pretty? Really?  He thought. He felt his heart beat fast again. Argh. Why is this heart beating so fast. He thought. "Kids, let's go." They heard Kris from the foyer. Aryan smiled and took Jongin's wrist who was looking at the.. pots. Jongin felt his wrist being held by Aryan. He looked at him, "Let's go." She said and smiled. Jongin's heart beat went crazy. I need a doctor to check this, really. He thought. When they were out, Kris cursed quietly. Aryan looked at him, "Why?" She asked. Kris shook his head, "I forgot my keys. Let's just walk." He said. Aryan nodded and held Jongin's arms. "Kajaa~"  She sang. Jongin smiled. Soon, they arrived the Ice cream parlor. "What would you like, Ma'am?" The guy asked. Aryan looked at the Ice cream selections. "Pecan Praline and Pistachio, please?" She said. The guy nodded and took her Ice cream. "I'll get the same." Jongin said. "Strawberry Cheescake and Vanilla." He said. The guy took his orders and gave him. Kris payed and got out of the store. "What does yours tastes like?" She asked Kris. Kris looked at her, "Ice cream." He said. Aryan pouted. "I mean the flavor.." She whined. Jongin laughed. Cute. He thought. Kris laughed, "I'm just kidding. Take some." He said. Aryan beamed and got some of his Ice cream. She pouted, "I should have gotten the Strawberry." She said. Kris laughed, "Can I taste yours?" He asked. Aryan smiled and offered some. Kris scooped some of the pistachio. "Mm, It tastes better than this." He said then took a huge scoop of the Pecan Praline. Aryan gasped when he placed the spoon on his mouth. "Ge, that's a lot!" She shouted. Kris laughed, "You took a lot too." He said. Aryan shook her head, "No, look. It's not a lot." She whined and pointed to the small gap on Kris' cup. Kris laughed, "Alright, have mine." He said. Aryan smiled, "Yay~ Strawberry." She said and got his cup. Aryan closed her eyes pretending to cherish the cream, "I should really get the Strawberry next time." She said. Kris nodded and patted her head. Jongin was there, laughing at them. Can she be any cuter than this?  He thought. Aryan looked at him, "Jongin-Oppa. Want to ditch class tomorrow?" She asked. Kris' eyes widened, "YOU CAN'T DITCH CLASS, ARYAN. I'M PAYING FOR YOUR TUITION AND YOU CAN'T MISS A LESSON!" Kris shouted, turning red. Aryan looked at him with WTH face. She laughed, "Ge, I'm joking." She pouted. Kris had his -Face on. Aryan looked at Jongin. Jongin shrugged his shoulders. Aryan hugged Kris' arms. "Ge, I'm just joking. I can't ditch school tomorrow. I have try outs for Volleyball." She said. Kris looked at her, still not convinced. "Jongin did you know that Kris was Cry--" Aryan started but was covered by Kris, "Okay, I'm not angry anymore." He said. Aryan nodded and raised her hand. "I wonkfsddfgkihted" She said but came out muffled by Kris' large hands. When Kris removed his hands, she laughed. Jongin looked at them, "Kris did what?" He asked. Kris placed his arms around Jongin's shoulder, "No, she's saying nonesense." He said. Jongin nodded, "Oh.. okay." He said. Aryan laughed. This giant, jinjja. 




Last update, for today~!

Anyways. I saw 2 new comments and I was spazzing, really. 

Even though, I don't reply back, I defintely read them. ;)

Thanks for the new subbies. I'll update tomorrow. :)

Bye, growl like EXO, guys. xx

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WuMorgeshia #1
Pliz continue, its an amazing story, love it.
sunliu94 #2
Chapter 53: can someone give me related stories like this? This was awesome and i loved it so much!!!!!!!
Chocomarsh #3
Chapter 1: I thought that there are only 13 people because exo including kris and chanyeol is 12 and with aryan it is just 13 not 14.
Xnana_Dshamsul #4
Chapter 53: I'll wait for you~~ settle in first and don't rush ^^ school can really take up your time -life- so I understand :D
Chapter 53: Awwwee it's okay school is VERY important and very stressful -_- good luck!
Xnana_Dshamsul #6
Chapter 52: AWHH! Best gift ever :') I'd like to have a gift like that too but heheh :p
Reema2000 #7
Chapter 52: updates pleas i'm new reader i love your storyyy updates
Chapter 52: 147.... that's a lot Sehun!
Xnana_Dshamsul #9
Chapter 51: holy shiet her presents are things that I've always wanted but couldn't get because I can't afford it *sob sob* lol. Totally like the part where Sehun whined like a brat XD