Chapter 7

My Two Over-Protective Brothers [Discontinued]

Chapter 7

Aryan was woken up by someone opening the blinds, "Mei, wake up. You have school today~" She heard Lay cooed. Aryan opened her eyes and saw Lay looking dusting off her uniform. She smiled, "Good morning, Lay-gege." She said and hugged his back. Lay turned and face Aryan. "Good Morning, Sweety. Wash up. Daehyun made breakfast." Lay said and kissed her temples. Aryan gasped, "You know Daehyun?" She asked, wide eyed. Lay smiled, "Actually, we met him just earlier and Mei, it was nice of you to offer him to go back to school." Lay said and smiled. Aryan looked at him, "Does Kris-Ge know?" She asked Lay who was giving her towels. "Yeah, and Kris was so proud of you." He said. Aryan smiled, Yes. I don't have to convince him anymore. Aryan thought. "Now go, Sweety. We'll wait for you at the living room." He said and walked out of the room. Aryan shook her head and decided to play the music before going to shower. Meanwhile, Kris and Chanyeol were talking to Daehyun. "Hyung, is it okay? I mean I don't want to be a burden and--" Daehyun said to Kris but was cut. "You know, Aryan was right. This is the least we can do to Jung Ahjussi. And were not just doing this because of that, Daehyun. We want to help you too." Kris said. Chanyeol nodded and smiled, "Besides, you're one of our family too." Chanyeol said while Kris was nodding. Daehyun smiled at their thoughtfulness. He bowed, "I really owe you, Kris-Hyung and Chanyeol-Hyung. I really don't know how to Thank you." He said and smiled shyly. "GOOD MORNING~" They heard Aryan shout from the stairs smiling up to her ears."Good Morning, Aryan~" EXO said and smiled at her. Aryan waved and approached Kris and hugged him. "Good Morning, Gege." She said once again. Kris laughed, "Good Morning, sweety. Eat breakfast. Daehyun made pancakes." He said. Aryan nodded and approached, "Oppa, Good Morning~" She said and kissed Chanyeol's cheeks. Chanyeol laughed, "Good Morning, little one." He said. "You look good in your uniform, babe." Kai said and kissed her cheeks. Aryan blushed, "Thank you, Oppa." She giggle. Kris and Chanyeol coughed. "Eat, Sweety. You don't want to be late for the first day of school." Kris said. Aryan smiled and nodded. She looked at Daehyun, "Daehyun-ssi, Why aren't you getting ready yet? You'll go to school with us." She said. Kris nodded, "Get ready, we'll wait." Kris said and smiled. Daehyun nodded and went to his room to get ready. Soon, EXO and her was done eating breakfast and Daehyun was ready to go. Aryan saw Kris got to his car after he gave her temples a Kiss. She pouted. "Won't you be bringing me to school?" She asked Kris. Kris smiled, "I'm sorry, I have a meeting with the managers today about the blueprints. Do you want Luhan-hyung to bring you?" He asked. Aryan pouted and shook her head, "Arasso, Gege. Have a safe drive to Office." She said and kissed Kris in the cheeks. "Goodluck, Mei. I love you." Kris said causing the other guys inside the car look at him in disgust. Aryan looked at him in disgust, "Krisssss~" Aryan whined. Kris shrugged, "What, I said I love you." He said. Aryan rolled her eyes, "Fine, love you too." Aryan said. "Take care." She continued. Kris nodded, "Guys, please take care of Aryan." He said to Sehun, Kai and Tao. "Yes, Hyung." Apparently, Aryan has the same class with Kai, Tao and Sehun, freshmen and yes, with Daehyun too. While Baekhyun and Chanyeol are one the other building, Seniors. "Let's go." Kai said and took Aryan's bag. "Oppa, you don't have too. You have yours to carry and--" She was cut by Kai who held her hand. "It's fine, babe. Just walk." He said. Aryan smiled, Kai had always been good to me. She thought. Soon, they arrived the school. Just before you all enter the gate, girls were screaming, "OMG, that guy holding the girl's hand is SO HOT.", "So handsome." were heard. Suddenly, someone shouted, "What a . She's not even beautiful. Why is she holding the hot guy's hand?" which apparently heard by Chanyeol. He looked at the girl. "Excuse me. Who gave you the right to say those things? I though this was one of the prestigious schools in Korea? How disgrace." Chanyeol said to the girls who was embarrassed. Kai glared at the girl. Soon, they proceeded to the Administration office to get their schedules and enroll Daehyun. The admin nodded, "You can now go to class, Mr. Jung. Here is you schedule. Welcome to Hakyeon." The admin said. Daehyun bowed, "Thank you." He said. Aryan smiled and held his Schedule. Aryan smiled, "We have Business law and Ethics together." She said. Daehyun nodded. "Babe, we have the same class." Kai said. Aryan nodded, "Yeah, Accounting and Financial Management." She said. Sehun smiled and took her hand, "Homeroom, sweety." He said and wink. Aryan laughed, "How about you, Tao-Ge?" She asked Tao. Tao looked at her schedule, "We have a class together, Strategic Management." He smiled. Aryan nodded and the bell rang. "Bye Oppas, see you at lunch." He said. Tao approached her, "Goodluck, mei." He said. Aryan smiled, "You too, Ge." She smiled. Kai walked to her and patted her cheeks, "See you later, Babe. Goodluck." He said. Aryan smiled, "You too, Jongin-Oppa." She smiled. Daehyun bowed, "See you later, Ms. Wu. Fighting~" Daeyun said with the 'Fighting' gesture. Aryan laughed, "Fighting, Daehyun-sii~ Sehun took her hand, "Let's go." He said and waved to Kai, Daehyun and Tao. They soon reached the room. The professor looked at them. "You must be Mr. Oh and Ms. Wu?" He asked. The two nodded and bowed. The professor smiled, "Welcome to class, I'm Mr. Cho, please introduce yourselves." The two nodded and walked to the center. Aryan bowed, "Ta Jia Hao--" She giggled and shook her head. The class laughed, "Right, Korean.." She laughed. Mr. Cho too, smiled. She faced the class again. "I'm sorry for that. I'm Wu Aryan, or Park Aryan. Works each way. Yes, I'm half Chinese, half Korean. I spent my life studying in China, which explains why I introduced in Chinese." The class chuckled. She smiled, "Please welcome me warmly. Thank you." She continued and bowed. The class clapped and smiled. Sehun blushed, "I'm Sehun, Aryan's boyfriend." He said. Aryan gasped and looked at him, wide eyed. Sehun smiled, "Just kidding." He said. The class laughed. Aryan rolled her eyes. Sehun faced the class. "I'm Oh Sehun. I'm korean. And please welcome me warmly. Thank you." He said and bowed. The class clapped once again followed by murmurs of how Aryan was so pretty and how handsome Sehun was. Mr. Cho cleared his throat, "Okay. So much for that. Let's continue." He said and the class chuckled. Aryan sat beside Sehun at the far end part of the room. Suddenly, a handsome guy sat beside her. She smiled at the guy which just scoffed at her. Nice going, brat. She thought. Soon the class started. Aryan and Sehun was doing well. Aryan inherited Kris' intelligence. While Chanyeol, well.. He's fine. Just the average student you see. Not too intelligent, not too not-smart. Soon, the bell rang indicating that the next class was Business Lay and Ethnics, with Daehyun. Sehun brought her to her room, "Be careful." Sehun said and kissed her temples. Aryan smiled, "You too, Sehun-Oppa." She said. Sehun laughed, "Don't look at other guys." He winked and walked away. Aryan laughed. What's with him? She thought. "Ms. Wu!" She turned around and saw Daehyun running to her Direction. She smiled, "Hi, Daehyu-sii." She said. Daehyun smiled, "Daehyun-Oppa." Daehyun smiled and nodded. "Call me that." He continued. Aryan smiled, "Arasso. If you call me Aryan. Not Ms. Wu or Ms. Aryan or Ms. Park whatever." She said. Daehyun laughed, "Ne, Aryan..ssi." He said. Aryan looked at him with her famous face inherited from Kris. "I don't know you." She said and walked inside. Daehyun laughed. "Arasso. Aryan-ah." He said. Aryan turned around and smiled, "Let's go, Daehyun-Oppa. We'll be late." She said. Daehyun smiled. Why is my heart beating this way when she smiles? He thought and held his chest. I think I need the doctor to check me or something. He thought. "Daehyun-Oppa." Aryan whispered. Daehyun snapped out of his trance, "Let's go." Aryan said. Daehyun nodded. It's nice how she says my name. "Daehyun-Oppa.." He murmured and smiled. Do I like her? 




Hiii! Anyways.. I'm sorry  I didn't get to update much today.

Thanks for the support I've been getting a lot lately.

Thanks for the subscriptions and comments~

I really love reading comments and all, so make sure to camment on each chapters here.

Thank you, and I love you all. I'll update tomorrow. ;) 

Bye. Growl like EXO, guys. xx

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WuMorgeshia #1
Pliz continue, its an amazing story, love it.
sunliu94 #2
Chapter 53: can someone give me related stories like this? This was awesome and i loved it so much!!!!!!!
Chocomarsh #3
Chapter 1: I thought that there are only 13 people because exo including kris and chanyeol is 12 and with aryan it is just 13 not 14.
Xnana_Dshamsul #4
Chapter 53: I'll wait for you~~ settle in first and don't rush ^^ school can really take up your time -life- so I understand :D
Chapter 53: Awwwee it's okay school is VERY important and very stressful -_- good luck!
Xnana_Dshamsul #6
Chapter 52: AWHH! Best gift ever :') I'd like to have a gift like that too but heheh :p
Reema2000 #7
Chapter 52: updates pleas i'm new reader i love your storyyy updates
Chapter 52: 147.... that's a lot Sehun!
Xnana_Dshamsul #9
Chapter 51: holy shiet her presents are things that I've always wanted but couldn't get because I can't afford it *sob sob* lol. Totally like the part where Sehun whined like a brat XD