Chapter 26

My Two Over-Protective Brothers [Discontinued]

Chapter 26

"Didn't expect you here.."  Aryan was shocked and almost jumped. Frustrated, she turned around and saw Jongin holding a basketball ball. His shirt wet with sweat and his hair was wet dues to the sweat too. Aryan huffed, "Oppa, don't scare me like that! I thought it was some erted ahjussi!" She shouted. Jongin laughed and sat beside her, "Whatever. What are you doing here alone? Good thing I wasn't a erted ahjussi." He said as he ruffled his wet hair. Aryan frowned, "Something's bothering me, Jongin-Oppa." She said. Jongin looked at her and placed the ball beside him. "Mind telling Oppa?" He asked. Aryan sighed. "I'm getting married." She started. Jongin gasped, eyes wide. "What?!" He shouted as he stood up. Aryan looked at him, "Sit down, I'm not yet done." She said. Jongin calmed down and sat beside her. Just imagine the love of his life, getting married to some.. wait.. who'll be the groom?  He thought. Aryan looked at him. "It's for the business. It's the only way. I have to get marry to the soon of Mr. Lee then we get financial help from them.. then after that, divorce." She continued. Jongin's heart broke into pieces. Even though it was for business, Aryan and the guy she's marrying will always be together. What if the guys is some hormonal teenager? Or a erted ahjussi? What if- "I'm doing this for Kris, Jongin-Oppa. It's not like I want to get married. No. I have someone I lov-like and it's not the one who I'm marrying." She said. This time, Jongin's world crashed down. She likes somebody? No, this can't be.. What if it's not me?  He thought. Jongin looked at her. Just as she saw her, tears were falling down her cheeks. "I don't know why I'm crying, really. I'm the one who volunteered to get married at the first place.. Why am I crying?" She asked particularly no one. Jongin looked at her and cupped her face. "Look. It's normal to cry. It doesn't need a reason to because sometimes, things are just really hard to handle and everything gets out of it's place." He said and wiped her tears by his thumb. "You are crying because this is too much for you to handle. Why? Simple. Because you take too much." He continued. Aryan removed Jongin's hands. "But I want to do this. For Kris, for Chanyeol. for Eomma and Appa.. for us." She said. Jongin shook his head, "That's why Kris and Chanyeol are there for you." He said. Aryan shook her head and removed Jongin's hands. "I know. But they have done so much for me. This is the only way I can repay them" She said. "You don't have to repay them.." He said. Aryan sighed, "But I want to." She said. Jongin hugged her and comforted her with talks and some advices. Soon, Aryan halted crying and smiled at Jongin. "I don't know yet who will be the son of Mr. Lee but I hope he's as good as you.. Jongin-Oppa." She started. Jongin smiled. His heart was being filled by Aryan's warm words. "Thank you, Jongin-Oppa. If I don't have you here then I might be taking things alone." She said. She looked at Jongin and held his hands. "I can't even talk to Kris or Chanyeol because I know they'll force me not to get married." She said and pouted. "Thank you, Jongin-Oppa.." She said. Jongin smiled at her, "You're always welcome, kiddo." He said and ruffled her hair. Soon, the two decided to go home but not after stopping at the ice cream parlor. Jongin unlocked the door and saw Kris sitting at the couch. Kris looked at them with the face they despise; Coldness. Kris stood up and looked at Jongin. "Go up Kai. I'll talk to Aryan for a bit." He said. Jongin nodded and waved to Aryan and walked away. Aryan removed her shoes and ignored Kris. Just as she went further, Kris held her elbows. "Aryan please don't do this." He said. Aryan scoffed and turned around. "Do what, Kris?" She asked. Kris sighed, "Please don't do this. I can be the one who marry and you just continue on what you do. You don't have to do this." Kris said. Aryan sighed and looked at Kris. "But I want to! I want to get married, okay? I don't care about Sehun anymore! I don't care about anyone anymore! I want to get married!" She shouted. Kris looked at her in disbelief. "I know you're saying those so I can let--" He said but was cut by Aryan who shouted again. "No, Kris! I want to get married! I want to meet the son of Mr. Lee, have with him like there's no tomorrow and have a lot of child so one on of them can ever experience this!" She shouted. Kris shocked at what she said held her elbows again, tugging her. "Fine! If that's what you want! You want to have ? Fine! You want to meet Mr. Lee's son? FINE!" He shouted. Trying hard not to let tears fall on her face, Aryan winced when Kris pointed a finger at her. "But don't you dare come back to me crying." He shook his head and let go of Aryan's elbow. "I don't know you anymore." He said as he walked away angrily. Just as Aryan heard Kris' door close she fell on her knees. Ofcourse she didn't want to get married and have with a.. stranger. I'm sorry, Kris. This is the only way. I don't want to lose you, but I have to do this. I'm sorry.. 




I'm sorry for the to-bold words, but It's just a way to express how Aryan was infuriated with Kris.

Kris is now angry, hul.

Anyways..Hi, guys! Hehe. I'm back again. :3

Please comment okay? Please? hehe.

I'll be doing the next chapter right away because I might forget, hehe.

See you guys. Thank you very much. xx

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WuMorgeshia #1
Pliz continue, its an amazing story, love it.
sunliu94 #2
Chapter 53: can someone give me related stories like this? This was awesome and i loved it so much!!!!!!!
Chocomarsh #3
Chapter 1: I thought that there are only 13 people because exo including kris and chanyeol is 12 and with aryan it is just 13 not 14.
Xnana_Dshamsul #4
Chapter 53: I'll wait for you~~ settle in first and don't rush ^^ school can really take up your time -life- so I understand :D
Chapter 53: Awwwee it's okay school is VERY important and very stressful -_- good luck!
Xnana_Dshamsul #6
Chapter 52: AWHH! Best gift ever :') I'd like to have a gift like that too but heheh :p
Reema2000 #7
Chapter 52: updates pleas i'm new reader i love your storyyy updates
Chapter 52: 147.... that's a lot Sehun!
Xnana_Dshamsul #9
Chapter 51: holy shiet her presents are things that I've always wanted but couldn't get because I can't afford it *sob sob* lol. Totally like the part where Sehun whined like a brat XD