Reaching Her

Pressed Flower

I was quite shocked that KY was pretty light sleeper. He knew that i had planned this the whole time and stopped me. "Where did you think you were going?" said KY with a dark face. "Ah..I'm going Alice house to go spend a night over there." i said. "Nice try, Yume." said KY. He rushed towards me and i was in a position ready to hit him in the that area, but i was a bit too slow. "Sorry, my tai kwon do is better than yours. I just didn't want to resort to this Yume." said KY. "Why?" i said as i fainted. "Because you are mine and i did everything in my power and i even abondoned my family. That is all my reason why i think i should have you." said KY. I can feel him slowly carrying me away from what i thought was our home.

thirty minutes later Jae arrived at KY's and my house. "YUME!" yelled jae when he opened the door. "The door was unlocked? What's the meaning behind this?" questioning jae. He scanned the room and he looked around. He saw my bed and walked towards it. "I wondered where your at? I want you back." said Jae as his tone started going gloomy. He touched my pillow and worked his finger tips down the blanket. "I miss your touch. I still remember the day i held you in my arms at that party." said Jae as he grabbed the pillow I sleep on. A note fell out from the pillow.

"I knew you would grab this pillow. Seeing that it looked like you remembered something on the that day at the hospital. Congrats on finding this letter. You must have notice this might make you look like a stalker. Anyways, if you're looking for Yume. I took her already. It's already too late for you to notice anything. She told me to take her away from all this and she can't stand you because everytime she looks at you. She lost what she knows as the jaejoong she loved. She told me to take her far where she won't be seeing you flirting to your heart contents. Don't worry. She's in good care because I'm there to take care of her and if you don't feel like you trust me. Here's the address and where we're at.." signed KY.

"The address is right here." said jae. He put the pillow down and locked the door , then rushed out to run after you guys. After thirty minutes, i woke up. " head....where am i?" i said. "Welcome. This use to be my old house." said KY. "What? Why did you take me here?" i said. "Don't worry he's almost here?" said KY. "Who?" i said. "He'll be here soon." said KY.


sry....i did not edit yet. My younger sister keep bugging about going on myspace so i didn't get to edit it yet. sry..

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awww i loved this :')
So sad!!! she died!! poor Jae! just when he remember his past!!! but I love this!!! ^^
i just cry when reading chapter- secrets reaveled.... so , sad.... waaaa!!!!
where did you get all of the ideas??? so cool......
cool..... love the story.... part that she want to suicide, so cool.... love it......
LOL...thank you...i hope it wasn't all the depressing and ruined yours days or first story is now finished so i'm trying to finish or start my others ones..i hope they are great too.. :)
Yumi will die? I'm sad too because your story is reaching the end.
NO!!! Reading this chapter made me sob. Please update soon.
Ugh~ Damn KY!! Please update soon! :-)