The Encounter

Pressed Flower

  After speed walking away. I felt something warm rising up my back. It was so warm that I thought I would sink into it. "It has been a long time since I got hugged. I forgot how it felt like. I should to school now. I can't get lost in thoughts." i said. After a ten minutes walk, you reached to your school. I was just about to walk in, but I got pushed out of the way. "Oh, my bad. I didn't see you there. I could have sworn I saw no one in front of Me." said Rina. Laughter arises from all around me. I do not feel ashamed nor did I feel they were laughing at me. I don't know why, but this girl hates me for no reason. "Haha. Well, you better move it or you'll be late to class again. Wait. It’s not like the teacher knows if you're there or not anyways." said Rina.

I never understand this girl nor did I try, but I just simply got up and walked inside going to my classroom. "Are you okay? I'm sorry that I didn't help you earlier. You're not mad at me right?" said Alice. I just simply ignored her for a few simple seconds and I can feel that there was no movement behind me. It was like I was hurting her so bad. I felt guilty, but my only way of not getting her mixed up with me again, was simply ignoring her. "Alice. You should no better than anyone not to approach her. She's filthy. She's a murder. She caused her own family to go buy her a cake on her birthday even though she was so poor. You should know better than anyone to approach her!" exclaimed Rina. "You should listen to her well Alice. A important person like her, helped you out of my situation. I don't want to bring you down with me."i said.

"But, its okay cause I don't want you to suffer alone." said Alice. "Don't you get it?! I'm talking about your family! Just leave me alone and forget me. Staying by my side will just make you regret like before. Don't you remember? I'm doing yourself a favor since you never think about yourself."i said. "But,Yume." said Alice. "Don't get near me again. You remember what I was good at remember?" said you. "Yes." said Alice. "Then next time i won't let you go off easily Alice." said you. My words hurt Alice a lot, but I hurt myself more than Alice. I was only doing this for her. She probably doesn’t understand because I’m so different from people. I then walked to class like always. I always try avoiding her, hurts me also. I don't want her innocent name to be stained by my name.

Reaching class and finally sitting down as if nothing happen. Class has just started. People around me were whispering about two transfer students being boys, but after awhile I didn't care to bother with it anymore. I sit in the back row. No one dared sit next to me. I’m always being reminded of how filthy I am. There is so much in the past that happen. I didn't want to remember about it. The only thing that kept me company was my beloved book I received from my brother, before he died. It is my greatest treasure. I always open to the first page all the time because i have no courage to open the book all the way pass the first page. "Sweetest memories.” said you. "Class will begin!" said the teacher.

i have always hid the book away in your desk. The class chattered so much that the teacher couldn't even introduce right. "Silent! I will not tolerate talking in my class, you college student should know how not to be like a high school student again. Now listen up. Transfer!! Come in and make it quick!! The door slides open and I couldn't believe it was the guy that thought I was going to suicide myself. Both of them came in and yunho introduced himself, but jae just glared at the class. "I'm Jaejoong. Nice to meet you guys." All of the sudden, he walked off from the teacher. It was pretty rude, but then he chose to sit next with me. Everybody in my class was awed and mad at me. "I'm sitting next to you." said Jae. "This can't be happening to me." said you. Jae then smiles.

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awww i loved this :')
So sad!!! she died!! poor Jae! just when he remember his past!!! but I love this!!! ^^
i just cry when reading chapter- secrets reaveled.... so , sad.... waaaa!!!!
where did you get all of the ideas??? so cool......
cool..... love the story.... part that she want to suicide, so cool.... love it......
LOL...thank you...i hope it wasn't all the depressing and ruined yours days or first story is now finished so i'm trying to finish or start my others ones..i hope they are great too.. :)
Yumi will die? I'm sad too because your story is reaching the end.
NO!!! Reading this chapter made me sob. Please update soon.
Ugh~ Damn KY!! Please update soon! :-)