Staying Strong Again

Pressed Flower

  Two week has passed already. I was walking to the roof and thinking to myself. "I still don't know how i should thank him. I told him that he won't be an existance in my mind anymore, but why is that i can't control my eyes that always look for him? In a one day experience i got to know how betrayed feels like. I don't want to go back there......but still.."i thought. As I got to the roof and looked at the view. "It's other cold day. Is it going to snow again?"i said. I closed my eyes to feel the fresh cold airness, and took a deep breath. "Okay. I can do this. It's just as of before. I can't rely on anybody. I have to stay strong. Stay strong....."i said, but right at the last second, it hurted me so deeply. "It can't be the same anymore. Wake up Yume!."i said and then i snapped myself out of it by slapping my face with my two hand. "Can't cry. No more tears. No more trusting. No more anything with this class."i said. I yelled a bit out off my chest, and then walked away.

Two people came out from hiding and one of them spoke. "Stubborn woman." said one of them. "Are you sure doing this is okay?"said the other one. "It is. It will build up her will power again. Being betrayed hurts, but in life we have to deal with it. Life isn't fair to what we have to go through. Life is simple one vital hit and you're dead the next morning." said the first one. "But, that day. She was really hurt and she smiled a happy one for us. I feel bad that i can't even take any action for her jae?." said the other. "What do you mean?" said jae. Well. So far in class, she's been spit at, and pushed around and stepped on, but she's still moving." said the other. "Oh, i see. Yunho.. I don't want to deal with her anymore." said Jae. Jae then starts walking off. "Jae..."said yunho. yunho stood there for a bit. "You won't do anything because you want her to approach you right?......... Jae, you're so foolish." said yunho. 

Jae just start walking towards the nurse's office without knowing and he saw i in there. The nurse was applying medicine on your knee and both of my arms. Jae just look at me and I look back at him. It seemed pretty awkward because no one talked. He notices the bruises on my knee and my arms. There was so much scrapes on them as well. Jae was about to talk when the nurse said, "You're all done. You can go back to class now."  "Thank you nurse." i said  and then walk passed Jaejoong like he didn't ever exist in this world. While passing he can see that my eyes are now ice black cold to him. He should of known from two week ago anyways. "So why are you here, jaejoong." said the nurse. He waited until you left the room and then he sat on the bed, then finally spoke.

"I can't understand women." said jaejoong. "Well, i'm glad to help you." said the nurse. She walked towards jaejoong and sat next to him. "what is it that you can't understand, mr. kim jaejoong." said the nurse. While speaking to jaejoong she was touching him  as she was speaking. What the both of them doesn't know is that I was still there, and saw everything from the outside of the door. "So, he was just playing with me. At least it won't hurt me later on." I said as i walked away. "Well, nurse. I can't understand why someone wouldn't want to leave another woman alone. That is what i meant. i'm not talking about doing it or anything." said jaejoong. The nurse stopped and said, "Oh. If it's that. It must be jealousy over something." "Jealous over what?" said Jae. "It can be anything jae, as long as they're pretty mad at what they have and what you have. Then it starts from there." said the nurse. "So i see. Then I want you to tell me what you know about Little Miss Rina?" said jae. "Sure, i'll tell you whatever you need as long as you please me." said the nurse. "What is it that you want right now." said jae. "I want it." said the nurse. "If you want it. I'll give you the same treatment, alright." said jae.

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awww i loved this :')
So sad!!! she died!! poor Jae! just when he remember his past!!! but I love this!!! ^^
i just cry when reading chapter- secrets reaveled.... so , sad.... waaaa!!!!
where did you get all of the ideas??? so cool......
cool..... love the story.... part that she want to suicide, so cool.... love it......
LOL...thank you...i hope it wasn't all the depressing and ruined yours days or first story is now finished so i'm trying to finish or start my others ones..i hope they are great too.. :)
Yumi will die? I'm sad too because your story is reaching the end.
NO!!! Reading this chapter made me sob. Please update soon.
Ugh~ Damn KY!! Please update soon! :-)