The Move

From Dream and Ambition to Reality

Crys' POV

"What. The actual. Hell. Are. You saying? Speak English pabo," I said half jokingly to the human bunny in front of me. Well, a bunny with electricity for blood or something. Finally Suzi stopped jumping a bit and resorted to swaying side to side.




"Yes," I smiled, becoming a little more hopeful.



"We can move in tomorrow!" she grinned, now spinning in small circles. "So yes or no?"


"Good!" she exclaimed and began to drag me to our rooms. "Pack. It's already 2 to 1 if Hana doesn't want to, which I know is pretty near impossible, so pack. We leave tomorrow afternoon~" she sang as she skipped out.

Giving myself a few moments to do my own fangirling, I took a breather before calling Taemin to thank him and the rest of SHINee for the promoting. I think we talked for at least an hour while I packed my clothes.

"I kind of wish SM would've called you instead," he said. I could practically hear the pouting in his voice.

"I know Minnie. Me too. But I guess it's for the better. Now I won't be distracted as much," I smirked, hearing a laugh from the other end.

"I can be pretty disruptive can't I?"

After a few more minutes, we made a plan for a date soon and then bid each other a goodnight. As I was just finishing up the last of my clothes I heard Su's "Oh crap!" from the bathroom.

"What?" I called out. The door was open, and she poked her head out, looking at an angle into my room.

"I know we have boyfriends, and really cherish them and all..."

"And?" I asked. Where the hell was she going with this? She wasn't the kind to fool around. Joke about it? Yes. Do it for real? No.

"Do you understand the amount of temptation we're going to be putting ourselves through? Our boys better be ing proud of us by the end of our stay," she commented, slipping back behind the doorway.

"What do you mean?" I asked, not fully catching on.

"....One Day might as well walk around like it's the Garden of Eden eonnie. The physical eye candy is going to be intense. And they know as well as we do, that no matter how in love you are with someone, there will always be images that you have to admire no matter what your ual preferance."

We both laughed and agreed on that fact.

"Speaking of boyfriends, is Hana spending the night or what?" she asked, carrying her flat iron out of the room and turning off the light.

"I don't think so. I think she said she couldn't stand being around all of them at once for so long."

Suzi nodded as she came to sit on my bed. "Good. Plus, now that people actually know of us, I'm hoping there won't be any sasaeng fans that try and kill us or anything. It haven't run into any super crazy Inspirits, but god knows there has to be some out there," she commented.

She was right to worry, but I honestly doubted there'd be any after us specifically. As far as anyone was concerned, our relationship with the idols was at most, friends. Only the companies, the idols, and us knew how the training system worked in our particular case. There wasn't really any big suspicion.

Hana's POV

"What do I get her?" he asked.

"Stop pacing! You're making us nervous!" I heard Hyunseung gripe in the background.

"Go to your room then!" Dujun retorted.

"I am in my room!" he yelled back.


I waited, trying not to laugh at his situation as Myungsoo poked his head into the bedroom. I was sprawled out on his matress after the phone call interrupted the movie. I just took the call into his room and let them continue, but I guess Myungsoo was getting lonely. He came to sit beside me, his arms embraced around his legs that he held near his chest. He was in a warm red sweatshirt and gray sweatpants that was too hard to not fall asleep next to. Honestly, I'm glad Dujun had called. I had nearly passed out right there on the couch.

"Who is it?" he mouthed.

"Dujun. He's worrying about what to get Suzi-eonnie on their next date," I smiled, and he grinned, looking off towards the open doorway. The light from the hallway and the street light from the window behind us, casting a dim lighting on the two of us.

"Let me talk to him?" he asked, and I nodded.

"Dujun-sunbae?" he inquired after I put the phone on speaker.

"N-Neh? Yeobeoseyo?"

"Infinite's L-imnida."

"Ah! Annyeonghaseyo~"

"Annyeonghaseyo," he chuckled. "Hana informed me that you're looking for suggestions on a gift?"

"Neh, would you have any ideas?"

"Mm, maybe. What are you doing for your date?"

"We're going to a nightly lighted garden walk.. thing... Is that too greasy?"

"Ani!" I chimed. "That's perfect for Su."

"Good," he replied with a sigh. "That's a good start."

"Get her something simple, but pure or shiny," Myungsoo suggested.

"But not too expensive," I added. "If it's cute she'll love it no matter what."

"Araso~ Komawo! Jaljayeo!"

"Good bam~" we replied. I tossed my phone aside and turned to lay down on the bed followed by my wonderful boyfriend who gladly cuddled up. I rested my head against his chest as he pulled the covers over us.

"Good night," he whispered, kissing my forehead.

Smiling, I blushed into the warmth of his sweatshirt before bravely returning a kiss to his cheek. "Good night oppa."

Suzi's POV

New Message

Hana: OMG I'M SORRY! I just woke up and forgot to tell you! I'm still at their dorm. I'm just going to wake up early and be home soon tomorrow morning.

Me: Hahaha~ It's fine magnae. And good. You'll have to pack your stuff when you get back. We'll help you though, don't worry.

Hana: O.O Wae? Eh?

Me: OH! I didn't call you yet because I didn't want to bother you~ JYP called and we're able to get in! We'll be staying there until we leave. Tomorrow afternoon we move in.

Hana: AWESOME! jakfdjcaok;kdjgfak! I'll wake up extra early. Promise~~

Me: Lol~ Araso. Get some rest magnae~ See you tomorrow.

Hana: Ne~ Night eomma

"Dork," I mumbled to myself before setting my phone back down and pulling the covers over myself. I physically spazed a little, still excited about tomorrow but eventually drifted to sleep.

Narrator POV

Hana arrived a little later than she wanted, but was packed in time none-the-less. Around 1pm they were carted off in a stylish, black company van. With the driver making a stop at a market to gather a few grocceries along with the hungry girls, they eventually arrived at the entertainment building of JYP. As Suzi stepped out of the vehicle, her eyes didn't leave it's vertical gaze up at the glossy windowed structure.

"Su," Crystal said firmly. "Bag. Walk. Soon."

"Oh, neh! Mian~" she chuckled.

The three dragged their luggag,e with the help of the driver, into the building. They were entering from the back, and soon came across an elevator that they rode up until they hit the 6th floor. They passed several empty dance studios before coming to the end of the hall. The driver set down Suzi's duffle bag and opened the door with the jingle of the silver key marked 513.

"We don't have any legitimate dorm rooms available, but these are kind of our guest rooms so to speak," he explained, setting the bag inside the door and handing Crys the spare key. "Enjoy, and welcome," he concluded with a smile and a bow. The girls returned the gesture, thanking him, and then closed the door to place their bags in their room. They'd all have to share a room together, but that didn't bother them too much as there were two bunk beds. They all placed opened their suitcases/bags and placed their make-up and hair products in the washroom adjacent their resting place.

"I don't think I'll unpack," Suzi sighed staring at her neatly packed outfits. "I'm kind of sick of moving," she laughed. "Maybe I'll just stay here."


A few days passed after recieving a congradulatory call from YG, and Crystal had gotten an unfortunate call from home. Her mother and soon-to-be-father had to move their wedding to an earlier date. They felt horrible about it, but Crys was going to have to fly back early. That day the girls canceled their plans to practice in order to help their eonnie make sure she didn't forget anything and to go out for one last tourist walk around Seoul.

The next morning Suzi and Hana woke up extra early to greet their best friend with breakfast.

"You guys ," Crys smiled playfully as her nose twitched a bit. Her eyes became shifty as she tried to stop herself from tearing up. They stuck together the rest of the morning until they had to say their goodbyes at the gate.

"Hwaiting!" Crys called out, hesitantly stepping backwards into the metal runway that connected her to her flight.

"Neh! Eonnie hwaiting!" the other two replied and watched until their friend's back could no longer be seen. Hana seemed fine, but Suzi's usual perky attitude had noticably deflated.

"Damn it. Now I don't have anyone to cuddle with," she pouted.

"You have a boyfriend," Hana scofed. "Please don't tell me you forgot your date is tomorrow."

"No! I remember... But he's not short and squishy," she replied with an exagerated sigh.

"Oh geeze your life is over," the taller teased. "How do you think Taemin feels? His manager wouldn't even let him out for a visit. Honestly, I don't feel as bad because I know we can see her again."

Her words seemed to reach the older's mind as she nodded. "Let's go give him a gift of food and banana milk... and a hug," Suzi smiled warmly.

"I'll keep my hugs for Myungsoo, but I agree," she said, mirroring the soft smile.


A/N: Sorry that was so abrubt T.T


Suzi's POV

"It's going to be decent outside eonnie. You're good with fashion. Just put a blindfold on and grab something," Hana joked. "Or do I need to go get Taecyeon?"

"NOo!  I'll be okay," I said looking back at my slightly scrambled pile of clothes inthe suitcase. Growling a bit, I reached down and pulled out a dress and jacket. Next, I went to the duffle bag and grabbed a few black bracelets before changing compeltely. I let my hair fall down naturally. By now it had reached near the middle of my back and because of the shower I had just taken, it still had a bit of wave in it.

"You better hurry eomma. Appa's going to get more nervous the later you are," the magnae warned as I frantically put on my shoes at the doorway. "Oh! And if you see Chansung-ssi in the studios on your way out, tell him he owes me 3 bananas," she pouted.

"For what?" I asked, finally getting the strap securly around my heel.

"Each time he accidently back handed me at practice," she grumbled with a smirk. "I told him the only way he could make it up would be to give me his favorite food," she added with a slight embarrassed flush over her cheeks. I chuckled at her and shook my head. "Mwo?!"


"It was awkward, but... I was hungry," she said, adding her explaination quietly.

"Alright alright. I'll tell him. Get some rest hun," I smiled. She nodded and walked off to take a shower with a wave goodbye.

Luckily the boys were taking a water break when I popped my head in and gave Chansung, Hana's message. Although reluctantly, he agreed to bring extras for her tomorrow. Taecyeon and Nichkhun teased me in English about going out with a guy, and started making mushy noises before one of the female back up dancers broke it up and complimented my style. She bid me good luck and the others waved to me with "Goodbye"s and "Have fun"s.

Simply applying some chapstick while I awaited the taxi to come to a stop in front of me, I took a slow breath in. It felt nice to dress up a bit and at least put on some eye-liner. To be honest, I never really wore make-up. Not even cover-up. I just never really needed it. And any make-up on my eyes made them look that much bigger, so I usually just left everything natural. I slid into the cab and gave him a slip of paper with the desination on it. As I waited patiently in the back I started to get a few texts coming in. One was a picture of my eonnie in America, in her bride's maid dress. She was stunning in it as ususal. The other was a teasing picture of Dujun's hand holding a deep red rose that seemed dimly lit. His text read:

Pali! You have to make it in time before the petals all fall away~~

I giggled and replied playfully.

Aigoo~ Love is supposed to be patient though~! I hope that rose isn't the only symbol you had in mind ;p

His reply made me curious as to, A) What he had in mind, and B) Where he was exactly.

Of course not! But I guess you'll just have to follow my clues to find out. Call me when you get to the entrance~

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awww i like this fic! fighting!
MechanicalAngel #3
Love~....But why do you do this?!? TORTURE~~~!! >.<
Dragons_Flower #4
I would definitely lock you guys out.... and also, I would definitely use all the hot water. Actually, that sounds fantastic. Logging off to go use all of Mike's hot water >D
aegyo101 #5
@MechanicalAngel arrasseo ^.^' ..yeah, I went back and fixed things.. Aigoo~ Having Dongwoo and Dongwoon in the same story is confusing me >.<#
And I have no idea why those were ...I guess in my head I was thinking that Suzi said those words in a certain form in Korean so that it had a different meaning.. AISH~ nan molla T.T
MechanicalAngel #6
O.O...unnie cussed....and you no edit huh? lol..Dongwoo changed into Dongwoon at one point and some of the grammar was off ^.^... words? I don't understand (o_o)....But enjoyable chapter but...JIHOON~~~~ TT.TT....sad magnae....I dunno who I like better X.X
Dragons_Flower #7
I am not as desperate and antisocial as this makes me seem. Just antisocial. Lol (:
MechanicalAngel #8
Omo lol.....hmm me and my phone...(THAT I'M ABOUT TO FREAKING RUN OVER WITH SOMETHING LARGE, HEAVY, AND PREFERABLY RELATED TO A CRUSHING MACHINE!!!...that I can't remember the name of >.<...
MechanicalAngel #9
Muahaha! Planning~~~ Unnie and I should do that when we come over tonight ;D...Kekeke I'm enjoying this unnie...
aegyo101 #10
@Dragons_Flower aww~ Baby~ It's ok. At least we have break soon! You will be able to join me at least one day for Replay practice, neh?