Sweet Dream At 20,000 Feet

From Dream and Ambition to Reality

Narrator POV

“Hey, you guys saw those three girls right?” the cute-faced brunette male said to his friends on his right.

“Yeah, that one had some awesome style,” the blonde leader said with a grin as he leaned forward in his seat.

A tall, almost white haired man was aware of the females they spoke of but decided to go back to sleeping. Even if it was hard with his leader’s voice rambling across the aisle beside him. Two of his other friends/family members sat ahead of him. The one nearest with left window seat had brown hair that slanted down towards the right side of his face.
The one next to him having a dark spiked up Mohawk-like hair. He spoke up next.

“It was kinda cute how short they were. It reminded me a bit of BoA, only in American form,” he said as he looked across the aisle to the other contemporary haired brunette.

“Yeah, ‘cause you’re one who should be talkin’ about short,” the blonde joked, receiving a small slap on his knee from the spiky haired member.

All of them aside from the tallest white haired male had removed their hats or hoods as the plane became airborne. It was going to be a long 12 hour and 20 minute flight before anyone would reach Seoul. Half-way into the flight they had all fallen asleep.

Meanwhile back in Coach seating, Suzi was sleeping against the pillow which lay on the window’s surface. She won her seat by using her blinking puppy eyes and pouting. Plus she compromised that she would let Crys have the window on the way back. On the right half of the plane, there were three seats connected, so it worked out to where all three girls could sit together.

Crys slept as well, with her head on Suzi’s shoulder, as Hana sat reading a FanFic on her iPod. Hana had already slept a majority of the trip and would be able to last another six or so hours.

“Pst,” Suzi whispered to Hana. “Help me move Crys so I can get up and walk around.”

Hana nodded and the two helped each other to gently move their friend’s head onto a pillow that leaned against the head of her seat.

“I think I’ll join you,” Hana said quietly and stood up to let Suzi out ahead of her. “Where to?” she asked, both stretching their arms above their heads.

Suzi shrugged. “Well I gata head to the bathroom,” she said and Hana led the way to the back of the plane. There was surprisingly not many people on this flight but apparently enough to where there was at least three people in line for the bathroom.

“Excuse me,” Suzi said, acquiring the Korean airline waitress’ attention.

“Yes?” the woman answered with a smile and a decent accent.

“Is there another restroom?” Hana asked. Come to think of it, she was kind of in need of one too.

“Yes. At the front. I’ll take you up there myself because it is First Class,” she said and kindly led the two girls towards the front.

Suzi sported a form fitting yellow, Tweety-Bird tank top with a cropped black leather opened jacket-vest, which brought out her large deep green eyes, black skinny jeans, and 1 ½ inch electric blue and red strapped heels. While Hana wore a black and gold splattered tank with a white and purple leopard printed, fitted jacket, dark blue jeans, and black converse.

Both girls bowed respectively to the stewardess who returned the gesture and left to go back to the back of the plane. Suzi had gone in first, leaving Hana to wait in the nearest seat.

“Hawwwt,” Hana sang in her head after seeing the sleeping and attractive boys near the back of First Class. They also looked familiar. Her eyes widened. “Holy,” she said quietly in awe.

“What’s up with you?” Suzi said as she came to stand in front of her younger friend.
Hana pulled Suzi down next to her. “Su Su Su Su!” she exclaimed although in a whisper.

“What?!” she replied in a whisper. “Good Lord woman. Breathe.”

“It’s..It’s,” the blonde streaked girl began but couldn’t stop smiling. She was trying not to fangirl. “Imma go to the bathroom. You see for yourself,” she said quietly as she gestured to the back and the left before standing and walking into the bathroom.

Suzi stood up and casually stretched and let her eyes gaze just as casually to where her friend had gestured. A short squeal came from as she quickly dropped back down, only she missed the chair and hit the floor. “Ow,” she moaned quietly rubbing her sore .

The white-ish haired guy had fully awakened now and thought he heard a small noise come from the front and to the right. He also heard a slight groan. It wasn’t until one of the girls he’d seen at the beginning of the flight came out of the restroom and looked downwards.

“Smooth Su-ssi,” she laughed lightly and helped her friend up. “So do you really think T.O.P Media is going to like us?” she asked a bit loudly.

It was confirmed. It was two of the three girls that his ‘brothers’ were talking of at the beginning. “G was right,” he thought. “They do have a unique style.” Suddenly both girls turned to face him slightly and he held his breath, scared that they would recognize him.
“Please no fangirls, no fangirls, nooo fangirls,” he thought.

Hana and Suzi smiled brightly, although a bit nervously, and bowed before returning to their seats.

He returned greetings with a small bow of his head and a smile, although furrowed his eyebrows after they parted. “That was weird,” he mumbled. “Especially the whole T.O.P Media.”

“Unnie!” the two quietly screeched as they shook Crystal fully awake. They had waited until the last hour of the flight before telling her.

“What?” the 5 foot 1 friend mumbled as she stretched a bit. Her dark blue skinny jeans seemed to be glued to the seat. Movement was of necessity right now.

“Big Bang is on our plane!” the two others said in a synced screechy whisper as the girl in between went through a series of facial expressions.

The girls had found seats at the front of the Coach class and sat down in order to be the first ones off aside from the Korean Idols in First Class. After the plane landed and the seatbelt light went off, they were shown the way to the front and were escorted off.

“Kansahamnida,” they girls said with a bow in respects to their pilots and hostesses.
They were finally in Seoul.

Crystal led the way to the black suited man with their last names on a piece of paper. Thankfully he spoke English very well, and led the way outside informing them that their bags had been delivered to the hotel. Crys lifted the hood of her black with white skull and crossbones, in a polka dot-like pattern, hoody. She saw Big Bang being greeted by a large group of fans as they entered their black SUV.

“I can’t believe you guys never woke me up when you first found out,” she complained half-jokingly to the two girls on her right. All of them hugged their two carry-on bags on their laps.

“Aw, shush,” Suzi said giving her an awkward but happy hug. “We’ll probably get to see them while we’re here. I mean, we’ll be here for what? Two months? I think in that time we’ll be able to build enough respect with T.O.P Media managers to where we can travel outside their branch.”

“Always the optimist,” Hana said shaking her head.

“I know right?” Crys replied with a small sigh. “Just one more way to get our hopes up.”
Suzi stuck out her tongue. “Merong.” She then crossed her arms with a smile. “You still owe me money from the bet earlier. I knew we’d go to Korea.”

“Sure you did,” Crystal said. “How about double or nothing? I bet we won’t branch out to another company and mainly stick with T.O.P Media. I’m not saying we won’t see others…just that we won’t work with other companies.”

“Alright,” Suzi said with a big smile. “If you win, you don’t have to pay me. If I win, it’s double,” she said.

“Deal,” Crys replied with a nod.

Hana just laughed. “And I’m staying out of this because that way I win no matter what,” she said with a confident and proud smile, earning two ‘merong’s from her left.

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awww i like this fic! fighting!
MechanicalAngel #3
Love~....But why do you do this?!? TORTURE~~~!! >.<
Dragons_Flower #4
I would definitely lock you guys out.... and also, I would definitely use all the hot water. Actually, that sounds fantastic. Logging off to go use all of Mike's hot water >D
aegyo101 #5
@MechanicalAngel arrasseo ^.^' ..yeah, I went back and fixed things.. Aigoo~ Having Dongwoo and Dongwoon in the same story is confusing me >.<#
And I have no idea why those were ...I guess in my head I was thinking that Suzi said those words in a certain form in Korean so that it had a different meaning.. AISH~ nan molla T.T
MechanicalAngel #6
O.O...unnie cussed....and you no edit huh? lol..Dongwoo changed into Dongwoon at one point and some of the grammar was off ^.^... words? I don't understand (o_o)....But enjoyable chapter but...JIHOON~~~~ TT.TT....sad magnae....I dunno who I like better X.X
Dragons_Flower #7
I am not as desperate and antisocial as this makes me seem. Just antisocial. Lol (:
MechanicalAngel #8
Omo lol.....hmm me and my phone...(THAT I'M ABOUT TO FREAKING RUN OVER WITH SOMETHING LARGE, HEAVY, AND PREFERABLY RELATED TO A CRUSHING MACHINE!!!...that I can't remember the name of >.<...
MechanicalAngel #9
Muahaha! Planning~~~ Unnie and I should do that when we come over tonight ;D...Kekeke I'm enjoying this unnie...
aegyo101 #10
@Dragons_Flower aww~ Baby~ It's ok. At least we have break soon! You will be able to join me at least one day for Replay practice, neh?