Love Club

From Dream and Ambition to Reality

Hana POV

“Oh for the love of God, where did you get those?” Seungri asked Seunghyun as he stuffed two marshmallows into his mouth.

“I found them,” he replied after storing them in his cheeks to speak. We all laughed and I pointed out that those were actually ours.

“Jingja? Mianhamnida,” Seunghyun said and handed the bag to me with not but three left.

Daesung sighed. “The damage is already done Hana-ah,” he said placing a sympathetic hand on my shoulder as I bit a small bit of a mallow before swallowing and then stuffing the rest in my mouth. “Wae?” I asked. “What do you mean?”

“Seunghyun plus sugar-” Seungri began. “-equals hyperactive chemicals in his body-”
Taeyang sighed. “-which means-” GD smirked. “Party time!” Seunghyun squealed as the elevator doors closed and the metal cube descended with laughter.

“Don’t you guys have a massive schedule?” Suzi asked. Typical her. Always worrying.

“Tomorrow is our last full day of freedom. Which means we can party tonight and rest all day tomorrow,” Daesung stated in a worry-free-zone fashion.

“So where to?” Seungri, who was against the idea before for some reason, asked with a smile.

“-Ight!” GD began excitedly. “That’s the mood I’m lookin’ for. But I don’t know. Ladies choice?” he suggested as we filed out of the transporter.

“Ok, because as Americans who are practically tourists, we totally know where to go,” Crystal said playfully.

“Club NB!” Seunghyun smiled as he somewhat skipped out the door.

Narrator POV

The boys went back to get ‘disguises’, even though it wouldn’t do much, and the girls went back to get changed into more appropriate clothes. The boys must have exaggerated the severity of Suzi’s ankle because it seemed to be working fine now. Heals were a no though.
With her Park Bom imitation dress, she wore white, pink, green, and yellow kicks with good support and wrapped her ankle with ace wrap and an IcyHot patch in case. (

Hana changed into something more casual and comfortable, as it hung looser and also switched to English while they were alone. ( "Ready unnie?" she called to Crystal through the bathroom door.

"Ne!" she replied and opened the door after having changed into something more sophisticated but still attracting. (
"We were meeting them there right?"

"Right. We're supposed to go to the back, because Hana is a few months too young and so we gata sneak her in," Suzi sighed and grabbed her ID ditching the others in the room.

The other two stared at the door for a moment before shrugging and jogging out, just in time to catch her in the elevator. A black limo pulled up just as they opened the doors of the hotel.


I swear when I saw them come out, Big Bang almost had a heart attack. Seunghyun sat closest to the door and he opened it for them and slid over. I sat towards the front of the limo and I guess my mouth was open when Suzi-ah walked in, awkwardly bent over because of the roof top, because Taeyang laughed a bit and put his finger to the bottom of my jaw, pushing it closed. Daesung and Seungri looked pleased when Hana-ssi sat in between them and Seunghyun looked speechless as well when Crystal-ssi sat next to him.

"Wow, look amazing," I said in an exhale of breath I apparently had been storing.

"Kansahamnida," she said. The others complemented each other as we drove and made fun conversation. Taeyang and Suzi seemed to be getting along really well, talking a lot about things mostly in English, and at the moment it was fine with me. The dress she was wearing was so similar to the one I dreamt of, my imagination was escaping me a bit.
Seunghyun and Hana started to voice their ideas on how to take over the world which thankfully was too entertaining and broke me out of my thought. Daesung and Suzi tried to battle each other with happiness. Trying to out-happy each other's actions or words. It was too disgustingly perky for our taste and ended up playfully hitting them with the pillows that lay behind us.

Our disguises seemed to be working fine. We were sitting at the bar and no one had approached us yet. Thank God for no lighting aside from lasers and strobes.

"Do we really look that different without any make up?" Seungri asked, enjoying the natural feel of being out with friends and no fan girls.

"I guess so," Taeyang laughed. I stood up and just as I was about to turn to Suzi to ask her to dance, a guy on the other side of her held out his hand and she took it, following him out into the flashing dark sea of bodies. Frustrated and somewhat sullen I sat back down and ordered a second round.

"Who was that?" Seunghyun asked me, noticing my disheveled attitude. I shrugged. "I didn't get a good look at him."

Suzi POV

"So how did you come to meet Big Bang? You a friend of 2NE1?" he asked I we faced each other, closely moving our bodies together with the beat.

I shook my head. "Not yet," I laughed. This guy looked really familiar to someone I had seen before but I couldn't put my finger on it. "I'm a backup dancer from the U.S. Me and two of my friends came here to learn more dance wise," I explained. I rolled my eyes a bit with mock annoyance and smiled while shaking my head a bit. He was listening alright, but his eyes weren't following the words out of my mouth, that's for sure.

"So a beautiful dancer, beautiful eyes, beautiful voice, and a party girl with a sweet side to her?" he asked with a smirk after seeing my surprised expression.

"Well yeah, I guess you got it down. Now let me guess... Amazing charisma, amazing voice, amazing dancer, and a confident b-boy who likes girls with a bad side?" I asked as the music did a switch up and I stopped leading him back to the bar.

"Ne. Exactly right," he chuckled and we sat back down.

"Jiyoung sunbae," he greeted the blondie of to whom turned around and smiled.

"Junhyung-ssi! Is the rest of Beast with you?" he asked, his smile a strange mix of happiness and frustration.

"Beast?" Crsytal and I chorused as we both looked at the man standing in front of GD.

He sighed and nodded his head at the two of us before turning back to G. "They either had scheduling or were being lazy."

I laughed at my stupidity. "How did I not notice him?" I thought and then continued to talk with him when Jiyoung interrupted politely but quickly. Junhyung had to get back to his place anyways, but Jiyoung dragged me away to the floor along with the other members and girls like he was saving me from a burning building.

"Mianhae," he said after he shook his head and ran a black, flingerless glove through his hair and blushed a bit.

"Don't worry about it," I smiled and put my hand on his shoulder, swinging my hips in time with the crashing bass. He soon followed my flow and moved behind me, our bodies fitting together like the curve of one puzzle piece to another.


So maybe she said she wasn't much of a dancer, and neither was I, but she could've fooled me tonight.

"Stop making me laugh. It makes me sound weird," she complained after catching her breath as we retreated to a table.

"Wae?" I whined. "I think your laugh is cute and fun."

Daesung and Hana found us and joined us a few minutes later. Seungri apparently spent all his energy and took a cab back home. Was the mood really light in here or is it just me?
Spotting a glass of something in front of me I grabbed it, sniffed it, and tasted it. "Yay, it's drinkable," I said brightly.

"I have a feeling we're going to have carry him home," Jiyoung laughed as he sat down with
a tired looking Suzi.

"How you kidding? Not me. Taeyang-hyung," I spilled. "I don't think that came out with sense," I thought. Maybe I would need to be carried.

"Someone shoot me," Taeyang said, just sitting down as I said whatever it was I said. "Him drunk plus my name in him mouth doesn't mean anything good." I stuck out my tongue at him while they laughed.

"Everybody say 'choom TOP'!" GD began, only to be finished off by a reprise from the others sitting around me.

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awww i like this fic! fighting!
MechanicalAngel #3
Love~....But why do you do this?!? TORTURE~~~!! >.<
Dragons_Flower #4
I would definitely lock you guys out.... and also, I would definitely use all the hot water. Actually, that sounds fantastic. Logging off to go use all of Mike's hot water >D
aegyo101 #5
@MechanicalAngel arrasseo ^.^' ..yeah, I went back and fixed things.. Aigoo~ Having Dongwoo and Dongwoon in the same story is confusing me >.<#
And I have no idea why those were ...I guess in my head I was thinking that Suzi said those words in a certain form in Korean so that it had a different meaning.. AISH~ nan molla T.T
MechanicalAngel #6
O.O...unnie cussed....and you no edit huh? lol..Dongwoo changed into Dongwoon at one point and some of the grammar was off ^.^... words? I don't understand (o_o)....But enjoyable chapter but...JIHOON~~~~ TT.TT....sad magnae....I dunno who I like better X.X
Dragons_Flower #7
I am not as desperate and antisocial as this makes me seem. Just antisocial. Lol (:
MechanicalAngel #8
Omo lol.....hmm me and my phone...(THAT I'M ABOUT TO FREAKING RUN OVER WITH SOMETHING LARGE, HEAVY, AND PREFERABLY RELATED TO A CRUSHING MACHINE!!!...that I can't remember the name of >.<...
MechanicalAngel #9
Muahaha! Planning~~~ Unnie and I should do that when we come over tonight ;D...Kekeke I'm enjoying this unnie...
aegyo101 #10
@Dragons_Flower aww~ Baby~ It's ok. At least we have break soon! You will be able to join me at least one day for Replay practice, neh?