
It's Love

Luhan and Sehun were getting ready for school when Sehun decided to start a conversation because it was too quiet. "Luhan." Sehun called out as he looked at him. "Hmm?" Luhan answered while he combed his hair. "What if I become gay? What do you think about that?" Sehun asked. Luhan almost got a shock of his life. "W-what?" Luhan asked, not believing what he has just heard. "What if..." Sehun walked towards Luhan and took Luhan's comb away. He put it aside before intertwining their fingers together. "I fall in love with you?" Sehun asked as he looked at Luhan.


Luhan didn't know what to answer. It was kinda awkward. "Yeah like that would happen." Luhan said, trying to sound funny. "What if it does?" Sehun asked. He really wanted to know Luhan's answer. "Stop this. It's only morning and you're all so... I don't know. Come on. Let's go to school." Luhan said as he broke free from Sehun's grip but Sehun pulled him back and kissed him on his lips.


"Answer me, please?" Sehun pleaded. Luhan really wanted to run away. "If that really happens-" "Yo peeps!" Chanyeol barged in with Yixing and Jongin. "Hey guys." Luhan said. He was glad that his friends have saved him from his awkward moment with Sehun. "Let's go to class together." Yixing said as he walked to Luhan. "Luhan ah. Is your knee better?" He asked with concern. "Yep. It's better today." Luhan smiled. Yixing ruffled his hair playfully. "Come on. Let's go to class." Yixing said.


Sehun felt jealous when he saw his best friend being close with someone else.


"Hey Baek!" Jongin called out as they entered the classroom. Baekhyun smiled. "Did you wake up late? You didn't join us this morning." Yixing said as he sat down. "Umm....Yeah I did." Baekhyun lied. Sehun could feel the awkward atmosphere as he looked at Chanyeol, who wasn't paying attention to his conversation with Baekhyun. Jongin knew that something wasn't right.




After school-


"Hey guys. Wanna grab a drink at the canteen?' Jongin asked as he watched his friends packed their bags. "Sure." Luhan smiled. "Baek are you coming along?" Jongin asked. "I'll join you guys next time." Baekhyun smiled weakly and he left. "I's obvious that something happened between you guys." Sehun said. "Yeah what happened?" Jongin asked. "I'll tell you guys at the canteen." Chanyeol said and they left.




At the canteen-


"When we went back to our dorm after the games yesterday, he was very quiet. He didn't speak a single word to me." Chanyeol said as he stirred his drink with the straw. "You didn't try talking to him?" Jongin asked. "No... I was afraid that he might get angry if I talk to him." Chanyeol said. "I think it's because you confessed indirectly to him during the game of truth or dare." Luhan said and he took a sip of his drink. "So it means that Baekhyun doesn't like Chanyeol back?" Jongin asked. Everyone just kept quiet. "What was I thinking? Why would anyone like me? I'm such a klutz. I'm not good looking. My deep voice is scary. And I'm too tall." Chanyeol said. Luhan just patted Chanyeol's back.


"Oh my God." Jongin suddenly exclaimed. "What what?" Yixing asked. "It's him! It's him!" Jongin said excitedly. "Who who?" Luhan asked. "That guy over there. The one with the blue sling bag." Jongin said. "Do Kyungsoo?" Chanyeol asked. "You know him?" Jongin asked. "All of us know him. He's like the best vocalist in this school." Sehun said. "Wait a minute. You like him?" Yixing asked. Jongin just kept quiet as he took a sip of his drink. "Oh my God Kim Jongin likes Do Kyungsoo!" Yixing teased. Kyungsoo turned and look at them when he heard his name being mentioned. "Shut up, Yixing!" Jongin said. "Oh yeah. It's Jongin's turn to get teased." Chanyeol said.


"Hey he's coming here!" Sehun said excitedly. "Here's your chance, Jongin." Yixing said. "Hi." Kyungsoo smiled. "Hi. Wanna join?" Luhan asked with a smile. "Sure." Kyungsoo said as he sat next to Jongin. "Hi." Kyungsoo smiled at Jongin, who was avoiding making eye contact with him. "H-hi..." Jongin said shyly and he took a sip of his drink. He was too nervous until he accidentally spilled his drink onto his shirt. "Ah ." Jongin cursed. "You gotta go to the toilet and get yourself cleaned up." Kyungsoo said. Jongin got up and went to the toilet, with Kyungsoo  following him behind. "I think there'll be good news when they come back." Yixing smiled.




"Aish the stain is hard to be removed." Jongin grumbled as he wiped his shirt with a wet tissue. "Let me help you." Kyungsoo offered his help as he took some toilet paper and wet. He started to wipe Jongin's shirt. Jongin couldn't believe that the guy whom he have been having a crush on was standing very close to him and helping him wipe his shirt. "There. All done." Kyungsoo smiled as he threw the tissue away. Jongin looked at his shirt and the stain has been removed. "T-thanks.." Jongin said shyly. "You have something on the corner of your mouth." Kyungsoo smiled and he wiped it away with his thumb. Jongin's heartbeat started to quicken. "You know. You look cute when you're shy." Kyungsoo said as he moved closer and closed the gap between Jongin and himself. "And I can hear your heart beating fast, too." He continued.


"I know you've been having a crush on me, Jongin. In fact... I have a crush on you, too." Kyungsoo confessed. "W-what?" Jongin asked, finding it hard to believe what he have just heard. "The first time I saw you, you were dancing. You look so cool. I felt very attracted to you since then. At first, I didn't dare to talk to you because I was afraid that you might find me ugly because of my big eyes and my short height. But then I started to notice that you steal glances at me sometimes. I wanted to talk to you but I haven't got any chance. Well... Till now." Kyungsoo said as he looked straight into Jongin's eyes.


"Kyungsoo.... Wait. I think I'm dreaming." Jongin said, refusing to believe what has just happened. Kyungsoo kissed Jongin on his lips gently. "Do you still think that you're dreaming now?" Kyungsoo asked. "Kyungsoo..." Jongin started to tear up. "Hey hey. Don't cry." Kyungsoo wiped Jongin's tears with his thumb. "I'm just... So happy. I mean, I can't believe that you like me too." Jongin said. Kyungsoo giggled. "Silly boy."





"Hey they're back." Yixing said. Jongin and Kyungsoo held hands and they showed it to their friends as they smiled. "I'm happy for you, Jongin." Yixing said sincerely. "Thanks bro." Jongin smiled. "Umm.... We..." Kyungsoo said as he rubbed his neck. "You guys wanna go on a date right?" Chanyeol asked. Jongin nodded shyly. "Just go ahead." Luhan said, smiling. "Thanks guys. See you later, Yixing." Jongin said and left with Kyungsoo.


Chanyeol sighed. "Will I ever get to be in a relationship with Baekhyun?..." Chanyeol said as he put his elbow on the table and rested his chin on his palm. "Don't worry, Chanyeol. I got the feeling you guys will be together. The only problem is the process of making him yours." Luhan said.


"Anyway Luhan, are you free this evening? Wanna catch a movie?" Yixing asked. What?! Luhan say no! "Sure, I would love to." Luhan smiled. "Great. I'll pick you up at 7 later." Yixing smiled. "Urgh." Sehun grumbled and he stood up. "Sehun where are you going?" Luhan asked. "Don't bother about me." Sehun answered and left.




At the dorm-


It was 6.30 pm. Luhan was getting ready. Sehun was sitting on his bed and reading a book. "Does my hair look okay?" Luhan asked. "Yeah." Sehun answered without looking at Luhan. "You didn't even look at me." Luhan said. Sehun took a glance at Luhan. "Yeah." He said and continued reading his book. Luhan knew something was wrong. "What's wrong, Sehun?" Luhan asked as he walked to Sehun's bed and sat beside him. "Nothing. I'm fine. Perfectly fine. Just enjoy your date with Yixing." Sehun said with his eyes glued on his book.


"What date? It's just an outing." Luhan said. "Yeah. An outing. In the evening. Just the two of you. Yeah sure it's not a date." Sehun said sarcastically. "What now?" Luhan asked. He was tired of them going around in circles and Sehun not telling him what was wrong with him. "What? I already said I'm perfectly fine." Sehun said.


"Luhan! I'm here!" Yixing shouted from outside. Luhan ran and opened the door. Must he run? Urgh. "Yixing! You're early! I've yet to finish combing my hair." Luhan said as he invited Yixing into the room. "It's okay. I'll wait." Yixing smiled. "Hey there, Sehun." Yixing greeted. Sehun just ignored him. "Just ignore him, Yixing. He's in a bad mood." Luhan said. "Does my hair look okay?" Luhan asked. "Yep. It looks perfect." Yixing said as he put his arm around Luhan's shoulder. Sehun saw that and he felt jealous. He put his book down and left the room after slamming the door.


"He really seems to be in a bad mood." Yixing said. "Yeah. Yes he is." Luhan said as he looked at the door. What's wrong with you, Sehun?... Why are you feeling upset?....




At Chanyeol and Baekhyun's room-


"Baek..." Chanyeol called out softly as he approached Baekhyun, who was folding his clothes while standing up. He just kept quiet. "Baekhyun ah..." Chanyeol called out again. Baekhyun put his clothes down and looked at Chanyeol. Chanyeol missed those eyes. "Why have you been ignoring me these days?" Chanyeol asked. "If you don't feel the same way I feel for you, just tell me. Just don't ignore me. It hurts." Chanyeol said.


"Chanyeol...." Baekhyun started to speak. Chanyeol missed that voice. "I'm sorry that I have been ignoring you..." Baekhyun started to cry. "Hey don't cry. It's okay. I'm here." Chanyeol said and he hugged Baekhyun. Baekhyun started to stop crying and Chanyeol pulled way. He used his thumb and wiped Baekhyun's tears away gently. "What's wrong? Why did you cry?" Chanyeol asked. "I miss you so much...." Baekhyun said. "You miss me?" Chanyeol asked. "The reason why I have been ignoring you is that I'm afraid to be dumped again.." Baekhyun said. "I was dumped by my boy friend 4 years ago.... When we first started dating, he was very sweet to me... He was a very good looking and popular guy in school. Plenty of girls wanted to date him." Baekhyun continued. Chanyeol listened to Baekhyun attentively. Then after a month of dating, he left me for a pretty girl. He told me that I was stupid to believe him that he was gay and liked me. He also said that our relationship was just a game..." Baekhyun started to cry again.


"So you were afraid that I'd dump you like how he did?" Chanyeol asked. Baekhyun nodded. "Actually.... I like you too." Baekhyun confessed. Chanyeol had never felt happier before. "Whenever I'm with you, I always feel happy. You're a klutz but that's what makes you cute. You have a deep voice but that's what makes you charming. You're very tall but that's what makes me feel safe when I'm with you." Baekhyun confessed all his feelings.


"Actually I don't like you." Chanyeol said. Baekhyun just stood there, refusing to believe what Chanyeol said. "I love you. I love you, Baekhyun." Chanyeol leaned in and kissed Baekhyun on his lips. Baekhyun smiled.


"Ahh that was so embarrassing. How could I just tell you how I feel. Oh my God." Baekhyun said as he covered his face with his hands. Chanyeol giggled. "Pabo." Chanyeol said. ”When I first met you, somehow I feel there's something special about you. I feel that there's a need for me to protect you. I felt happy when we started to become close friends. And gradually, I started to develop feelings towards you." Chanyeol smiled. "But I'm short... And ugly too.... I have small eyes..." Baekhyun pouted. "My baby isn't ugly. He has small eyes but that's what makes him cute. He's short but that makes me want to protect him even more." Chanyeol said.


"Who's your baby?" Baekhyun asked as he looked away. "Who do you think it is?" Chanyeol asked. "I don't know..." Baekhyun said as he turned around. Chanyeol hugged him from behind. "My baby is you, Byun Baekhyun. My boyfriend. The one whom I love a lot. I will always cherish you, protect you, care for you and most importantly, love you. I will always try my best to make you happy." Chanyeol said.


"Chanyeol..." Baekhyun turned around and faced Chanyeol. "Thank you.... For loving me..." He said. "Silly boy. There isn't a need to thank me." Chanyeol said. "Anyway.... Will you sleep with me?" Chanyeol asked. "Baekhyun's eyes widened. "No no I don't mean that way. I mean just laying down on my bed and sleep with me. Every night from now on." Chanyeol said. Baekhyun smiled and hugged Chanyeol.




10.30 pm-


Luhan has just gotten back from his outing with Yixing. He saw Sehun sitting on his bed and doing something on his phone. "Why are you back so late?" Sehun asked. "After the movie, we went to walk around the shopping mall." Luhan answered. "So did you enjoy your date?" Sehun asked sarcastically. "Sehun, I already said it's not a date. It's just an outing." Luhan said. He felt irritated. "Well maybe to you it's not a date but to Yixing it is." Sehun said. "He's just a friend. Sehun." Luhan said. "He likes you. It's so obvious." Sehun said. "He likes me but only as a friend. He doesn't like me for more than that. And even if he does, I don't mind. He's a nice guy. I don't see any problem with that." Luhan said. "No problem with that? Forget it. I don't wanna quarrel." Sehun started to get fed up. "You were the one who started all this. Ever since I became closer to Yixing, you keep getting upset. Sure I'm your best friend, but I'm his friend too." Luhan said. He started to get angry. "I feel that I don't understand you anymore." He continued.


"Can you spare a thought for me? You know that I'm jealous whenever you're all close to Yixing." Sehun said. "You're selfish. You just want your best friend all to yourself. But I told you before. I'm not yours. I don't belong to you. I have the right to be close with anyone I want. Can you spare a thought for me too? Maybe you should get a girlfriend." Luhan let all his anger out. Luhan's words have hurt Sehun deeply. "Yeah. Maybe I should and I will get a girlfriend. Maybe we should just stop talking to each other." Sehun said and he left the room.


"Sehun....." Luhan started to cry. Both of them were in pain.



Hey sorry for not updating for 3 days! I was busy with school projects so yeah.... And on top of that, I added other couples in this chapter. Really sorry if you guys don't like it... But I promise the next chapter onwards will be on HunHan! I'll try to update the next chapter as soon as I can. To my subscribers, silent readers and the readers who comment, thank you so much!

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OP_Robin11 #1
Chapter 40: please......
im only find your story recently and totally in love in this masterpiece, so
please...please update someday, ill be waiting.
Chapter 40: Please update...
chachalulu #3
Chapter 40: This is so sad yet beautiful.. can u update this story authournim...
Please update authornim..I miss this fic.I will patiently wait fod you
Chapter 40: please update
natinski #6
God i just found this fic :(
Chapter 39: This is soo cute^^ but please update.I cant wait for it
Chapter 34: Luhan could of had used the broken piece of glass to cut off the ropes lol
Chapter 40: CHAPTER 39: i love this ff very much...but when will you update????
Anis_cmn #10
Chapter 39: Wait does chapter 39 is the ending? No right???