Locked up - Part 1

It's Love

Luhan has been trying to loosen the rope that tied his hand to his back for the past five minutes but to no avail. Due to the friction that was caused when he rubbed the rope, his wrist was a little injured. His legs were also tied up together. There was no way he could break free.

He heard something moving. "Yixing? Is that you? Are you awake?" He asked. "Yeah I am. What happened, man?" Yixing asked as he tried to sit up. "I'm sorry that I've gotten you into this mess..." Luhan apologised. "Dude, I asked you what happened." Yixing said.

"Well... We're now locked up in a dark room because of me."

"Quit blaming yourself!" Yixing exclaimed.

"Okay okay. I guess this is Tia's work. The two guys you saw earlier told me to go with them. I couldn't refuse because they literally dragged me by force." Luhan explained.

"That Tia. When will she ever stop. She's crazy."

"I wouldn't say that if I were you."

Both of them heard a familiar voice and they knew who it belongs to.

The room was lit up and they saw Tia standing in front of them. "Actually Yixing, you weren't in my plan. But too bad you had to be there when my men caught this bastard." Tia smirked.

"You . You have no right to call Luhan a bastard." Yixing said.

"Well well well. You being so intermediating despite being tied up here." Tia held Yixing's chin upwards forcefully. "I can call Luhan whatever I want. Because both of you are in my hands." She let go of Yixing's chin.

She stood up. "Luhan Luhan Luhan. You still haven't learnt your lesson, have you?"

"I didn't do anything!" Luhan exclaimed. "You think I'm stupid? I saw you carrying Sehun last night." Tia said. "I was just carrying him back because he was drunk!" Luhan shouted. That was a mistake. He got a slap from Tia. A hard one.

"You have no right to shout at me, you bastard." Tia said. "No one can ever find you here. Not even Sehun. Enjoy." She smirked. She switched off the light and left.

The room was pitch black again. "Are you alright, Luhan? Does it hurt?' Yixing asked. There wasn't any response but Yixing could here sobs coming from Luhan. "Luhan. It's okay. I'm here. Don't cry." Yixing tried to comfort him.

"I miss Sehun...." Luhan sobbed. Yixing sighed. I miss Joonmyeon too...

Yixing tried his best to move closer to Luhan. "We'll be alright. Don't worry, okay?" Yixing assured him. "Thank you, Yixing.. And I'm sorry that I've gotten you into this mess too."

"It's okay. We're friends." Yixing smiled. "Hey, do you have your cell phone with you?" He asked. "I do but I can't reach it. It's in my pocket." Luhan said. "I'll try to take it out." Yixing said. He started to move his hand to Luhan's pocket and put his hand in. It was difficult but he didn't give up.

"Got it!" He exclaimed softly. He took it out and put it on the floor. He unlocked it and dialled Joonmyeon's number.

"Sorry. The number you have dialled is currently not available Please try again later."

"Of all times. Urgh." Yixing grumbled.

"Who did you call?" Luhan asked. "Joonmyeon." Yixing answered. "You and Joonmyeon?... " Luhan asked. "Now is not the right the time to ask, Luhan. What's Sehun's number?" Yixing asked.

"87791122." Luhan giggled before answering. Yixing dialled the number. After three rings, it was finally answered.

"Luhan?" Sehun asked.

"Sehun! Help! We're locked here! Yixing is with me!"

"What?? Where are-"

"Hello? Sehun??"

Luhan and Yixing looked at the screen of the phone.

Your battery is empty.

"Seriously?! Of all times!" Yixing exclaimed. Luhan sighed. Yixing didn't bring his phone along so now there isn't any way they could contact their friends.




"Hello?? Luhan?? Are you still there??" Sehun asked. He looked at his phone and the call has ended. "What's happening?..."

He went to Luhan's locker, hoping to find some clues but there wasn't any. Joonmyeon, who was walking by, saw Sehun searching for something.

"Hey, do you need any help?" He asked politely. "My friend called me and said that he has been locked up somewhere. And he got one of our friends with him, too." Sehun answered. "Who's your friend?" Joonmyeon asked.


The moment he heard Luhan's name, he got worried. "Is the friend with him called Yixing?.." He asked, hoping the answer would be a no. "How did you know?.. You know them?" Sehun asked in surprise.

"Now isn't the right time to ask questions about this. We gotta find them asap." Joonmyeon said. "But they didn't manage to tell me where they are." Sehun said worriedly.

"It's okay. We'll find them no matter what it takes." Joonmyeon patted Sehun's shoulder and smiled.

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OP_Robin11 #1
Chapter 40: please......
im only find your story recently and totally in love in this masterpiece, so
please...please update someday, ill be waiting.
Chapter 40: Please update...
chachalulu #3
Chapter 40: This is so sad yet beautiful.. can u update this story authournim...
Please update authornim..I miss this fic.I will patiently wait fod you
Chapter 40: please update
natinski #6
God i just found this fic :(
Chapter 39: This is soo cute^^ but please update.I cant wait for it
Chapter 34: Luhan could of had used the broken piece of glass to cut off the ropes lol
Chapter 40: CHAPTER 39: i love this ff very much...but when will you update????
Anis_cmn #10
Chapter 39: Wait does chapter 39 is the ending? No right???