Locked Up - Part 2

It's Love

Luhan seemed to have lost hope. He felt like giving up. He stared at the ground lifelessly. "Don't give up, Luhan. There must be a way to get out of here. We have to keep on trying." Yixing assured. "I'm sure Sehun and the rest will search for us."

"But they don't know where we are! We don't even know where we are! How can they find us!" Luhan started to shout. He was frustrated that he was locked up somewhere with Yixing and there isn't any way to get out.

"What's with all the commotion?!" Tia shouted angrily as she slammed the door open. "I heard your voice." She walked up to Luhan and squat down. "Your ing annoying voice." She grabbed a fistful of Luhan's hair and made him look up at her. "You better shut the up or else."

"Or else what? Or else what, you ugly ?!" Luhan shouted at her face. Yixing was surprised that Luhan actually dared to shout at her. "You dare to shout at me?" Tia asked in a menacing voice that gave Yixing goose bumps. He gulped. He was afraid that Tia will do something bad to Luhan.

Luhan wasn't afraid of Tia anymore. He couldn't be bothered to please her. "I just shouted at you. What are you going to do, huh?" Luhan asked. Tia smirked. She dug her pocket and took something out. A penknife. "No Tia no. Don't!" Yixing exclaimed. Tia chuckled. "Don't worry. I won't kill him. I don't want to dirty my beautiful hands. But I'll do something worse than death." She brought the penknife onto Luhan's face. "Having regrets for shouting at me?" She asked. "Well, even if you do, it's too late."

Tia pushed the blade upwards and started to slash Luhan's soft skin slowly. Luhan could feel tears forming in his eyes. It was painful, both physically and emotionally. Yixing could only watched the painful scene.

After slashing Luhan's face for a cm, Tia stopped and took the penknife away from his face. "Does it hurt, Luhan?" She asked mockingly. Luhan could only let his tears roll down his cheeks. Blood was dripping from the cut."Well, I guess it's too painful until you can't even talk. This should be a good lesson for you. Let's see if your Sehun will still like you." She got up and left, closing the door behind her.

"Luhan...." Yixing called out softly. He felt hurt seeing Luhan in such a painful state. "It hurts.... It hurts, Yixing..." Luhan said weakly. "Don't worry. It'll heal in no time. Just let the wound dry up." Yixing tried to assure Luhan, but it didn't seem to be working. Luhan started to sob. "I'm ugly.... Sehun won't like me anymore...." Luhan cried. Yixing could only lean his head on Luhan's head. It was the only way to comfort Luhan.




"Anyway, what's your name?" Sehun asked the kind hearted boy. "My name is Joonmyeon." Joonmyeon smiled. "Joonmyeon ah... Do you think we'll be able to find them?" Sehun asked. He was losing hope. "Yes, we can and we will." Joonmyeon said assuredly. "But first, we need to inform your other friends, so they'll help us find Luhan and Yixing too."

Sehun nodded and called Baekhyun.

"Hello Baek?"

"Yeah what's up?"

"There's something urgent I need to tell you. Meet me at the school canteen with Chanyeol. And Jongin too, if you see him."

"Okay sure, but I think Jongin has left with Kyungsoo."

"Okay, then. See you in a minute."

Sehun ended the call with a sigh. "Please be alright, Luhan."



Five minutes have passed by and Baekhyun and Chanyeol have arrived at the canteen. "So, what is it that you want to tell us?" Baekhyun asked. "Luhan and Yixing have been locked up somewhere." Sehun told the two boys.

"W-what? You're kidding, right?" Chanyeol asked. "I wish I am but I'm not. He called earlier and told us that he was locked up with Yixing, but he didn't manage to tell us where they are." Sehun said seriously. Baekhyun frowned. "Tia."

"What?" Sehun asked. "It must be Tia's doing. I told you she's up to no good." Baekhyun said. "Baek, what does this have to do with her? You're just being paranoid." Sehun said. "No I'm not, Sehun. There is something weird about that Tia. Now that Luhan's been locked up, Where is she? Did you see her today?" Baekhyun asked, trying to convince Sehun.

"Well... I haven't seen her today. But that doesn't mean anything. She might be busy." Sehun said.

"Hey Sehun. Maybe you should introduce your new friend to us." Chanyeol said as he looked at Joonmyeon. "Oh yes. This is Joonmyeon. He's Yixing's friend." Sehun introduced Joonmyeon to Baekhyun and Chanyeol.

Joonmyeon just gave a soft smile. "We really got to find Luhan and Yixing fast. I'm afraid of what Tia might do to them." Baekhyun said worriedly.

"I've already said, Tia has got nothing to do with this. There isn't any reason she would do this to them." Sehun said, almost arguing. "Okay guys. Now is not the right time to argue. We got to plan fast." Chanyeol said.

Sehun and Baekhyun sighed as they sat down. Neither of them has any plan on their mind.

"Umm... Maybe we could try to search the school. Like maybe the classes that are not used often or maybe the janitor's closet. We have to try every way to find them." Joonmyeon suggested. "Joonmyeon's right. We need to start searching for them. The more we delay, the more dangerous the situation will get." Baekhyun said. "I'll call Tia and see if she could help." Sehun said as he took out his phone. "If you're going to call her, we won't get to see Luhan and Yixing anymore." Baekhyun held Sehun's hand.

"Baek-" "Don't." Baekhyun said firmly. Sehun sighed. He didn't understand why Baekhyun kept blaming Tia for Luhan and Yixing's mishap. "Ok fine. I won't call her." Sehun gave in. "Ok. Let's split up. I'll go with Sehun. Baekhyun, you'll go with this tall friend of yoours." Joonmyeon said. "Ahem. The name's Chanyeol. And I'm his boyfriend." Chanyeol said. Baekhyun elbowed him on his arm. "I'm sorry. I didn't know your name." Joonmyeon smiled weakly.

And with that, they started to find Luhan and Yixing.





Omg I'm finally updating again after a long time. I'm very sorry for not updating for such a long time. Thank you guys for waiting. Here's a boring chap. Most probably I'll update again tomorrow. I love you guys.

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OP_Robin11 #1
Chapter 40: please......
im only find your story recently and totally in love in this masterpiece, so
please...please update someday, ill be waiting.
Chapter 40: Please update...
chachalulu #3
Chapter 40: This is so sad yet beautiful.. can u update this story authournim...
Please update authornim..I miss this fic.I will patiently wait fod you
Chapter 40: please update
natinski #6
God i just found this fic :(
Chapter 39: This is soo cute^^ but please update.I cant wait for it
Chapter 34: Luhan could of had used the broken piece of glass to cut off the ropes lol
Chapter 40: CHAPTER 39: i love this ff very much...but when will you update????
Anis_cmn #10
Chapter 39: Wait does chapter 39 is the ending? No right???