Hurt - Part 1

It's Love

The next morning -


When Luhan opened his eyes, Sehun was nowhere to be seen. Somehow that made him feel lost. He sat up slowly and his body started to ache because of what happened the previous night. He sighed. Yixing. He turned to his left and took his phone.


5 text messages.  




He opened the message and read it.


Hey. Are you back at the dorm? Reply me if you are.


He clicked on another one.


Are you okay? You didn't reply. I'm worried.


He sighed as he read another one.


Luhan ah. You're making me worried. Reply me, okay?


Stop it, Yixing.


Have you fallen asleep? Reply me as soon as you wake up.


He read the last one.


Are you ignoring me or something?... Did I make you angry last night?.. Please reply something.....


Luhan put his phone down on the bed. He didn't know what to reply.




His phone vibrated. A new text message. From Yixing.


Luhan ah.... I'm really worried.... Are you awake already?... Please reply me if you are....


Yixing was driving him nuts.


Yixing ah. I'm sorry for not replying your messages. I went to sleep as soon as I reached back here. I'm not angry with you or anything but.... I wanna ask you something. I'll meet you at level 1, near the lift there at 10.


He sent the message. He looked at the time shown on his phone. 9 am. He still have an hour to get ready. But where is Sehun?


The door opened and Sehun came in with a plastic bag in his hands. "Hey you're awake." He said as he closed the door. "I went to buy breakfast. Fish porridge for you and chicken porridge for me." He said as he put down the plastic bag on the table. Noticing that Luhan was keeping quiet, Sehun looked at him. "Did you have a good sleep?" He asked as he walked up to him.


"Yeah.... I felt kinda lost when I couldn't find you when I woke up just now. I thought... You left me." Luhan said. "Well I did." Sehun said jokingly but Luhan had a serious expression on his face. "I mean I left you to buy breakfast." He said as he sat beside Luhan.


"I know I'm not supposed to do this but..." Sehun cupped Luhan's cheeks. "I'm here if you need me." He pressed their lips together. That was all Luhan needed to feel better. Just a kiss from Sehun could make all his problems go away. Sehun pulled away. "Because I care for you." Sehun whispered. Luhan leaned in and it was his turn to press their lips together.


Sehun wanted to pull away but Luhan pulled him close by his nape. It wasn't a passionate nor a lustful one. It was just a simple kiss that Luhan needed.


Luhan pulled away. "Thank you, Sehun. This is all I need right now." Luhan said. He got up and went to the toilet.




At level 1 -


7... 6...


Luhan was in the lift. Somehow he felt nervous to meet Yixing. He was afraid all the answers he want are negative.


3... 2... 1


The door opened and he went out. He turned to his left and saw Yixing waiting for him. "Luhan." Yixing greeted. "Hey." Luhan greeted back. "What happened???" Yixing exclaimed when he saw the bruises on Luhan's face. "It's a long story.." Luhan said. "Okay... So... What is it that you wanna ask me?" Yixing asked. Okay Luhan. You can do this. He took a deep breath.


"Were you the one who told Tia about me and Sehun spending the day together at the dorm yesterday?" Luhan asked and breathed out. "I'm sorry, what?" Yixing asked, looking clueless. "Answer me honestly, Yixing. Were you the one?" Luhan asked. What do you mean? Who's Tia? Sehun's girlfriend? I barely evenn know her." Yixing said. "Please don't lie to me anymore... You were the only one who knew that I spent the day with Sehun at the dorm yesterday. She told me that her friend told her and she has spies everywhere." Luhan said.


"So you mean you think that I'm her spy?" Yixing asked, feeling hurt. "I can't believe that's what you think of me. I mean what's up with her and you anyway? I don't even know what's going on! But I swear, I didn't tell her anything and I'm not her spy. But if that's what you think of me, then forget it. I thought we could be more than just friends but if this is the way you think of me...." Tears were already rolling down Yixing's cheeks. "Then I think we can't even be friends anymore. I feel so hurt. I like you. I care for you, but this is what you think of me? Thanks a lot, Luhan. Even if you wanna reject me, there isn't a need to be so cruel." Yixing said and he left.


What have I done?





I'm so sorry that this chap is so crappy.....

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OP_Robin11 #1
Chapter 40: please......
im only find your story recently and totally in love in this masterpiece, so
please...please update someday, ill be waiting.
Chapter 40: Please update...
chachalulu #3
Chapter 40: This is so sad yet beautiful.. can u update this story authournim...
Please update authornim..I miss this fic.I will patiently wait fod you
Chapter 40: please update
natinski #6
God i just found this fic :(
Chapter 39: This is soo cute^^ but please update.I cant wait for it
Chapter 34: Luhan could of had used the broken piece of glass to cut off the ropes lol
Chapter 40: CHAPTER 39: i love this ff very much...but when will you update????
Anis_cmn #10
Chapter 39: Wait does chapter 39 is the ending? No right???