A Lesson From Tia

It's Love

It was 6 pm, which was only an hour away from Luhan's dinner with Yixing. Luhan and Sehun have spent their day together at the dorm, playing games, and now they have fallen asleep on the floor, with their game consoles on their chest. Sehun opened his eyes slowly and realised that they have fallen asleep while playing game. He sat up looked at Luhan.


Luhan, you look so sweet when you're sleeping. How I wished you're still mine.... He caressed Luhan's cheek with his fingers and smiled. He could never get enough of Luhan. He looked at his watch and realised that it was already 6 pm. "Luhan..." He called out softly as he leaned in closer to the sleeping boy. There wasn't any response. "Luhan.... Time to wake up..." Sehun called out again as he touched Luhan's cheek. Luhan moved a little. "5 more minutes..." He mumbled. "If you don't wake up now, you'll regret it." Sehun whispered. Luhan just kept quiet.


Sehun closed the gap between them as he connected their lips together. It was soft and sweet. Instead of waking up, Luhan let Sehun kissed him. He held Sehun's nape and tilt his head so their lips would fit perfectly. Sehun pulled away reluctantly, but Luhan's hand was still on his nape and their faces were only a few inches away. "You shouldn't be late for your dinner with Yixing." Sehun whispered. Their eyes locked with each other for a moment. Somehow, Luhan didn't wanna hear that sentence from Sehun. He didn't want Sehun to let him go.


"Okay." Luhan said as he let go of Sehun's nape. Sehun pulled away and Luhan sat up. Sehun switched off the tv and kept the game consoles away. Sehun turned around and caught Luhan staring at him. "Why are you staring at me like that?" He asked. Luhan walked up to him without answering the question. He held Sehun's head and pulled him close, until their lips met. Sehun didn't know why Luhan did that. Luhan pulled away and looked at Sehun. "Don't do that again." Sehun said. "What?.." Luhan asked in disbelief. "We should stop doing all these. You're dating Yixing now." Sehun said. No. Please don't say that, Sehun. "You don't want me anymore?.." Luhan asked. His voice became softer and pulled his hand away slowly.


"It was you who didn't want me anymore. It was already so hard for me to let you go. I was trying my best to stay away from you and not to look at you, because if I do, my heart would ache. Because I miss you so much yet I can't hold you."


Luhan just stared at him.


 "When you came back covered with bruises yesterday, I wanted to hug you so much. I wasn't there when you got injured. All I could do is just help you put medicated cream on the bruises. But you... Why? Why did you do that? Didn't you cast me aside already? Aren't you and Yixing together? Why did you do that with me, Luhan? You're making me all confused."


Luhan saw tears forming in Sehun's eyes.


"You have left me. I was already making the first step to forget you. But you had to come back in bruises, made me worried and make out with me. Why do you keep coming back after leaving me?.. Why are you making it so hard for me to forget you?... Please stop doing this to me, Luhan... I'm hurt enough..."   


Luhan's heart was aching so badly seeing Sehun in that state. He leaned in and let their foreheads touched. He wiped Sehun's tears away with his thumb gently. "Please don't cry... Someday you'll know why I'm doing this...." Luhan said. The next thing Sehun knew, Luhan wasn't in front of him anymore and has gone to the toilet.




That night -


It was already 10 pm. Luhan and Yixing had gone out to shop at the mall after their dinner. They were walking along the road, on their way back to the dorm. "Did you enjoy yourself tonight?" Yixing asked as they walked. "Of course I did." Luhan smiled. "The food was delicious. And on top of that, you paid for it." Luhan smiled again. Yixing felt happy. He loved it when Luhan smiled.


"I have something for you." Yixing said. They stopped walking and looked at each other. Yixing took out a box and gave it to Luhan. Luhan was surprised and took it. He opened it and saw a necklace with a heart shape pendant in it. "Yixing?.." Luhan didn't know what to say. "This is for you. I hope you'll wear it one day." He said. "Thank you, Yixing." Luhan smiled and kept the box in his pocket. When his hand was in his pocket, he realised something was missing. "Oh no." He said.


"What's wrong?" Yixing asked. "I left something in the toilet." Luhan answered. "I gotta go find it. You should go back first. Thanks for tonight." Luhan quickly ran back to the shopping mall, leaving Yixing behind.




"Come on. Where is it?" Luhan mumbled to himself as he searched the toilet for his missing item. He remembered he left it there. He went into the cubicle that he went earlier. He looked all over the floor. He saw something shimmering. He found his lost item. He took it and smiled. "I found you. There's still hope for us." The item was the matching necklace he bought with Sehun at the flea market. The necklace with the letter S that stands for Sehun.




Luhan was on his way back to the dorm. He was about to pass by an alley when he felt himself being pulled into the alley. "What are you doing? Let me go!" Luhan exclaimed. The 2 guys who pulled Luhan pushed him to the ground. Luhan was on the ground when he saw a shadow approaching him. He looked up and saw Tia. "What do you want?" Luhan asked. Tia squat down and grabbed a fistful of Luhan's shirt.


"You're not afraid of me, are you?" She asked. "You keep getting close with Sehun again and again. Aren't you afraid of what I'll do to you?" She asked. "I didn't!" Luhan shouted. "Don't shout at me, you bastard. You think I didn't know that you spent the day together with Sehun at the dorm today?"


How did she know? Only Yixing knows that I- Wait. Yixing? No it couldn't be him.


"Well, let me tell you. I have spies everywhere. You're being watched all the time." Tia said. She let go of Luhan's shirt and stood up. "Beat him, boys."


Luhan was being attacked by the 2 guys. He was being beaten up badly and was laying on the ground. His lips were bleeding and he was covered in bruises.


"Stop." Tia ordered the 2 guys and they stopped. She went up to Luhan and squat down. "You poor thing. That's a good lesson for you. You should know what to do, right? Well I hope so. Or you'll get another lesson." She smirked and left with the 2 guys.


Luhan coughed as he held onto his chest. He wished Sehun was by his side.




Luhan managed to make his way back to the dorm but it was already 11 pm when he reached back. The lights were still on but Sehun has already gone to sleep. Quietly, he made his way to the mirror and looked at his reflection. He sighed. His face was covered in bruises and his lips were still bleeding. He was about to climb up the ladder to his bed when Sehun's voice startled him.


"Luhan? Is that you? Do you mind switching off the lights?" Sehun asked. Luhan quietly walked towards the switch and switched it off. Sehun sensed something was wrong. "Luhan?" Sehun called out as he sat up. He could only see a figure in the dark. "I'm going to bed." Luhan said. When Luhan stepped on the first step of the ladder, his leg ached badly. Damn it's too painful.


"Luhan what's wrong?" Sehun asked as he got up. He switched on the table lamp and looked at Luhan. He almost got a shock of his life. "Oh my God Luhan what happened to you?!" He exclaimed. He helped Luhan to his bed gently. "What the hell happened to you?! Why are you injured so badly?! Did someone beat you up? Why didn't you call me?! Where was Yixing?!" Sehun asked loudly.


"Don't talk about him." Luhan said bluntly. "Your lips..." Sehun said as he wiped the blood away gently. He felt something fell on his fingers. It was Luhan's tears. "Luhan what's wrong?" Sehun asked as he wiped the tears away. "I trusted the wrong person..." Luhan sobbed. Sehun couldn't understand what Luhan was saying. He pulled Luhan in his embrace. "It's okay. I'm here. I'm always here if you need me." Sehun said.


After crying it out, Luhan pulled away. "Do you wanna talk about it?" Sehun asked. Luhan shook his head. "Okay then. Do you wanna take a shower?" He asked. Luhan shook his head again. "I wanna sleep. With you." He said. "Okay. Let's go to sleep." Sehun lifted Luhan's legs and put them on his bed so Luhan could lay properly. He switched off the table lamp and laid beside Luhan.


He didn't know what happened to Luhan and couldn't understand why he was acting that way either. What's going on, Luhan?... Are you in some kind of trouble?... Please let me know... I'm worried...


Luhan's eyes were closed but his mind was still thinking. Yixing... Was it really you who told Tia?... Are you her spy?... Please tell me no...




If you guys are still wondering who's Tia in this story, it's actually Tia from Chocolat. But please don't hate her. SHe's really pretty. ^^ Anyway, do you guys like BaekYeol? Because I feel like writing a story about them. They're my second fav couple. ^^

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OP_Robin11 #1
Chapter 40: please......
im only find your story recently and totally in love in this masterpiece, so
please...please update someday, ill be waiting.
Chapter 40: Please update...
chachalulu #3
Chapter 40: This is so sad yet beautiful.. can u update this story authournim...
Please update authornim..I miss this fic.I will patiently wait fod you
Chapter 40: please update
natinski #6
God i just found this fic :(
Chapter 39: This is soo cute^^ but please update.I cant wait for it
Chapter 34: Luhan could of had used the broken piece of glass to cut off the ropes lol
Chapter 40: CHAPTER 39: i love this ff very much...but when will you update????
Anis_cmn #10
Chapter 39: Wait does chapter 39 is the ending? No right???