
It's Love

I'm sorry, Sehun. I'm not free right now. Can't help you.

And with that, Tia clicked the send button. She snickered. "Good luck in finding Luhan and Yixing."



Joonmyeon looked at Sehun, who was reading the message. "What is it, Sehun?" He asked, hoping that it was some good news. "Tia isn't free so she can't help us to find Luhan and Yixing." Sehun said and he kept his phone inside his pocket. Joonmyeon pat his shoulder. "it's okay. There're still Baekhyun and Chanyeol. I'm sure we'll find them." He smiled, trying to assure Sehun.

"By the way, have we searched at the basement? That place is quite quiet." Sehun asked. "Nope, we haven't. Let's go." Joonmyeon said and he pressed the lift button.



"Luhan. Please don't give up. Please bear with it. Please." Yixing said, almost pleadingly when he saw Luhan laid against the wall with his eyes still closed. "I-It hurts so much..... I can't take it anymore...." Luhan sobbed. "Luhan. Think of the happy times you spent with Sehun. Think of him. If you give up now, what will happen to him? He'd be hurt and sad. You wouldn't want him to feel sad, would you?" Yixing persuaded.

"Sehun won't love me anymore if he sees me like this.... I am so ugly.... He'll leave me...." Luhan said in between his tears. "Luhan please.... I don't want to lose a great friend like you. Just hang in there. Someone will find us.” Yixing pleaded. He was already at his wits end.

Luhan could still feel the stinging pain on his wound. It was too unbearable for him. The scar would definitely be there for a long time. "Yixing ah... If I don't managed to hold on until we're found, tell Sehun that I love him. And I'm sorry." Luhan said and he opened his eyes to look at Yixing. "Yah Luhan. What do you mean by that? You can't just give up. Don't do anything foolish please." Yixing started to worry.

Luhan smiled bitterly. "Thank you Yixing, for being my friend." He looked around if there was anything that he could use to end his life. He found a small piece broken glass, quite far from where they were sitting. "Luhan." Yixing voiced out, hoping that Luhan wouldn't do anything foolish.

Luhan tried his best to wriggle all the way to the broken glass.



"Luhan! Yixing!" Baekhyun and Chanyeol took turns to call out to their friends. It has been going on for almost an hour. "Just where are they, man..." Baekhyun said worriedly. "Don't worry, Baek. We will find them." Chanyeol flashed a smile.



"Luhan no..." Yixing watched his friend in terror when Luhan had almost reached at the broken glass. Luhan tried to grab the broken glass with his tied hands. "I love you, Sehun....." And with that, he started to slash his wrist with the broken glass. It was difficult, but Luhan was determined to end his life. "Yah Luhan stop this instant!" Yixing shouted. He wanted to stop Luhan badly but his body felt weak and the ropes that tied his legs were too strong.

Luhan ignored his friend's plea and continued slashing his wrist.



"This place seems creepy..." Sehun said as he and Joonmyeon looked around the quiet basement. "Hey. There're a few rooms over there!" Joonmyeon exclaimed as he pointed to the direction of the rooms. "Come on let's go!"



"Serve you right, Luhan. This is what you deserve for stealing away Sehun from me. You deserve to die." Tia said as she looked at her sharp penknife.

Her phone rang. "Yes I'm going to finish him off. That bastard. he deserve to die. In my hands."




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OP_Robin11 #1
Chapter 40: please......
im only find your story recently and totally in love in this masterpiece, so
please...please update someday, ill be waiting.
Chapter 40: Please update...
chachalulu #3
Chapter 40: This is so sad yet beautiful.. can u update this story authournim...
Please update authornim..I miss this fic.I will patiently wait fod you
Chapter 40: please update
natinski #6
God i just found this fic :(
Chapter 39: This is soo cute^^ but please update.I cant wait for it
Chapter 34: Luhan could of had used the broken piece of glass to cut off the ropes lol
Chapter 40: CHAPTER 39: i love this ff very much...but when will you update????
Anis_cmn #10
Chapter 39: Wait does chapter 39 is the ending? No right???