
It's Love

The following morning-


Luhan was in pain. He was jogging when he tripped and fell down. His right knee was bleeding. "Damn it. Stupid me. Why am I so clumsy." Luhan scolded himself. He looked around but there wasn't anyone in sight. He tried to stand up but failed.


"Where is that kid. It's already been an hour since he left." Sehun said to himself. He called Luhan. He heard Luhan's ringtone playing. "Pabo Luhan didn't bring his phone." Sehun mumbled. "Ah what the heck. I'm gonna look for him." Sehun left.


"Luhan!" Sehun called out as he walked around. He kept on calling out. "Luhan!" Sehun shouted. "Sehun?" Luhan heard a familiar voice calling out to him. "Sehun! Is that you? I'm right here!" Luhan shouted. Sehun found his way to Luhan. "Yah what happened!" Sehun exclaimed as he knelt down beside Luhan. "I... I tripped and fell down." Luhan said. "Pabo." Sehun teased which made Luhan pouted. "Come. Hop onto my back." Sehun said as he pulled Luhan on his back. "B-but I'm heavy." Luhan said. "Do I look like I care?" Sehun asked. Luhan just kept quiet as Sehun balanced himself and got up.


"Hold on tight." Sehun instructed. Luhan wrapped his arms around Sehun's neck and Sehun started walking. "Sehun ah. I'm sorry for troubling you." Luhan apologised. Sehun just kept quiet. "Sehun?" Luhan called out. "Don't talk till we reach back at the dorm." Sehun said.




Back at the dorm-

Sehun put Luhan down on his bed slowly. Then he went to the toilet and get a cloth before going back to Luhan. "Straighten your legs." Sehun instructed. Luhan did as he was told. Sehun sat beside Luhan and started dabbing the towel on Luhan's wound gently. After that, he took a few pieces of antiseptic wipes and dabbed it gently on Luhan's wound. "Ah..." Luhan winced in pain. "Bear with it." Sehun said.


After cleaning Luhan's wound, Sehun threw the wipes and went back to Luhan. "Sehun ah... Why are you so quiet? Are you angry with me for troubling you?" Luhan asked. "Yes. I am angry with you. But because you thought that you were troubling me." Sehun said. Luhan was puzzled. "You weren't troubling me at all, Luhan. You never trouble me. I care for you. You're my best friend. When best friends are in trouble, they're willing to help each other. Just like when I'm feeling down or in trouble, you are always here for me." Sehun said.


"You protected me again and again. You'd rather get yourself injured instead of letting me get injured. You make me smile with just a simple kiss. You sing to me and my life brightens up again. What I did today is nothing compared to what you've done for me. So don't ever say you trouble me, okay?" Sehun said and he pecked Luhan's lips. Luhan blushed at all the words Sehun has just said. Sehun intertwined their fingers together. "Without you, I think my life would be dull. Thank you for entering my life, Luhan." Sehun smiled.


"Yah stop. It's so... Urgh. I'm having goose bumps." Luhan said in disgust. "But I mean all those things I said." Sehun said as he looked deeply in Luhan's eyes. "I love you Luhan." Sehun leaned in and connected their lips together again. Luhan felt very touched by all the words Sehun said to him. He started to kiss back.


Sehun pulled away. "I'm glad that you don't reject my kisses anymore." Sehun said. "Maybe I should." Luhan said. "Well I don't think you can resist me." Sehun teased. "Oh yeah? Let's see." Luhan said confidently. Sehun kissed Luhan again. Luhan tried his best to push Sehun away but to no avail. Firstly, Sehun was too strong. Secondly, Luhan would become weak whenever Sehun kissed him.


"Can't resist me, can you?" Sehun teased. "Shut up. I hate you." Luhan said as he got off the bed slowly. Sehun hugged him from behind. He inhaled Luhan's scent. "Sehun. I just got back from a jog. I stink." Luhan said. "No you don't. You always smell nice." Sehun smiled. He looked at Luhan's neck and saw a mark. It reminded him of what happened in the toilet yesterday. Why did I do that to Luhan? Why do I feel like I'm attracted to him? Why do I feel like hugging him and never let go?


"Umm Sehun? Yoo hoo!" Luhan called out. "Huh?" Sehun snapped back into reality. "What are you thinking about?" Luhan asked. "You." Sehun smiled as he rested his chin on Luhan's shoulder. "Yeah right." Luhan said sarcastically. Sehun inhaled Luhan's scent again. He started to smell Luhan's neck. "Sehun what are you doing?" Luhan asked. "I can't get enough of your smell." Sehun said. "Hmm... Since you can't walk much, let's stay indoors then." Sehun suggested. Luhan turned and faced him. "Don't worry about me. If you wanna go out, just go. I can take of myself." Luhan smiled. "No. My baby is injured. I must take care of you." Sehun said. "I said stop calling me baby." Luhan said in annoyance. "Baby. Baby baby baby baby." Sehun kept saying that to annoy Luhan. Without much thinking, Luhan kissed Sehun on his lips to shut him up. Sehun was surprised and Luhan quickly pulled away.


"If by calling you baby make you kiss me, I'd be glad to call you baby every minute." Sehun said as he leaned in. "Go away. I didn't mean to. It's just to make you shut up." Luhan said as he pushed Sehun away. "Baby." Sehun said for the last time before kissing Luhan. It was sweet and gentle. Luhan wrapped his arms around Sehun's neck and Sehun wrapped his arms around Luhan's body snd they enjoyed a moment of sweetness.


Both of them pulled away and looked at each other. The way they looked at each other was different from the past. It was full of emotions and feelings.


Why do I feel something different? Why do my feelings seem to have changed when I look at Luhan now? What exactly is this feeling?


My feelings for you have gotten way too deep, Sehun. I must stop this. And you must never know about this.


Sehun leaned in. He rested his forehead on Luhan's forehead and their noses touched. "Promise you'll never leave me, okay?" Sehun asked. Luhan could feel Sehun's breath on his lips. "I can't imagine myself without you." Sehun said and he closed his eyes "Sehun ah. What's wrong?" Luhan asked, wondering why his best friend was feeling emotional all of a sudden. Sehun opened his eyes. "I just.. I don't know..." Sehun said. He sounded like he was about to cry. "Hey it's okay. Nothing to worry about. I will never leave you, okay?" Luhan smiled and he gave a quick kiss on Sehun's lips. "I love you. Luhan. I... really do." Sehun said. "I love you too." Luhan smiled. I know you love me only as a best friend... But my love for you is more than that....


"Okay wanna call some of our friends over to play some games?" Luhan asked as Sehun pulled away. "Sure! It'll be fun." Sehun smiled. "okay I'll call Baekhyun Chanyeol Jongin and Yixing." Luhan took his phone and started typing a message. Sehun stared at Luhan. Luhan... What exactly is this feeling I'm feeling towards you?...Why am I so afraid of losing you?.... Why do I need you so much?....




Half an hour later-


"Luhan! Sehun! We're here!" Baekhyun shouted as he knocked on the door. "Coming!" Sehun shouted back as he went to open the door. "Come on in, guys." Sehun welcome his friends in and closed the door. "Omo Luhan! You injured your knee?! What happened?!" Baekhyun exclaimed as he ran towards Luhan, who was sitting on Sehun's bed. "I tripped and fell down when I jogged this morning." Luhan said. "You're so clumsy! Have a good rest, okay?" Baekhyun said as he put his arm around Luhan's shoulder. Sehun felt jealous when he saw that.


"Okay let start! Wanna play truth or dare?" Chanyeol said excitedly. "okay. Sounds good to me." Yixing smiled. Everyone sat on the floor, including Luhan. "Okay. I shall spin the bottle first." Jongin said and he spun the bottle It stopped at Chanyeol. "Truth or dare?" Jongin asked. "Truth." Chanyeol answered. "Okay. Do you like Baekhyun?" Jongin asked. "Oooohhh~" The others teased. Baekhyun felt shy and he looked down on the floor. Chanyeol looked at Baekhyun. "Yes." He answered confidently. "Ooohhhh Chanyeol likes Baekhyun~" Jongin teased.


"Shut up, Jongin. This is embarrassing enough." Chanyeol said. "You guys are gays?" Sehun asked. "Umm... Yeah... I am but I'm not sure about the others though." Chanyeol answered. "I am." Yixing said. "Me too." Jongin said with  smile. "I am too..." Baekhyun said shyly. "Oooohhhh~ You and Chanyeol can be together now~" Jongin teased again. "Yah Jongin. You better stop it." Chanyeol said. He was embarrassed enough. He practically confessed his love for Baekhyun indirectly. Jongin laughed. "Okay okay. Spin the bottle." Jongin said and Chanyeol spun the bottle. It stopped at Luhan. "So Luhan, truth or dare?" Chanyeol asked. "Hmmm... Truth." Luhan answered. "Okay. Do you like anyone right now?" Chanyeol asked. Everyone looked at him with anticipation, including Sehun. "Yes..." Luhan said softly.


"Ohhh Luhan likes someone!" Jongin teased. Luhan just kept quiet. Luhan likes someone? How come I don't know? "Okay. Spin the bottle!" Jongin said happily. It stopped at Sehun. "Truth or dare?" Luhan asked. "Truth." Sehun answered. "Let me ask him let me ask him!" Jongin said excitedly. "Sehun, are you gay?" Jongin asked. Luhan looked at Sehun instantly. "Umm... I'm not." Sehun answered awkwardly. Although Luhan knew that Sehun wasn't gay, he still felt hurt when it came out straight from his mouth.


"Okay. Spin the bottle!" Jongin said. Sehun spun the bottle and it stopped at Yixing. "Dare please." Yixing said confidently. Jongin rubbed his hands with an evil smile on his face. "I want you. To kiss Luhan. On his lips." Jongin said. "Oooohhhh~" Everyone teased except for Sehun. "Luhan, do you mind?" Yixing asked. "Nope." Luhan smiled. What?? Yah Luhan! Sehun couldn't believe that Luhan is letting Yixing kiss him. Yixing turned and faced Luhan. He gave a quick kiss on Luhan's lips. "Done." Yixing smiled. "Wow Yixing. You're awesome." Chanyeol said. "You can do that to Baekhyun, too." Yixing winked. Chanyeol smacked him on his hand. Why do I feel jealous when Yixing kissed Luhan?... Why am I feeling this way?....




2 hours later-


"It was fun playing games with you guys!" Baekhyun said. "Yeah. We'll come again!" Jongin said happily. "okay. see you guys tomorrow in school." Luhan smiled. "Take care and have a good rest." Yixing said to Luhan and he ruffled his hair. Luhan giggled. "Okay. Thank you, Yixing." Luhan smiled and they left.


"Ahh that was fun. Don't you think so, Sehun?" Luhan asked as he looked at Sehun, whose back is facing him. he didn't respond. "Sehun?" Luhan called out as he went to sit behind Sehun. "What's wrong?" Luhan asked. "Go away." Sehun said. "Why are you angry? What happened?" Luhan asked. "Don't care about me. Just go away." Sehun said. "I'm not going anywhere until you tell me what happened." Luhan said as he hugged Sehun. "Don't hug me. Go away." Sehun said. "Sehun... Please don't do this to me... Why are you angry?" Luhan pleaded.


"Why did you let Yixing kiss you?" Sehun asked as he turned around and faced Luhan. "Why not?" Luhan asked. "Why not? He's gay! What if he likes you!" Sehun exclaimed. "It was just a simple kiss. And it was just a game." Luhan said. "Why are you so worked up anyway?" Luhan asked. Why am I worked up? I'm jealous, you idiot! "Forget it." Sehun said. "No. Why? Why are you angry? Tell me please." Luhan begged. "I'm... I'm jealous okay." Sehun said as he looked down. "You what?" Luhan asked, not believing what he has just heard. "I'm jealous. I'm jealous that Yixing kissed you." Sehun finally say it out. "Why?... Why are you jealous?" Luhan asked. "Because... Because I wanna be the only one who kiss you..." Sehun said softly.


"Pabo." Luhan teased. "You're selfish by not sharing your best friend with other people." Luhan said. "You're mine." Sehun said. there was an awkward silence for a moment. "You know Sehun..." Luhan started to talk. "I'm only your best friend. I'm not yours. I don't belong to you. When you get a girl friend in future, she'll be the one who belongs to you." Luhan said. "And when that happens, our friendship will soon be forgotten. Because you have your girl friend to love and care about." Luhan continued. "And then by that time... I'll be forgotten." Luhan smiled weakly. He was controlling himself from crying. The thought of being separated from Sehun hurts him a lot.


"Luhan..." Sehun started to cry. "Hey don't cry. What's wrong?" Luhan asked as he wiped Sehun's tears away with his thumb gently. "I don't wanna be separated from you... I don't want that to happen.... Don't leave me please..." Sehun hugged Luhan. "Okay okay. Don't cry anymore." Luhan said as he rubbed Sehun's back gently.


Sehun pulled away. They looked at each other for a moment before Sehun connected their lips together. The kiss was full of emotions. Sehun cupped Luhan's cheek and deepened the kiss. He was feeling hurt. The thought of being separated from Luhan hurts him too. Luhan felt like letting his tears come out. He was feeling hurt as well. He wrapped his arms around Sehun's neck and pulled him closer. Both of them were pouring out their emotions into the kiss.


They pulled away and looked at each other. "Sleep with me tonight. Your knee is injured." Sehun said softly. Luhan just nodded. "Even when your knee has recovered... I want you to sleep with me every night." Sehun said. "I will." Luhan said as he nodded. Sehun started to sing.


"Neoye sesangeuro~


Luhan sang the next line.

Yeah yeorin barameul tago yeah~"


Sehun smiled and he sang the next line.


Ni gyeoteuro~"


Luhan sang the next 2 lines.

Eodi eseo wat nyago~

Hae malkge mudneun nege bimi rira malhaesseo~"


Sehun sang the next line.


"Manyang idaero hamkke georeu myeon~


Both of them sang the last line together.

Eodideun cheonguk il teni eodideun cheonguk il teni~"


Their voices blended perfectly. Both of them smiled. "I didn't know you could sing so well." Luhan said. "I get to sing well because of you." Sehun said. "You know Luhan." Sehun continued as he laid down and Luhan followed him. They were facing each other. "Havr you ever thought of being gay?" Sehun asked. Luhan almost choked at his own saliva. "Huh? N-no. Of course not." Luhan answered. "Why do you ask?" Luhan asked. "Well..." Sehun said as he intertwined their fingers together. "Maybe one day... I'll realise what I've been feeling these days. And then... I'll know what it means." Sehun said. "Because somehow.... Right now the puzzles don't seem to fit at all." Sehun continued. "One day I'll fit those puzzles back to their places." Sehun said.


Luhan just stared at Sehun without understanding a single thing Sehun said. "You don't understand what i said, do you?" Sehun asked. "Nope. Not at all." Luhan said. Sehun giggled. "Pabo." Sehun smiled.


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OP_Robin11 #1
Chapter 40: please......
im only find your story recently and totally in love in this masterpiece, so
please...please update someday, ill be waiting.
Chapter 40: Please update...
chachalulu #3
Chapter 40: This is so sad yet beautiful.. can u update this story authournim...
Please update authornim..I miss this fic.I will patiently wait fod you
Chapter 40: please update
natinski #6
God i just found this fic :(
Chapter 39: This is soo cute^^ but please update.I cant wait for it
Chapter 34: Luhan could of had used the broken piece of glass to cut off the ropes lol
Chapter 40: CHAPTER 39: i love this ff very much...but when will you update????
Anis_cmn #10
Chapter 39: Wait does chapter 39 is the ending? No right???