Back In School

It's Love

That afternoon -


The boys were on their way to the canteen to have their lunch. "Luhan, I didn't have the chance to ask you. Where were you and Sehun this morning?" Yixing asked. Luhan and Sehun looked at each other, hoping that one of them would have a good answer. "Umm... We went back to our dorm to get something, but ended up falling asleep as we felt tired" Sehun answered. "Ohh. You should have texted me, Luhan. I was worried about you." Yixing said. Luhan felt guilty. He didn't want to hurt Yixing's feelings but he didn't want to keep in under wraps either.


They finally reached the canteen. "Sehun! Over here!" A girl called out to Sehun. Sehun looked to the direction the voice was coming from and saw Tia waving at him. He sighed. "Umm guys. I need to say hello to my friend." Sehun said and he looked at Luhan. Luhan gave him an assuring look that he won't feel jealous or anything. Sehun smiled. "Ohh~ Is that the girl you talk about this morning? Tia?" Yixing asked. "Umm yeah..." Sehun answered. He didn't sound convincing. "Okay. You go ahead. We'll sit right here." Chanyeol smiled.


While walking over to Tia, Sehun took out his phone and texted Luhan. Thank you for being understanding. I want you to know that I only have you in my heart. I love you, my Luhan. See you later. Don't miss me so much. Kekeke... Luhan took his phone out and read the message. He smiled. He replied the message. Thanks for being understanding about me and Yixing, too. I love you too, Sehun. I miss you already... Anyway, have fun with Tia. PS: I'm not jealous. Sehun giggled to himself as he read the message. Tia, who was observing the both of them, saw them smiling to themselves while looking at their phone. Something is going on alright. She thought to herself.


"Sehun! I miss you!" Tia said as she hugged Sehun, wanting to make Luhan feel jealous. "Umm... I miss you too." Sehun said uncomfortably. Tia removed her hands from Sehun and sat down. "So, wanna hang out after school?" Tia asked. "Umm... Sure." Sehun answered. He wasn't interested at all. He only wanted to spend time with Luhan. "Great! I'll see un at 5 after school! COme on! Let's go get some food." Tia said happily as she held Sehun's hand and led him to the food stalls. "Wow. They sure look very close." Chanyeol said. Luhan tried not to feel jealous, but failed. Baekhyun noticed the change in Luhan's face. What's wrong with Luhan and Sehun?




In class -


It was history class. Everyone was dying of boredom. Some of them were already falling asleep. Unlike usual, Luhan was sitting beside Yixing instead of Sehun, which caused Sehun to feel puzzled. "Hey, is everything alright between you and Luhan?" Kai asked softly. Both of them were sitting together. "I don't know." Sehun answered. Sehun turned to look at Luhan, who was happily giggling away with Yixing. What's wrong with Luhan?"





After class -


"I gotta go meet Tia. See you guys tomorrow." Sehun smiled as the rest were packing their bags. "Okay. Have fun." Chanyeol smiled. "See you later, Luhan." Sehun smiled as he looked at Luhan. Luhan just gave him a weak smile. Once again, Baekhyun noticed the change in Luhan's attitude towards Sehun. "Bye Sehun. See you tomorrow." Yixing smiled and Sehun left.


"Any plans, guys?" Yixing asked. "Well... I have already made plans with Kyungsoo..." Jongin said shyly. "Okay. You lovebirds go spend time together." Yixing teased. Kai giggled. "Catch you guys tomorrow. Bye!" Jongin said and he left. "Well. That's just leave the 4 of us." Yixing said. "Well actually..." Chanyeol started to talk.


 "You and Baek are gonna go on a date too?" Yixing asked. Both Chanyeol and Baekhyun nodded. "Alright. Go have some lovey dovey time together." Yixing teased. "See you guys tomorrow." Baekhyun smiled and they left. "So... That just leave the 2 of us. Wanna go somewhere?" Yixing asked. "Sorry Yixing. I kinda feel tired and wanna go back early. Maybe next time?" Luhan said. "Okay then. Have a good rest." Yixing said. He sounded a little sad not able to spend time with Luhan. Both of them parted ways.




That evening -


Luhan has just finished bathing when Sehun came back. He only had his towel wrapped around his waist and his upper body was bare. Sehun hugged Luhan from behind. "Miss me?" Sehun asked. "No." Luhan answered and he tried to free himself but to no avail. Sehun was too strong. "Baby what's wrong?" Sehun asked. "Nothing." Luhan answered. "Then why are you ignoring me?" Sehun asked. "I didn't ignore you. I answered your questions." Luhan said. "Luhan... I miss you..." Sehun said softly as he started to kiss Luhan's neck softly. "S-stop." Luhan said. "Don't kiss me after kissing her." Luhan continued. Sehun smirked. "So someone's jealous, huh?" Sehun teased. Luhan folded his arms. Sehun turned Luhan to face him. "Luhan... You're the only one I'll kiss. I've never kissed her and will never kiss her. Because I'll only kiss the person I love and that is you. Only you. Luhan. Don't ever feel jealous. Because there isn't anything to feel jealous about. You're the love of my life. Only you. I love you, my Luhan. You're the one I want to spend every single minute of my life with." Sehun said as he looked straight into Luhan's eyes.


"Sehun..." Luhan started to cry. He felt very touched by what Sehun said. "Silly boy." Sehun smiled as he wiped Luhan's tears away. "I love you." Sehun said and he kissed Luhan on his lips. "I think I better put on some clothes." Luhan said. He was about to walk away when Sehun pulled him back. Sehun was back hugging Luhan. "Don't. Just stay like this.” Sehun whispered as his right hand started to touch Luhan's chest. Luhan closed his eyes in pleasure. Sehun started to kiss Luhan's neck softly. "Do you know how much you ?" Sehun whispered. "You're so beautiful, Luhan. Do you know how much I want you." Sehun whispered again.


He turned Luhan around and crashed their lips together. Both of them missed each other so much. Luhan wrapped his arms around Sehun's neck and pulled him closer. Both of them were in their own world. Sehun slowly pushed Luhan onto his bed without breaking the kiss. Sehun was on top of Luhan, kissing him like a hungry predator. He moved to Luhan's neck and placed soft kisses on it. "Damn Luhan you smell so good." Sehun said in between the kisses. Luhan just enjoyed the pleasure that Sehun was giving him. Sehun pulled away and look at Luhan. "I love you, Luhan. Always and forever." Sehun said. Luhan smiled. "I love you too, Sehun. Do you know how happy I am to be able to say that? It was painful to keep it from you." Luhan said. "You don't have to go through that pain again. You're finally with me. As my boyfriend. And I love you so much." Sehun said. "Sehun..." Luhan said softly as he touched Sehun's cheek. Sehun took Luhan's hand and kissed it. Both of them smiled. They finally got what they have been wanting all this time.


"Actually... You stink. Go take a shower." Luhan said. "I will. Only if you shower with me." Sehun said. "But I've already showered!" Luhan exclaimed. "Well... Should I make you dirty so you'll shower with me?" Sehun smirked as he started to take Luhan's towel off slowly. "Y-yah. What are you doing?" Luhan asked. "Will you shower with me?" Sehun asked. "Yes yes I will. Just... Stop it." Luhan said. "Good. That was easy." Sehun teased and he got up. "I hate you." Luhan pouted as he got up. "But you like that, don't you?" Sehun asked. Luhan's cheeks reddened. "Go take your shower." Luhan said and he pushed Sehun into the toilet.


Sehun took off his clothes and he was fully . Luhan avoided looking at him. "Luhan." Sehun called out. "What?" Luhan answered without looking at him. "Why aren't you looking at me?" Sehun asked as he approached Luhan. "Nothing." Luhan answered. "Look at me." Sehun said as he went closer to Luhan. Luhan turned and looked at him. "Are you shy? It's not like you've never seen me before." Sehun asked. "Shut up and just bathe." Luhan said. "I won't unless you help me." Sehun smirked. "Help you with what?" Luhan asked. He sounded annoyed because he was trying not to look at Sehun's body and Sehun was making him to.


"Help me shower." Sehun said. "You're crazy." Luhan said. "Yeah. I'm crazy. Over you." Sehun said. Luhan blushed at his words. "I won't force you if you don't want to." Sehun smiled and he kissed Luhan on his forehead. "Because I love you." Sehun said. "Sehun..." Luhan said softly. He was really touched by Sehun's love towards him. "I'll never force you to do anything." Sehun said. "Wait for me outside. I'll be done soon." Sehun smiled. Luhan went out and put on his clothes while waiting for Sehun.

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OP_Robin11 #1
Chapter 40: please......
im only find your story recently and totally in love in this masterpiece, so
please...please update someday, ill be waiting.
Chapter 40: Please update...
chachalulu #3
Chapter 40: This is so sad yet beautiful.. can u update this story authournim...
Please update authornim..I miss this fic.I will patiently wait fod you
Chapter 40: please update
natinski #6
God i just found this fic :(
Chapter 39: This is soo cute^^ but please update.I cant wait for it
Chapter 34: Luhan could of had used the broken piece of glass to cut off the ropes lol
Chapter 40: CHAPTER 39: i love this ff very much...but when will you update????
Anis_cmn #10
Chapter 39: Wait does chapter 39 is the ending? No right???