Hurt - Part 2

It's Love

Yixing felt hurt. He couldn't believe that Luhan thought of him in such a bad way. Tears were rolling down his cheeks as he walked while looking down on the ground.


Yixing looked up. He has accidentally bumped onto someone, "Umm..." Yixing couldn't get the words out right. The guy whom he has bumped onto was looking straight at him with his beautiful eyes. He had brown hair and his fringe was swept to his right. He was a little shorter than Yixing. "Are you okay?" The guy asked. His voice was so gentle and he sound so caring. How can someone sound so caring when he doesn't even know me? "Umm.. Yeah. Sorry about that." Yixing said and he quickly walked away. Oh my God I look terribly ugly right now.

Yixing wiped his tears away as he sat down on a bench. Luhan's words kept playing on his mind.  

Please don't lie to me anymore... You were the only one who knew that I spent the day with Sehun at the dorm yesterday. She told me that her friend told her and she has spies everywhere.

"Luhan... How could you think of me that way...." Yixing said to himself. What about Tia anyway? What spies? He couldn't understand what Luhan told him earlier, but he felt the need to know because it made their friendship turned bitter.

While he was deep in his thoughts...

"Hey." Yixing looked up and saw the guy he bumped onto earlier. Oh my God what is he doing here. "I saw you crying so I just wanna check if you're okay." The guy smiled. Yixing almost fainted when he saw that smile. "I-I'm okay. Thanks for your concern." Yixing said as he looked elsewhere. "Mind if I sit here?" The guy asked. Oh God why does his voice sound so angelic. "Umm-" Before Yixing could answer, that guy has already sat down beside him.

"What do you want?" Yixing asked. He regretted asking that when he noticed the other's expression turned bitter. It was too late when he realised that his words sounded harsh.

"I mean-"

"I's okay. I understand. We don't even know each other. I must be making you feel irritated right now. I'm sorry if I'm a busybody. I'll leave." That guy said and he stood up.

"Hey." Yixing grabbed his arm and stopped him before he could walk away. "Don't go." He said, making the guy turned to look at him with a surprised look on his face. Yixing pulled his hand away. "Did I just scare you?" He asked as the guy sat down beside him again. "No you didn't." He smiled. Gosh will you stop smiling already.

"Do you wanna talk about it?" That guy asked. "I'll bore you." Yixing said as he looked at that guy. He smiled. "Don't worry. I won't be bored." He said and he touched the back of Yixing's palm. His hand felt so soft and the way he touched Yixing's hand was so gentle. Yixing was surprised by his action. They barely even know each other and that guy was already touching his hand.

Yixing wanted to pull away from the touch but a part of him didn't want to. He felt.... Comforted.

Yixing looked at the ground. "I've been having special feelings towards my friend for quite some time already. We're close with each other and have gone out for quite a few times." Tears started to form in his eyes again. "I didn't really confess to him but I gave him a necklace with a heart shape pendant last night. He looked happy so I thought I had a chance." He continued as he felt his tears rolling down his cheeks. "But something happened this morning. He accused me of doing something that I didn't even do. I didn't even understand what he was talking about." Yixing sobbed. "Even he doesn't likes me back, there isn't a need for him to reject me in such a way..."

Yixing looked at that guy when he felt a pair of warm hands cupping his cheeks. "It's okay. Don't cry anymore. I'm here." That guy said as he wiped Yixing's tears away gently with his thumbs. Yixing couldn;t believe what was happening. The guy whom he just met a moment ago, he barely knew him, was comforting him.

Yixing felt disappointed when that guy's hands left his face. "All you need is some time to forget about what happened. You need distraction that will make you forget about it. Trust me, you will get over him one day." That guy smiled. Trust you? I barely even know you!

"Why should I trust you when I don't even know you?" Yixing asked. He knew he sounded harsh but he has a point.

"in that case." That guy held Yixing's hand. "Let's be friends." He smiled. "I'll help you forget about it."

Stop touching me! Are you a ert or something?! "Why do you keep touching me." Yixing pulled his hand away.

"I'm sorry. I don't mean any harm. I'll stop. Sorry. I'll just go away." He said and he stood up.

Yixing stood up and grabbed his arm. "No. I'm sorry. I'm thankful to have found someone who cares about me, even when we don't even know each other." Yixing said.

"Friends?" Yixing asked, hoping that he would get a positive answer after hurting that poor boy's feelings.

"Friends." That guy smiled and he hugged Yixing. What are you doing?! The way that guy was treating him made him feel loved.

That guy pulled away. "Sorry! I didn't mean to hug you! I won't touch you again!" He apologised after seeing Yixing's expression.

Yixing giggled. "It's okay. My name is Zhang Yixing. You can call me Yixing." He smiled. "I'm Kim Joonmyeon." He smiled. Gosh you smile is killing me. "I'll call you.... Suho." Yixing said. "Suho?" Joonmyeon asked. "Because you're like a guardian. My guardian."




Luhan was at the cafe nearby. His ice coffee was untouched as he was too occupied in his thoughts. I'm sorry Yixing was all he could think of. Apologise. Right. Luhan you have to apologise before your friendship is lost.

"Oh, Sehun. You're so funny."

Luhan could recognise that voice anywhere. Tia. He looked up and saw Tia. He looked at the person who was standing beside her. His heart ached when he saw Sehun. Tia caught Luhan looking at them. "Hey Luhan's over there!" Tia said, pretending to be excited.

Oh crap...... "Hey Luhan. You're alone?" Tia asked as she sat in front of him. "Where's Yixing?" Sehun asked as he sat beside Tia. "He's busy today." Luhan smiled. "Oh. Wanna hang out with us?" Tia asked. "Nah. It's okay. You guys have fun." Luhan answered.

Sehun felt disappointed when he heard that. He wanted Luhan to come along. Tia knocked Luhan's cup and his coffee spilled on his shirt. "Oh my God I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to!" Tia apologised. Shut up . you did it on purpose. "Oh it's okay. I'll just wash it in the toilet." Luhan faked a smile and walked away.

"I'll go check on him." Sehun said and he made his way to the toilet. Let's see how long you can smile Luhan. She took out a small packet of rat poison and  poured it into Luhan's coffee.



"Can it be washed away?" Sehun asked as he watched Luhan scrubbed his shirt vigorously. "It won't come off." Luhan said and he stopped

scrubbing it. "I'll help you." Sehun went closer and grabbed Luhan's shirt. he started to put some water and soup on it and scrubbed it.

Silence filled the air. Only the sound of the shirt being scrubbed could be heard. Sehun unconsciously moved closer towards Luhan as he scrubbed his shirt. Luhan looked up at Sehun. "Stop." He said. Sehun stopped scrubbing and looked at Luhan. He could see hurt in his eyes. Why? Why do you look hurt, Luhan?

"Stop scrubbing. I'll just go back and wash it. Thanks." Luhan said as he pulled his shirt away from Sehun's hands. Why do you sound so formal?



"Oh dear. It can't be washed away?" Tia asked, pretending to be worried. "It's okay. I'll just go back and wash it." Luhan said. He didn't bother to pretend to be happy. He took his cup of coffee and stood up. "I'll leave you two alone. Have fun." He said and left.

Tia had a sinister smile on her face.





I'm sorry if this chap has too much of SuLay....

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OP_Robin11 #1
Chapter 40: please......
im only find your story recently and totally in love in this masterpiece, so
please...please update someday, ill be waiting.
Chapter 40: Please update...
chachalulu #3
Chapter 40: This is so sad yet beautiful.. can u update this story authournim...
Please update authornim..I miss this fic.I will patiently wait fod you
Chapter 40: please update
natinski #6
God i just found this fic :(
Chapter 39: This is soo cute^^ but please update.I cant wait for it
Chapter 34: Luhan could of had used the broken piece of glass to cut off the ropes lol
Chapter 40: CHAPTER 39: i love this ff very much...but when will you update????
Anis_cmn #10
Chapter 39: Wait does chapter 39 is the ending? No right???