What Is This Feeling?

It's Love

The following morning-


"Oh !" Sehun cursed as he looked at his alarm clock. He had only 15 minutes to get ready for school. He quickly grabbed his towel and rushed to the toilet. "Yah I'm showering! Wait for your turn!" Luhan practically screamed like a girl when Sehun opened the bathroom door. Luhan was from head to toe and he was washing his hair. "I'm sorry Luhan but I'm damn late!" Sehun apologised. He went in the toilet and switched on the pipe. Sehun took a look at Luhan, who was now washing his face. Somehow Luhan's body attracted him. His skin was flawless. Sehun found himself staring at Luhan attentively.


"Yah what are you looking at?" Luhan asked as wrapped his towel around his waist. They had never showered together nor show their bodies to each other. Luhan has always been shy. "You're.... beautiful." Sehun blurted out. Luhan could feel heat rising up to his face. "I still hate you for what you did to me yesterday." Luhan said and he left.




During science class-


"So class, I'm gonna talk about the topic that I taught yesterday." Mr Kim said. "Not again." Sehun whined. Sehun turned to his left and looked at Luhan. He saw a mark on his neck and touched it. Luhan instantly pushed Sehun away. "Don't touch me." Luhan said firmly. "Luhan..." Sehun wanted to apologise but Luhan wouldn't give him a chance.


Sehun put up his hand. "Yes, Sehun?" Mr Kim asked. "Mr Kim, why is it always 2 people with different genders but not 2 people with the same genders?" Sehun asked. "Sehun ah, most of us are straight. I'm sure you are one, too." Mr Kim said. Sehun nodded. "I'm sure all of you in this class straight." Mr Kim continued. A tear drop onto Luhan's book. Sehun looked at Luhan. "Luhan are you alright?" Sehun asked. "I'm sorry teacher I have to go to the toilet." Luhan said and he quickly dashed out of the class. Sehun looked at Luhan worriedly.


Luhan let all his tears roll down his cheeks. He sat on the toilet bowl and cried alone. He hated himself. He hated himself for being gay. Why can't he be like other people? "Luhan!" Luhan heard someone calling out for him. "Luhan!" He heard it again. He knew that it was Sehun. Sehun opened the door and went in. Luhan forgot to lock the door. "Luhan." Sehun said softly as he hugged him. "It's okay. I'm here." Sehun whispered as he rubbed Luhan's back gently.


Luhan quickly pushed him away. "Go away." Luhan said in between his sobs. "I'm sorry Luhan. I really am. I'm sorry for what I did to you yesterday. Please forgive me. It pains me to see you like this." Sehun apologised. Luhan just looked down to the floor. "Forgive me?" Sehun asked as he cupped Luhan's face and made me look at him. Luhan's eyes were red from all the crying. "Don't cry anymore... I didn't know that you're too straight until you can't even joke around." Sehun giggled. Too straight? Luhan thought to himself. Maybe he should start thinking that, that is the reason why he was feeling upset although he knew that it isn't the reason.


"Don't cry anymore, my baby." Sehun smiled. "Don't call me that. It's disgusting. Save it for your future girlfriend. If you manage to get one." Luhan teased. "Yah you poop!" Sehun exclaimed. Luhan giggled. "I think it's time for us to go back to class." Luhan said. "Aww man... I don't wanna go back..." Sehun whined. "Okay okay. I'll le you sit." Luhan said and he stood up. Sehun sat down and he pulled Luhan onto his lap. He wrapped his arms around Luhan's waist and inhaled his scent. It reminded him of yesterday's incident. "Yah what are you doing/" Luhan asked. "Can't I hug you?" Sehun asked. "Why would you wanna hug me? I'm a guy." Luhan said. "Because you're my best friend." Sehun smiled. "I still remember when we first met, you smiled at me and then I knew that you're the one." Sehun whispered. "You know... If people hear this, they might think you're confessing your love to me." Luhan laughed. Sehun giggled. "I still remember when I was beaten up by a group of gangsters, you saved me in the expense of your own life. Then I knew that, you're the one. My best friend whom I will never leave nor forget." Sehun said. "I love you, Luhan." Sehun kissed Luhan on his cheek softly. Luhan felt touched by all those words. "Stop saying all those things or I might end up falling you." Luhan joked. "Well, that would never happen because you're straight." Sehun said.


Luhan. It's good if your friends think that you're straight."


All of a sudden, they heard the door of the cubicle next to them closed. "I can't hold it anymore, baby." One of the boys said. "Me too. Let's do it." Another voice said. Luhan and Sehun looked at each other with their eyebrows raised. Moans could be heard. "Oh baby~ More please~" One of them moaned. Luhan and Sehun continued to listen. "Damn you're tight." The other boy said. "Oh my God why do you taste so good." He said again.


Luhan grabbed Sehun's hand and both of them dashed out of the toilet. Luhan smiled. He was glad that he wasn't the only person who's gay in the school.



After school-


"Hey Luhan." Sehun called out as he watched his bet friend packed his bag. "Hmm?" Luhan answered. "Wanna go for a cycle?" Sehun asked. "You know that I don't know how to cycle, don't you?" Luhan asked as he carried his bag. "Oh come on. You can sit behind me. I'll cycle." Sehun smiled. Luhan  sighed. "I'm heavy, you know." Luhan said. "You? Heavy?" Sehun laughed. "You're skinnier than me, man." Sehun said. "Anyway, even if you're heavy, I don't mind. We'll be best friends for life." Sehun said. "Nah. You'll get a girl friend and then leave me." Luhan said as he folded his arms. "Ah that's normal anyway." Luhan said as he turned around. He was about to walk away when Sehun hugged him from behind. "I'd never leave you, Luhan. I love you. You're my best friend forever." Sehun whispered, which sent shivers to Luhan's spine. "Yah. Stop doing this. And what's with all the hugging." Luhan said as he pushed Sehun away. Sehun giggled. "Okay okay. I know you're very straight and doesn't like to be hugged by guys." Sehun said. "Y-yeah. Exactly. Come on let's go." Luhan grabbed Sehun's hand and they left.


"Are you sure it's a good idea for me to sit behind you?" Luhan asked as he was a little worried that he might fall off the bicycle anytime. Sehun laughed. "Oh come on, baby. You'll be safe with me." Sehun said. "Quit calling me baby!" Luhan pouted. Sehun laughed. "Okay okay. Hop on." Sehun instructed. Luhan hopped on slowly. "I'm gonna start peddling now." Sehun warned. Luhan just nodded. Sehun started off slowly but he started to cycle very fast after 3 minutes. "Hey hey hey! Slow down! I'm gonna fall off!" Luhan shouted worriedly. "Hold onto me!" Sehun shouted. Luhan held Sehun's shoulders. "It doesn't make any difference!" Luhan shouted. "Not my shoulder, you poop! My waist! Hug me!" Sehun shouted. Both of them were practically bickering like a couple. Luhan did as he was told. What is this feeling? Why do I feel warm?


Sehun started to slow down a little as they were already reaching at the rental shop. "Yah Luhan." Sehun called out. "What?" Luhan asked. "You're loosening your grip. Hug me tighter." Sehun said. "But you're not moving fast now. There isn't a need for me to hug you tighter." Luhan said. "Urgh I hate you." Sehun said and he stopped cycling. He got off the bicycle and pushed it to towards the rental shop. Luhan was puzzled and just followed him.


"Enjoyed the ride?" The uncle who was in charge of the rental shop asked. "No." Sehun said and he left in a huff. "Sorry about that." Luhan apologised and ran after Sehun.


"Yah. What was that all about?" Luhan asked. Sehun stopped walking. "Why didn't you hug me tighter when I told you to do so?" Sehun asked. "I already said that there wasn't a need because you were already slowing down." Luhan explained. "Why? Why do you dislike it so much when I hug you?" Sehun asked. His voice became softer. "Sehun.." Luhan called out softly. "We're best friends. Is it wrong to hug a best friend? Are you disgusted by it so much?" Sehun asked. Luhan just kept quiet. "Forget it." Sehun said and he turned around. Luhan hugged him from behind. "Sehun..." Luhan called out. His voice was full of gentleness. "I'm sorry. Don't be mad at me, please." Luhan apologised.


Sehun turned around and faced Luhan. "Hug me." Sehun said. Luhan did as he was told. Sehun smiled and hugged Luhan tighter. Why is this happening? Why do I like the feeling when Sehun hugs me? "Are... You done?" Luhan asked. Sehun giggled and pulled away. "Sorry." Sehun smiled. "From now onwards, you have to let me hug you whenever and wherever I want. Understand?" Sehun asked. "People might think you gay." Luhan said. "I don't mind being gay for you." Sehun whispered. "Stop it. It's not funny." Luhan said as he looked away. Sehun laughed. "Relax. I'm just kidding. Let's go back." Sehun intertwined their fingers together. Luhan quickly pulled away. "Yah Oh Sehun. This is too much." Luhan said. Sehun just ignored him and intertwined their fingers together again. "Look. Our fingers fit perfectly." Sehun smiled.


"Luhan. Don't ever hold a guy's hand. It'll only lead you to pain."


Luhan tried to pull his hand away but Sehun held onto it tighter. "I won't let you go." Sehun said. Luhan sighed and gave up.




That night-


"Luhan." Sehun called out. Luhan was about to climb to his bed when Sehun called out to him. "Yeah?" Luhan answered. "Sleep with me tonight." Sehun said. "W-what! Yah Sehun. This is going out of hand. First you wanna know how it feels like to kiss a guy. Then you hugged me. After that you held my hand. Now you wanna sleep with me. What is wrong with you, Sehun!" Luhan exclaimed. "If you don't wanna sleep with me then it's okay." Sehun said with a tint of sadness in his voice. He laid down and turned away.


"Sehun..." Luhan called out. No response. "Sehun ah..." Luhan called out again. No response again. Luhan laid beside Sehun and hugged him from behind. Luhan's chest was on Sehun's back. "Don't be upset." Luhan whispered. Sehun just kept quiet. "What must I do to make you happy again?" Luhan asked. Sehun turned around and faced Luhan. Their faces were only a few inches away. "Kiss me." Sehun said as he looked straight into Luhan's eyes. "Se-" "Kiss me." Sehun said again. Luhan placed his soft lips on Sehun's. Luhan wanted to pull away but Sehun pulled him and deepened the kiss. Luhan was trying his best to pull away but Sehun was too strong. Luhan knew that if this keeps on happening, he will eventually fall for Sehun and it will only lead him to pain. Soon, Luhan melted into the kiss and he just let Sehun kissed him. He didn't kiss back though.


Sehun pulled away. "Why didn't you kiss back?" Sehun asked. "Because I'm not gay. Duh." Luhan said. "I'm not gay either." Sehun said. "Then why did you kiss me?" Luhan asked. Sehun kept quiet. He didn't know why. "Because... Because..." Sehun stuttered. "Damn Sehun. You were thinking of your crush when you kissed me. You ert! She's an innocent girl okay!" Luhan exclaimed. "Huh? Ohh.. Yeah. Yeah I was thinking of her." Sehun said. "Oh my God my best friend is a ert." Luhan acted like he was disgusted. "But you still love me." Sehun smiled. "Since when did I say I loved you?" Luhan raised his eyebrow. "Well.... One day you will say it alright." Sehun said. Luhan laughed. Come on. Let's go to sleep already." Luhan said and he closed his eyes. Sehun rested his head on Luhan's shoulder and hugged him. Deep inside he knew that he was feeling something else.

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OP_Robin11 #1
Chapter 40: please......
im only find your story recently and totally in love in this masterpiece, so
please...please update someday, ill be waiting.
Chapter 40: Please update...
chachalulu #3
Chapter 40: This is so sad yet beautiful.. can u update this story authournim...
Please update authornim..I miss this fic.I will patiently wait fod you
Chapter 40: please update
natinski #6
God i just found this fic :(
Chapter 39: This is soo cute^^ but please update.I cant wait for it
Chapter 34: Luhan could of had used the broken piece of glass to cut off the ropes lol
Chapter 40: CHAPTER 39: i love this ff very much...but when will you update????
Anis_cmn #10
Chapter 39: Wait does chapter 39 is the ending? No right???