He's Back

High School Life With A Jerk
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It has been almost an hour ago since Minhee arrived at Namsan Tower and she’s been looking around for Myungsoo at foremost. She knew she’s nearly worn-out, her feet throbbing a little bit in pain at the same time given that she had to walk back and forth to check all corners of the place under the blazing sun just so she could find the person she’s been looking for. On top of that, she’s taken the risk and faced her fears of heights just for the sake of getting to him. The things she does for him. Now what? The latter doesn’t seem to be around. Where could he possibly be? She’s definite he was not there in the coffee shop where Sungyeol left him either. She’d checked that place beforehand. Also, Sungyeol said he’s sure that the only place where Myungsoo would go whenever he wants to take a breather would be at Namsan Tower in which where she is already. Of all places, why this crowded area? She thought.

Though it’s exhausting to search for a person, who most likely does not want to show himself,  she didn’t want to give up just yet knowing that she voluntarily came here herself for a purpose that she really want to do and get it over with. Its giving her sleepless nights so, once and for all, she just wants to take it out of her so that she could sleep so soundly at night again.

Feeling her energy slowly draining out, she stopped somewhere where the shadows of the trees could protect her from the blistering heat of sunlight to rest for a minute or two before standing up straight again and continue with her mission.

It was sort of tough for her since she’s never done this before for someone, let alone, for him, her hateful person! He makes her things she’s never done in her entire life. It’s the very first time she’s given so much effort for someone like him. She wants to blame him for all these things, but part of her knows it isn’t exactly him. She’s partly at fault too. It’s not just to put the entire responsibility on him. How will she be able to become a lawyer if she doesn’t even know how to acknowledge her own mistakes? She will never be able to defend and protect someone if she continue being ignorant. But that’s out of the subject now.

What’s even more challenging now was the fact that the place was jam packed with people which makes this so-called mission even harder for her. Looks like she’s gotten the perfect time of the day!

“Geez! Where the hell are you? You better be here or else… I would really make you pay for all these troubles you’ve been causing me! I really hate you, you jerk!” She murmurs to herself, her eyebrows furrowed.

“You hate who?”

Out of the blue, there was a voice coming from behind her which instantly sent shivers down her spine. It wasn’t just someone’s voice though. It’s the voice of that certain someone whom once owned her heart, whom she shared her first passionate love with.

At that, she instantly froze on her spot. She didn’t see this coming. It was all so sudden. She wasn’t prepared yet.

Geez! Is this really happening? I hope it’s just a dream or something! Please… Minhee prayed at the back of her mind.

“Minhee? It’s you, right?”

Positive. It’s really him. He’s finally back.

She gulped as she straightened up herself trying to collect her strength before finally facing the person she hasn’t seen for so many years. Guess it is finally the time to face reality.

“Jinyoung,” she paused. This is the first time in so many years that she has uttered his name once again. It sort of sounds strange in her own ears though. “It’s been a while.” She continued,

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Chapter 32: I really enjoyed reading this fanfic it's really amazing I hope you update soon is you finish your things in college n also good luck I will always sports your fanfics n wait for your update HAWITING XOXO
Chapter 32: I missed you! I'm so glad you came back to at least tell us what you've been doing! Fighting in college and fighting in fangirling :P ! We won't leave (well I won't..) stay happy ^^
Chapter 31: i like ur story!^_^
LinA1992 #4
Chapter 31: Who is that guy ??
I am really curious ....
Chapter 28: ;o Update soon ! Myungsoo has got to make a move keke ~ tht little handsome chicken ><
Chapter 26: i wonder who's the girl hmmm......update soon :D
namwoohyuk #7
Chapter 26: wait....who is the girl? maybe she is myung sister?? ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

Let me... just let me... Let me calm for a second... or day... or week... maybe a month... yea probably a year.
namwoohyuk #9
Chapter 25: asdfhzkzkskznjz finally updateeeeee >____< omg i'm just curious, will Minhee going date with Gongchan? or? kkkkk and for previous chap was reallu funny when i imagine that minhee yelling to myungsoo XD
well, keep on writing author-nim! I'm looking forward to the next chapter, fighting!