No More Complains

High School Life With A Jerk
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                “Eomma!” Minhee whined as she shuts the front door behind her. Her mom was already in the kitchen but Minhee’s complain could still be heard since their house is not that really big like a mansion plus, the girl’s voice was just awfully loud too.

                “What was that my dear?” Mrs. Yoon asked liked nothing had ever happened. She’s very cool and calm, like her usual self.

                When Minhee entered the kitchen, there was a frown on her face. “What was that back there? Why did you let that jerk stay here with us? What happened and he managed to cast a spell on you? And let him live here?” Minhee bombarded exasperatedly. She utterly didn’t like that thought, Myungsoo living with them… No way okay! NO WAY.

                “Calm down dear and can you please be nice? He has a name and it is not jerk. I did not teach and raised you that way, didn’t I? So please, be nice like what you really are, mmm?”

                Minhee rolled her eyes as she took a sit at the counter next to where her mother is. “Yeah sure…”she retorted sardonically. “But really eomma, how did everything happen? Tell me, please?”

                Mrs. Yoon just stared at her with a smile on her lips for a second before she begun to tell Minhee the whole story.



                “Aish! These bags are too heavy! I’m so silly enough to buy all of these without my daughter. Why oh why didn’t I wait for her until her class dismissal? Err… how am I supposed to bring these all when my fingers are like to be broken now?” Mrs. Yoon muttered frustratedly as she stared at the grocery bags in front of her.

                She was now waiting at the bus stop. Thanks God and she managed to carry all those heavy bags up to there. But now, her fingers were too swollen already and it’s really hurting now. She didn’t know how to carry those all over again. No one could ever help her except for her very own self.

                Just endure the pain a little more. You can do this! She mentally encouraged herself.

                Just as she was about to carry the bags again, someone came up. “Excuse me?”
                She looked up and smiles a bit. “Yes?”
                “Uhm… I kind of… heard you, ahjumma. I saw how much you struggle for those grocery bags so uhm… if you don’t mind; could I help you with those?”

                Mrs. Yoon smiled gratefully at that. Finally, someone who is just as polite as this young man in front of her had offered help. “That’s very kind of you, young lad. Yes, that’s much better. Thank you!”

                The young man didn’t say anything. He just smiled and bowed at her for respect. He then grabbed all those bags as the bus came and they already hopped inside.



                “Ahjumma?” The young man spoke softly as the bus continuously traveled. Mrs. Yoon is sitting beside him, beside the window of the bus.

                As she heard him spoke, she turned her gaze at him. “Yes? Do you need something young man?” the guy quickly shook his head. Just as he was about to speak to ask something Mrs. Yoon got first.

                “Oh wait! Can you just call me omonim? I kind of didn’t like the term ahjumma. Ha! Ha! I’m beautiful enough for that name you know!” she joked.

                The young man chuckled. “I didn’t know you’re a joker too ahju—I mean, omonim. Ha! Ha!” he then sheepishly rubs the back of his neck.

                Mrs. Yoon only grinned and flicked his forehead for that. The young lad automatically pouted as he rubs his sore forehead. He seems like a little boy for Mrs. Yoon at that.

                After some minutes, they finally arrived at the destination. Mrs. Yoon unlocked the door knob and twisted it to open the door to let the young man enter first and bring the grocery bags at t

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Chapter 32: I really enjoyed reading this fanfic it's really amazing I hope you update soon is you finish your things in college n also good luck I will always sports your fanfics n wait for your update HAWITING XOXO
Chapter 32: I missed you! I'm so glad you came back to at least tell us what you've been doing! Fighting in college and fighting in fangirling :P ! We won't leave (well I won't..) stay happy ^^
Chapter 31: i like ur story!^_^
LinA1992 #4
Chapter 31: Who is that guy ??
I am really curious ....
Chapter 28: ;o Update soon ! Myungsoo has got to make a move keke ~ tht little handsome chicken ><
Chapter 26: i wonder who's the girl hmmm......update soon :D
namwoohyuk #7
Chapter 26: wait....who is the girl? maybe she is myung sister?? ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

Let me... just let me... Let me calm for a second... or day... or week... maybe a month... yea probably a year.
namwoohyuk #9
Chapter 25: asdfhzkzkskznjz finally updateeeeee >____< omg i'm just curious, will Minhee going date with Gongchan? or? kkkkk and for previous chap was reallu funny when i imagine that minhee yelling to myungsoo XD
well, keep on writing author-nim! I'm looking forward to the next chapter, fighting!