The First Awful Morning Together

High School Life With A Jerk
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                The next day morning, Minhee growled in too much annoyance. "UGH!!!!! Stupid alarm clock... Aish!!!!" she lifted her head from the pillow and peeked at the clock hanging on the wall of her room. "Oh. my. gahd. It is only 6:30 AM! Aish!!!!! who the hell set this in here?" she reached for the alarm clock and stopped the ringing. Right after, she slammed the clock back to its place and slumped herself back ob the bed again.

           Minutes passed, another ringing boomed her ears. I thought I already stopped it? Aish!!!! She's so near to dreamland already but heck, that alarm clock just woke her up again into the real world.

            Irritated, she hastily kicked the blanket off of her, got up from bed only to stop that freaking alarm clock again. She thought that it was the previous one but to her shock, she found it calm. It's not ringing!

           But.... where the hell could that irking ringing could be coming from?

           Minhee frowned at that in confusion. She then started to look frantically for it around her room. She was too annoyed already. The sound freakingly irks her.

            "Aish!!!!!! Who ever put these freaking alarm clocks in here will surely be dead!" She muttered exasperatedly to herself as she continuously searched for that damn alarm clock.

            "Oh really? That's very scary...." someone suddenly spoke from behind.

            Minhee stiffened instantly. Hey eyes widened. That voice.... no way... impossible... it couldn't be―

                 "YOU?!" Minhee shrieked as she turned around only to findthe owner of the voice leaning coolly on the frame of the door of her room with its arms were crossed over the chest with a smug smile plastered on its face.

             "Yes, it's me Ms. Yoon Minhee, you're one and only beloved seatmate and MASTER, Kim Myungsoo" he conceitedly said emphasizing the word master. "Missed me?" he huskily hissed with a smirk.

            Minhee rolled her eyes. "Hah! No way! In. your. dreams. Tss! What are you doing here anyway? Why are you here rather?" she then crossed her arms.

            "Oh! You already forgot missy... I am going to live here from now on. Remember, yesterday? Wait! Is that how you speak to you MASTER?" he emphasized again obviously, mocking her.

             What? Oh gahd.... she totally forgot about that. She was too engrossed last night blogging about things. That was actually her way of letting out the grudges inside of her. And... did he really have to emphasize that word, huh? Did he really have to smack that fact on her face?

            "Aish.... yeah right." she boredly murmured. "Sorry

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Chapter 32: I really enjoyed reading this fanfic it's really amazing I hope you update soon is you finish your things in college n also good luck I will always sports your fanfics n wait for your update HAWITING XOXO
Chapter 32: I missed you! I'm so glad you came back to at least tell us what you've been doing! Fighting in college and fighting in fangirling :P ! We won't leave (well I won't..) stay happy ^^
Chapter 31: i like ur story!^_^
LinA1992 #4
Chapter 31: Who is that guy ??
I am really curious ....
Chapter 28: ;o Update soon ! Myungsoo has got to make a move keke ~ tht little handsome chicken ><
Chapter 26: i wonder who's the girl hmmm......update soon :D
namwoohyuk #7
Chapter 26: wait....who is the girl? maybe she is myung sister?? ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

Let me... just let me... Let me calm for a second... or day... or week... maybe a month... yea probably a year.
namwoohyuk #9
Chapter 25: asdfhzkzkskznjz finally updateeeeee >____< omg i'm just curious, will Minhee going date with Gongchan? or? kkkkk and for previous chap was reallu funny when i imagine that minhee yelling to myungsoo XD
well, keep on writing author-nim! I'm looking forward to the next chapter, fighting!