Not In Good Terms

High School Life With A Jerk
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               “Hey!” Jinri smashed her palms together in front of Minhee’s face that made a sudden clashing sound. Just trying to snap out the girl from her own little world though. “What’s with the face? You seem so lost,” Jinri said as she pulled out the chair across Minhee’s. But the said girl wasn’t responding. “Hello? Planet 0000?”She noticed the girl staring into space or… more like deeply engaged in thoughts.

               They were at the cafeteria having their break time rather, lunch break. The room seems so packed. To sum up all the students’ own conversations to one another was surely really making no room for silence. Indeed noisy. But here was this certain girl who seems to be there, not giving any damn around her, but the mind was somewhere else who knows.

               Seeing Minhee still not becoming aware of her, a random idea popped up in her head. This may sound so ridiculous but it won’t hurt if she try, right? She then poked Minhee’s shoulder for numerous enough times then she picked up her fork and stabbed the girl’s own food. “Yo! It’s delicious!” She exclaimed enthusiastically right after gulping down the food.

               “Ah, huh?” And the lost-in-deep-thoughts girl finally came back to earth. Great! Now that one was weird. Indeed. “You saying something about tigers?”

               Jinri has to roll her eyes at that. Like… what? This was really making her go crazy now. “Oh yes Minhee, I was talking about tigers and how they will eat me alive if I didn’t feed them. Like this instant. My mom gave me one if you ask,” Sarcasm was all over . It was really a proof now that the girl was not giving attention to anything around her. Like the damn she care? Whatever. “Gosh Minhee! Tigers? Really? Ersh, what’s wrong with you now? You’re not even trying to touch your food. They look so poor now. What the heck is in your mind, huh?”

               “Nothing,” Minhee sternly replied as she averted to meet Jinri’s eyes. She picked up her fork and stabs the food idly.

               “Nothing? Oh c’mon! You obviously have something going on with you. Knowing you, you wouldn’t be so distracted like this if it was just nothing. You are seriously spacing out!” Jinri made sure to emphasize the last sentence. “And gosh, you weren’t like this the other week. Now I really suspect something happened during weekend… something horrible” Jinri leaned back on her chair as she crossed her arms over her chest giving the girl in front of her the now-spill-out-the-bean look.

               Minhee let out a sigh. Sometimes, she was wondering how her best friend could be so a smartass when it comes to things like this. “Fine, I’ll go straight with you now.” She paused a bit and Jinri just gave her the signal look just-go-ahead. “Myungsoo’s giving me the cold shoulder. I’m bothered. He’s mad on me I guess,” and she lightly shrugged her shoulders.

               And Jinri’s eyebrow raised automatically as slightly formed an O shape. She was sort of flabbergasted with what Minhee have said. Did the world turned three hundred sixty degree now? Why was she so work up now with Myungsoo giving her the cold treatment? Thought she was the one mad on him and not the other way around? Something’s really wrong here now…

               “I think I’m missing something here now. Mind telling me?” all that Jinri said after the surprised state thingy. With that, Minhee told her everything. From the very beginning ‘til the very end of the whole complicated story.

               “So what’s you plan now?” Jinri asked after hearing everything.

               “Talk to him and probably… apologize?” Minhee lightly shrugged her shoulders. Not really sure about what she’ll do next.

               “But you know what, I think you really don’t need to ask for apology. I mean, why? I

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Chapter 32: I really enjoyed reading this fanfic it's really amazing I hope you update soon is you finish your things in college n also good luck I will always sports your fanfics n wait for your update HAWITING XOXO
Chapter 32: I missed you! I'm so glad you came back to at least tell us what you've been doing! Fighting in college and fighting in fangirling :P ! We won't leave (well I won't..) stay happy ^^
Chapter 31: i like ur story!^_^
LinA1992 #4
Chapter 31: Who is that guy ??
I am really curious ....
Chapter 28: ;o Update soon ! Myungsoo has got to make a move keke ~ tht little handsome chicken ><
Chapter 26: i wonder who's the girl hmmm......update soon :D
namwoohyuk #7
Chapter 26: wait....who is the girl? maybe she is myung sister?? ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

Let me... just let me... Let me calm for a second... or day... or week... maybe a month... yea probably a year.
namwoohyuk #9
Chapter 25: asdfhzkzkskznjz finally updateeeeee >____< omg i'm just curious, will Minhee going date with Gongchan? or? kkkkk and for previous chap was reallu funny when i imagine that minhee yelling to myungsoo XD
well, keep on writing author-nim! I'm looking forward to the next chapter, fighting!