Just Made of Imagination

High School Life With A Jerk
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               Minhee was staring at the sight in front of them, the place where Gongchan brought her. A slight bewilderment were written on her face. It wasn’t like she didn’t like the place or something. It’s just that she didn’t expect it at all. Of all places, why there? Why there at the Lotte World?

               “Seriously, why here?” Minhee asked.

               “Why? You didn’t like it in here?” Gongchan was more baffled of her. He brought her there because he thought she likes amusement parks. Like… who wouldn’t, right? It’s fun in there!

               Minhee feebly smiled. “No, it wasn’t like that. It’s not like I hate being here or something. It’s just that I’m not a big fan of amusement parks. It seems too childish for me.”

               Gongchan chuckled in response. Her reason seems sillier. Nah! Just lame! “You’re no fun! Don’t be a kill-joy! Everybody loves this place! Fun is everywhere here!”

               Seeing his wonderful smile, unknowingly to her own actions, a smile was already creeping up her face too. “Mmm… okay then, let’s go!” She happily said.

               Err… wasn’t she kinda bipolar? Just earlier she was all confused like she didn’t like the place then another minute, she already seems really excited! What the… Her mood just suddenly turned 180⁰ because of Gongchan? Okay, whatever!

               “Ha! Let’s see who’s childish after this…” Gongchan knowingly smirked at her.



               “Oppa~ please get that for me! I really want that, please please?” The girl cutely pleaded as she clung on Myungsoo’s arm.

               “You sure you really want that?”

               The said girl gullibly nodded in response.

               Myungsoo just smiled and ruffles the hair of the girl. “Let’s get it then!”

               Not that far from these two, was Minhee and Gongchan. They were looking at some cute stuffs at some nearby shop when Minhee heard something she didn’t expect at all. “Uh, Gongchan, did you hear something?”

               Gongchan turned to her in confusion. “Something? What ‘something’?”

               “Err… I think I heard Myungsoo’s voice just now…”

               Gongchan raised an eyebrow. “You think you heard his voice? You just think? Well then, I think you’re just hallucinating. Or probably, you’re just thinking of him?”

               Of course she wasn’t sure of that! She wasn’t exactly certain if she really did heard Myungsoo’s voice. Like… how come? Wasn’t just earlier at school he was all acting so weird like he was mad and all that he even made some excuses that were all just useless too? And that he even said goodbye? So of course she was expecting that he was already at home during this time.

               But you cannot either deny the fact the she heard him. That was positively his voice. She knows it. That voice only belongs to that one and only jerk in her life. It can’t be another person. He has no twin either, right?


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Chapter 32: I really enjoyed reading this fanfic it's really amazing I hope you update soon is you finish your things in college n also good luck I will always sports your fanfics n wait for your update HAWITING XOXO
Chapter 32: I missed you! I'm so glad you came back to at least tell us what you've been doing! Fighting in college and fighting in fangirling :P ! We won't leave (well I won't..) stay happy ^^
Chapter 31: i like ur story!^_^
LinA1992 #4
Chapter 31: Who is that guy ??
I am really curious ....
Chapter 28: ;o Update soon ! Myungsoo has got to make a move keke ~ tht little handsome chicken ><
Chapter 26: i wonder who's the girl hmmm......update soon :D
namwoohyuk #7
Chapter 26: wait....who is the girl? maybe she is myung sister?? ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

Let me... just let me... Let me calm for a second... or day... or week... maybe a month... yea probably a year.
namwoohyuk #9
Chapter 25: asdfhzkzkskznjz finally updateeeeee >____< omg i'm just curious, will Minhee going date with Gongchan? or? kkkkk and for previous chap was reallu funny when i imagine that minhee yelling to myungsoo XD
well, keep on writing author-nim! I'm looking forward to the next chapter, fighting!