Sungjong Epidemic

Snow White and the Seven Infinites
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"Wahh, my Kae In looks so pretty!" Sungjong chimed, clasping his hands together when she came back into the living room. "All I did I was change my clothes," Kae In mumbled, tilting her head to one side. "Yah, let's go!" Sungjong exclaimed, grabbing Kae In's hand and bolting out the door before she had any say. "Jealous yet?" Myungsoo asked Dongwoo, who was still focused on the tv. "Nope. Kae In wouldn't fall in love with a kid," Dongwoo joked, chuckling. "Oppa, we're not taking the car?" Kae In squeaked when they walked past the car. "Nope! We need to exercise, why do we need a car? Cars are for lazy people," Sungjong explained, swinging their arms in the air. She smiled at him, and he smiled back. "Kae In-ah, I love you." she heard Sungjong's voice say. She looked over at Sungjong, who was just smiling and staring at the sidewalk ahead of them. When he noticed her stare, he looked at her. "What is it, Kae In-ah?" he asked, looking at her with a puzzled look. "N-Nothing, oppa." she chuckled nervously, giving him a small smile. "Must have been my imagination," Kae In shrugged, continuing to enjoy the walk.


"Oppa, I'm going to ask you for the last time: WHERE ARE WE GOING?!" Kae In asked impatiently. They had been walking for a while, and even if Kae In did know the area pretty well, she didn't have a clue where Sungjong was taking her. "Oh just be patient, Kae In. We're almost there anyway," Sungjong chuckled, squeezing Kae In's hand out of assurance. "Alright, if you say so," Kae In sighed, rolling her eyes. And in a couple of seconds, she had realized where Sungjong had taken her. "PURIKURA!" Sungjong exclaimed, throwing his arms in the air. "Really?" Kae In gasped, smiling brightly. She hadn't been to one in the longest time, and she was a bit excited to be back. "Let's go!" Kae In exclaimed, dragging Sungjong inside. ( Purikura refers to a photo sticker booth or the product of a photo booth. ) "Which one should we try first?" Sungjong asked, his eyes wandering all over the store. "Wahh . . . I don't even know. They all look cute," Kae In laughed, trying to pick which booth to go to. "Let's go to that one!" Sungjong said, dragging Kae In all the way to the back of the store.


"Oh, I didn't bring my wallet . . . mianhae, oppa," Kae In laughed nervously, scratching her head. "You assumed I would pay for everything, huh?" Sungjong asked, rolling his eyes with his hands on his hips. "Yah, if you told me where we were going, I would have brought it!" Kae In pouted. "Yah, it's okay. I'll pay for everything like the gentleman I am," Sungjong said, winking. "Yeah. some gentleman," Kae In mumbled as she watched Sungjong insert a ten dollar bill into the machine. He scowled at the machine when it spat back out the bill. "Why won't it take it?" Sungjong whined. "You have to go exchange it at the machine in front. It only takes one dollar bills," Kae In explained, pointing outside. "Aigoo, you should have told me before," Sungjong sighed, walking out of the booth to go exchange money. When he came back, he had tons of one dollar bills in his hands. "WAH! So much money! How many booths were you planning on going to?" Kae In gasped. "All of them, right? They're all different, so I wanna try out all of them," Sungjong chimed, nodding his head. "Oppa . . ." Kae In laughed, facepalming as she shook her head.


They had just finished taking pictures at three booths, and they were decorating pictures from their fourth one. Sungjong had finished decorating a picture of him and Kae In posing like divas, and he looked over at Kae In, who was decorating a picture of her kissing Sungjong's cheek. Sungjong whipped out his phone, took a picture of the picture he decorated, and sent it to Sunggyu. The only reason why he sent it to Sunggyu was because he knew that Sunggyu had his phone on him almost all the time, and he had it with him often unlike the others. "Kae In-ah, we better hurry. I wanna get to the next photo booth!" Sungjong rushed, pushing Kae In's arm. "Yah, be patient! I'm almost done!" Kae In sighed, bumping her shoulder against Sungjong's.


"Hey guys, I got a text from Sungjong," Sunggyu said from the other couch. Hoya, Dongwoo, and Myungsoo had just finished playing Super Smash Brothers, and Hoya was the victor. Again. "It's cause you chose Mario! I bet we can take you down if you chose Jigglypuff!" Dongwoo challenged. "Alright then, I'll be Jigglypuff

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chapter FORTY ONE is up! happy reading! ^ ^ v


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Chapter 43: Ironic how she said she was gonna update every week until it's over but even that didnt happen. I'm not mad. I just happened to notice that lol but hope fully she comes back. If not. Its fine
Wahyuni1998 #3
Chapter 43: When this story up again????
I miss this story :')
Just stopped by because I miss this story :')
Chapter 43: I.WILL.WATCH.YOU... By that, I mean that I'll be anticipating an update.
memories411 #7
Such a great story! Waiting for the next update
Good luck darling! I'll be waiting for more updates. :) It's about time to end the story right, after 5 years? hehe.
ItzumiAiehara #9
Chapter 44: Welcome back author-ssi
Forsty #10
Chapter 42: Nice! Update soon author-nim ^.^