8. Please come back to me

Beauty within a B2stly zoo

“You sure you can’t stay for longer?” Yoseob asked the next morning as the girls carried their bags to the front door.

“Sorry oppa,” Hyorin said patting the saddened Yoseob on the head, “but Sistar is debuting in Japan next week so we have practice before we go.”

“And Sookyung has university exams starting on Tuesday.” Bora turned to Sookyung who seemed to be elsewhere in her own little world. “Earth to unni, hello?” Sookyung lifted her head.

“Huh? Oh sorry Bora,” Sookyung apologised.

“Girl where has your head been?” Bora asked, Kikwang whispered in Dongwoon’s ear and the foxs' ears perked up. His copper red fur going darker where his cheeks would have been.“Hyung, that’s so lewd!” The maknae exclaimed embarrassed. Doojoon turned to them, a warning expression on his face.

“Umm,” Hyunseung looked up at Sookyung tugging on her shoelace, “will you come and visit us soon Sookyung-ah?”  Sookyung didn’t know whether to lie or tell him the truth. Doojoon’s eyes were watching her with curiosity as to what she would do. Sookyung lowered herself down so she was almost level with Hyunseung. It was something that child experts did when they were communicating with kids. “I will have a couple of weeks off once I finish exams for the term, how about I come then?” This made Hyunseung squeak happily.

“Thank you,” his aegyo managed to make Sookyung smile for a second Doojoon watched her before he turned away and walking off somewhere.

“Uh hyung,” Yoseob called after him before sighing; “gee he tends to go off like that at times.”

“That’s ok,” Hyorin said picking Yoseob and cuddling him, “I’m sure he said bye to Sookyung before.” Sookyung was about to say that this wasn’t true but then changed her mind.

“Ok we best be off,” Bora said saluting the guys making some of their eyes light up, “it’s been fun boys. See you Junhyung,” Junhyung winked.

“Sure noona,” Bora turned away before they saw her happy expression.

“Well, thank you for having us,” Sookyung bowed to them all, “we will make it up to you someday.”

“Oh I know how,” Dongwoon suddenly pattered over to her and nudged her with a paw to bend down. She bent down as he whispered in her ear. Her face went red. She stared at Kikwang who looked surprised.

“Omo? Me?” Maybe Dongwoon wasn't referring to what he had just heard.

“Then who?” She asked Dongwoon.

“I’ll tell you when I see you in human form next time,” he said. Sookyung nodded.

“Oh yeah,” Yoseob gestured for Junhyung to come over and handed her a pad of paper and a pencil

“Please give us your mobile number so we can call you,” he said brightly. Sookyung looked at Hyorin and Bora who came over and jotted down their ones. Sookyung looked at the paper and then wrote hers down too.

“Well we should go,” Sookyung said to her friends when they were done. The three girls nodded and got their back packs and left having the animals and humans wave to them. Doojoon was on a hill near them and saw them. He lifted a hand, hesitant to wave however he put it down again.


The week went by slowly. Sookyung studied and went to university for exams while the other two practiced day and night their Japanese version of How Dare You. Sookyung worked on the weekend earning the little wage she got. It was very casual work. As in she may not have gotten anything for weeks on end. She received a few calls from the members. Mainly Yoseob who asked when she was coming back and the same answer was, “the coming Tuesday so be patient.” When the Tuesday came Sookyung packed enough for about three weeks worth stay. Her parents were away so she had the house to herself and there were no pets to feed as her mum was allergic to animals. As she locked the front door her mobile beeped. She flipped the top and opened it.

Please come back to me

She frowned, not sure who sent it. Her finger pressed to delete but she stopped. She exited and went on her way. The person would eventually call her and then she could confront them then.

 It was windy on the way to the house, it was blowing harder than she thought and her hat blew off her head and into a tree. She sighed as she put her bag down, starting her awkward climb. The branches were too far apart and she could barely get off the ground. She sighed wondering what to do.

“Hey Sookyung-ah!” She turned and saw Yoseob coming towards her, he had changed today and Sookyung was able to recognize him easily with the round cheeks and child-like face.

“Hey oppa,” she said bowing to him and he did the same.

“What are you doing?” He asked peering at her and then at the tree.

“My hat is up there,” Sookyung pointed to it, “I’m trying to get it down.”

“Ah is that so? Hold on I’ll go get it for you.”  Yoseob was at the foot before Sookyung could protest.

“Wait a minute sunbae!” She called as he began to climb up the trunk with ease.

“It’s ok noona!” He called, only two branches away from the hat. A growl was heard and Sookyung jumped around to see a familiar jaguar prowl from in between the trees.

“What’s going on here?” He said in the same octave, Sookyung backed away a few steps.

“Ah Doojoon!” Yoseob called from up in the tree, “you’re still mad at Junhyung aren’t you?” Doojoon bared his fangs.

“That will teach him to mix his red boxers with the white load,” he added through growls. Doojoon did a double take at Yoseob and then turned to Sookyung.

“What is he doing up a tree?” He growled.

“Umm, he is going to get my hat,” Sookyung stammered

“ARE YOU MAD!?” Doojoon roared, “Yoseob is the least agile of us! He will get stuck if he climbs trees!”

“It’s alright hyung,” Yoseob said waving the hat and making his descent. The branch he stood on suddenly started to crack.

“Omo!” He yelled trying to hug the large girth of the tree.

“Stay there,” Doojoon ordered him, “I’m going to come get you.” He turned to Sookyung and made a hissing noise.

“Don’t run off,” he growled before bounding to the tree. The branch continued to crack.

“Ah it’s breaking!” Yoseob yelled. Doojoon made his way faster up the tree, jumping from branch to branch.

“I’m coming!” Doojoon told him.

“No don’t hyung!” Yoseob called, “by the time you get here it will be too…” The branch made a mighty crack.

“YOSEOB!” Doojoon yelled as the branch gave way and broke. Sookyung hurried towards them throwing her back pack on the ground.

“Aim for the bag!” She told Yoseob. He hit the bag hard and then rolled off for a metre before coming to a stop. He didn’t move.

“Yoseob! Yoseob!” Sookyung started to shake him trying to wake him.

“Get away!” Doojoon ordered her as he came to him, “Yoseob! Wake up!” There was worry for a moment. Yoseob opened his eyes and Sookyung sighed in relief.

“Hehe tricked you,” Doojoon scratched him on the cheek making Yoseob yelp.

“Aigoo what did you do that for?” He moaned touching his cheek seeing blood.

“For pulling such a stupid stunt,” Doojoon growled, “do you know how worried I was?!”

“Sorry hyung,” Yoseob said sitting up, “but if it hadn’t been for Sookyung I may not have been faking it.” Sookyung grabbed her back pack saying nothing. Doojoon stared at her before turning and leaving them. Yoseob shook his head at him.

“Pfft, anyway,” he continued, taking Sookyungs hand in help to stand, “the others will be happy to see you it’s been boring since you three left.” Sookyung smiled but then wondered if Hyorin had been wrong about Doojoon being nice.

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I know it's been a while but... Does anyone want a sequel?


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sistarandinfinite #1
Chapter 36: I thought Bora and Junhyung will be together at the last chapter but....great stlry anyways
wuffles #2
Chapter 36: It was interest and I love the second last ch! :)
ummior #3
Wow i love it
Chapter 36: Omg!!! I loved it!!! It was amazing and very dramatic!!! But it was an excellent story author-nim!!!
Chapter 36: Yey! What a fun little story! I read it all in 1 day! Ok...one and a half cause I needed to sleep at some point!
maybe i have bad memory
but how has this been changed? ._.
/cannot see
/has terrible memory
/apologizes profusely
Its a gd ending E_magine, dont wry.
Aww they hv 2 her b4 she leaves!!