30. Shock.2

Beauty within a B2stly zoo

For a moment none of the five responded. They just acted like they hadn’t heard him properly; cleaning their ears or blinking in twice the speed. This news, this hadn’t been something they were expecting. Not here in their dressing room but also after their performance on Inkigayo.

Dongwoon finally couldn’t take it anymore. “Hyung, what is the meaning of this?”

“You heard me,” he was dejected enough. “I’m stepping down as the leader.”

“Why though?” Yoseob demanded angry. “You’re the oldest member and you’ve been the leader since debut; what made you change your mind?!”

“It’s hard to explain,” Doojoon found it harder than he had thought originally to explain why he decided this.

“Yeah and we have all day.”

“Junhyung stop it!”

“What?!” Junhyung’s arms were folded in front of his chest. “We’re getting nowhere and it’s pissing me off.”


“Well at least say if it’s to do with her!” The room grew quiet again. Yoseob couldn’t believe what he had done. He never was so quick to react but out of nowhere he’d gone and slapped his hyung in the face. If he was stronger Junhyung would be on the floor but he was standing there, horrified as the rest of the group was.

“Yoseob…” Kikwang saw his friend start to crumble.

“I…” He hung his head and bowed low to Junhyung.

“But he has a good point,” Dongwoon spoke. “Does it have anything to do with Sookyung noona?” They expected him to say no. So imagine their faces when he confirmed it with a nod.

“Yes, it is.”


“—if she is to wake up then I had to sacrifice something.” Doojoon’s voice was low. “Since Hea-woo still wants me alive so she can play with me this was the alternative.”

“But that’s crap,” Junhyung had gotten his temper back. “Surely the doctors could have figured something else out.”

“Yeah like turn off her life support,” it was Dongwoon’s turn to receive stares. “I’m sorry hyung… But sometimes nothing can be done.”

“Well that’s why I’m doing this,” Doojoon got to his feet. “I’m going to tell Manager Hyung. I will do it alone,” Yoseob lowered himself back into his seat.

“Good luck,” Kikwang said as Hyunseung nodded.

“Do you still dislike him?” Dongwoon asked the second oldest member. Hyunseung denied this.
“No, I realised that he was right… So I’ve moved on.”

“With Kim Hyuna?” Hyunseung gave a sly grin.

“That’s for us to know, but I suppose,” the members bombarded him with choruses of congratulations and well done.

“Oh excuse me,” Yoseob’s phone began ringing. “Hyorin’s probably wanting to know about our date.”

“Isn’t that soon?” Yoseob nodded.

“Yeah in an hour,” he answered the phone. “Hello, oh yes I’m on my way now. Our stylist will drive me. See you soon.” He hung up and found their stylist noona who bustled him into her car.

“Put these on,” she gave him a beanie and some black thick framed glasses.

“Thanks,” he put them on, feeling ridiculous.


“Ah there you are,” Hyorin sure sounded grumpy in the mornings. Yoseob dared not hug her right now. He'd found her sitting against a park bench in a brown army style jacket with buckles on the sleeves. She was in dark skinny jeans, brown sheep skin boots and her hair was down and straightened. He walked up to her and she got up from her seat. He decided that it may be best that they changed the topic before things got ugly.

“How’s rehearsals going?”

“Normal,” she shrugged as they started to walk around the park. “Did you guys visit Sookyung?”

“Not me personally, but Doojoon, Hyunseung and Dongwoon did.”

“How was she?” Hyorin pushed hair off her face; she didn’t like talking about her friend’s state.

“She was still alive,” Yoseob began. “But it seems Doojoon hyung made another bargain with her.”

“What did she want this time?” Hyorin sighed.

“Doojoon’s stepping down as leader.”

“What?!” Hyorin stopped in her tracks, facing him. “W-will she wake up if he does?”

“He’s telling our manager now.”

“Wow I didn’t know he had it in him,” this made Yoseob frown at Hyorin. Something about the tone in her voice irked him. “What’s that suppose to mean?”

“Well, it’s just that he seemed so spineless.”

“Hyorin how can you say that?!”

“What’s wrong with what I’m saying?!” Her voice had risen. “None of you stood up to her when you had the chance! And now look at my friend! She’s barely even breathing!”

“Hyorin it wasn’t his fault.”

“Then who do I blame!?”

“But why does one always have to find someone to blame?!”

“Because I’m so tired,” Yoseob fell quiet. “Practice is hard enough in those shoes…” She swallowed. “Then there’s you…”

“What’s wrong with me?” Yoseob asked suddenly afraid.

“How come you aren’t confident? Why are you always afraid to speak sometimes? Why do I like the Yoseob on stage more than here and now?”

“Is that what it is?” Yoseob swallowed. “Are we breaking up after two months?”

“I don’t know Yoseob-ah; maybe you can tell…” She was cut off. As she was talking something overcame Yoseob to cause him to grab a hold of her face. With his hands on her cheeks he’d stepped forward and had quickly placed his lips against hers. Hyorin blinked, not expecting it. She quickly gave in and recuperated the kiss. They stood like that for a moment before Yoseob gave leave-way.

“You always use to complain that we hadn’t had our first yet.” Yoseob told her, still holding her face. “I wasn’t going to not because I didn’t want to… But because I was afraid that if we broke up it would be more awkward than if we hadn’t. The truth is Hyorin-ah; I’m shy around you yes. I’m not shy because I don’t like you. It’s the opposite.

“I’m like this because I’m crazy for you. I love your fiery passion, your confidence with dancing and singing. You aren’t afraid to be yourself. And that’s why I fell for you in the first place.” He closed the space between them again. “I know I’m not that most handsome guy, and that you like more manly men. Can I ask that you let this continue? So I can prove to you how serious I am about this?”

Hyorin was completely blown away by his words. She didn’t say anything as they stood there, exchanging deep but longing glances at the other.

She took a deep breath. “Yoseob…You know why I called you here right?”

“I had a feeling yes.”

“Well,” her face softened more. “I changed my mind. I found a new reason now.” She lessened the space to be the one to initiate the next kiss. Yoseob lowered his hands to wrap them around her waist. Hyorin grabbed onto some of his hair for her anchor. They had no idea how much time passed between them, but for now this time was theirs.


And now people can rejoice or be mad >_<. Did I write this kiss scene alright? And how did you cope with the dialogue (there's like no description's here) Oh yeah and be careful about what you write in a comment because I don’t want the story being spoiled for potential readers (not that I have many of those anyway LOL).

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I know it's been a while but... Does anyone want a sequel?


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sistarandinfinite #1
Chapter 36: I thought Bora and Junhyung will be together at the last chapter but....great stlry anyways
wuffles #2
Chapter 36: It was interest and I love the second last ch! :)
ummior #3
Wow i love it
Chapter 36: Omg!!! I loved it!!! It was amazing and very dramatic!!! But it was an excellent story author-nim!!!
Chapter 36: Yey! What a fun little story! I read it all in 1 day! Ok...one and a half cause I needed to sleep at some point!
maybe i have bad memory
but how has this been changed? ._.
/cannot see
/has terrible memory
/apologizes profusely
Its a gd ending E_magine, dont wry.
Aww they hv 2 her b4 she leaves!!