2. The Fact

Beauty within a B2stly zoo


“Wow this place looks creepy,” Bora remarked as they came to the house. It was old, brown from errosion and in  need of repairs. Hyorin and Sookyung nodded but Sookyung walked forward.

“W-wait so we’re actually going in?” Bora asked, watching her friends go towards the front door. She stared up at the sky, the rain pelting down heavier and then thunder clapped. She jumped before hurrying after them.

Sookyung tugged at the knob and pushed the door open. There were lights on, for the bulbs which were still working and there were open curtains too.

“Hmm for a deserted place this doesn’t seem to be empty,” Hyorin gazed at the peeling wallpaper walls and the portraits of people they had never seen in Hanboks. Sookyung walked towards the left, she spied a kitchen and some other rooms. The whole house was bigger than they thought.

“Whoa this place is huge,” Bora whistled as they followed her into the kitchen. A pot of a soup was simmering on a recently cleaned stove. It was clean, very clean.

“Something is very strange about this,” Sookyung commented, wiping a finger along a wooden chair, seeing her skin had no dust, “how can an abandoned house be kept in such an alright state?”
looked around 

“That’s because we clean it?” All the girls jumped. They were unable to see who made the noise which made it even more scary.

“W-who was that?” Bora asked, spooked. There was a sudden scream from Hyorin causing the other two to run to the sound. Hyorin was running back towards them, face wide and pale with fear.

"W-what is it?" Sookyung stammered as they met their friend. Hyorin struggled to catch her breath. "T-t-the monkey talks," 

 "Huh?" Both Sookyung and Bora stood there dumbfound.

"Aren't you going to apologise at least?" The three jumped, they turned to see a small monkey sitting on the floor. It was holding its tail.
“Hi,” it squeaked. The three girls screamed and ran out to another room. They hurried so fast that they almost didn't see the bushy tail swinging low from the fox curled on the couch. A zebra was standing at the window, it turned its head to the noise of them entering. The girls skidded in their shoes and raced back to the main area. A white peacock flew out of nowhere at the girls who waved their hands around their faces. They heard a growl from close by. It froze them to their place. A jaguar was crouching on the stair banister, its sinister eyes peering at them, jaws wide open. It descended from the banister in a graceful leap and prowled towards them. They heard panting of someone running and a guy entered the room, wearing a pair of jeans but was shirtless. He had bright orange hair. “Yah what are you all doing?” He complained, rubbing his head, “I was having a nap until…” He stopped, seeing the girls staring at him. He leaned further in and then stared down at himself. “Ah, sorry,” his face heated up as he realize he wasn’t fully dressed. The eyes of Hyorin, Bora and Sookyung were on him. The three girls started to back slowly away

“What is this place?" Bora asked as they moved step by step back to the entrance.

“What are you three doing here?" The guy questioned, still embarrassed at being half , "this is our home." Something registered in the back of Sookyung's mind. Something about this guy was familar. "Wait," the pursuing animals and human came to a stop, "do I know you?" The guy turned to the peacock and then the monkey. They shook their heads, "no I don't think so."

"Wait," Bora pointed at the bird, "d-did it just talk?"

"Damn straight I did," the peacock replied puffing out it's chest with pride, "I am a guy not an 'it.'"

"This is getting all too weird," Hyorin said to her friends. Sookyung was one step ahead, hand touching the bare metal of the door handle. That was when Sookyung remembered. The guy, his hair had been orange the last time she had seen him too. Like the photograph.

"Hyunseung, Beast's Hyunseung?" Something flickered across the back of the guys' mind when he heard the name. Sookyung continued to talk, "as in... The famous group Beasts' Hyunseung?" Hyunseung gave a weak nod, "yes that is me."

"Whoa," Hyorin suddenly became brave as she stepped towards him, "is this real?" She poked him in the side, "yes this isn't a dream."  Hyunseung rubbed the spot, “aish that hurt. Who are you anyway?"

“Excuse me?” Bora went to stand next to Hyorin, “we’re Sistar19!”

“Sistar who?” Hyunseung continued to rub.

“And I’m Sookyung,” Sookyung replied bowing with some regret that she wasn’t part of an idol group; she was a nobody.  Hyunseung kept his eyes on Sookyung for a moment and then he grinned.

“Ah you are a fan right?” Sookyung shook her confused head. “Umm, no not really.”

“Oh,” Hyunseung looked disappointed, “but you two are right?” He asked Hyorin and Bora. They both nodded.

“Yeah, we really liked mystery and also beautiful. Bora won’t admit this but 'Beautiful' is her ringtone,” Bora death stared Hyorin; feeling ashamed for this confession “gee thanks.”

“So we aren’t to be afraid of them then?” The monkey said walking in and climbing up the banister. Sookyung, Hyorin and Bora shook their heads.

“No, we were just looking for a place to shelter from the rain.”

“And what makes you think we will let our house be filled with strangers?” The jaguar growled. The monkey put its hands on its hips in a gesture at the big cat.

“Doojoon-ah you don’t need to be rude,” it replied, “they seem to be harmless right?" The other animals seemed reluctant and made no attempt to prove this. Sookyung looked at the jaguar.  “Wait a minute… That’s Yoo Doojoon?” . He opened his mouth and stared down at her. 

“Uh huh, and that’s Kikwang,” the monkey gestured to the peacock who was arrogantly grooming itself where it was perched.

“The fox is Dongwoon,” the fox trotted in to the room and sat by their feet, peering up at them.

“The zebra is Junhyung,” the zebra came beside Hyorin and started nibbling on her hair. She giggled as it nudged her cheek. Bora rolled her eyes and gave it a shove on the muzzle. It walked away confused.

“And I’m Yoseob,” the monkey pointed to himself, “and together we are...”

 "--What are you doing going and telling them who we are?" The fox barked. Sookyung examined the zoo before her. Something about this didn't sit right with her. "Wait a minute," Sookyung looked at Hyunseung closer, "why isn't he an animal?"

"Oh he is aswell," the zebra smugly told them, “but only when it’s not raining. Otherwise he’s a rat.”

“Otter you pabo,” Hyunseung replied in which Junhyung charged at him, annoyed at being called stupid. Hyunseung shifted to the side to move out of the way. The girls bought their attention back to the monkey who called himself Yoseob.

“Ok, so if you are all who you say you are.” Sookyung began, not sure if she made sense.“Then Beast really hasn’t disbanded?"

“Who the hell told you that?” the fox (or Dongwoon) snapped,  tilting his head at them. we’re all together aren’t we?”

“No it’s just that, the CEO of Cube….”

“Said what?” Sookyung found herself staring back into the eyes of the jaguar.

“That you had disbanded and that the last time you were seen was at your fan meet,” Hyorin added for her.

“Yeah,” Yoseob seemed dejected, “that was the last day before this happened.”

“What happened?”

“We became a zoo,” Kikwang called glumly, “and when I use to be so handsome…”

“Bah,” they all looked at Hyunseung, “no wonder you were made a peacock. You’re so vain!”

“Enough of this,” Doojoon interrupted. He came closer to the humans, “listen if you stay you have to accept that what we’ve told you is the truth alright?” The three girls fearfully nodded.

“Good, now where’s that soup I’m starving.” Doojoon prowled into the kitchen.

“Ah yes coming,” Hyunseung called he started to walk.

“Feel free to join us for dinner,” he added as the other animals followed them in. The two members of Sistar and Sookyung looked at each other dumbfounded.

“D-did that really happen?” Hyorin asked.

“I think we’re being fooled here,” Bora replied. Sookyung thought for a moment.

“Mm, no it sounds like they’re telling the truth,” she said. “Come on let’s at least see if what they are saying makes some sense.”

“If you say so,” Sookyung frowned at Bora who shrugged.

“What? It just seems strange, that’s all.”

“Really, Unnie,” Hyorin tutted as they walked through the kitchen, “you need to lighten up.”

Hope we're enjoying it readers! I don't usually edit my fanfics but because I'm not able to write at the moment I'm just editing one which I'm going to have reviewed which is why you get to read this.


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I know it's been a while but... Does anyone want a sequel?


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sistarandinfinite #1
Chapter 36: I thought Bora and Junhyung will be together at the last chapter but....great stlry anyways
wuffles #2
Chapter 36: It was interest and I love the second last ch! :)
ummior #3
Wow i love it
Chapter 36: Omg!!! I loved it!!! It was amazing and very dramatic!!! But it was an excellent story author-nim!!!
Chapter 36: Yey! What a fun little story! I read it all in 1 day! Ok...one and a half cause I needed to sleep at some point!
maybe i have bad memory
but how has this been changed? ._.
/cannot see
/has terrible memory
/apologizes profusely
Its a gd ending E_magine, dont wry.
Aww they hv 2 her b4 she leaves!!