12. Just feel my Heart

Beauty within a B2stly zoo

“Hey everyone,” everyone’s attention went to the front door when Bora and Hyorin suddenly came in four days later. Hyorin hugged every member of Beast, with Hyunseung she seemed to cuddle the otter longer making the hair on Yoseob’s neck stand while he waited jealously.

“Oppa,” she exclaimed hugging him firmly, “wow you’re human, but it’s Saturday today!”

“I know,” Yoseob told her smugly, managing to hide the jealousy he had before. “But that’s because I was able to do an act of kindness and change back.”

“That’s awesome,” Hyorin told him happily as he continued to tell her about what happened with Sookyung. Bora went to Junhyung in slow steps. They greeted each other at an arms length.

“What brings you two here so early?” He asked her, trying to keep eye contact though it was still awkward.

“Our debut was postponed, guess who had another earthquake,” they gave her angry glares in return.

“Sorry, yes I do feel bad for Japan,” she defended herself before she was reprimanded. Junhyung smiled at her, she saw it and formed a grin too. The sparks were invisibly flying between them at this moment.

“Anyway where’s Sookyung unnie?” Hyorin asked when she couldn't see their friend anywhere.

“Oh she’s coming down now,” Yoseob told her forcing himself to look away as they watched her walk down the stairs. Sookyung tried to look away, feeling self conscious from all the attention.

“Unnie!” Hyorin leapt up the stairs giving her a hug. They watched as Sookyung stumbled, nearly falling down the stairs.

“Why didn’t you call me before you came?” She asked as Hyorin retracted, “I could have come and met you.”

“Because we wanted it to be a surprise,” Bora said winking at Junhyung who smiled back knowingly. Sookyung was convinced.

“I’ll take you to the room, you can share it with me,” she told them taking them upstairs. The guys all looked at each other, waiting for one of them to speak. “ I'm glad to see Bora-yah again,” Junhyung suddenly said. They all stared at him. “What?”

“Oh does hyung like someone?” Dongwoon teased pushing him on his human leg with a paw.

“Hey knock it off,” Junhyung complained as Dongwoon ran around him pushing him some more and barking.

“Guys we need to go into town sometime today and do the grocery shopping,” Doojoon turned to Junhyung who was human since Thursday. “Since you’ll be like this for another four days you can go this time.”

“Me?” Junhyung pouted in protest, “I don’t shop for anything except for music and fashion.”

“Is that why our album sales for Fiction and Fact have been increasing?” Kikwang questioned.  Junhyung shook his head innocently. “Why do you always assume it’s me?” Junhyung bit back, “it could have been you while you were buying jackets the other week!”

“What did I say about shopping for designer clothes?” Doojoon growled.

“Hey Hyunseung does it too!” Kikwang exclaimed.Hyunseung pointed at himself being innocent. “No, I spend my money on phone credit only,” he told them.

“Fine, I’ll make a list of what we need and then you can go in,” Doojoon told Junhyung, “take… What’s her name? Bora with you in case the girls need particular things.” They raised their eyebrows (if they could) at their leader.

“Ok,” Junhyung gave in a possible thought coming to his mind. Him and Bora alone? Maybe through the time spent together they could become a little bit closer.


“So anything interesting happen recently?” Hyorin asked Sookyung as they unpacked their clothes. Sookyung shook her head.

“Umm not really, how long are you two going to stay for?”

“It's only for two weeks,” Hyorin told her, “our manager isn’t sure when we are likely to go to Japan so they chose then to make sure it was cleared up a bit.” Sookyung nodded when her phone went off playing the chorus for an F.T. Island song. “Who’s calling you?” Bora asked with a smirk.

“It’s not a call it’s a message,” Sookyung flipped her phone and read the message, frowning when she had finished.

“What does it say?”

“Just feel my heart, it's another weird one.”

“How is that weird?”

“Well I got another a few days ago and another one before I left home,” Sookyung scratched her head as she put her phone away, “the strange thing is I don’t recognize the number.”

“Could it be someone from Beast?” Hyorin asked as she took out some sandals from her bag.

“Well the only one that really talks to me is Yoseob, and he only does because he wants to see how Hyorin is.”

“Aw how sweet,” Hyorin missed the point of the discussion. “Maybe you can check the number and see who it belongs to.” Sookyung was about to agree when there was a knock at the door to interrupt.

“It’s Junhyung,” Bora sat upright as the door opened, adjusting her clothing and making sure her hair was smooth and untangled.

“Am I interrupting?” He asked standing in the doorway. The girls shook their heads.

“No you’re fine oppa,” Hyorin told him. Junhyung continued what he was saying. “I’m going to town to grab some things we need,” he turned to Bora. “Would you like to come along?” When the other two saw that he wasn't looking at them they  waited for Bora’s response. She thought and then nodded happily.

“Sure the walk won’t kill me,” Junhyung smiled in relief, “cool is there anything that you girls need in particular?” They all turned to each other.

“No,” they said together. Bora stood up and went towards Junhyung but then went past. “What are we waiting for?” A surprised Junhyung quickly followed after her. Hyorin and Sookyung started to laugh. He was a very cute lovesick puppy.


“Wow this place is bigger than I thought,” Bora told Junhyung as they entered the town. Most of the buildings were only one storey high and seemed to have a very simple design. There seemed to be more food places than anything else except for five to six small boutiques.

“Nice,” Bora stopped at one of these to examine a blouse hanging in the window. It was light blue with a belt around the waist. Junhyung looked at her and then at the money he had in his shirt pocket. He had enough to buy it but he didn't want to tell her that was his intention.

“Come on,” he said, “the main store is this way,” Bora pulled herself away from the store and followed him.

"So what do you need?" Bora asked as they scanned the shelves.

"Ramen, eggs, milk, rice, chicken, beef, basic vegetables..." Junhyung stopped, "and that's it."

"Alright," Bora glanced around where they were and suddenly rushed to the meat section. "How much do you want?" Junhyung was caught off guard. His cheeks flushed until he realised she was talking about the chicken.

"Oh um...." He peered through the glass at the selection, "maybe get five. The guys eat a lot."

"Alright," Bora noded to the guy at the counter who did as they asked.

"Ok next...." Bora was already on her way to the dairy section. Junhyung followed as she was peering at the milk.

"You guys have low-fat right?"

"Well, we may not have been drinking it...." He didn't want to admit it.

"No wonder, looks like you gained weight," she poked his tummy, "do you even excercise?"

"Yah that's not the point...." Bora reached down and grabbed two cartons that had omega 3 added to them.

"This will do, not as high in fat but still creamy. I know, we have this at our dorm," Junhyung was amazed. He just nodded and let her put it in the basket.

"So milk, chicken, eggs...." Bora was checking off the list in her head. "Aish we forgot the beef! You grab the vegetables I'll be right back!" Junhyung had no choice but to grab her arm. "Hold on, I'll grab the beef, you hold onto the basket and get the vegetables." Bora was surprised by his powerful confidence. He gave the basket to her, their hands brushing on contact. Bora's mouth drew into a smile, "alright." They parted ways to grab what they needed both looking back to see if the other had done the same. They did but at different times so they would never know.


They bought all that they needed and still seemed to have money left over. “You seem to know your way around a supermarket,” Junhyung remarked as they carried bags in their hands.

“Ah well I guess it’s just from being in a dorm, we don’t get to cook at home a lot so when we’re hungry one of us runs to the nearest stores and grabs noodles.” Junhyung grinned at this. It sounded like something the other members would do back when they were stars. They saw a stall where someone was selling dumplings a little boy stood in the queue waiting for his turn. When the gentleman before him moved he walked up to the counter. A greasy haired man peered over the counter at his customer.

“Hello, what can I do for you?”

“Please ahjussi,  may I have one pork dumpling?” The boy asked shyly.

“I’m sorry lad but you have to buy four or more here.” The man pointed at the sign with his pair of tongs. The boy took a moment to take in what it said. “But I can only afford one,” the boy held out the change he had. The man cruelly laughed at his misfortune.

“That isn’t even enough for half a dumpling here, come back when you aren’t going to cheat me.” The boy hung his head and walked away, the man still laughing. Bora started for the stall in anger but Junhyung grabbed her arm stopping her. He shook his head at her. “Don’t do anything.”

“But that man was such a jerk,” Bora exclaimed, shaking him off. Junhyung fumbled through the left over money they had and stared at the prices. He walked over to the counter and handed him one thousand won. Bora was stunned. “Four pork dumplings please,” the man the money with his grubby hands, Junhyung tried hard not to cringe.

“Coming right up,” the man gestured for Junhyung to take a seat and Junhyung went back to Bora. “Go find the boy.” She tilted her head at him in question. “What are you doing oppa?”

“Just go, I will be right back,” he started to walk back the way they came. Bora did as she was told; fortunately the boy wasn’t far away. He was alone and feeling sorry for himself. “Hi,” the boy lifted his head to her while he sat on someone’s doorway. Bora crouched down beside him.

“I’m Bora but you can call me noona. Can I ask what’s your name?”

“Kijung,” he said in a quiet voice.

“Well Kijung, I was wondering if you would like to come with me. we have something for you.” Kijung was surprised and Bora drew back for a moment, the boy was very thin. His bone thin arms were almost that. His collar bone was portruding and his head was almost too big for his small frame. “What is it?” He asked timidly, food being on his mind.

“It’s a surprise but you have to come with me,” Bora glanced around, “where are your parents?”

“They are working, I just play around here.”

“Don’t you have school?” He shook his head sadly.
“Can’t afford to go,” Bora’s heart ached. No kid should go without an education. It was something that her family had always been serious about.

“That’s too bad, here let’s go it should be ready by now.” Kijung looked and her and then her hand. He exhaled before taking her hand walking with her back to the food stand.


When they arrived back Junhyung was sitting with a plate of dumplings on the side of the road. Bora spotted an extra shopping bag but paid no attention to it. She decided he must have rushed and got a little something for himself.

“This is Kijung-ah,” Bora indicated to the boy, Junhyung smiled and patted the chairs next to him. The man with the grease looked surprised when he saw the boy again but his customers paid no attention to him. Junhyung gave a plate to Kijung who sat in the middle and with chopsticks handed him two dumplings. The boy’s eyes widened as he stared at the grease dipped food. “They are for you,” Junhyung said. Kijung's focus went to him, eyes still big with shock.

“Really sunbae?” Junhyung nodded along with Bora who stood beside him watching.

“That’s right,” he said giving one to Bora, “but call me hyung.” Kijung nodded as he bit into the dumpling hungrily. Junhyung looked at Bora who thought the same thing before they ate theirs too. Their eyes were interlocked for that moment as they were proud for what they had done.


“So you two live near here?” Kijung asked them as they walked towards the edge of town. Junhyung nodded.
“Yes that’s right.".

“Are you two married,” Bora's mouth fell open while Junhyung glanced away, embarrassed. He had a smile on his face though.

“Umm… We are just friends,” Bora said quickly. Junhyung glanced at her, she didn't see that he was hurt by this.

“Ah ok," Kijung nodded. "Thank you both,” he added with gratitude, “I feel full because of your kindness.” Bora smiled at the boy, touched by his words.  “You’re welcome,” Junhyung told him recovering from the previous incident. “If you ever need anything, come let us know. Do you know the big abandoned house?” Kijung’s eyes lit up.

“Ah yes! It’s hidden in the forest right?” Junhyung nodded.

“Yes, that’s where I live,” Kijung was surprised.

“Wow, that’s awesome hyung!” He said. Junhyung patted him on the head like an older brother figure.

“See you around dongsaeng,” Junhyung told him as he and Bora continued on. Kijung stopped and waved to them in which they waved back. They would never forget that boy and he would never forget them.

“That was rather nice of you,” Bora told him as they walked up to the house, both tired and sore from the journey and the weight of the groceries.

“That? Oh it was nothing,” Junhyung shrugged pretending to play it cool. Bora shook her head not seeing he was just being silly.

“Well that kid thought the world of you,” Bora reminded him, Junhyung smiled as he remembered the boy’s face in surprise from the food. A thought crossed his mind.  “Am I the world for you?” Bora stopped in her tracks, he did the same. The mood was serious. Bora seemed to struggle with looking up at him, afraid of what she would find in his gaze.

“Oppa…” Bora felt herself heat up, “I don’t know right now.” He held a bag out to her without words. She leaned forward. “What is this?”  She opened up the top of the bag, peering inside at the contents.

“Bora-yah would suit it,” Junhyung said. Bora gasped as she pulled out the same blouse that she’d been eyeing before. Her eyes came to Junhyung’s level.

“Oppa…. I don’t know what to say.” She moved it towards him, to tell him to take it back, that she didn't need it. Junhyung pushed it towards her so it was against her like one would at a store before they tried it on. “Wear it tomorrow,” Junhyung said his hand half on the shirt and half on her shoulder, “for me at least if you do feel the same afterall.”

“But how can you have…?”

“I had some money left over,” Junhyung admitted, “not from what Doojoon gave me from groceries but a bit from when I did a bit of work with a fisherman here.” Bora blinked hard. Something was wrong, her eyes were beginning to blur and they were stinging from the extra water.

“What’s wrong?” Junhyung asked concerned as she hurriedly turned away.

“Ah I think I got something in my eyes,” she lied wiping them quickly.

“Bora-yah needs to lie better,” Junhyung joked making Bora give a pitiful laugh.

“I suppose,” she agreed.  They stood next to each other in silence before they went back in to the house. They glanced at the other side on but they didn't say anything that they were thinking of.


Just a warning to the new subscribers. I'm in the process of editing this so that it sounds a lot better than before. I apologise if you've been reading it and found it confusing with this chapter not appearing. I'm only doing it until the edit is complete. Keep reading and feel free to re-read and ask questions if you aren't sure of what's going on :)


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I know it's been a while but... Does anyone want a sequel?


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sistarandinfinite #1
Chapter 36: I thought Bora and Junhyung will be together at the last chapter but....great stlry anyways
wuffles #2
Chapter 36: It was interest and I love the second last ch! :)
ummior #3
Wow i love it
Chapter 36: Omg!!! I loved it!!! It was amazing and very dramatic!!! But it was an excellent story author-nim!!!
Chapter 36: Yey! What a fun little story! I read it all in 1 day! Ok...one and a half cause I needed to sleep at some point!
maybe i have bad memory
but how has this been changed? ._.
/cannot see
/has terrible memory
/apologizes profusely
Its a gd ending E_magine, dont wry.
Aww they hv 2 her b4 she leaves!!