14. I like you the best

Beauty within a B2stly zoo

The answer to the question just before came upon them unsuspected. It was thanks to a discovery made my Junhyung. “Hey hyung’s home,” he nudged Doojoon’s bag with his foot.
“But he doesn’t usually leave it there.” Dongwoon told them. “He takes it to our room....” They opened the door which was unlocked. Yoseob’s mouth opened in shock. “Omo, he’s outside?!”

“What? In this rain?!” Kikwang said. They all helplessly stared at the outside, the rain pouring down in buckets. They heard someone walk and saw Sookyung quietly pulling on her hiking boots.“What are you doing?” Yoseob stood in front of her. 

“I should ask you the same question." She stated in a matter-of-fact tone. She finished doing up the laces, “I am the only one who has hiking boots so I can go in the mud and sleet safely.”

“But it’s not safe!” Hyorin protested. “Wait until it stops!”

“Then who knows what may have happened to him.” Sookyung got to her feet, “I’ll keep my phone on me in case I can’t find him.”

“Please reconsider what you're doing.” Yoseob told her as she went to the door. Sookyung turned to him.

“It can be like me making up for what happened with you and the tree.” Yoseob sighed, she wasn't going to listen.

“Be safe,” he told her in the end. She agreed before going outside.


The rain pelted down, soaking Sookyung when she had only taken a few steps. She lifted her head, shielding her face from the downpour as she scanned the horizon. No sign of him yet. She continued her descent being careful as she went. A shape moved from close by, a shadow.“Doojoon!” She called, it stopped turned to her as she came closer. Doojoon’s hair was plastered on to his forehead and he looked cold. He scowled as she stood in front of him. “Sookyung-ah what are you doing out here? Get back inside!”

“Well, what am I supposed to do then; sit around and wait for you to make your way back?!” She said her voice louder than normal. Doojoon lowered his head, ashamed at having her reprimand him. “I’d rather you did that,” he said surprising her. “So I can think about what I’ve done.”

“What are you on about?!” Sookyung bit her lips from the cold.

“It was me who said that.” Sookyung’s moved dropped open, there could be only one thing that he was hinting at.

“You said that person was ugly?!” Doojoon nodded. Sookyung shook her head in disappointed disbelief. She opened , words carelessly flowing from them. “Oh of course; that makes sense.”

“What now?” Doojoon snapped before he started to shiver.

“Choosing me as someone who was beautiful,” Sookyung lifted her hands up. “It was a joke, right?” He didn’t respond. Frustrated, Sookyung rolled her eyes. “Oh and here I was thinking that you might have feelings for me.”

“But I don’t,” Sookyung was stopped short; Doojoon had turned himself at an angle. He was avoiding eye contact.  “Don’t say stupid things. I never liked you in that way.” He lifted his head at last. “I like your friend; the one I like is Bora-yah.” Sookyung's body started to freeze, her heart slowly growing cold. Doojoon sniffed, his nose getting irritated from the rain. Sookyung slowly took in what he had just said. “Oh, I see,” she was able to look him in the eye again. “Well that’s good for you.” This was all false praise but he wouldn't have known. “She’s a nice girl,” Sookyung said putting on a brave front, “I hope she returns your feelings.” With that she turned and started up the hill quicker than before. Doojoon sighed before starting to follow her. Sookyung could barely see what was in front. Her eyes burned and she did everything she could to stop the tears. This was the proof that would have confirmed the other member’s thoughts about the subject. She had feelings for their leader Doojoon. He sighed to himself as they got closer to the house. He had to stop, letting the rain drown out his voice so he would be able to say what he wanted to without needing to explain.  “I am so sorry,” it was barely above a whisper; “I can’t say what I was going to. That I like you the best.”


Hmm I hope you won't mind the paragraphs. I'm trying to condense it a bit more so it not only sounds but looks better too.

Edit: 15/4/12

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I know it's been a while but... Does anyone want a sequel?


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sistarandinfinite #1
Chapter 36: I thought Bora and Junhyung will be together at the last chapter but....great stlry anyways
wuffles #2
Chapter 36: It was interest and I love the second last ch! :)
ummior #3
Wow i love it
Chapter 36: Omg!!! I loved it!!! It was amazing and very dramatic!!! But it was an excellent story author-nim!!!
Chapter 36: Yey! What a fun little story! I read it all in 1 day! Ok...one and a half cause I needed to sleep at some point!
maybe i have bad memory
but how has this been changed? ._.
/cannot see
/has terrible memory
/apologizes profusely
Its a gd ending E_magine, dont wry.
Aww they hv 2 her b4 she leaves!!