9. I'm sorry

Beauty within a B2stly zoo


“Omo what happened to you?” Kikwang asked Yoseob as he came in, helped by Sookyung.

“Nothing,” Yoseob said as Kikwang gave him a bear hug.

“Yeah right,” Kikwang remarked, he saw Sookyung and grinned. “Afternoon Sookyung,” Kikwang added and Sookyung nodded her greeting shyly.

“Good to see you aren’t being erted,”Yoseob teased making Kikwang flush from the remark.

“Omo you caught me out,” he teased sticking his tongue out.

“Where is Doojoon hyung? Dongwoon entered the room and greeted Sookyung who returned it.

“Hello again.”

“Ah is she here?” A voice squeaked happily as Hyunseung appeared accompanied by Junhyung.

“Hello ,” she said bowing to them feeling awkward now that the spotlight was on her.

“Hi Sookyung-ah,” Hyunseung squeaked, “good trip?”

“Well umm….” She looked at Yoseob who winked at her. She found her words, “I would say so."

“Cool let me show you what I’m doing online.”

“Hey hold on,” Dongwoon objected following after them, “I was using that!”

“For what? Your evil fan girl theory?” Hyunseung teased as they went to the laptop.

“Laugh all you want! I tell you it’s true!” Dongwoon argued, “We’ve been cursed by a fan girl!”

“Good one maknae!” Junhyung added as the others laughed at the poor fox’s expense.

“Well maybe we get off in ten minutes,” Yoseob suggested with Sookyung standing beside him. Dongwoon nodded.

“Alright, thank you hyung.”

“Don’t spoil him,” Hyunseung warned her which just made Sookyung smile. The others left behind watched the two leave. They all looked at each other.

“D-did anyone else see her smile before?” Kikwang asked. They all shook their heads.

“Hmm maybe Hyunseung….” Yoseob cut off Dongwoon before the maknae said something he would regret.

“I don’t think so Dongwoon,” Yoseob ran a hand through his hair. “hyung would have something to say about it."


The day passed leading to night, Dongwoon changed back to human the moment the sun set. He cheered for a moment and then sank on his knees in his room clutching his head. Images flashing in front of him; words which he couldn’t quite make out all of them and a voice he’d never heard before.

Acts of kindness…

Or apologize….

And only he will suffer.

“You alright?” He blinked hard and looked up; Doojoon was standing by him watching him. Dongwoon nodded slowly standing.

“Yeah, I see you changed back hyung.”

“Yoseob and Kikwang gave me left over scraps plus my dinner,” Doojoon peered at the youngster who still seemed dazed.

“Were you having those hallucinations again?” Dongwoon nodded holding his head from the throbbing ache.

“They just happen whenever I change back,” Dongwoon admitted walking and then losing his balance, Doojoon came to his rescue getting him stable. “Do you think it’s because of the transformation?” He asked as he helped Dongwoon to a chair. Dongwoon shrugged.

“I don’t know… Yes I sound crazy for believing in the evil fan girl theory but every time I hear her voice… That really horrible shrieking, I keep thinking that maybe I am right.” Doojoon ruffled the youngster’s hair like a father would.

“Take it easy for a bit,” Doojoon told him as he began to leave the room, “Yoseob and Kikwang are taking care of dinner.” Dongwoon nodded and leaned back to have a rest while Doojoon left him to it.



He walked down the hall and saw Hyunseung waddle towards the suite where they had put the three girls originally; Sookyung would be there though by herself.

“Ah what are you doing?” Hyunseung stopped as Doojoon came up to him, not afraid at how much taller Doojoon was than him because he was human.

“Dinner is about ready so I’m going to tell Sookyung.” Doojoon raised his eyebrows at him.

“What? Are we not allowed to be informal with her?” Hyunseung protested, “oh wait, except you hyung.”

“Go downstairs,” Hyunseung blinked hard at Doojoon.


“I will tell her you go and check that those two have set the table, Yoseob is not quite a hundred percent thanks to an incident from today.” Hyunseung opened his mouth to protest but he shut it quickly. “Ok,” he said and made his way down the stairs. Doojoon shook his head before going over to the door and tapping his knuckles against it. Sookyung who was sitting on the bed reading a book looked up.

“it’s open,” the door opened revealing Doojoon’s shadowed body. Sookyung got off the bed, slowly going over to him.

“Umm what can I do for you Yoo Doonjoon?” She asked.

“I just came to tell you that dinner is ready,” he said watching her nod.

“Ok I will be down soon,” she placed her bookmark in the page she was reading. Doojoon stopped in the doorway, something on his mind. Sookyung broke the silence, her voice thin from the nervousness. “Umm, what happened this afternoon…”

“--Yes you nearly cost us one group member and a dear friend his life,” Doojoon told her sharply. Sookyung hung her head, afraid to look him in the eyes, “I'm sorry.”

“Sorry wouldn’t save him if the worst happened!” Doojoon snapped, “Why did you not do anything but wait until he was at risk of getting hurt?” Sookyung finally gained the courage. She lifted her head again, looking him straight in the eyes; a pitiful but angry tone in her voice “Oppa, I said I was sorry.” She put a hand over . Doojoon’s eyes widened from the surprise. She felt her face heat up.

“Ah did I just say that?” Sookyung removed the hand. She watched Doojoon’s face, it changed from the frown to a smirk, “eh?”

“You called me oppa.” He said, “Does that mean we are friends now?” Sookyung found him hard to read despite the knowledge her studies had helped her with. “I….I…” She sighed, now admitting defeat. “I guess we are then.”

“Why look so glum about it?” Doojoon raised his eyebrows, “you should be honored about being my friend.”

“And you have a big head,” she replied and as his response he touching his head in mock worry. She giggled while he saw the funny side of it too.

“I guess that is true, sometimes.” He admitted “But anyway… I’m sorry if I was a bit harsh with you this afternoon. No hard feelings right Sookyung-ah?” She stopped. That was the first time she’d heard him be informal to him. Deep down she liked it. She nodded to him.

“Ok, sure.” Doojoon was dumbstruck for a moment. Her closed mouth smile was very innocent. He found himself returning the gesture.

“Alright then,” he opened the door fully and held it open for her, “let’s start afresh.”

“Ok,” Sookyung agreed as she walked out first, with him following. Little did they know the otter was hiding behind a door in one of the nearby rooms and had heard the whole conversation.

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I know it's been a while but... Does anyone want a sequel?


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sistarandinfinite #1
Chapter 36: I thought Bora and Junhyung will be together at the last chapter but....great stlry anyways
wuffles #2
Chapter 36: It was interest and I love the second last ch! :)
ummior #3
Wow i love it
Chapter 36: Omg!!! I loved it!!! It was amazing and very dramatic!!! But it was an excellent story author-nim!!!
Chapter 36: Yey! What a fun little story! I read it all in 1 day! Ok...one and a half cause I needed to sleep at some point!
maybe i have bad memory
but how has this been changed? ._.
/cannot see
/has terrible memory
/apologizes profusely
Its a gd ending E_magine, dont wry.
Aww they hv 2 her b4 she leaves!!