16. I just wanna kiss you now

Beauty within a B2stly zoo

Junhyung and Bora almost got away with coming in past curfew. If Doojoon hadn't been sitting at the door waiting for them. Junhyung tried to weasel his way out of it but he was made to do breakfast the next morning without any help from Bora. This didn't really bother Bora, though she did feel guilty that he had gotten into trouble.

The next morning, Junhyung had succeeded with Yoseob's input with breakfast. Even though they didn't sit next to each other, they sat across and had to look at each other the whole time."You're being so slow," Yoseob hit the table with a fist next to his friend. Even that didn't faze him. Even the girls were surprised at Bora's transformation.

"She hates us watching her eat," Hyorin whispered, "but now... It's hard to believe that Bora and this Bora are the same people." Sookyung nodded.

"Sorry I'm late."

"Hyung the food will get cold," Junhyung complained as Doojoon joined them belatedly.

"Yeah, yeah," Doojoon patted him on the shoulder hard. His eyes flickered to Sookyung who coincidentally looked towards them at the same time. She bowed her head down causing Doojoon to sigh inwards. He said nothing and took his seat, seeing if she had done it again only to be disappointed. The others seemed to notice this. Doojoon and Sookyung were still awkward with each other. “What is their problem?” Dongwoon whispered to Yoseob. “Do you think they're having a lovers’ quarrel?” Yoseob stared at the fox.

“Hey you shouldn’t say such things,” Yoseob reprimanded him as Doojoon turned to them suddenly. Dongwoon kept his head down. Doojoon opened his mouth, thinking he heard his name. When neither of them responded he gave up. The two found themselves feeling very lucky but they decided not to question the issue further. They would have to wait and in the mean time Yoseob was still trying to find ways of wooing Hyorin over. He felt jealous seeing Junhyung and Bora with progress. He had to pick up the pace.


A day passed and Yoseob hadn't done anything. He'd just watched her wherever she was but not in the creepy vampire Edward stalking way. He knew how much people liked their space sometimes and so he gave her that. He couldn't explain though why he felt like smoke came out of his ears when he saw Hyunseung talk to her. Actually it was more rather of him squeaking.  He was an otter. He knew that it wasn't a good emotion, but he didn't realise what it was at the time. And then he had to cook dinner. He went into the kitchen to see what they had. He checked their pantry and gave a sigh. This wasn't the first instance he had found a nasty stench. “Aigoo we have no vegetables again,” he said storming in to the living room where everyone else was. Doojoon looked at him in disbelief.

“But that’s impossible! Junhyung bought some only three days ago!” The culprit who was beside Bora just shrugged.

"Not my problem," he stated uncaringly. Bora nodded in agreement. Her girlfriends were shocked; normally she would have responded back with some aggression. Hyorin just smiled with little ease. Yoseob couldn't help but stare when he saw how close Hyunseung was sitting next to her. He didn't even notice that he was next to Sookyung as well. It looked kind of funny having an otter between two girls with only one of them patting him. “Yeah well guess what happened to them,” Yoseob held up a smelling bag of what use to be leeks and other vegetables. They held their noses, the stench enough to make one vomit. “Eww,” Hyorin said while trying not to gag.

“They rotted,” Yoseob said, “you’ll have to go into to town again and buy some!” He was focused on Doojoon at that point.

“But the stores aren’t open at night!”

Yoseob pouted his lip while shaking his head. “Not true. All of them are shut except for that fruit and vegetable place you tend to avoid,” Doojoon sank lower in his chair in shame. The other members expressed their sympathy towards him. “Hyung, you have to make this right,” Doojoon felt that he had no choice. He gave a sigh and stood up, leaving to go to his room. Everyone frowned at Yoseob. “Why are you all looking at me like that for?”

“Come on Yoseob you know he’s been down since that last afternoon with Sookyung,” Junhyung gaped when he saw his mistake. He bit his lip as their attention went to Sookyung who was reading. She put down her book when their eyes went to her. Puzzled she waited for one of them to elaborate. “Well he can make things right with her too,” Yoseob decided. She tilted her head as a sign that she was confused. His next sentence made the others gape. “You go with hyung into town.”

“Don’t make her go,” Hyorin said pulling an awkward face. Hyunseung squeaked in annoyance.

“Yeah it might make things worse between them.” Bora finally spoke.

“But they need to get it dealt with and then would be the perfect time.” Yoseob pointed out, he waited for Sookyung to respond. She gave a soft sigh before she answered.“I can I guess I can go,” She didn’t like the idea but Yoseob did have a point.

“Good ah here he is now,” Doojoon gave a puzzled expression. Yoseob noticed Sookyung wasn’t moving so he slapped her on the knee making her jump up from her spot. “Aigoo what are you doing?” Bora asked surprised. Junhyung's hand found it's way to Bora's knee.

“Well…. You need to go get ready.” Yoseob snapped at Sookyung who looked hurt. Doojoon raised his eyebrows at his younger team mate. “What does she have to be ready for?”

“Because she’s accompanying you into town,” Doojoon opened his mouth to protest however he was outnumbered.

“Fine,” he said, “you ready?” Sookyung stared at what she was wearing, denim shorts, a red hoodie and a pair of black volley shoes. Deep down she wanted to change however he already sounded impatient. She meekly nodded. “Good, then let’s go.” He started walking to the front door not waiting for her. Sookyung had to run after him. The others all began to worry.

"Was that a good idea?" Dongwoon asked.

"Only time will tell."


The town seemed creepy at nighttime. Men with their alcohol walked about drunkenly, some giving Sookyung lewd stares. She wanted to walk closer to Doojoon but the awkward aura they were sharing made it hard to even walk beside him. She trailed behind a few steps, jumping when a slob made a noise to pass saliva. Doojoon did his best to not show his impatience. “Pay no attention,” He firmly told her as she recovered from the surprise. She nodded and walked behind him still. They entered the supermarket where Doojoon eyed the vegetables and other stuff carefully. Sookyung breathed in and out hard as men came into the store to buy alcohol. She stepped closer to Doojoon who grunted. She retracted away from him. Her foot nearly stood on a strangers toes.

“Well what do we have here?” Sookyung lowered her eyes, afraid to speak. Doojoon grabbed her arm and pulled her away from him.

“What did I say before?” He couldn't speak due to his frustration as he took out money to pay. She dropped her head, said a mumbled apology as they left the store. Doojoon didn't hear her properly which added to the tension. They walked down the street in silence; Doojoon glanced back at her, her head down. Though she was always shy she used to hold her head higher. Now it was a different story. Through guilt Doojoon decided to try and soothe things over a bit.  "Walk next to me,” he stopped as she came to him. She blinked hard.

“I will be able to protect you this way,” Sookyung looked down cast as she walked with him. She wanted to say something, anything but her mind wouldn’t let her. “Hey is that Doojoon?” They both stopped, a girl was pointing at them. Soon more came, mostly girls but there was a few girls too. The two came to their senses in panic.  “Hey it is him!” They all started screaming hysterically. Doojoon looked at Sookyung whose expression reflected his own. “Doojoon oppa,” a mass of fans came hurrying down the street towards them calling and waving as they swarmed towards them. Doojoon grabbed Sookyung’s hand.

“Come,” he pulled her with him as they ran down the street. It  turned into at an alley. The crowd followed. Doojoon looked over his shoulder, cursing as he did. Sookyung hadn’t seen him so focused  before.  Doojoon spotted a small doorway in the corner of his eyes. It would hide them for a bit. “Quickly,” he quickened his speed making Sookyung have to match as they stepped into the tiny space. Doojoon put their bags behind him and grabbed Sookyung’s hood. “Here, pull it up,” She nodded, lifting hers up while he did the same with his. They crouched, nested in the shadow as the fans ran past still screaming for him. Sometime later they couldn't be heard and there was no sign of them either. Doojoon looked at Sookyung. She  was trembling. He had forced her to run and that wasn’t fair.

Finally she caught her breath along with Doojoon who’d been holding his as they peered out in caution. They saw it was indeed clear. Sookyung breathed out in relief taking her hood down as well. She gave a laugh of relief, the first vocal sound she'd made in a while .“That was close, we should probably get…” She started to move when something grabbed her arm. Sookyung paused. While still gripping her arm she studied his expression. They both slowly stood still in the shadows, the only movement being their respiration. His hood was still up; his eyes were focused on Sookyung. This made her uncomfortable, her pulse quickening as well as the heat rising into her face.

“Doo….Oppa….” She struggled to swallow the lump in . With one swift movement he pulled her close to him. They stood still, both focused on the other.  Doojoon tugged at the thick fabric of her hood with his spare hand. “Put it on again,” he said a hand now touching her cheek. Sookyung breathed in and out, the tension slowly rising.  She grabbed the hood and hauling it up so it covered her again. Doojoon nodded moving his hand away. Sookyung blinked hard. Her gaze went at the ground and then at Doojoon. Why had he looked at her like that? Doojoon’s hand went to her shoulder. He  clenched it with slight pressure; as if trying to secure her. Sookyung waited. Without warning, Doojoon slowly lowered his head. He turned his face on an angle. Surprised Sookyung breathed out; her eyes automatically closed and his did the same. Their lips touched and the noise of drunken fools in the background, dogs and cats was not heard. He moved away after a moment and Sookyung slowly opened her eyes. She looked at him. His gaze was serious. Sookyung wet her lips in thought, pondering on what just happened.  “We should get moving,” he said bending to pick up their grocery bags, “in case they come back here again.” Sookyung agreed, reaching down to grab one of the bags. “Hey are you alright?” Sookyung was stopped short. For now, she couldn't look at him again.

“Yes I am fine,” she said after a bit. Doojoon nodded.

“Good, let’s go then.” He gestured for her to join him at his side. As they started to walk Doojoon  put an arm around her shoulders as a sign of protectiveness. She didn't shrug it off, her face beginning to heat up again like before. It didn't feel real, none of it did. Him and her, going around in the dark, the brief chase which could have ended badly. Then there was that... The word failed to form in her mind at first.


At this Sookyung was able to grasp what happened. They were slowly making their way up the hill. Doojoon had let go so that he could use his other arm to help balance. He checked on Sookyung, before watching the rocks underneath his feet. He didn't notice she wasn't alright. She turned her head away from so he wouldn’t see the bitter tears forming in her eyes.  That kiss didn’t belong to her; it should have been for her friend. But how could she say that she may have liked it?


Well.... So Bora and Junhyung are a lot closer. Yoseob and Hyorin or is it Hyunseung and Hyorin? Anyway Doojoon and Sookyung well... Ummm I don't quite know what to say about this.

Edit: 18/4/12

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I know it's been a while but... Does anyone want a sequel?


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sistarandinfinite #1
Chapter 36: I thought Bora and Junhyung will be together at the last chapter but....great stlry anyways
wuffles #2
Chapter 36: It was interest and I love the second last ch! :)
ummior #3
Wow i love it
Chapter 36: Omg!!! I loved it!!! It was amazing and very dramatic!!! But it was an excellent story author-nim!!!
Chapter 36: Yey! What a fun little story! I read it all in 1 day! Ok...one and a half cause I needed to sleep at some point!
maybe i have bad memory
but how has this been changed? ._.
/cannot see
/has terrible memory
/apologizes profusely
Its a gd ending E_magine, dont wry.
Aww they hv 2 her b4 she leaves!!