19. Break Down

Beauty within a B2stly zoo

Sookyung rested well afterwards. Doojoon refused to move. He just perched on the edge of her bed, watching her sleep for the rest of that day and the next. “I wonder if the others are going to call me a pedo oppa?”

“Doojoon-ah where are you?” Yoseob called out, “we’re having a meeting in the living room.” Doojoon got off the edge of the bed afraid she would wake if Yoseob kept calling. “Sweet dreams,” he murmured closing the door.


When he got into the room he saw the other members of Beast but none of Sistar was with them. While they had forgiven him a few days ago, Doojoon couldn't help but feel something wasn't right. “Where are the girls aren't they normally with you?” He really meant, weren't they always with Yoseob and Junhyung? “We asked them to leave us be for a bit,” Kikwang patted the space in the couch next to him. Doojoon raised his eyebrows in question as he took a seat.

“Usually I’m the one who calls the meetings into being.” Doojoon noted, “so what’s wrong?”

“We want to go back.” Doojoon raised his eyebrows at the fake maknae.

“Go back to where Yoseob-ah?”

“We’ve been trapped here for about six months and we want to be found again so we can be Beast.”

“But we can’t...”

“--Not while we’re still animals,” Junhyung added.

“But I don’t understand.” Doojoon never thought they would be still missing celebrity life. “Didn't we complain about  going from place to place, Singing almost twenty four seven. What changed? Why do you want to return to that?”

“Because I was possibly going onto We Got Married,” Junhyung said.

“With another girl besides Bora?” Junhyung shrank down in the fear of her possibly learning of it.

“Well… I hadn’t actually decided if I was going to be in it.”

“And I got an offer to be in a drama,” Hyunseung said. “My first acting part ever.”

“I miss Hyosung-ee,” they all stared at Kikwang.

“Whoa, so it was true.”

“What was true?!”

“You were with Hyosung…”

“No! I was going to ask her out but…..” Kikwang trailed off sadly. “But then this happened and I didn’t get the chance to say anything.”

“Wait so all you want to be famous again?” Doojoon asked them just to check. There were five nods in synch.

“Yes hyung,” Yoseob said, “not just for us, but for our friends and our families.” Doojoon felt a stab in his gut when Yoseob said the word families. He hadn’t been thinking about his too much. But what would happen to Sookyung once they were famous again? Would they be able to get closer?

“So can we hyung?” The maknae’s question cut through his throughts.

“Umm,” his group waited, Kikwang bit his bottom lip while Junhyung and Yoseob leaned forward. All Hyunseung did was lean back in his seat while Dongwoon barked. He still wasn’t use to being a fox. “We’ll organize another meeting with Hea-woo-sshi,” Doojoon said and the others cheered.

“Thank you."

“Ok, now you can go tell the other two,” Doojoon got to his feet. Yoseob called after him. “Hey where are you going hyung?” It stopped him for a moment. “To check on someone,” he left it at that. They would have to fill in the blanks.


He went up the stairs, hesitating as he came midway. He knew he would have to say something but he didn’t want to tell her. Tell her that they were going to meet with that girl again. Something which he saw at the end of the stairs made him stop. Sookyung was leaning against the door, she looked better than before, a rosy colour to her cheeks. Her hair was down in waves. She was in a pair of loose grey track pants and her hoodie.

“Hey,” he said, “how are you feeling?” She lifted her head to him, managing to smile.

“I'm better thank you." Her hand slipped and she stumbled, Doojoon came forward, grasping her around the shoulders to keep her balanced.

“Just a bit light headed?” he teased. She put a hand against her forehead to check the temperature.

“I haven’t been up and about for two days,” she admitted as he helped her stand upright. Doojoon glanced at the window to the outside.

“It’s a nice day, the fresh air would help you feel better,” hesaid being encouraging. She nodded.

“I think you’re right oppa,” she agreed and he went with her down stairs. He was careful to check that she didn't slip and lose her balance and when he thought she was about to wobble he was there with a hand to steady her. She didn't shy away at his touch or seem embarrassed. She was now more comfortable with him.


Bora and Hyorin were going to find the rest of Beast when they saw the two exit the front door. They both raised their eyebrows at each other and then clapped their hands. “What are you two doing?” Yoseob asked excited when he saw them happy. His face automatically smiled along with theirs.

“Nothing Yoseob-ah,” Hyorin skipped towards him and they both skipped into the living room with linked arms starting to sing away. They chose to sing a nursery rhyme which made Bora cringe.

“What are you two? Five years old?” Bora asked following them but shaking her head with a smile. It was about time those two began to get closer, she thought. Now maybe they could double date with her and Junhyung.


Doojoon helped Sookyung out of the house where they came to a pile of rocks. He assisted her as she sat on a small boulder and he joined her on the same one. They both looked out at the view, a forest before a large lake. The water sparkling before them. “Pretty isn’t it?” Sookyung asked. Doojoon nodded moving his head.“Yeah,” he wasn’t looking at the view. His mind went back to the first day they met. He had said she was pretty but she hadn't taken it well. He wondered if her reaction would be the same if he did it now.

“Beautiful,” the word rolled off his tongue with great ease, forming a grin on his mouth. Sookyung was oblivious to the compliment despite him looking at her. So she just nodded like he was saying it about the scenery.

“I should thank you oppa, for well… Coming to my aid yesterday.”

“Don't feel obligated...” Doojoon said, his ears going red when she said 'oppa.'

“It’s just that… Things were awkward for a while, after you said you liked Bora.” Doojoon bit his lip, not sure what his response should be.

“Ah well, I'm glad we are still able to be friends.”

“Yes and I hope you will tell her about your feelings for her soon,” Doojoon bit another part of his lip. He had dug a deep hole and he didn't know if he could climb to the surface.

“Listen …” She turned her head to him as he spoke. “We are going to try and meet up with Hea-woo-sshi because the others want to go back to how things were before.” He sighed, "they want to sing again... I would like to do it again."

“I understand,” her hand went to his shoulder. It froze in mid air before she patted it with caution. “You must miss the attention your fans give you as well as your families and friends. I don’t think you’ve seen them in a while. Is that right?” Doojoon was pierced by her response. "Then it makes sense that you want to go home. You have something important to return to." She did understand, but only half of it. She was important to him. He sighed hard; he knew he was going to have to come clean.

“Sookyung…” He took her hand; she jumped from the sudden physical contact. “The truth about Bora… Is…..” There was a roar of thunder and they looked up, it was starting to rain. “Come on,” they both got to their feet, raising their arms above their heads they ran to the house.

Doojoon closed the door behind them, sighing as he wiped water from his face.

"Ah Sookyung are you alright?" The pair saw Hyunseung walk over to them. The rain had been a blessing for Hyunseung as he was now transformed and had a towel for Sookyung. He held it out to her, Doojoon's eyes narrowing in annoyance as she took it and thanked him. Hyunseung beamed as she dried herself off. Doojoon didn't know how much more he could take. "Hey," Yoseob walked in with Hyorin next to him. "Were you two out in the rain?" Doojoon nodded while Hyorin spotted Hyunseung and Sookyung. She felt her eyebrows go down at her nose. Yoseob wasn't aware of the expression on her face; she changed back before he could notice.

"Guys we're playing poker," Junhyung bounded into the room with Bora following after him. "Want to join us?"

"Why is it just going to be you two?"  Junhyung suddenly found himself with a sore shoulder.

"You should have asked Dongwoon," she pouted feigning irritation. He pinched her cheek. "Sorry darling." She shuddered at this compliment but he managed to soothe it over by wrapping an arm around her waist. "Of course it was going to just be us. We only asked you because we thought we'd be polite."

"Alright fine we'll come," Yoseob said starting to leave without Hyorin. He looked back, "aren't you coming?"

"Huh?" Hyorin didn't realise they were watching her watch Sookyung and Hyunseung. "Umm, sure." She hurried after him and linked arms, putting on a smile. Bora mouthed something to her which Hyorin didn't answer. Doojoon felt like splitting Sookyung and Hyunseung up but he knew it wouldn't be right. Not since she didn't know about how he felt yet.

"We'll come," Hyunseung agreed as he followed after them. "Coming Sookyung?" She was at an impasse. Hyunseung wanted her to answer but her gaze was on Doojoon who was about to take his shirt off to dry his torso. "Sookyung," she blinked having to turn away flustered.

"Sure," she walked after Hyunseung who patiently waited for her to come. All Doojoon could do with put his shirt back on and join them. If he couldn't seperate them, watching them was the next best thing.




Last edit for today, I hope we're enjoying this and thank you readers.

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I know it's been a while but... Does anyone want a sequel?


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sistarandinfinite #1
Chapter 36: I thought Bora and Junhyung will be together at the last chapter but....great stlry anyways
wuffles #2
Chapter 36: It was interest and I love the second last ch! :)
ummior #3
Wow i love it
Chapter 36: Omg!!! I loved it!!! It was amazing and very dramatic!!! But it was an excellent story author-nim!!!
Chapter 36: Yey! What a fun little story! I read it all in 1 day! Ok...one and a half cause I needed to sleep at some point!
maybe i have bad memory
but how has this been changed? ._.
/cannot see
/has terrible memory
/apologizes profusely
Its a gd ending E_magine, dont wry.
Aww they hv 2 her b4 she leaves!!